Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

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Welcome to Crumbling Kingdoms, my friend! Here, you will play a character with goals, obligations, and power, all vying to complete your goals through various challenges. NPCs, the world, and even other players will stand in your way, and it's your job to play your hand better than everyone else, and laugh at their corpses when you get what you want.

This RP is set in a post ancient world, similar in nature to how I imagine it must've been after the fall of any of the great empires of history. New Kingdoms rise and fall in the place of older, more advanced ones. People make it their business to study these walls that go up to 20 meters high, when they can hardly build walls three meters high themselves. Metallurgists ponder over why this strange, malformed shiny stuff is harder than their pretty and well formed shiny stuff. Nature is reclaiming the old world, but it's only a matter of time before the new people replicate this ancient technology.

As players, you'll be working towards your individual goals with the appropriate amount of zealous vigor in a semi sandbox world. Kingdoms rise and fall in the span of months, and only the most ruthless survive. As a GM, I'll let you do anything, so long as your character has the influence or ability. Can't say the other players will let you do things, though ;)


  • 1) The golden rule of this RP is don't be a dick OOC. Nobody finds that pleasant. Call me out on this one if I forget ;)
  • 2) My word is final. This rule is in every RP, so it doesn't need much stress
  • 3) On posting habits. Post at least once a week, and post short, but well written posts when you do. Free quantity, Advanced quality. Proper English is a must. The acceptable length is a few sentences to 2 paragraphs, and you can write up to 4 paragraphs if you're collabing. The less you write, the less others know ;)
  • 4) Please don't emphasise on unimportant details
  • 5) Communicate with people! If you're unsure about anything, ask! We're all pals here, with the same goal in mind.

Not a rule, but keep in mind that this RP has a goal of bringing irl people closer together. It'd be real cool if we all are pals by the end :)

World info

This will fill up when more becomes known to the players :)
Have some basic info!

Ask me any questions! Most things would be in world common knowledge, so I'll be happy to answer questions :)

Character Sheet:

We have discord!

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Heyitsjiwon @rush99999 @AP Ottovan @Aristo @Claw2k11

Here is OOC skeleton. Sorry for the potato quality at the moment. Just need to take a few hrs to sleep :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tempting. Could we get a bit more OOC information regarding the present state of the world (factions, locales, etc.)?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Banzai Tracers
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Banzai Tracers Always on point.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Whats the rough time period of the setting?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Sierra yes, I had to sleep so I stopped writing, but you'll all be getting more info about houses Tremmly and Pennikis, a little more info on magic, info on regions within Cobsterra, and some modern history. Anything older than ~100 years is unknown without thorough study. I'll write it all up after work :)

@Banzai Tracers it's set after the fall of a great, ancient empire. Think fall of the Roman Empire, only little to no records, art, etc. was left behind. Time wise it's, Dark Ages to Early Medieval.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, that's all the OOC info that's going up here until you guys figure out more in game. If you need to know something that would be obvious that I've skipped, just ask. I have a habit of overlooking the most obvious of things :)

On the flip side, if you want more specific information, just PM me. Certain info is privy to only certain people. For example, knowledge of magic is strictly limited to Mages.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Banzai Tracers
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Banzai Tracers Always on point.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character generation place holder.

[Edit] early details:
Name: Convel Summerwind
Titles: Ship Captain?

Ive grown too tired to proof read my work, i shall wait until tomorrow and per chance a dream will arive and it will be much improved.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Banzai Tracers
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Banzai Tracers Always on point.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character Sheet:

Basic info

Name: Convel Summerwind
Nicknames/Aliases: "that bastard over 'ere frum the house Summmerwind." "Lord Captain Summerwind" "Count Summerwind."

Dark Blackish gambeson with virtical quilting, double breasted tied at the right side with simple brown leather ribbons and holes. Short sleeved. Three quarter length drop ending above the knee. It has small wings which cover the neck but not the jugular.

Dark Blackish-brown leather bracers with iron studs, medium thickness, laced with more ribbon. Indeterminate cashmere/mohair goat fur insulation layer underneath. Cheeky letter knife concealed under right bracer.

