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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Jack Goldart - Silver Coup
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Character Level: 93
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Guild/Party Affiliation: De Ordine Imperii

Job Classes:
  • Knight (15)
  • Duelist (15)
  • Champion (10)
  • Sword Master (5)
  • Weapon Master (5)
  • Wizard (10)

Fighting Style:
Silver fights very patiently when faced with any number of opponents. Focusing more on dodging and blocking to get in a dominant position before striking with powerful swings. He finds Sword fighting to be an Art and is very Honorable in combat. Accepting all surrenders. He seems to Switch off from his Short sword and Spear in battle, using them depending on the situation.

Due to his fighting style Silver dodges and weaves at incredible speed. Waiting to use Magic to enhance his attacks or add Elemental bindings to his weapons before hitting his opponent with ground shattering power. Having Magic capabilities also allows him to more easily control the Battlefield and his Opponents. Laying Magical traps for them to fall onto.

Silver is incredibly strategic with each attack and move. While it almost always a strength, it could occasionally lead to clever opponents making accurate predictions of his next move. Also with his slower attacks, opponents who are fast and clever enough could forever be in a stalemate with Silver. It wouldn't be a first. Range attacks can also prove troublesome if the opponent can outrun Silver.

How a normal human would view me:

In game Silver tries to Role Play as a Noble Knight whenever possible. Carrying himself with Honor and Grace wherever he would show face. Although he does occasionally take it too far and shows himself to be highly competitive and prideful over trivial subjects. Those who don't know him well will see him to be a quiet and stern individual with his Aggressive tone and Bulwark stance. Although those closer to him have seen his true face. A kind individual with a never ending Wanderlust. Still, many know the Emerald Knight for his Battles and not of his kindness to others.

Silver would start his journey as a member of a small PVE Guild that would run into occasional brawls into other Players. This is where he found his calling. After awhile he stopped attending Raids with his Guild, too busy challenging any that he could stand against in duels. Eventually leaving his guild and playing solo for longer than most could bear. Finding his play style and exploring the land high and low in search of better Gear and experience. After finding his Legendary Jade Armor set, it wasn't long for him to find The De Ordine Imperii. Hearing they had a small dedicated PVP group and were higher on the Guild leaderboards, it a perfect fit for Silver. This is where the Legend of the Emerald Knight began.

Like any other new comer, Silver had to prove his capabilities within his sect. He was in a small PVP niche of a bigger community and wanted his name to shine among others. Training countless hours for Months, his skill began to shine in the De Ordine Imperii. Legends of the Green Knight echoed in other Communities from simple task such as saving groups from Players trying to ruin their PVE experience or fighting off three opponents on his own and leading the charge when reinforcements arrived. After a year in his guild his name was known by his own community and many others who associated with it. Opponents from different guild would show to the De Ordine Imperii front door asking for a Duel with him. Either for glory or revenge. Some would win, most would lose. Although this was not all just about skill and chance. Silver's success was his own doing. Being sure never to bite off more than he could chew. If he had no chance, he didn't show face to a fight. If he had a good chance he would reveal himself and usually come out on top. Many have used this to discredit him, but tales of his achievements drowned out most of the Nay-Sayers.

Silver was known as a Champion in The De Ordine Imperii. Never accepting a leadership role, but a Hero within the Guild. When help was needed, most could call upon the Emerald Knight to show up and be their Trump card. This created many friendships with him and others and always put him in the Command Room of any Operation the Guild took. Although this did not last forever.

As the Years past, the Legend of the Emerald Knight faded. The popularity of many outshining him. It bothered him at first, but he eventually appreciated being known at one point. Also due to his Real life he missed many chances to continue his tale. Never even reaching Level 100. Still, in his guild he is known as one of the greatest at his craft. As the game came to an end, less and less knew about him. Only the oldest and Veteran of De Ordine Imperii knowing of his exploits.
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

John Graham


John stands at 5' 9" with broad shoulders with a athletic build and Tan complexion. He wears his light brown hair in a Taper and Fade and it is complimented by his Hazel eyes. A small by noticeable scar streaks just under his chin. Becoming more noticeable when he hasn't shaved for several days due to the missing facial hair. Although that is a rare occurrence.

He wears his uniform with Pride. Always properly ironed and pressed. Even his pants have a perfect crease down the center. His hair always has some sort of gel in it and he often wears some cologne. This is all to keep up his facade about him being more Wealthy then he is. It usually works. He also wears non corrected glasses to complete the look.

If people would assume John to be the typical rich kid stereotype, they would be dead wrong. In general public he is a very Charming individual that seems humble and kind to anyone. Even a little too formal to most. Regardless of their background or Dorm, John finds friends with all groups. He talks with a sophistic calm voice and is usually very knowledgeable about most topics and his teachers would confirm this as he is a Star student.

Some more pessimistic individuals would say it is all an act and he is hiding something. They would be right. Although it isn't as malicious as the Naysayers would think. He only hides his past from everyone and the True reason he came to the school. He also hides his short temper, which is usually built throughout the day and released with violent video games or loud Rock music.

During intense duels his 'street' side begins to come out. His accent changing from a low sophistication to a harsh slang. His anger also begins to peak out. It wouldn't be too hard for the ones who have been with him since day one at the Dorm to pick up on these subtle personality changes, but no one has yet found the truth to his past.

