Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mercer Blaine - Unknown Location | The Facility

To say Mercer was groggy when he woke up would be an understatement. As his eyes slowly opened, they felt like they were threatening to shut again immediately. His vision wasn't quite clear enough for him to see. Mercer was familiar with this feeling, thanks to his many nights of drinking himself to sleep. The last time this had happened he'd almost gotten dumped by -


In a flash, he shot up from where he lay, the night coming back to him immediately. His awesome night had been rudely disrupted by men with guns. The last thing he'd seen, they'd kidnapped Lexi, and the man had shot him with some kind of tranquilizer dart. As everything came back to him, his mind was shaken awake, and he began to take in his surroundings.

He lay in a bed in the back corner of a sterile, white room. It was pristine, as if it was something out of a science fiction movie. If he hadn't known better, he would've sworn he was being abducted by aliens... actually, given recent events, that wouldn't really be unbelievable. He swung his feet off the bed and stood up. He swiveled around the room, but groaned as he felt his this muscles in his chest tense. He looked down and saw a deep bruise where he'd been shot with the tranquilizer dart. He grimaced, and looked back to the front of the room. Two doors were positioned against the walls. He went to the first on the right wall, and it opened to an equally sterile bathroom. He scanned it but saw nothing of interest besides a set of clothes on the sink.

Mercer turned and marched to the other door, looking for some kind of handhold or something that would help him get the door open. With a burst of frustration, he balled his fist and pounded on the door, feeling it shaking against the force of his hand. "SOMEONE OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" He shouted. He reared back and pounded again, and again. "OPEN THE DOOR, I HAVE RIGHTS-"

"Mercer Blaine, please remain calm your questions will be answered in due time." A faceless voice emanated from an intercom in the ceiling. Mercer turned from the door and looked up to the ceiling.

"So there is someone there!" He shook his head in frustration. "You can't keep me locked in here! I am a citizen of the United States and I know my rights!" He shouted again. He waited, but the voice did not respond.


"All questions will be answered in due time. Until then clothes have been provided in the bathroom to your left, and an envelope containing rules and guidelines is on the counter." The voice finished, and faded.

Mercer's chest heaved as he exhaled deep breaths, rattling with anger. He turned and reared back, slamming his fist into the white door, over and over again. He stopped, stepping back with fuming breaths. The voice from the intercom seemed to have no reaction to his fit of anger.

I bit of hopelessness began to creep at Mercer's chest and takeover his mind. He shook his head and stepped back towards the bed. He slowly sat down and placed his hands on the mattress. Could this really be happening? This kind of thing only happened in spy movies and conspiracy theories, not real life. Moisture began to peak at Mercer's eyes as realization began to settle in, his rush of adrenaline beginning to fade. This was really happening. He really had no idea if Lexi was arise. For all he knew they could've taken her and thrown her in the Cumberland River. He shook his head, trying to ignore the thought of it. He would find her, and she'd be fine.

Ok... How do I get through this... His mind wondered. He rubbed his eyes, then stood, finding his way to the bathroom where he'd been told to go. He saw the clothes and envelope, picking up the first and sliding the shirt over his torso and trading the scrubs for his sweatpants. He slipped his feet into the ugly white vans, leaving his sweatpants laying on the bathroom floor. He picked up the envelope and pulled out the sheet of paper, skimming over the rules. He nodded to himself as he read. Note to Self: Don't misbehave.

As he walked out of the bathroom, he heard a loud click, his attention snapping to the door at the front of the room. He walked over and touched the door with the tips of his finger. The door his, prompting Mercer to yank his hand back as the door slid open, revealing an equally white hallway. The amount of white in this place was painful.

Mercer stepped forward and walked into the hallway, seeing other doors like his. "Hello?" He called, hoping that aliens didn't respond like he feared.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wendy Wethers
Location Unknown
The Facility

Wendy was so hungry she cooperated with her captors dressing in the plain stiff white scrubs amusing herself with the idea that somewhere there was a procedural book that required all scrubs to be stiff and of a paperlike consistency.

Once dressed she looked over her cell for that was the only conclusion she could come up with to describe it as it reminded her of a minimum security prison or state run mental institution. It was typical bureaucratic thinking at its best with little consideration how the tight budgeted sterile appearance could cause negative emotional states. Everything was white and white was cold, and bland making the emotional state of isolation even stronger; white was an empty color that magnified any stain. Then there was the total lack of other sensory input such as music, a tv on somewhere or people talking the effect like white magnifying the mechanical sounds of the institutional setting making her want to scream just to disturb it.

”Ms Wethers your door is open please exit and take a left and you will arrive in 150 feet at the cafeteria” said the voice that had roused her earlier and told her to dress.

She thought about a display of defiance for several minutes but in the end her empty stomach won out over the thought of going on a hunger strike so she exited and headed towards food and potential human contact.

