Name: Darian Sharp aka Cap'n Sharpe
Occupation:Freebooter, Artifact hunter
Ultimate goals: To find an ancient artifact spoken of in legends from different alien races, said to grant eternal life.
Biography: Born to an outlaw on the outer planets, he started life moving from place to place, picking up the history of the region and whatever artifacts he could find, his interest growing. Eventually, after his fathers arrest and execution, the government shipped him off to the military, where he fought on the front lines against the She'en race. He was kicked out a 24 for looting ancient sites, and proceeded to join an outlaw ship. Over the next few years, a bounty grew on his head, large enough that the rest of the crew formed a plan to take his head in. Learning this, he put on his space suit and proceeded to to open all the airlocks, laughing as the rest of the crew was sucked into the void. Now he does what ever pays to fund his treasure hunts, bank robberies, piracy, smuggling, what ever he can find. This has its downside, of course, as he now has bounties from both side of the law.
Appearance:…Ship: A small cargo ship with warp capabilities, modified with armour and weapons. Squat and ugly, it gets the job done.