A silk wrap sash around his waist of the distinctive Summerwind House livery.

Over the top of the silk sash is his sword belt. Dark Blaskish-brown belt with ornate brass buckle with two belt hole forks. The tongue of the belt is very long and tied back under, over the top and through the rest of the belt in a clan fashion. The sword scabbard is held i place by a standard two points sling made of lighter guage leather belt attached to the main belt.

Standard black leather boots with folded down lip. The lip is held in place by two small buckles which also act as a form of studded armour. The boots are lined with goat fur.

Silk gloves.

Unusual sword design. Dueling Khopesh?
One handed flanged mace.

He keeps his hair long to about the bottom of the neck. His hair is shiny black, youthful and densely thick.

Dark Green sheeps wool cape with foxes winter pelt.

Dark Green sheeps wool breeches tied at the bottom with black goats wool gaters.

Neck-scarf Gaiter made from Blackish goats wool.

Age: 28
Sex: Male

Skill info

Skills: Choose at least 3 things that your character is trained in or good at. Rate each skill 1 through 3 stars, you have 8 stars to assign. The more stars, the better. Try and give a general explanation of each skill

Strategy: ** (long term goals over short ones)
Trading: ** (can make or break down deals)
Sailing: * (can sail a large ship)
Reflexes: * (fast muscle reflexes)
Oration: * (can communicate clearly to groups)
Reading: * (can read and understand very fast)

Magic Skills: Consult with me in a PM before filling this out

PM Message: Sent / Not Sent

Knowledges: Anything your character is particularly knowledgeable about. You have 4 stars to spend here in the same way as skills

Teaching: ** (heuristic)
Intelligence Gathering: ** (Scouting, observation, Intrigue??)

Driving info

Goals: To increase the eminence of the Clan Summerwind, both in legal rights and financial power. To create the foremost merchant trader fleet on the seas. So that never again will the Clan be subject to ethnic cleansing as was perpetrated in the past. So that no friend of Clan Summerwind would ever have to fight alone.

Belief/Motto: "Start right, End right."
Drive: Prestige

Power info

Allegiance Owed:
The King / Queen.
House Pennikis
Upper Council.
Lower Council.

Allegiance Received:
There are 3 other ship Captains that serve for him in exchange for coin. All 3 of them are Summerwinds.
All of Clan Summerwind are beholden to the Chieftain.
Housecarl not yet selected.

Debts Owed:
All who serve upon the ships he controls have a form of sick pay and medical retirement fund. Should they be wounded grievously while at work or at war they receive a payout. The total fund in reserve is about 300 gold pieces.

Debts Received:
Waylon Hill owes him a chicken, but hes never collected out of shame.

Past Commendable Deeds:
Saved a man from drowning once.

Past Condemnable Deeds:
Not much is known, but a man once approached him with some kind of proposition. He killed him without so much as a word.

"I steal books every now and again and have never really felt ashamed of it..."

Count of Brazen (County)
Protector of Salts (Town)
Lord Captain of Summmerwind merchant ships.
Lord of Clan Summmerwind.
Freedom of the Town of Salts.

Marriage Ties:
None yet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Banzai Tracers Very, very nice sheet! Just add a hider at the bottom detailing house Summerwind's holdings, members, and marriage ties and it'll be good to move over to the Characters tab :D

Keep in mind that the northern shore border is currently being claimed by @Heyitsjiwon, so if you wanted that, you'll have to talk with him. And of course, if you want to write more about your house than I said, you're more than welcome :)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Banzai Tracers
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Banzai Tracers Always on point.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Here is a claim for the County of Brazen.

Marriage Ties:
The Clansmen themselves are free to marry whoever they want. They either marry other Summerwinds or people from nearby towns. Indeed the Clan has always operated a principle that anyone who took up residence in a Summerwind town or hamlet were soon given the last name Summerwind. So their genetic stock is not uniform and is instead measured in branches. Genialogy is often conducted by Clan Remembrancers who record every detail of importance. Summerwind Remembrancers are actually quite elite and are considered gentlemen.