The voice had told her the truth because in 150 feet the hallway opened into a large and bland white cafeteria in which she saw confused and distressed fellow human beings. Some looked as if they had been crying, others angry but frustration was the primary emotional expression coupled with anger.

Sighing Wendy grabbed a tray and walked it down a depressing selection of institutional choices happy for once that her hunger could digest any offering so long as it filled the empty space that threatened to burn her to cinders. Then once she’d collected a small mound of things selected for their high calories count rather than palatability she found herself a seat and began to eat like a shipwreck victim just pulled aboard a rescue vessel after a week or two spent in privation.

Some of those nearby watched as she surrendered any pretense of civility consuming her selections so quickly she could almost ignore how right she’d been in accessing the potential flavor and textures. Then as she was finishing a mousy looking woman perhaps five foot one inch moved to the seat across from her.

”Wow that was sure a lot of food, guess you don’t have to watch your figure; if I’d eaten….” said the small woman only ceasing when Wendy held up a silencing hand.

”Hello I am Wendy, Wendy Wethers and you are?” said Wendy fixing the small woman with a smile.

It took the woman about 30 seconds to answer her voice toned by amused confusion.

”Amelia, Amelia Simpson”

”Lovely to meet you please call me Wendy and may I call you Amelia rather than stand on any formalities?” she said with an engaging smile that had won her friends and employment.

”Sure Wendy, I’d like that.” giggled Amelia before pursing her lips in obvious pause before continuing. ”So do you always eat like that?”

”Only when I’m hungry and the selection is as limited as this institution and you are an unwilling prisoner; it is best to keep the body fueled to take advantage of opportunity or simple survival.

If your question is about volume I have had such a healthy appetite since my cancer went into remission.”
answered Wendy as she studied Amelia.

”If I ate like that I’d be wider than I am tall?” giggled the small woman

An Interesting education

Amelia proved to be an good source of information who also didn’t mind talking while Wendy had desert. Then more chatting after she finished a pudding.

From her she learned that Amelia could present a good observational picture of her surrounding, facility rules, the fact that the staff rarely appeared, there had been deaths and the rumors pro and con the staff was the cause or trying to help people survive whatever they were going through.

Once they had chatted for a bit and Amelia’s conversation become personal give and take; small talk and Wendy didn’t have time, she needed to confirm her status as either Quarantine, Detainee, or Test Subject. The first choice was victim of something random as that was mindless random effect; the later two were intelligent and therefore nefarious. In the case of nefarious intentions Detainee was her first choice because the later might mean going back to being halfway dead to satisfy or prove some theory or develop a biotech weapon.

It was time to pick the brains of everyone Amelia knew or that they met as they patrolled the corridors careful of the rules and idea the staff watched everything and heard everything. She made sure their actions also displayed only curiosity in her part and not a thirst of Leadership which she knew would focus even more attention on them.

She kept her responses to neutral and giving way when pressed by her conversation partner showing submission rather than agreement no matter her own feelings on the matter as she worked on a proper picture of her situation. She didn’t let her own questions stray far from what was observable, she let whoever they bumped into speak after she'd said hello or Amelia introduced her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
Avatar of ProxyInc

ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 14 days ago

Elijah Edwards

“You’re in a government detainment facility,” a voice answered, crackling through a small white speaker on the ceiling. He frowned in response, moving his hands to cup his ears from the offensive noise. The voice's shrill tone sent little shocks of electricity through his brain that only egged on the thrumming headache that pulsed beneath the surface.

“You’ll find a change of clothes and a packet explaining everything you need to know on the little stand in the room. Please change and leave your old clothes on the bed before you leave.”

The speaker cut off with a small hiss of static, leaving Elijah behind with the rush of his heartbeat in his ears. Change of clothes? He looked down at his dark dress shirt, dried sauces painted and smeared across its shiny buttons. He let out a pensive sigh, nothing made sense—not that the thundering going on between his ears allowed for much deep thinking. He let his burning eyes travel around the room, the whiteness offending his sore eyes. True to the voice’s words there was a small stack of neatly folded cloth beside a small paper envelop.

I guess I don’t have much of a choice. . . He slid off the side of the bed with a shallow grunt, slowly flexing his muscles to help shake off the remaining dredges that still clung to him. With clumsy fingers he unbuttoned his shirt and peeled the soiled fabric from his torso. Out of habit Elijah's fingers wrapped around the little circle of metal that bumped against his bare chest. It gave him a calm feeling, like an anchor back to reality. He slipped into the scrubs with haste, dumping his former clothes onto the bed before tearing into the paper envelope.

The paper folded inside was short—just a small list of rules that he let himself skim over. Elijah didn’t plan on learning them, for he didn’t plan to stay long. There was clearly some sort of mix up and the sooner he got out of here to talk to someone, the sooner he could go free. He moved towards the door and pressed on it with his palm. But the door didn’t budge. Again, this time he pressed with both palms but still the door didn’t budge.

