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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 8 days ago

The soldiers were not the only well trained monsters hiding in the dark that night. Once the bombs went off in the tavern, a shrill high pitched whistle signaled the second phase of the attack. The round up.

In the distance a large cage door fell heavily to the dirt. Exploding forth were at least a dozen large hound like beasts powering full speeed across the field towards the tavern with amazing haste.
The creatures were near silent besides the heavy beating of their pads against the dirt, not due to no effort of their own. Their lips snarled and mouths snapped, but their vocal cords were long since removed.

These monsters were built bred and trained for purpose. To bring down, cripple and maim anyone trying to leave the feild of smoke. (Aka the tavern)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Despite all the noise she was trying to block out of her head and ears, there was another sound that made her chance opening her eyes. Looking through a tiny slit, she saw them. The dogs. "Fuck," she cried out as she released her head and ears. Evelyn turned and shoved the dead men off of her, no easy feat. The longer it took ber, the closer they got. And they were getting too close for comfort. She scrambled to her feet, groaning at the pain in her leg and In her head. She took a deep breath and started running. She ran as fast as she could towards the tavern, her leg burning. Bloody footprints were left in her wake as she ran.

Just before she made it to the tavern, her eyes started burning, her throat itxhing. Evelyn started coughing and kept closing her eyes. They would pop open long enough for her to see a shot of the immediate area, before they closed again.

When she finally made it into the tavern, she quickly turned and slammed the door shut, leaning up against it. She started coughing and gagging, her eyes squeezed shut. "Clay," she hollered between coughing fits. That was when she felt the impact of the dogs against the door. It was so hard, it made her jump forward a bit, but she immediately pressed back against the door, preparing herself this time. "Goddamn it. Clay!" Evelyn felt around on the door, feeling for the lock. It took a moment, but she finally found it, and locked it. Despite her coughing fits, and inability to see, she moved away from the dokr8and began trying to move through the tavern. She would peek her eyes open every now and then, but it didn't help much. It was still hard to see past the years in her eyes.

Evelyn suddenly felt something at her leg, and she toppled over, having tripped on a chair. She landed on the leg an had been shot in and cried out, her hands instinctively going to hold her thigh.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 27 days ago

" Medical attention required for the lady, and anchored deterring devices. zzztr that mean i can have fun breaking things blue!" K12 said giggling as three arms came out as the mini gun folded back into the Droid. The saw blades on the ends of each arm began spinning as K12 began trying to saw it's way through the devices, the second the three blades began to touch the metal tubes Sparks were thrown across the tavern.
@BoyMom69035@Dark Light
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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@Dark Light@Blueflame@BoyMom69035

Why does this always happen to me?

Perilous sat in a containment unit attached to a truck. She was in a humanoid form, slouching against the glass. She felt air, but she could't tell were it was coming from. She had been on her way to the very place she was at, but not in such an embarrassing manner. The Nameless Tavern was a place for miss-fits, and she was disliked by even her own kind. The rest of her galaxy distrusted her due to her species reputation, but she didn't blame them. She figured she might find work and company there, since no civilization she knew of would even have her as a janitor. Whilest on the road, she was captured because she had decided to take a break from the long travel period, finding gateways, portals, relics, machines, and all sorts of other things just to get in the same dimension as it.
Then she saw her way out; a slightly raised panel covering a vent.

Once she was out, she was mortified by the scene. She literally boiled with rage. She saw the truck's diver get out, and she rushed. Before he could let out a peep, she bonded to him and then started to control him. She drew his sidearm and started firing, making headway towards the tavern. Once she was near a window, she moved some of her so a bullet could kill the guy, then she slipped in. She saw the scene and noticed the injured woman immediately. She oozed over to her and bonded to her, covering her in order to heal her. She separated a head and quickly hissed "Don't attack! I'm going to heal you! You, bot boy! cover while I speed up her healing."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Dealdric @Blueflame @Dark Light

Damn it was really, really stupid coming back inside the tavern. The tear gas was making it fucking impossible to see anything. Her eyes were full of water and she could barely open them. Her lungs were on fire, throat raw from coughing. The dogs continued barking and snarling outside the door, and she knew they'd break in any moment now. Some sort of sawing could be heard not far from her position, but unable to open her eyes, she had no idea what exactly it was, or what was going on.

Bound and determined to get the hell out of there, Evelyn groaned and rolled into her stomach, putting her hands underneath her on the floor. Just as she started to push herself into an upright position, something extremely strange happened. She was suddenly enveloped in... something. With a gasp of surprise, Evelyn started to struggle against the... stuff. Until a head popped out of it and spoke to her. It told her not to attack it, that it was trying to heal her. "What the hell," she muttered as she stared wide eyed at the.. stuff. She didn't know what to call it. She did know, that it was female though.

