" You are the cause of my Euphoria."
Jeon Jeongguk | 007DFF
Name:Park Jun-Hoe (박준회)
Junhoe Park, in English
English name: Alex Jeon
Aliases:June, Hoe, JP/PJ
Birthday:September 1, 1993
Occupation:Musician || Singer || Dancer
Photography professor at Silvervale University.
Time of occupancy in Redwoods:2 weeks
Appearance: Junhoe has this face that is often said to be quite handsome, especially back in Korea. His body is very fit and athletic from being part of a dance club/guild/troupe and going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week, that also makes him quite muscular. He's quite noticeable because of her rather fair skin, his hair seems to just do what it wants, from nice and straight, to a messy bedhead type of deal, and he has dyed his hair a few times, but nothing out of the ordinary, it was often just brown or brownish red. His distinct facial features would be his button nose, and cute little smile and his emotion heavy eyes. Junhoe stands at 178 Cm or 5'10" which is quite tall for men in South Korea, and weighing around 145 lbs, Junhoe's height and weight are just a two of the things that make people like him, and since he lives quite a busy lifestyle, Junhoe will continue to as fit as he is today.
When it comes to fashion, Junhoe is often seen with a white shirt, he loves his white shirts. But other than that, his outfit is standard male Korean fashion that he switches up every now and then. For someone who has a an obvious love for white shirts, Junhoe loves wearing black as well, whether this be beanies all the way to his collection of boots (most of them are Timberland). And back in Korea he was also quite known in his school for his fashion sense during non-uniform days. There will be times where he'll use his glasses, those thin and round frame ones that he actually likes wearing, but since his lifestyle is a bit too active with sports and stuff he doesn't really want to break it by dancing or working out, so he's often wearing contacts.
Habits | Quirks | Oddities:Junhoe's habits are some things that transfer all the way from South Korea, like how he bows multiple times to anyone he meets as a form of respect, some of his bow even go the full 90 degrees when it comes to it; most often to older people or as he would call his
Sunbaenims. One his other habits that often people question is his head tilting, often caught in different situations like, one where he's called out to do a challenge and he'll unconsciously tilt his head real fast, same goes for when he's confident, or where he's just smiling, or maybe times where he's confused, or others when he's disappointed, and some where he's sad. He also picks at his face when he's in his own little world or spaced out, like just pulling at his cheeks at times. When he's jealous, he'll bulge his tongue out, only happens when he's jealous which is already rare. And who could forget his constant hair touching when he's nervous, it does get excessive when he's
really nervous.
Junhoe does play games a lot, video games to be exact, even with his very active lifestyle, he still finds time to do these things. In contrast to that, Junhoe has a passion for dancing, and singing, and these two often come at the exact same time. When Junhoe is dancing, he'll start singing and sometimes vice versa, but most of the time when he's singing, he'll stay still unless he already has the choreography for that song.
Personality:Stalwart ⋗ Responsible ⋗ Genuine ⋗ Polite ⋗ Self-Conscious ⋗ Over-worker ⋗ Goofy ⋗ Introvert-type
When Junhoe was young he was already a responsible kid and was already quite known for being exactly that, people often thinking that whatever he does in his life will happen exactly the way he wants to. He continued to grow up to be a reliable and hardworking, making that one of his most favourable features to everyone he has met. He was always polite and never really showed disrespect to anyone, always talking formally and showing no authority to those of his superiors. Always someone so genuine and lovable, someone willing to do anything for a friend.
Junhoe's politeness and over all genuineness give him this aura to everyone around him, making that the instant vibe people get when they're face with him, he's always on about "
Ah! You're stronger than me, you're just not showing it!" or "
If I could get through it, you can get through it much easier!" And sometimes even just a simple "
You can do it!" He really is that person that will always try his absolute hardest to lift up people's spirits, always.