”Uh, can I leave?”

“Please discard your jewelry and set them on the bed as per the rules in the paperwork provided,” the intercom hissed again.

”You've got to be kidding me,” he whined back, grabbing the paper again and looking over the print. Sure enough—no jewelry was one of the restrictions listed. ”Listen, I’m not taking off my necklace.” He flicked his eyes up at the speaker and awaited their response.

The intercom hissed to life before a new voice drifted through the air.
“Mister Edwards, either you can cooperate with us. Or we can do this the long and hard way. The choice is yours, but you will not be permitted to leave this room until you relinquish your jewelry.” The make voice clicked off with a sharpness, leaving him back alone with his thoughts.

Elijah ran his hands around the door, its surface cold and smooth. Not a button nor lever to be found hidden on the frame. And the room around him too sparse to contain any secrets. He bit down on his lower lip, eyes narrowing on annoyance. ”What about I just give up my earrings,” he asked, attempting to make a deal. But he was met with only more weighed silence, one that set his teeth on edge.

Elijah paced around the room, contemplating his next move. There has to be something. . . He wracked his brain for some solution or thread of logic to follow. He leaned over the rumpled pile of clothes, they still hadn't said anything in return to his bargain. It’s not like I won’t get it back. Yeah, of course I will. Once I explain the mix up they’ll returned everything, they’ll have too. His brain wagered while his fingers fumbled with the tiny metal clasps on the back of his ear.

His ear felt weird without the extra weight, he wouldn’t have known that the two little hoops would have made such an impact. But he strangely felt like he was missing something as he dropped them into the pile. His necklace was next, plucking at the knot on the back of the leather strap around his neck. This made his stomach clench as the metal ring fell from his body. It felt like he was naked.

”There. Happy,” he asked into the silence. Without another word he stomped over to the smooth door and pushed on it. This time the door hissed in response, as of the pressure of the air inside was desperate to escape. As it slid away from its frame Elijah stepped out into the clearing. The halls were as blindingly white as the room behind him. He turned on his heel, one direction then the other. He half expected someone to be out here to greet him, but it seemed like he was have to find his own way.

He made his way down the halls, listening to the echo of his own footsteps until the gentle murmur of a voice broke through the silence. ”Hello?”

”Hello?” he answered back, slightly annoyed at the waver in his voice. He pushed himself further down the hall, looking for the owner of the voice. As he rounded the corner he ran into another man in similar looking scrubs, his dark hair tousled messily in front of his dark eyes. He looked about as confused and wary as Elijah felt. Another prisoner? He frowned at the word but couldn’t find a better term to take its place as he moved towards the stranger.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PinkOwl


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Amelia Scott
Boston, Massachusetts

Half a week after the blood draw, Amelia had begun to read more about people disappearing. Clients had started to confide in her about friend or even family members, going missing. One particular client - an eighteen year old female with a rather horrible backstory, had sobbed during their session. Their best childhood friend and anchor had been among the new disappearances. Amelia had done everything she could to console and offer bereavement therapy. She did not have an answer for this girl: the theory of super humans existing was baffling to her and nothing more than science fiction. Still, a clenching her stomach told her otherwise. She was afraid to dispel the rumors to her clients, even with her supervisor breathing down on the doctor's necks to follow the order. What on earth made her think that way, Amelia had thought? The more severe clients with anxiety were bugging out and having panic attacks. She had raised it up to her supervisor privately, offering her client's side of the story, but had been waved of. Thus, Amelia had left and avoided him the rest of the day.

Thanks to a caramel latte with a sprinkling of nutmeg, Amelia had finally finished her day. She had locked away her binder with her client's information and the schedule as well. She grabbed her laptop and stuffed it in her tote bag and zipped it shut. Amelia pulled her hairband out to allow the dark locks to frame her face. How she hated wearing her hair up all day, yet the note taking and observation required her to do so in order to focus. She sighed again as she sipped her latte and went out into the hallway. As Amelia zipped her coat up and fixed her gloves, she noticed a group of burly men wearing black speaking with a few of her coworkers outside.

"That's odd," she thought to herself and began heading the other way. Nothing good ever came out of that situation. She heard distinct muttering and hastened her pace. When she came outside, she noticed more men. The hair on the back of her neck began to tingle. She did not know what was going on, nor did she care to find out. Amelia tensed as the footsteps began to come closer.

"Amelia Scott!" A man's voice rang out, causing her to jump. Her coffee spilled at the top, causing her to hiss with dissatisfaction. She whirled around to face the man angrily as she set her coffee down and began to dab at her coffee.

"What?" she quipped, glaring with annoyance, “You shouldn't shout in these hallways. This is not a schoolyard."

Her sass was met with a deathly glare that made her regret her sudden choice of words. "Your detainment has been ordered."