Scions of House Summerwind:
TBD i have to go to work now.

Summerwind Holdings:
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by o0V0o
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o0V0o The Honorably Mentally Deranged

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Basic Info:
Name: Carnith Harrigniad
Pronunciation: The last name is closer to ‘Harriniad’ since the ‘g’ is almost unvoiced in their dialect
Nickname: “Carn”
Carn is a tall, slender man with shiny straight black hair that just barely reached his shoulders. Though the trail of achievements he's made seems like one built over many decades, he still retains a youthful, if androgynous complexion.
When not at work, he can typically be seen walking discreetly around the fields or town in his blue robes, green shirt and white trousers. When at work, one can find him in his office, hard at his duties while wearing his Institute’s white hooded cloak.
Age: 28
Sex: Male

Skill Info:
2 - Learning: Essentially his ability to soak up new knowledge and process it. Can be applied to learning from ancient artifacts, etc
2 - Info Gathering: Basically the intrigue skill of being able to pick up on rumors or notice the minutiae. Limited in that he has to be actively using it to notice every detail and even then there are things he can’t realistically know. This skill kinda also covers observation and eavesdropping.
1 - Daggery: Due to the things he’s done in the past, Carin knew he had to find some way to defend himself. He found safety in knives. Though he isn’t ninja-level skilled, he’s at least skilled enough to defend himself and be somewhat terrifying if he ever was alone in a room with you. In fact, he keeps a few daggers on or near him at all times.
2 - Persuasion: He’s got a slippery tongue. Though not good enough to make you believe an enemy army’s right outside the gates when there’s only about a handful, he can make you believe someone’s probably out to get you with some evidence even if there’s none. This skill also extends to allowing him to get his way with other people.
1 - Toxicology: His tendencies, his paranoia and his ambition have led him to study poisons. He knows enough to identify and cure the more common ones and to brew a few lethal toxins.
Magic Skills:
None as of now
1 - History
1 - Politics
1 - Human Anatomy

Driving Info:

To leave a legacy.
Though marrying and having kids is anything but a priority for him, leaving something in this world is. He wants to leave something behind. Something that he knows will stand after he dies. Something that will remind people “I was here and I was alive.”. Something that will be strong enough to withstand the world he is so afraid of. This is why he seeks to protect his work. Because he knows that will be the only thing he’ll leave behind.
He's very willing to protect that legacy no matter what it takes and seeks to gain more power to do that and build himself as great a legacy as he can

Beliefs/Motto: “In life there is nowhere to go but forward”
Drive: Legacy

Power Info:
Allegiance Owed to:
The King Emmund Pennikis of Cobsterra, The Duke Yssi Tamad of Cses, The Count of Cseskhill
Allegiance Due from:
The Harrigniad Institute.
Debts Owed:
Debts Received:
Past Commendable Deeds:
Reestablishing the Harrigniad Institute as a respected and renowned place of learning bested only by the institutes of the capital in the 9 years he’d served as Head Scholar/Director. Wresting control of the Institute from the incompetent House Yuonard, who had seized the institute from his own house a few years prior.
Also, ending the widespread corruption that had plagued the Harrigniad Institute under the previous administration.
Past Condemnable Deeds:
In the past, Carn had to do some...less than morally acceptable deeds in order to reclaim his family’s institute and to bring it to new heights. These ranged from arranging for certain falls from grace to outright murder.
Here is a chronological list of his dirty deeds:
Killing a former ally-turned-enemy who threatened to expose his true motives to the then-Director Kheuon Yuonard. Victim died in an accident involving a very dangerous experiment-gone-wrong that may or may not have been arranged to go wrong by Carn (Age 17).
Arranging for a horrific scandal to occur right under the then-Head of Life Studies’ nose. Said Head proceeded to resign and was later found dead in his residence. Carn took up the said position (Age 19).
Secretly siding with then-Director Kheuon Yuonard’s enemies and orchestrating his arrest and stripping of titles in collaboration with the Count of Cseskhill. Carn was handed the title of Director of the Yuonard (immediately re-renamed to Harrigniad) Institute (Age 19).
Covering up an experiment gone wrong involving a very dangerous and very rare species of plant. Said experiment resulted in an undisclosed number of deaths. The cover-up was able to dissociate the institute from those deaths, claim that the experiment was carried out by leftovers from the Yuonard Administration and make the Count of Cseskhill look the other way (Age 21).
Using aggressive tactics to absorb other nearby Institutes (Age 21-23).
Arranging for the disgrace of a rival director (Age 23).
Secrets: Refer to condemnable deeds. Also, this character has lost most of his sense of guilt and regret due to all these horrific acts.
Titles: Head Scholar/Director of the Harrigniad Institute, Earl of the Harrigniad Estate
Marriage Ties: House Harrigniad (as far as the character knows) is composed of 9 members (inc. himself). He is also family head.