While she was inside this blob of.. a woman, Evelyn noticed several things. First, she was able to open her eyes. The tear gas wasn't affecting them near as bad. Her cough lightened as well. And then there was her leg. She glanced down and noticed that it too, was getting better. "What the hell are you," she asked as she watched her leg mend until there was nothing left but a scar. Then the sawing broke her from her thoughts. She jerked her head in the direction of the sound and saw some sort of robotic thing sawing something. Sparks were flying every which way, and all she could really do was sham her head.

And this evening had been going so well.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 27 days ago

"red I need control of the gun for a moment, I was able to repair it a-DONT ASK JUST DO!" with that the minigun fell open once again pointed at the door as K12 successfully removed one of the year has container by dismantle it and throwing it back out the window. "You slime lady if you would kindly open the door." K12 said as the barrels started spinning.
@BoyMom69035@Dealdric@Dark Light
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Perilous made the suit smile. She stretched part of herself and slammed the door open. Now, Evelyn, I'm a Klyntar, and I'm currently working on enhancing your natural abilities, whilst finishing your legs regeneration process. If you need help, think it. I'll come up with something. X-Z quickly scanned the area herself, without controlling her host. She Made a small tendril come out of Evelyn's back, and it had an eye on it. Woah, being a cyclopes is weird. Nothing has depth.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Everything vanished before Clays eyes in a bright flash of burning light. He didn’t know where it was coming from but it was reflected and magnified by the itching smoke that was suddenly filling his lungs and clawing at his face.
With involuntary tears poring down his face, and a deafening sound thundering in his ears, he fought with all his will against his basic instincts and urges to run outside.

He stumbled over tables and chairs as he blindly staggered around the room coughing and gasping for air. He had lost nearly all of each of his senses except for one. His keen sense of smell.
While the gas did disorientate him, Clay could still make the direction of his friends and source the location of the canisters by smell.

Practically collapsing onto the nearest one, he fought with it for a short time before accepting that he couldn’t break or remove it from the ground. With it having somehow glued itself to the floor. Instead, without hesitation, Clay whipped off his jacket and bound the leather fabric tightly around the canister smothering it, dulling the light and sound.

He got lucky with the second one. It had secured itself to a rug. It was short work for Clay to roll it up and send it out a window.

There was still easily another 5 canisters in just this room alone. And with the gas slowly thinning, the soldiers outside were growing impatient and began sending scouting drones in from various windows.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Dealdric @Dark Light @Blueflame

With Perilous still enveloping Evelyn, she saw that Clay had stumbled in and had begun trying to stop the things that were producing the gas, lughts, and sounds. She watched as he took his jacket off and covered one. It wasn't completely silent, but it wasn't near as bad. The other one, was on a rug and he disposed of it rather quickly. Evelyn suddenly jumped into action. She got onto her knees and ripped her own jacket off. Getting to her feet, she jogged over to another one.

Kneeling down in front of it, she quickly wrapped her jacket around it, dulling that one as well. There were taken care of, that left two. Plus the dogs and some drones they had begun to send in.

"Hey little robot thing," Evelyn shouted to K-2, "Try shooting them!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 27 days ago

@BoyMom69035@Dark Light@Dealdric
"firing" K12 said as the gun started firing out the door tearing holes through the walls around the sides of the door as bullet casings begin to pile up tearing into the dogs and drones.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Blueflame@Dark Light@Dealdric

Evelyn had been startled by the sudden firing from K-12, that she quickly covered her ears and squinted her eyes shut. She had been unprepared for the extra onslaught on noise that came from the bot. And although she had meant for it to shoot the little canister things, taking care of the dogs and drones worked as well.

"Not those! Those little-" Evelyn groaned out loud in frustration. "Stop firing," she commanded the bot as she stood to her feet. This was enough. "You," she said authoritatively, pointing to the bot, "you keep everyone safe. Don't shoot the people, shoot anything that poses as a threat."

"You," she spoke to Perilous this time. "Get off me." Although she was serious when she said it, there was a playfulness to her voice.

"And you," she spoke to Clay this time. "Help him out." Evelyn had pointed to the bot, indicating its psychotic tendencies.