"My what?" she started to laugh at him, out of shock and bewilderment. Her mind was beginning to race faster than she could keep up with it. She was not able to stop the fluid sarcasm coming out of her mouth. "For what - my reply? I've been up since 5:00 A.M. Yoga does not wait for anyone." Her heart rate began to increase as she watched all of the men now begin to surround her. Her coworkers had left her alone to fend for herself, too, or so it seemed. She watched them and glowered. "I don't know if this is because I disagreed with my supervisor or not but I feel the respectful and honest approach to my clients and their well-being to be the upmost importance. If that is the issue here then I can gladly leave my job here. At least I'd find better pay."

The man laughed wickedly at her and made her heart clench. Amelia glanced around and spotted the stairwell to her right; if she timed it right, she could make it out.... "Your cooperation would be appreciated. It has nothing to do with your job."

"Then what is it for? Buying the Girl Scout cookies in bulk? Do you know how freaking good they are?" She set her coffee down after finishing wiping it up from her sleeve. God, this had been her favorite work top, too and it had been the last one. What the hell was this about? Did it have any connection to the latest rumors? Her gut answered her with a firm yes, but the doubt was overpowering it. Sometimes her stubbornness died hard. The blood test and this occurring though could not be coincidence.

"Like I said, your cooperation would be appreciated. The Government has ordered this and if you do not come quietly, we will press charges." What the hell? She thought as her body tensed up. The overwhelming feeling of dread spread over her like a blanket

The group began to close in on her so Amelia swung her tote at the nearest one and knocked him in the head. Her cried out in pain and retreated backwards. Still, he was blocking her way. Thanks partially to her smaller demeanor; she ducked away from a few of the men trying to grab her. Amelia smacked her coffee backwards, hoping to damage at least someone. A cry was the response given which allowed her to realize it had worked. She darted for the staircase and began hurtling down the steps, taking a few at a time. Loud banging behind her told her that they were on her feet. Amelia sucked in a breath and wished she had worn her boots; flats were not effective like her boots would have been in this situation. Her feet were beginning to burn from running in them now, too. It seemed that she was faster than they had expected, because now with a quick glance, she saw she had a lead. Nonetheless, she let out a shrill scream and hoped her coworkers would come save her.

"AMELIA SCOTT!" The man she had injured yelled as he rushed after her with a vengeance. "Stop!"

"No thanks!" Amelia went down the third flight, thankful she had not skipped her cardio workouts. She was down to the fourth one and closer to the main floor. If she could just reach it….

She had barely noticed the sharp pain in her ankle, which she had twisted in the damn flats. She started to hobble as pain consumed her. Amelia felt more pain as her head was grabbed firmly behind her. She let out a yelp as her head was pulled backwards. She looked at the man’s ruthless glare and spat in his face instinctively. He yelled out and wiped it off with his other hand. Fury filled his face as he glared at her like she was the spawn of Satan himself.

“This is your fault; we would have done this painlessly.” The one man she had injured previously glowered at her as he came closer. “Too bad you didn’t listen.” He punched her in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain. Amelia slid down against the wall, grasping her abdomen. Her breath hitched; her could not see or breathe anymore. She let out a weak cry again, hoping to attract attention but no-one was coming. Tears filled her eyes. What had she done to deserve this? “You deserve this one, bitch.” He took a needle out and jammed it cruelly into her neck. Amelia watched as the stairwell began to fade and slumped unconscious onto the floor.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Upon Arrival
Natalie Willow - Cafeteria | The Facility

Natalie had been staring straight ahead of her but seeing nothing, zoning in and out of reality, not really knowing if it was out of boredom or if it was the effect of the facility. Possibly both.

“So I’m not alone here. Are you staff?”

Natalie slowly turned her head upwards, prying her eyes off of the back of the wall so that they could follow the motion. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the male that stood across from her, not really believing what she was actually seeing. Before answering him, she looked around the cafeteria to see if there was anyone else, or if he would disappear. Nothing. The man, who had now stated that his name was Matthias, kept looking at her with curious eyes.

“Oh, um, my name is Natalie.” The small woman stood up to shake his hand, as most would do in a formal meeting, although it felt out of place taking their circumstances into consideration. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’ve been alone for a few days now. Honestly I don’t know how many but it couldn’t have been much. I just spend my time sleeping.” She had realized that she was rambling, deflecting from the questions that he had asked. “I’m not a worker here. They are dressed in these darker scrubs, almost like a dark grey. I saw them when I got here when they were cleaning out rooms for… you. I guess you’re part of the new comers, like Mark said.” A wave of heart break and anxiety washed over her as Natalie realized that more people had been caught for whatever cruel human experiment the government had decided to create. “To answer some of your many unasked questions, no I do not know where we are. No, nothing has happened since I got here, except that the group of people before us was taken. I met a young man named Mark. He could read minds…. He was inside of my mind. That’s why we’re here apparently. There’s something inside of us that they want.”

