Natalie Willow
Natalie is of a petite stature, standing at a whopping 5’ 1” (61 inches). Her hair is a rich chocolate brown color that contrast with her fair, sometimes pale, skin. It is fairly long, sometimes reaching all the way to the bottom of her back and is naturally straight. She has round blue/grey eyes with dark lashes that encompass them and eyebrows that, when she doesn’t keep up with them, tend to grow faster than the norm. While she is short, Nat has flattering curves that only came to her after the birth of her child, before she was a skinny mini with nothing to show really. There is nothing truly special about her in regards to tattoos or piercings, having always preferred to not delve into the wild side. The one thing she does have to show for that she isn’t a complete stick in the mud would be the hoop she has on her nose piercing that she got when she was drunk for the first time in college. There are no ink markings on her or scars except for the ones that came during giving labor to her baby. Her clothing preference is pretty simple; loose tops and workout leggings. On the rare occasion does she actual dress up for herself, leaving the nicer clothes for work since they have a business casual/professional rule.
Regenerative Abilities (Healing)
In the long run, Natalie’s ability will not only be able to help her in regards to self-healing, but also heal others. As they develop at first though, there’s not a flashing sign that points to her saying she has abilities. She may fall and scrape her knee but all that happens is that by the next day she’s almost completely healed. The only time that she thought something was off was when she fractured her foot and within four days the pain went away, so she went to see her doctor before her set appointment and when the x-rays were taken, the foot had gone back to normal. Still she thought it was perhaps the doctors diagnosing her injury incorrectly. Qualities of her healing ability include:
• Cellular Healing/Healing Factor/Regeneration
• Rapid Regeneration
Limitations of the ability are that at starting stages the healing is very small and at times very slow. It takes up much of her energy which might take time to recoup as well as a bit of help from Nat, for example, drinking plenty of water and making sure that eats constantly because her ability is constantly working and of course sleeping plenty. A major con to her ability, that will come in effect as she masters it, would be that too much healing could cause damage to others. If she chooses to heal others, her healing works in ways of the cells regenerating, but if she were to slip up and focus too much of her self onto whatever is being healed, she could begin the stages of cancer. The regeneration would trigger spontaneous and uncontrollable duplication of the cells, leading someone to become fatally ill.
A wild ride would be one way of describing Natalie’s life. She was an only child to her first family, her father a firefighter and mother was a stay at home wife/mom. Trying to remember her first family tends to be difficult for Nat, not because of the traumatic experience, but because she was too young. At the age of two, Natalie’s father died in a fire accident when a building collapsed while a group of firemen were performing a rescue. Her mother was not the only one grieving, and had a large support group whom loved her, but the desolation took over and in the early hours of the day she decided to take her own life. How Natalie was found, she does not know. All she knows is that she was sent to live with her godmother and godfather. She lived a fairly normal life with them, learning how to live life not being the only child and having constant reminders of her parent’s deaths.
During high school Natalie was always the quiet one that read her book and ate lunch alone, until her senior year when she met Liam. They were high school sweethearts who went off to marry at a young age of 20 years old. They were born and raised in the small town of Dipping Springs, Texas where it was common to marry young and fall into a common job such as a teacher or a librarian. For the first couple of years being married, Natalie was content with her life. She would go and help out in the community library while her husband went into being a fire fighter like many young men. At the age of 25 the happy couple found out that they were going to be first time parents which brought on the question, could they afford to bring in a baby to their already financially tight home? The arguments began and seemed to never stop as Natalie insisted that she had to get a real job in order for them to be able to live comfortably, and in order for her to get a real job, moving to Austin was the only way. Needless to say the marriage ended up falling apart before the baby came when Natalie decided to pack her bags and leave town to head to the city. With little to no contact with Liam, even through out the divorce, Natalie learned her ex husband’s true colors.
Nat lived with her “sister” from the moment she left their small town, getting help where she could in regards to baby sitting while she went to her job during the day, worrying about how her following day would be.