With a deep breath, she looked ahead at the door and started walking towards it. It was enough. These guys came here for her, then they could have her. There was no need for anyone else to get hurt or for the Tavern to take anymore abuse. As long as it kept everyone else safe. Reaching for the door knob, she grasped it and turned it, pulling the door open. What greeted her, was lots of death. Humans and dogs alike. She held her hands up in the universal sign of surrender, and chuckled. She was probably going to be killed after they took her, but that was alright. So long as no one else got hurt, right?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@BoyMom69035@Blueflame@Dark Light

X-Z immediately separated herself from Evelyn. "Fine, your leg is healed anyway." she said in a pouty tone whilst changing shape into a female shape. She looked at Clay. She quickly got up to him and immediately got flirty. "You wouldn't mind me hitching a ride, would you~?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 8 days ago

Within seconds of the surrender, Evelyn was surrounded by by people and droids. The bullet ridden door was shut behind her and securely locked in place by a mobile barricade. (Also protecting them from stray bullets)
Hovering drones maintained a pointed barrel at her, ready and waiting for any defiance. Two larger men forcibly grabbed her arms and folded them behind her back, their grip was unnaturally tight and painful. Locking her hands in a large solid high tech restraint they then kicked in the back of her knees forcing her to kneel down amongst the twitching corpses of the dead and still dying.

Without hesitation Clay reluctantly nodded to the symbiote as he reached out to the female form, putting a heavy hand on its shoulder.
”Alright do your thing. But don’t you dare try take over.” He growled in warning. His piercing gaze deadly and serious.

As it started doing its thing, the tavern doors shut.

”K2! Sniper mode, quick go upstairs! They have snipers in the field. Eliminate them.” Clay’s orders thundered over all other commotion. His words were true, he had seen it first hand when he tried to escort the civilians out the back. Each one falling one after the other in rapid succession as they tried to flee the tavern.
It wouldn’t be easy for K2 as their snipers would already have the advantage be watching every window.

Talking to X-Z in a softer whisper, Clay says with the strain of determination in his voice.
”We’re not letting those bastards take her. We are not letting any of them leave!” as he charges shoulder first into the unwavering doors.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Dark Light@BoyMom69035@Blueflame

As soon as Clay let out his commands, she was rushed on. A man that takes charge~. Well, what are we waiting for? Go get the girl! she communicated. She covered his form and grabbed nearby panels as extra armor. Jesus, were you made in a lab?!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Right outside of the tavern, several feet int he air, a rift caused a crackling sound in the air to be made as a piece of space opened up like a portal. Inside of this rift, there was fight going on. A struggle where this male was trying not to be dropped off into this world while a jet black hand was wrapped around his neck. "You're not...gonna get away...with this...Olu...." Said the young male while the individual was held by a 9 foot tall oil black demi-god that smiled before him. My my Sal...you managed to escape...2 realms...but...if you escape this one too...I'll beat seven shades of shit out of you...and send you somewhere else. Welcome to your new purgatory!

At that moment, Salamel's eyes widened upon noticing this mighty demi-god drawing his arm back to deliver a devastating punch to Salamel's face, hearing his face breaking from the mighty fist that pretty much covered his face. Olukayode, the demi-god lets go of Salamel's neck, sending the boy flying towards the tavern.

Managing to slam into and through the wall of the building and crashing inside rolling on the floor before coming to a stop, laying face first on the floor. He was motionless but after a few moments, the male started to move and lift himself up. The groans could be heard. "Uuuugggh.........my faaace!" He said with his mini waterfall of a bloody nose pouring on the floor. Bruised and battered, Salamel slowly turned to sit on his butt, not realizing the situation of what was happening in the tavern.

Salamel, leader and founder of the team Soul Brothaz and of the Apex Pride and Associates guild of Grand Motherland in another realm, slowly and wobbly tried to stand. He's already come from 2 other universes he's escaped from thanks to the allies he's gained. Olukayode, the enemy of his guild, used his rift ability to playfully send Salamel to other worlds to keep him from getting back to his friends. Now...Salamel was back to square one...finding a way off this world and making it back home but where the hell was he?

Salamel stood up, allowing his healing to start but would take some time to complete and noticed the scenery "Olulu...I'll stick my foot so far up your ass that every time you brush your teeth, you'll shine my shoes!" He said stretching and cracking his neck and looks around the area. "Hm?" raising his eyebrow.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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”About time.” Clay muttered nonchalantly in response to the man appearing out of nowhere and falling to the ground. Acting as though this was not only uncommon but somewhat expected.


With their prime objective secured, the invasion parties waiting patiently at each and every window sprung into action.
If the room was occupied they went in hostile, otherwise they simply placed explosives and carried on sweeping the building. Intent and determine to clear any and all trace of their presence. 12 soldiers entered in total, spread out through the building. 5 remained out front with Evelyn. Numerous drones continued to scout and assist. An unknown number of snipers surveyed and continued to feed intel.