Natalie knew that she was beginning to sound like a crazy woman by the subtle changes of emotions that were expressed on the man’s face. She sighed before sitting back down, a bit defeated. “I don’t know much more, I’m afraid. Mark was taken during the night. As was the other girl that… died. I was the first one here of the group, and there were only two of the group before me, so three total. It was myself, Mark, and the girl. She never left her room. When I got here she was in her room crying. I only know because Mark could hear her in his mind. The next day, I could feel her pain before it all stopped, then that night Mark was taken.” Her voice had lowered as she came to the realization that it was all of their fates. Whoever came in to the facility would leave either like the girl in the room or like Mark. Taking in a deep breath, then exhaling, she was able to calm her anxiety a bit before speaking again.

“I, uh, I am sorry. I know it’s a lot and really grim, but it’s the reality of where we currently are. I wish there was a bit of good news that I could tell you, but honestly there’s not. When did you get here?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Matthias Llywelyn - Unknown


Context. Something which Matthias knew from his academic career was emminently important to all things, both past, future and present. Without it, the things Natalie spoke about he would have dismissed as the ravings of a madwoman. With the facility around them, the discrete but forceful manner of his transportation here and the ever strong rumours circling in the outside world about empowered people; the madness from Natalie’s mouth was easy to accept. A natural conclusion, almost, which drew all the pieces of the weird jigsaw into place.

He sat down opposite her, clasping his hands together and sorting through it all like he might when constructing an essay or thesis. Organising the facts, aligning the contrasting arguments until a clear picture was made and he could, with certainty, decide on what be believed to be the truth and how he should act on it. That exercise helped keep him calm, it was familiar unlike everything else and kept the boiling anxiety bubbling away in his chest firmly at bay.

”I’m sorry, it seems that your stay has already been somewhat tragic. I’m regretting coming here without a fight but then, I had no way of knowing what was waiting here for me. I’m not exactly a fighter, you see.” He gestured at himself, an athletic build but not from any kind of exercise which might be useful in a combat situation, with a self-deprecating smile. ”I couldn’t tell you precisely, they drugged me before I was brought here you seee. I woke up about twenty minutes ago, I suppose? I had to leave my watch and everything else behind so it’s hard to tell for sure.”

He looked around them again, seeing the lack of any form of natural light or even hope of a window. Nor were there any clocks to be seen. The useless, pub trivia, side of his brain dredged up the facts that removal of timekeeping methods, natural light and routine management tools were all effective forms of torture. Not something that he wanted to dwell on and certainly not the sort of thing that would be useful to vocalise, especially to this already demoralised young woman.

”This thing about powers and the like, it all seems rather mad, don’t you think? I’m not suggesting you’re wrong,” he added quickly, realising that he was accidentally insuating such a thing, ”it’s just so... strange. You said Mark could read minds, like a telepath sort of thing? Have you noticed anything about yourself, then? Something that warrants bringing you here? I can’t think of anything for myself.” He bit his lip, thinking but nothing came to mind at all. They would surely be told, at some point. Possibly at this briefing they had mentioned? Otherwise there was no point bringing them all to this facility in such an extreme manner. Questions whose answers they could only find later were only like to frustrate them so Matthias moved on.

”Maybe we should talk about... other things. From your accent I’d say your American, right? I’ve been studying over here, at Yale, but I can’t say I’ve caught all the nuances between the states just yet.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
Avatar of RumikoOhara

RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wendy Wethers
Location Unknown
The Facility

Wendy had been going nutz with energy and anger earlier and forced to expend it in a bit of simple Calisthenics and Yoga stretches taking up perhaps 2 and a half hours. She was worried and angry that she didn’t know where Amelia had gone or taken to gone and no one would tell her what happened to the smaller woman. It was the typical Stanford Experiment results Prisoner and Guard mentality even though it hadn't been going on for long but they were already treating them as if they were no longer human.

They were watching her and it wasn’t paranoia many of the camera obvious and surely hidden ones as well. So taking a deep breath she started a hot shower after seeing that they’d set replacements out for her clothing stripping off the ones they’d replaced the clothing she had, had when they took her. Then she did a turn under the showerhead making sure to splatter water all over the stall hoping it even briefly obscured any hidden observation. This place was oppressive and similar to a SuperMax except it was coed and her only real privacy in her head. So she washed quickly in the institutional soaps which had no scent then got out of the shower and replaced her clothes knowing the fresher her clothes and self the healthier she’d be at the beginning of her escape. Then she braided her wet hair knowing improve her chances of being free of head lice if in their zeal the guards introduced it carelessly.

”Goddess I’m so damn pissed” She thought as she jammed her feet into the crappy footwear.

Driven by residual anger and hunger Wendy goes into speed walker mode and “Bam!” she ran into a lanky man (@SheriffLlama) who fell backwards and slid a little.

