-slides in-
Hello everyone!
-waves frantically-
I’m on the hunt for new role play buddies!

A little about me can be found by clicking here --> Biography!
Hello everyone!
-waves frantically-
I’m on the hunt for new role play buddies!

A little about me can be found by clicking here --> Biography!
I have a couple ‘rules’ if you will so we might as well get them out of the way.
-deep breath-
-closes eyes-
- 3+ paragraphs.
- Please write in 3rd person.
- Past tense writing style.
- Threads are preferred.
- Feel free to push forward for the sake of the story.
(Side note: If you pull ahead too far, I’ll mention it; I won’t be mad at you or ditch you I will tell you ‘hey I had plans can you pull back for me’. And I’d like you to do the same but don’t make me sail the ship by myself okay? Okay!)
-peaks eyes open-
Are you still here?
-happy dance-
Now that the hard stuff is out of the way.
-wipes brow-
Phew, below is some ideas; nothing’s really set in stone so consider them ‘idea sparkers’, all of them!
Another side note: I am one of those weird people willing to play cannons if I know the show well, so don’t be afraid to ask.
-slaps up list-

- Harry Potter Things!
- Doctor Who (OC Doctor under "Time is not Relevant")
- Persona (4 or 5) Pitch 1
- Fairy Tail Originals/Cannons
- Black Butler
- The Demon Prince of Momochi House
- Final Fantasy XV Pitches!
- Bioshock
- Kingdom Hearts
- Futurama
- Noragami: Stray God Manga, haven't seen the show yet
- Naruto (I'm on season 3 of Shippuden when he was a child and I really like it) Cannon Request!
- Marvel
- InuYasha
- Pokemon (first gen only) Pitch 1
- Fruits Basket
- Percy Jackson Series
- Sanctuary

- Butler/Maid x Master's Child Pitch 1, Pitch 2
- Teacher x Teacher A School merger idea could work here!
- Demon x Human
- Angel x Human
- Reaper x Human Pitch 1
- Pirate x Noble/Stowaway
- Nerd x Jock College or High School
- Viking x Viking/Captive/Slave/Partner
- God x Human Medieval, Egpytian, Viking, Japanese, Chinese, Modern Day Pitch
- Celebrity x Fan/Celebrity/Reporter
- YouTuber x Fan/YouTuber 'Cannons': Jacksepticeye or Markiplier
- Assassin x Target/Assassin
- Writer x Inspiration
- Bodyguard x Client
- Human x Mythical Individual Elf, Witch/Warlock, Dwarf, Someone within a Magical World
- Human x Neko
- Single Parent x Single Parent
- Royalty x Royalty Arranged Marriage, Childhood Friends etc.
- Royalty x Servant/Trainer/Guard
- Best Friend x Best Friend
- Roommate x Roommate
- Student x Student
- Vampire x Vampire/Human/Werewolf/Mythical Creature
- Werewolf x Werewolf/Human/Vampire/Mythical Creature
- Time/Dimension Traveler x Person who finds them
- Slice Of Life Let's chat!

- Medieval
- Victorian
- Fantasy World Designed by us, could be magic added to a standard world or all magic
- Digital World
- Future Times
- Past Times
- Ancient Times China, Japan, Egypt etc.

- Fakes getting into something they can't handle
- Arranged Marriage Any time frame
- Explores or Treasure Hunters on a mission
- Assassination teammates
- Literal Partners in Crime/Crime for Hire
- Dating Game Show
- Meeting an unexpected match at a Match Making party but they hold a secret
- Stranded Island, Planet, Haunted Place etc
- Exploration Star Trek style, Hidden or Lost City Discovery Team etc
- The Perfect Pair
More might come but for right now this is what I've got.
PM me or leave a message here and I hope to hear from someone or some people soon!
Come play with me!