Before Salamel @King Tai could even finish taking in the scenery, he was under attack. Flanked from either side by two small tactile teams assisted by combat drones. K12 @Blueflame would encounter similar troubles on his way to the upper floor windows.


After hitting into the door futilely, with enough strength and effort to dislocate his shoulder, Clay groans with a growing rage. He chuckles proudly about what the symbiote said.
You ain’t seen nothing yet doll, hold on tight.” he replies as enemies entered.

Beneath the layer of symbiote covering his body, Clay’s tattooed flesh began to ripple and roll as the muscles beneath began to pop, expand, tense and grow. His teeth grit tightly together in agony, trying to hold back his groan as his contorted figure snapped violently from one position to another. His fingers curled and contracted. He sporadically shook his his head, trying to tame the pain and clear his thoughts.

Amidst his own brutal battle, Clay managed to say one thing to the symbiote. “Protect her.” right before he launched himself at the bullet ridden wall beside the door. Finding a new strength in his legs and with the protection of Xz he tore a path right through it sending splinters of debris and wood exploding outwards.

As the shattering debris and smoke settled, Clay stood there, in the cold air of outside, all attention and guns pointed at him. Slightly larger than before, muscles well more defined. Jaw seemingly move protruded, teeth noticeably sharper, his twitching ears reaching up nearing a point. His wide chest and shoulders heaving up and down heavily as he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

He surveyed the scene with new eyes that now glowed with a wild demonic orange, as a raw untamed energy coursed through his veins. He was overcome with an extreme predatory excitement and hunger. Highly alert and energetic he moved in a more beastly and erratic nature.

If Xz was attuned to Clay at all she would be aware of the overwhelming urges of the beast within. His battle for control against this ecstatic drug like rush and feeling of invulnerability. It became obviously clear what he meant earlier, ‘protect her... from me.’
His monsterous gaze fell upon Evelyn, for a split second it nearly passed her without recognition, but as a soldier proded her with a gun barrel, Clay snapped and gave into the insatiable rage swelling inside him.

The cold nights air suddenly erupted into a cacophony of gun fire. It was the uninjured dogs that first broke the stillness before Clay could act. Out of nowhere their jaws suddenly latched onto the layer of symbiote skin covering Clay. The drones and soldiers followed. But it was a sniper bullet that dropped him. Punching right through all the built up armour it tore a clean hole in his chest as it threw him into the tavern wall.

Coughing and spluttering, he collapsed to the floor. Blood trickling from the few holes that managed to penetrate Xz. In the distance the sniper reloaded and put Clay’s head in his sight.
Unaware of his potential doom he managed to wheeze out a whisper to Xz, ”ready for round two?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Dark Light

Okay, she had known that more of these bastards would show up, but goddamn. Except for the dead bodies that littered the ground (dog and human alike), it looked as though no one has gotten killed. They were smart enough to keep some of the soldiers on standby this time. Which sucked for her and everyone else, but paid off for them.

Several soldiers approached Evelyn, two of which grabbed her arms rather rough, and twisted them behind her back. She winced and grit her teeth, glaring back at one of them. He simply grinned in satisfaction as he applied the restraints to her wrists. Moments after she was secure, her knees were kicked out from under her, and she fell to them, hitting the hard ground. The pain from her knees hitting so hard, so unexpectedly, pulled a pained groan from her. With bared teeth, she hissed. "Really uncalled for," she muttered softly. That's when she noticed the barrel in her face. Her eyes traveled up the barrel, the arms and body of the man, until she his... helmet. She hasn't even noticed the man that had practically fallen from the sky.

"Do they want you to kill me now, or later?" Evelyn raised an amused eyebrow, honestly curious. That's when things got wierd. Well, at least for her anyways.

A loud crash came from not far from where she was, causinf her to jump from the sudden loud noise. She jerked her head around towards the tavern door. Her being the only one. Suddenly, every soldier had their eyes trained in what stood at where the door used to be. A werewolf? Evelyn's jaw dropped a bit, her brow furrowing. What the hell? The beast looked around, as if it were assessing the situation; the soldiers.

Evelyn had to admit, this scared her. She had never encountered anything like this before, and had no idea how to handle such a situation. Or creature, for that matter. It's eyes landed on her just as the soldier with the gun poked her with the barrel, trying to get her attention. That was when shit hit the fan. The dogs that hadn't been killed or shot earlier attacked, and the momentary silence was suddenly broken by endless gunfire. Evelyn flinched, the sound deafening. It was in that moment, that two of the soldiers grabbed her bare arms and yanked her up. They were shouting something, but honestly, she wasn't listening. She was still too distracted by the werewolf.