”Oh Goddess I am so sorry” is all she can say looking down on the poor man as she realized she’d shoved him off balance
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
Avatar of SheriffLlama

SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mercer Blaine - Unknown Location | The Facility

@HecateProxy @RumikoOhara

As Mercer stood in the hallway, he listened for a response. It was a moment before he heard anything. First came a few footsteps, followed by a masculine voice further down the corridor. "Hello?" The voice said. Mercer turned his head, surprised to be met with a tall, muscular man with long red hair. He looked like an Irish version of Mercer, but with an eighth of the body fat. As the man walked forward, looking just as confused and uncertain as Mercer, it was clear that he was not a threat... at least not yet.

"...Sorry- do you know where we are?" He asked, then shook his head to himself. Of course this guy didn't know where they were. He probably just woke up as well by the looks of it. "...did they take your from your home-" Mercer was cut off as the door to his right slid open, and a blonde woman came marching from her room.

She sped out of her room running right into Mercer's side. He turned to stop her so they didn't have a collision, but the girl's momentum somehow stayed. Before he knew what was happening, Mercer found himself lifted off of his feet. He hit the ground with a thud and slid backwards into the wall, smacking his head against it. He slumped over for a moment as the shock hit him, jolting his entire system.

As he left the daze, he rolled over onto his side, coming up to his knees. "Holy shit, woman." He looked at her, sizing the woman up. She was young, blonde, and very well muscled. She was by no means small, but Mercer was six-foot-four and weighed just over two-hundred pounds. In no physical world was it probable for that woman to knock him to floor like she just did; not with superpowers-

"You're shitting me." His mind echoed.

Mercer staggered to his feet, feeling his head swoon a bit as he could feel blood trickling out of his nose. He sighed, regaining his balance as he wiped the drops of blood on his once-pristine white shirt. "Damn, lady you hit like a train." He shook his head as he brushed himself off once more.

"Now, before any more weird shit happens, does anyone know what the hell is going on here?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
Avatar of ProxyInc

ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 14 days ago

Elijah Edwards

The stranger had blinked at him, asking him questions in a blunder. The confusion was thick across his face and Elijah felt both relieved and disappointed. Part of him had hoped the man had knew something—but it was just his luck that the stranger was just as confused as he was. Taken from his home? He mulled over the sliver of information while opening his mouth to respond.

The sound of a shuffling feet caught his attention, letting his eyes flicker away from the stranger. A woman came barreling down the hall with little warning, knocking into the man and sending him to the ground with fair ease. Her face was a mixture of shock and horror while ushering quick apologies beneath her breath.

”Damn woman, you hit like a train,” the man said with a wobble as he stood.

Elijah remembered where he was for a moment and closed the gap between the trio. Unsure in what to do but slightly unnerved by the blood that now trickled down the man's face.

”Yo, you okay?” Elijah looked at the guy, hands out just in case he should fall back over. He allowed himself a quick glance back over at the woman. It didn’t add up, he had saw the bump but the stranger had pinged off her like she was a one woman wrecking force. But she had barely wavered from where she stood, her toned body showing no sign of impact.

”And are you okay, miss?” He felt a little awkward asking but felt it only polite. She didn’t have the same confused air or look that the man before them did. Maybe she knew something more? Elijah felt the subtle pang of hope crackle through him. Maybe she would have the answers he needed.


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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PinkOwl


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Amelia Scott
Location: The Facility

When Amelia's eyes opened, she was graced with a horrendous light in her eyes. She groaned and rolled onto her side away from it. Shit, it was bright. She wiped her teary eyes and glanced around the room. It was white and immaculate. There was some furniture though not much. The bathroom, she noticed, was attached to her room as well. Where was she? What the hell was going on? She tried to remember the events prior, but it was a blur. There was work, then those awful men. A sharp inhale escaped her. Where had they taken her - a freaking lab or something? Amelia quickly swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, only to plummet to the floor with a harsh thud. She let out a cry and rolled onto her back. The room swan around her as she picked herself up and glanced at her ankle. it was swollen, she noticed, and had bruised. She prayed to God it wasn't broken; though judging by her fall, it was more than just twisted.

Amelia pulled herself onto the bed to gather herself when a voice spoke to her: "You’re in a government detainment facility,”

Amelia looked around at the intercom and glowered. "Thanks for taking care of your doctors. America would be proud of you." She snapped and sat up against the bed board.

“You’ll find a change of clothes and a packet explaining everything you need to know on the little stand in the room. Please change and leave your old clothes on the bed before you leave.” Amelia rolled her eyes and glanced at the material she had been advised to pursue.

"Are you going to clean them or are you going to toss them out in the rubbish? You know that outfit was expensive and all. I'd hate to lose it." Amelia sighed as she stood up and gripped the bed post for balance. "Or perhaps you could keep them for yourself a souvenir for abusing one of America's hardworking and dedicated doctors. You do realize I have clients to take care of, or is the well being of the general population not interesting enough for you? Or perhaps my colleagues that will be searching for me as well?"