The House is tied to the following by marriage ties (House - Affiliated Harrigniad member):

The Counts of Hallkh’s Hill - A female cousin married to the Count by the name of “Ynina”.

The Counts of Syouje - A male cousin married to a female member (the Count’s niece).

The Duke of Tra - An aunt married to the Duke Teuoy’s brother.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@o0V0o All good to add in a hider, thanks for working on it with me :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Claw2k11 Approved above board, chuck it in the characters tab :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@o0V0o Hey, do you think you could put your char into a hider please? It just makes it easier to scroll through the characters when there's more of them :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Basic info

Name: Regent Lothar of House Wolff
Nicknames/Aliases: The Wolf of the Vale
Appearance: Lothar has a commanding presence that just draws attention from everyone. Not particularly due to this looks. Rather he has relatively normal features such as short black hair, dark brown eyes and stands are a somewhat tall 5'9". What does set him apart is his radiating confidence and determination. In fact, many people seem to have trouble at maintaining eye contact with him due to his sharp, focused gaze and the burning ambition that lies in his eyes.
Age: 29
Sex: Male

Skill info


Diplomacy: 2
Leadership: 2
Animal Handling: 1
Polearm Proficiency: 1

Magic Skills:

Enigma (ævi - 1)

Enigma (Vættir - 1)

Knowledge: Anything your character is particularly knowledgeable about. You have 4 stars to spend here in the same way as skills

History: 2
Linguistics-Speaking/Learning Languages: 1
Magic Theory: 1

Driving info

Goals: House Wolff is a cadet branch of the former royal family. It is the family started by the only child of Cobb, the Princess Alesia, who's dynasty went on to be eventually granted the county of Rouen in the Duchy of Tra, a recently acquired region of the Kingdom. The reason was clear, placing a cadet branch of the royal family would help keep the duke under close watch and discourage any rebellious ideas. However, with the usurpers on the throne who were clearly more powerful and a strong claim... there was little that House Wolff could do.

Thus, House Wolff, and Lothar in particular, have been working on consolidating their power and allies so that one day House Wolff may potentially sit on the throne as true descendants of House Tremmley... or at the very least bring the false pretender, House Pennikis, down. After all, they are at least related by blood to Prince Cobb and House Tremmley. But even worse, Lothar and his ancestors have been subject to unfair treatment by the Royal Family, often giving missions that would draw a lot of hatred to them such as forcefully collecting taxes early in a year from a random village on the orders of the Royal Family.

Belief/Motto: From God the King, From King the Law
Drive: Birthright

Power info

Allegiance Owed:

Count Norman Wolff, Lothar's elderly/sickly father.

Duchess Hamy, de-jure liege. Although historically, House Wolff only answered to House Tremmley. Recent events and the rise of House Pennikis has brought House Wolff closer to the Duchy rather than the new Royal Family.

Allegiance Received:
Mayor Abrams - Elected Burgher of the City of Calae. The city of Calais sits near the northern border of the Kingdom, the Duchy of Tra. and the Duchy of Cses. Thus, it serves as a significant trading city where many merchants find themselves visiting since it sits near the border of three major realms.

