I really want to play a hard sci-fi (aka: all tech is based on what we know is possible, ships behave realistically, etc.) but couldn't find one. So I decided to ask if anyone else is interested in such a game and what kind of game they want to play.

I had two ideas:

1) it's the late 21st century and we live in a lava tube base on the moon. We pick up several distress signals from Earth before detecting a massive series of nuclear destinations on the planet. Now earth is dieing and we, with our inability to build any tech more advanced than the early 80s tech, have to decide if we can help and if so how much we will help.
2) it is the late 22nd century and we are finishing a ship in the Kuiper belt which we hope to use to travel to Proxima Centauri B and colonize it. A radical anti-colonization group attacks our base and we have to get the ship finished and launched before they destroy it. Assistance from anyone else is at least weeks away, so we can't rely on them.

Edit: I forgot to add that if you have any suggestions, feel free to say them. I would love to work with someone on this.