"Cooperate with us or we'll do it the hard way," The voice snapped back at her. "Besides, your colleagues gave you up. They're not coming to look for you, Miss Scott."

Her heart sank and this time, she did not have a snappy retort. Her coworkers had given her up? Amelia frowned. This had to be a trick or a lie! Her mind reeled, but her gut told her otherwise. She had recalled seeing the men with her coworkers. She clenched her fists and withheld a response. Besides, any further retaliation could wind her up in worse condition then she was in now.She couldn't help but sniffle and wipe her eyes briefly. She couldn't believe it.

Amelia knew she had to leave this hellish room and find out where she was or if she was with others. Perhaps she had clients here? God, that would be awkward. She sighed and hobbled over to the package and took out the clothes. "Did you get these garbs at Kidnap-People-R-US?" She muttered under her breathe and glanced around to if the voice would reply, but it must not have heard. Once she had changed, she awaited further instructions. Instead of a reply from the intercom coward as she had deemed it in her head, the doorway to her prison room had opened.

Amelia hesitated and glanced back at her items: her clothes, necklace and a bracelet were laying in a neat pile on her bed. Amelia sighed heavily. She was going to miss those items; it was all she had left of herself. She had no idea if she would ever make it home. Her heart pinged with grief for her clients. They were going to be be confused and scared.

She began to limp out, withholding a wince from her ankle as she moved forward. She had looked at her abdomen, which had bruised and also had sprained her ankle. Oh God, she was screwed. She looked at her trembling hands and sucked in a deep breathe before leaving the bathroom and had saw a bruise there as well. What a bunch of monsters. She hissed in displeasure and began trying to walk normally, but each step took effort. Amelia had a nagging feeling that she to try to calm her rattled nerves. She gripped the wall beside her for balance as she began to ascend down the hallway.

To her luck, she saw a trio of people ahead of her: two men, one large and muscular one, a young blonde women with muscle as well, and then another man with red hair and a tiny stubble. Amelia bit her tongue in pain as she gathered herself to call out,: "Excuse me, could one of you please help me? Where are we and why are we here?"

Amelia propped herself up against the wall for balance and awaited a response. Judging by their stance and body language, there had been an incident of some sort beforehand. She noticed they wore the same clothing as her and sighed in relief. At least they looked like her. Hopefully, they had answers.

@SheriffLlama@RumikoOhara @HecateProxy & chat color=F08080
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Wendy Wethers
Location Unknown
The Facility

Wendy was red, Blushing because she had knocked someone down ”Dam Woman you hit like a train!”

There had been cursing and the poor guy she’d clumsily run over, not her first time bumping into someone but she thought she’d grown out of that state by 16 but she felt sort of gangly and unused to her body. She’d say off balance but she had balance it was more a case slowed reactions, out of time with everyone else.

It was while thinking about how she could have pushed the big man down when she realised she hadn’t pushed him down, she had only planted her feet so she didn’t get knocked down as he lost his balance after their initial contact; at least that was as she chose to see it.

He’d accused her of causing it when it was a mutual collision, he’d stood right outside her door then a man asked if she was okay.

He (Elijah) was a pretty red haired man and he’d called her Miss in that old fashioned way inquiring if she were okay. Beginning to feel more at ease she allowed her eyes to look the men over and as she did a brown haired woman walked up asking the big question.

"Excuse me, could one of you please help me? Where are we and why are we here?"

Wendy smiled broadly as she rolled the thought around for a second or two before responding.

She turns to Mercer ”I’m terribly sorry for our collison, good thing the doors open in than out”

Then she turned to Elijah ”I am unharmed only a bit embarrassed. Thanks for asking though and please call me Wendy”

Then with smooth precision she pivots to face (Amelia) ”Good questions, I am here to help if any of you need it and please all of you call me Wendy.

I am not appointed by any authority here or otherwise but as we all share a common delima think we should all help one another.”
she pauses and laughs softly before continuing My friends were prepers and they smelled this going down a day ahead of it all and while I at the time didn’t take the whole thing serious did listen.

Our house was wired with obvious security and hidden security so i saw them coming and used the panic room then the bugout tunnel. I escaped or I almost did but they were serious about capturing me. When they cornered me they used about 6 men and none of them were trying to protect themselves from a virus so that lie is obvious so what other reason would they have of snatching us up?

I’m the newest Gym teacher of a Private school, my friends the lawyer type resistances and had cash but me I was more the nanny at the house watching and helping the twins when I wasn’t at work so how I’d fit as a political prisoner worth the clandestine effort to take me.

We are being held in a facility that has no windows and we are virtual prisoners because of enforced confinement and people that won’t tell any of us anything.

We are all as in the dark as our comrades except for what we remember being brought in.”