Mayor Flemming - Elected Burgher of the city of Bergen. Bergen is one of the closest cities to Bind's Edge and is the center of most of the County's production and industry.

Baron du Valois - Baron of Fort Valor, the County of Rouen's attempt at settling the forest and keeping peace in the rural regions of the County

Head Scholar Rune - President of the Vale Society, a scholarly/monastic order dedicated to studying the mystery of the forest and the region's history. The Society is based near Fort Valor as the Baron and the Head Scholar often collaborate in their expeditions to Bind's Edge. In fact, many Knights who are interested in the region do join the Society and receive formal education. These Knights are referred to as Vale Knights.

Debts Owed:

Head Scholar Rune - Rune had personally educated and tutored Lothar when he was a young lad, which led to Lothar learning a bit of the magic that the Society had learned from studying the forests.

Debts Received: - Lothar and House Wolff has saved countless rural settlements from harm as they made occasional visits to the frontier. And in the event that Lothar was not nearby during a tragedy, he often personally financed the reconstruction of the settlement along with protective palisades.

Past Commendable Deeds: Lothar and House Wolff are ardent supporters of settling and learning more of Bind's Edge. Each successive Count has had times where he sallied out to the woods with his Knights and Men at Arms to help rural settlements defend themselves from bandits, monsters, and beasts. In addition, Lothar and his father began to make the position of Burgher a democratically elected position to better reflect and serve the needs of the locals. Needless to say, House Wolff as a whole has undertaken many reforms focused on making the lives of people, especially those who live in more dangerous/rural areas, safer and better.

Past Condemnable Deeds: Rather than bowing the knee to the new Royal Family, House Wolff has maintained its distance and has yet to attend any feasts or festivals of the Royal Family. A clear sign of unruliness and opposition to the Royal Family. In response, the Royal Family often seeks to "punish" House Wolff by demanding greater levies in the event of conflicts. In fact, House Wolff is often told to raise a small elite force of Knights and horsemen to put down various "revolts" around the Kingdom. Lothar himself had to lead 50 Knights into a village that was "rebelling" when in actuality they were complaining about the sudden raise in taxes and were pleading for more time and leniency. Their orders were clear, to capture and bring back the "ringleaders" of the "revolt" to be hanged. Thus, House Wolff is often doing the dirty work of the Royal Family, which Lothar has no power to resist or deny.

Secrets: At a recent/past tournament, Lothar privately received the blessings of the Duchess Hamy herself in the form of one of her personal scarves, which Lothar casually tied to his lance during the joust. The event caused quite a bit of rumor as no one knew who owned that scarf. How scandalous! But most attendees now know that Lothar, while currently unmarried, is certainly out on the market, searching for suitors and someone appears to have a clear lead.

Titles: Regent and Heir of the County of Rouen

Marriage Ties: House Tremmly

Summary of House Wolff's Holdings:
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Banzai Tracers
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Banzai Tracers Always on point.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Nah mate goddmodding.

Some trigger words:
1.) Duchy; i mean, we all want one, but a Duke owns a Duchy, but werent we restricted from being a Duke? If you mean another Dukes Duchy, then whos? There are only 3 that exist.
2.) So your character is basically a General, thats cool, about time if you ask me. But they have their own city of Stonehaven which has a gold mine? I mean, sure we all probably know of a gold mine or two, but i just want to check you arnt suggesting that you have the strongest army character ASWELL as the largest personal bank. I dont think anyone yet has mentioned gold mines but you happen to have a "rich" one.
3.) "Burgher of Osthaven... leader of only city in the county" Wow you have a CITY?! I mean, 100,001 is the definition of the smallest city worthy of the name. So far i personally have been operating off of the principle that the only city is Cobsterra. Am i wrong? Do i need to suddenly upgrade my towns to citys?
4.) "Debts Received: Through careful management and perhaps a bit of trickery, Sylla has been able to make sure that a range of people from simple peasants to rich merchants become indebted to her and as a result have become her eyes and ears throughout the kingdom." Oh thats cool so you basically single handedly pulled off the most difficult thing its possible to do and cant even tell us how you did it. Coolio...