Though, Junhoe's genuine and polite personality does have it's own contrast, he's always so self-conscious about what people think about him that there are times he forgets to do things his way or the fun way. He fears that being judged so much means that's a bad thing, he thinks that every judgement laid upon him is something negative, never positive unless proven otherwise. Junhoe's hardworking capabilities is an understatement, just that word already makes it an understatement. Because he fears being judged by people for not doing something extra or adding something else to do, he fully overworks himself to accomplish that, often resulting in dehydration, stress and body pains, he even collapses or passed out completely if it's too much.
Even though Junhoe is an introvert, people often laugh at him for being so goofy, but he never really shows this side when alone, he only ever shows this side to the people he cares about, friends, and family.

You make me begin."
History:Junhoe grew up in Busan, South korea and spent about 12-13 years of his life living with both his parents and his older brother. The reason it wasn't longer was because his parents separated when he was 13, his mother took his brother and his father took Junhoe. Sure it wasn't something great to happen but Junhoe stayed as strong as he could, making it really his strongest personality trait. His brother and him comforted their corresponding parents, and a year later Junhoe father's decided that they'll be moving to New York.
When they moved, Junhoe was upset that he would barely get to see his brother and mother, but he kept that to himself since he was already viewed as almost the strongest individual in the family. So Junhoe was going to grow up in New York, specifically Manhattan, and since he was going to be living there for who knows how long, he needed to start going to school there and most importantly, get an English name; which settled to be Alex in about 3 days, but no one really ever calls him that. Junhoe's group of friends were actually quite a good influence for him, in New York and Busan, and it was because of that group of friends that he discovered most of his talents. Hell, even his friends didn't know Junhoe was good at so many things, Dancing, Atheltics (Specifically Track and Field), Singing and Photography.
Funnily enough, Junhoe earned a nickname in his school as he grew up
Master of all trades, because of his ability to do a lot; And by a lot, he did a
lot. Junhoe had high grades, was 3rd in command of the dance troupe, was in the track team for about 2-3 years, was part of the acoustic club because of his singing voice, and lead photographer of the school. As Junhoe was headed to college, he had 1 scholarship for NYU and 2 from Julliard School, for all completely different things, the Julliard School scholarships were for Dance and Singing, and NYU scholarship was for photography, which was what he chose.
Junhoe graduated with flying colours while still balancing singing and dancing, was part of the top 20 of the batch with a few bumps along the way. Major in photography was something Junhoe didn't think he'd do, especially back in South Korea, but there he was. Junhoe's graduation was a special moment for the Park family, since that was first time in a long while their family was together. His parents were on good terms now but still not together, his brother had never been prouder, and Junhoe... Well, he was just glad to see everyone together. This family time was more than he thought, since his mother and brother got him a Toyota Camry 2.5 SE XV70, and his father, well his dad got him
socks, his father actually got him a the world's thinnest gaming laptop by ASUS.
After college, he still stayed with his father in the suburban house they had in Manhattan while he was looking for a place of work. Until one day, he was offered a job at a magazine for his photography style and skills, Junhoe was excited at first, but after a few months it was the same thing over and over again. He became decently known for that job but no one really knew his face since he refused to have his face on the magazine since he said, "
only take pictures, my name is fine." After a year of working there, Junhoe grew tired of the same style that magazine offered, he brought out his resume and sent it all over the country hoping for a new lead.
He was offered a new role as a photography professor in Oregon, and he took that because he was so sick of taking the same pictures of people being fake just to be on the cover of the magazine. He quit his job and it was like South Korea all over again, leaving everyone he knew in New York, even his father. He shrugged it off even if he was depressed about it but he kept it all inside. He was able to afford an apartment, it wasn't bad, the reviews said it was great so why not. Junhoe packed his stuff and moved from New York to Oregon, hoping that everything there would be a new start.
Extra: ⋗ Junhoe has a 4 different cameras.
⋗ Big fan of Coffee.
⋗ Junhoe has a really large shoe rack, most it came from his dancing.
⋗ Junhoe owns a Cocker Spaniel Golden Retriever mix named "Frog."