John Joseph Graham IV was born in New York city, USA. His family was quite wealthy for most of his childhood until his Father was eventually caught up in a Large group that was involved in Insider Trading. This tore his Parents apart as his Father became an Abusive Alcoholic fighting the case. Although John's Mother, Mariam was a tough Women and took her Twelve year old son and Fifteen Year old Daughter away from the Home and to a small apartment in Tokyo, Japan. With them she took half of her Husbands savings and a collection of Vehicles.

While the money lasted a bit, it eventually began to ran out. Especially when his mother had to pay for his Sister's college funds. While they didn't live in a crime infested area of the city, it was still quite low income and the environment took it's tole on John. Several times he was caught and charged with his favorite crime. Gambling. The gambling that involved the Card game: Duel Monsters. No matter what his Mother threatened him with or punishment received, John continued to find his way on the streets. Not only for the fun of the game, but the nice money he made for someone of his young age. Of course, it was also a rebellious act from the fact that his former pampered life never brought much action to him and while no longer Rich he claimed he could properly fit himself in the Tokyo Ghetto.

John's Mother was a smart Woman. She knew no matter what she did, she couldn't stop him. He had this drive that she never had seen in him before. She wanted to direct this into something he could do for the rest of his life. This is how she discovered Harmonia United. Deciding to send him there so he could use his drive for something better than crime. Maybe even one day becoming famous and bringing honor back to his family. With a substantial amount of their money saved, she bough him his supplies and sent him off the Summer he had graduated. Much to his joy.

In his first year he was very... Average. The culture shock of these duelist trying to be professionals instead of just gambling for drug money made him feel out of place. To counteract this he became something he wasn't. Using his prior knowledge from his Rich life style as a child, he dressed, talked, and acted as if he was still a true member of the Graham family back in the United States. It wasn't until the beginning of the second year did he shine at the Academy. His drive renewed after hearing from his sister that his Mom was becoming sick. Stage Two Breast Cancer to be exact. The medical bills were stacking and with her not able to work often and his Sister being a full time Student the bills were becoming more than expensive. Now Jack had something more than himself to Duel for. Ironically it involved money, a constant Demon in his life that he wasn't new to.


Deck theme

The 4 NPC's

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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A damned Nature Spirit with more disinterest than motivation

New World

Those who would see Vaettir's form would think he was a holy angel. His skin is that of white Marble, with shards of assorted colored glistening stones embedded just beneath the surface. In direct sun light he glistens majestically, a statue crafted by a master Sculptor. His upper body is shaped as a muscular man while his legs is copied from some sort of Canine. His head bares two horns that rap around in a mock halo. His facial bone structure seems as if it was once perfect. Although his face takes more qualities of a beast than man. His eyes Glow a bright Gold and his mouth seems to always be spread in a wide smile, revealing his jagged gold teeth at any given time. His most notable feature is his thick tail that seems to end with a disgustingly bony hand, a malicious add on to the rest of his beautiful form. He Stand at four meters tall, just under that or a Troll or giant. His voice is low, but almost smoothing to the ears. His tone rarely changing from someone who had just woken up and couldn't care less.

How a normal human would view this character:
A normal Human would view Vaettir as a beautiful spirit. A glistening moving Statue with a horrific face. Due to the lack of aggression or caring he displays none initially find him a threat when approached by him more of just shock of his height and appearance.

That is not to say he has not had difficulties with Humans. Whether it be contracts from adventure guilds to slay him, in hopes of gaining his powers from his marble form or local towns sending their Militias to slay the wondering beast. None have succeeded and those who return alive only spread their own tale of the Horrific walking statue. Those who have heard these tales greatly fear Vaettir and will run or attack on sight.

Heteromorphic - Demon (Known Immortal)


-0 Neutral

Connection to <insert name here>:
Looking for others.


Character Level:
New World: 50

Racial Class:

Job Class:
Necromancer/Dark Knight/Disciple of Disaster

Strengths and Weaknesses:
Vaettir's usual slow lazy movements are completely changed in combat. In combat he is an extremely quick fighter usually using his Sword to attack while casting magic at the same time with his Tail. Although his weakness are Holy and Earth enchanted items. Although spells gain no significant damage to him.


Ódauðlegur: An immortal from birth and gained twice over after Slaying the Elf Commander, Elecan in Ritual Duel. Immortals are immune to all disease, resistant to curses, and can recover from wounds with preternatural speed. Even if they are drawn and quartered, cosmic forces conspire to reconstitute their bodies over the course of weeks or months. The only way to for one to be truly slain is for them to be defeated in a ritualistic duel.

Sword of the Fallen Landvaettir: This sword is shaped as a straight sword completely made out of Wood and missing a hilt. After his fall, the Sword was corrupted by Darkness and began to look rotten. Even with it's appearance the Sword is Sharp as any other Legendary Class sword and does poisoning damage to all that touches it's surface.

Buff/Debuff Magic: Used mostly on himself to boost his resistance to his weaknesses and to debuff others to slow them down or ensnare them.

Fire Projectile Magic: A multitude or Projectile Magic attacks that use fire as it's fuel. Anything from a Fireball to town sized Fire Waves.

Undead Summoning magic: Vaettir can summon groups of High tier undead summons.
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