I mean, we can work with it the way it is. I for one will have to regear my character to ending the reign of terror of this obvious ubersoldier, but that'll make the game a little dry.

We all are kind of godmodding in different ways, i have trade, the other dude has intellect, you have war. But we're being way more subtle. Get on our level! lol.

5.)"The county of Komos has a sort of a special status within Hyuon and indeed Cobsterra itself, as its lords have been given the status of Marcher Lords, a status which significantly diminishes the amount of taxes and levies the lords have to provide to their liege and are given a fairly significant amount of autonomy. In return, however, the lords are to use these levies, this gold and this freedom to become the shields of the kingdom and become a buffer between the Kingdom itself and the Anma Coalition." Humm...
6.) "The main port of the city itself, however, in meant to be as a place where the main fleet of the kingdom is supposed to rest, should war start with the Coalition." So you own the navy aswell? Quit stealing my moves! Someone had better invent an airforce so you can assume control and stewardship of it that too.


Fun game, try to think of a power the king has or a function of feudal state that Komo has not absorbed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Banzai Tracers Alright, you've raised some valid points but I object to your methods, you're being far too aggressive. Thanks for bringing some of this to my attention, but next time, alert me with a polite nudge, rather than going off at the other player in the OOC

In response, a duchy was never mentioned, the character owns a county.
The mines aren't far fetched, seeing as Hyuon is cannonically rich in minerals, which causes a stronk and well-equipped army. That being said, @Claw2k11, probably tone down your revenue from trade & mining. I do see Banzai's point, it's not really fair on the other players.
Cities and towns are mechanically the same. They're both run by burghers, and are predominantly residential. The difference is not size, but whether or not it has a place of worship such as a large temple. You can call your towns cities if you like :)
Valid point with #4. Claw, maybe remove your spies. You have a large army and more freedom than others. Speaking of, now would be a good time to clarify to everybody that if Claw breaks this oath to protect the kingdom or is found using these advantages granted by being a Marcher lord for their own personal gain, they'll bring the wroth of the kingdom upon them. You'll all have a valid reason to attack and loot. Claw's army is large for the county size, but compared to the entire kingdom..... yeah no.

We all are kind of godmodding in different ways, i have trade, the other dude has intellect, you have war. But we're being way more subtle. Get on our level! lol.
Banzai Tracers

Speak like that again and I'll remove you from the rp. Your character is amazing, yes, but that doesn't grant you the permission to break the first rule of this RP. That's just plain and simple disrespectful and rude, and casts a very negative light on you as a player. You're not a GM or CO-GM, and so you cannot throw your weight around like this. If you had the position of co-GM in mind, you can probably forget about it. You're welcome to help others improve their characters, but do it politely and without using language like this, okay?

I didn't see the part about the navy. There is no official Cobsterra navy. Claw, it'd probably be best to remove that detail :/
Banzai is pretty set on the navy thing, so yeah. I don't support his attitude about it, but navy is his thing :)

Let me know if I missed anything.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Heyitsjiwon Is looking good to me. Make sure you put it in a hider. Note to other players, the Enigmas possessed by Lothar are in a PM, and approved.

Also a note to everyone, this red border duchy claim thing is great, can everybody do that now please? It'd just save me a lot of confusion :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Strange Rodent

I've removed the spies and the goldmines and iron mines and I've decreased the amount of trade coming through Osthaven, but not removed it as I'd have literally no other way of revenue other than taxing the peasants and we all know peasants don't like being taxed. As for the fleet, I never said I had one, the ports in Osthaven are a place where the rest of the kingdom's fleet can rest, as in the fleets of other houses.

As for the marcher lord thing @Banzai Tracers, I've gotten inspiration from this so that you didn't think I just made it up.

Also, I apologize if I've offended you with my sheet and I can see how it was OP. I'm really sorry about that.
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