Squad 1 Barracks, Captains Meeting

Ryoga stood before the Captains of the Gotei 13, or at least the majority of them. Some had business elsewhere but were already fully aware of the situation. He stood with his sword in front of him, his hands resting on the pommel of his sword as the tip of the sword gently pierced the wood. Ryoga took a deep breath then spoke with a deep voice "Captains...I've called you here for this meeting to make you aware of the state of our world and the balance between all. The Soul Society is suffering attacks from abnormal amounts of hollow along with some higher class of hollow...it's been reported that there are even menos grande slipping into the Soul Society. I don't think I need to tell you what we have to do about that problem...but to make our matters worse we have a few rogue Shinigami running around creating havoc which is the last thing we need right now with the current hollow crises. Then to top that off we have increased numbers of hollow in the human world, so our forces are going to be hard worked and spread thin...Captains...your Squads will be tested, we should fully expect to lose Shinigami during our efforts to regain balance and to stop the worlds bleeding into each other. The Squad 12 Captain, Juki Kakashi will be monitoring things and aiding in where our forces should be mainly focused as well as developing some new technology to aid in our combat of the hollows. This fight will not be easy, nor will it be quick."
Ryoga closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them again and continued to speak "Now go...prepare your Squads. I will issue the orders on where to dispatch your Squad members to as and when I receive information, it is up to you who you send to deal with these tasks...however be prepared to fight yourselves. There is no knowing what level of enemies may appear...You're all dismissed!" With that Ryoga dismissed the Captains, standing still and strong as he waited for the Captains to leave the Meeting hall