"Get her on there," shouted one of the soldiers as they neared one the aircrafts they had arrived in. Evelyn glanced back, watching as the werewolf was hit and knocked back.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@BoyMom69035@Dark Light

X-z was in over-drive. She new what was going on and adapted to the situation. When they were down, she took a mental breath while accelerating his healing. Oh, I'm ready more than ready. Say the word, an you'll be like a bullet. And you might want to hurry too, cause they're loading her up. But I have a little plan for that. Watch. A small tendril came from Clay's covered foot. It went up behind a soldier and connected to his neck. "AAAAAGGGHHH!!!!" he screamed as Perilous drained his body, travelling through his veins. When he was dry of resources, she detached quickly from the soldier.
Ready for a real boost~?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Great....this again? Salamel made it to yet another universe only to have the inhabitants or whatever come to surround him like before. This time though, it's men with guns and a bot. Salamel's other senses were starting to finally kick back in. He could hear the crashing around him, smell not only the dead but several others. One he made out was a female not too far from him. He almost immediately smelled the werewolf and something else with it.

His fae was not completely healed yet but he could manage in the mean time. His eat twitched a little when the soldiers were commanding something to the girl and turned to notice the werewolf making his appearance. Only to bring a slight smirk. "Well then...if that beast can go wild in here...it will make me feel less bad of me letting my beasts out in here as well..."

With that, Salamel's hands was in his pockets before stretching and rolling his shoulder and opening his eyes as a ghostly image of a toad came about around him before a lashing tongue came from his mouth, swiftly wrapping the end at the ankle of one of the soldiers before using his strength to yank the man, throwing him into one of the drones to get started.

there were 3 men left with 2 drones. The men opened fire catching Salamel with about 4 bullets to his back and side before he crouched onto the ground calling upon the ability of a uroplatus gecko to camouflage himself with the floor.

He needed to be a little quick about this because more than likely, their tech would easily find him. Right then, using the power of a ram, he headbutted one of the men, breaking his helmet and knocking him unconscious before turning to see the wolf get knocked back and the girl about to be taken out of there. He didn't have time to play anymore.

Even with the bullets zipping pass him, Sal turned using his lion adaptation to swipe at the soldier using the strength of a bear snapping the next soldier's neck and grabbing him to take the rest of the shots from both the drones and the remaining soldier. Swinging the now dead soldier into the other, Sal jumped up high to snatch the drone from up under it, using it to turn to face the other drone, making them shoot and destroy one another.

Now, with that taken care of, Salamel turned to the wolf. He himself was breathing heavy from the bullet wounds he was suffering as the bullets started to get pushed from out of his body and landed on the floor, causing Sal to groan a little. "Hey! You alright beasty?" He asked before looking at the aircraft. "Either one of us can save the girl, take out the air craft or....take out the sniper that just got you..." Sal mentioned. "Ain't got time to do all three..." Calling on the power of the cheetah preparing to rush in for whatever they were about to do.

@Dark Light@BoyMom69035@Dealdric
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 8 days ago

Clay was healing quite well on his own, Xz added a nice touch but still it wasn’t enough, nor did it do anything to dull the pain.
The newcomer, while a formidable ally, only further irritated Clay with his skill and ability. If any one was gonna be the hero, Clay’s pride and ego wouldn’t let it be him.
Without a word it would come down to race since time was against them. Logically the faster of them would take out the aircraft, cutting off any escape and disabling any weapons. The slower would aid Evelyn leaving K12 to take out the snipers.

”Let’s do this!” Clay growled to Xz, falling deeper into the beast. He underwent another transformation, continuing on where he left off before. His healing was forced into overdrive as a new energy shot through him. Exploding from his resting place against the tavern wall, a powerful large wolf darted across cold floor. It’s brilliant sleek black coat a blur in the night sky as it crossed the field in an amazing pace. Far larger, stronger and more powerful than any normal dog, and enhanced by Zx he was quick. Still he wasn’t quite as fast as a cheetah but he had a small head start.

Where he was in the race suddenly didn’t matter. In no time at all he came upon the soldiers transporting Evelyn and instinctively the beast took over. Before they could even lift a gun or knew what was happening, the wolf had leapt upon one of them and tore his throat out.
Standing over the lifeless corps the giant wolf curled its lips back and snarled, blood dripping from its wide open jaw, it’s wild eyes staring intently, daring and challenging the remaining people.
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