Then she turns to the others with a questioning expression
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Upon Arrival
Natalie Willow - Cafeteria | The Facility

Natalie had watched Matthias as she had dumped all of her information on to him. She couldn’t help it, being that he was the first person that she had seen in days and she felt as if she needed to talk to someone. Her eyes carefully watched as his body language changed as he processed the basic knowledge that the young woman had shared. When he changed the topic a bit, Natalie was a bit thankful but she kept his previous questions circling around in her head. Had she ever noticed anything different about herself?

”I am American, yes. I currently live in Austin, Texas. Was born in a small town a few miles away from it. I can tell you’re definitely not from the US.” A faint smile began to form on Natalie’s face as she began to warm up to the young man. He seemed like a nice enough person, one which she would have liked to call a friend in her life back in Austin. As the two spoke and exchanged details of their lives, a noise caught Natalie’s attention. It was like a soft thudding noise followed by multiple soft echoes that entered the room. A dull pain began to form on a side of her body but it was gone before she could even think about it. ”I think more people have arrived, or are barely coming to.” The petite woman stood up and walked slowly towards the doors, taking a peek out into the hallway. She could vaguely make out words, hearing more rambling than anything else. She followed her gut instinct, turning her head to gesture towards Matthias to join her, before walking towards the noise.

It didn’t take long to find the group of people standing around, talking to one another. Natalie listened closely to a blonde female speak about her overall experience, causing Nat to sigh and roll her eyes. ” You’re talking way too much.” She neared the group but stopped a few feet away as to not cause an alarm. ” They can hear and see everything here. Anyone that knows or has aided us on the outside also get taken, but to an unknown location.” Natalie’s mind replayed the many warnings Mark had given her, and what the people working here had told her. It was as if he had lost all fear, possibly knowing that he would be gone soon and didn’t care.

” My name is Natalie, I’ve been here for several days now, alone for the most part. They have made me wait until the arrival of everyone.” Her eyes traveled from one person to the next, taking in the smallest of details, wondering why each person had been brought in and what they could possibly do to be a danger to society. [color=f6989d] ”I met someone the day I arrived, or the day I woke up. He said the reason we’re here is because we have abilities that they want to research and experiment on. According to him we will probably get a briefing as to why we are here exactly.” She felt a bit defeated as she spoke to the group, knowing that no matter what they were told in this so called briefing, it would not be enough for her to be able to find out about her daughter or when she would be able to see her or get out at all.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mercer Blaine - Unknown Location | The Facility

@HecateProxy @RumikoOhara@wolverbells@pinkowl

Mercer watched the following events unfold, mainly because there was barely a single break in the conversation. Just like that, a new person entered the conversation, asking the Question of the Day, once again; What was going on?

Then, quicker than he could work up a response, the blonde woman spoke up, detailing an epic tale of being chased down by the government; a tale that Mercer would have called bullshit on if his home and life hadn't just been invaded by secretive men. He shook his head as he began to consider the possibilities of their situation. He stepped back against the wall as yet another woman showed up, quickly establishing that she'd been here longer than them and had gotten a slight sense of what was going on.

This couldn't be real. He'd wake up, and he'd be back at home. Lexi would be in his bed beside him. He'd lean over, kiss her, and get up and go to work like every other day. This had to be some huge dream.

This had to be a dream.

He didn't have any abilities. There was nothing special about him, nothing that made him a threat. He looked over to the first woman- Wendy. "Do you have superpowers?" He asked, clearly rhetorically. He turned his head to the other woman, Natalie. "How about you? Can you fly?

He then turned to the tall redhead man. "Oh God, please show me how you can shoot lasers out of your eyes-" He shook his head and looked up at the ceiling, having no idea where their surveillance cameras were planted."No? I didn't think so- None of us have any FUCKING superpowers! You're all insane!"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Matthias Llywelyn - The Facility


"Ah, fellow inmates! Let's see what we're about then."

The thought of others being imprisoned alongside them was not a pleasant one but it was still shined some relief upon their situation; from the many books Matthias had torn his way through in his youth he knew that two people stuck together with no peace from each other rarely did wonders for their relationship. Not until they freed themselves from their predicament and usually ended up as lifelong friends. Or married. Or one of them died. The thought of freedom was something he dared not linger on, lest it shatter his carefully constructed mental outlook which was protecting his psyche from utter panic.

With more enthusiasm than he felt, Matthias strode after the much shorter brunette but managed to half trip over one of the legs of the bench she had been sitting on, delaying his arrival to the scene. After cursing softly under his breath and extricating himself from a near blunder, Matthias jogged after Natalie and soon found her talking to a group of others of a similar age. The keenly academic portion of his brain instantly started analysing the issue, perusing any common theme the group posed but other than their age they seemed relatively varied.

He shoved those thoughts aside - intellectual investigation could wait until they knew something about their predicament - and stepped toward the man who seemed on the edge of totally losing it. Considering the strict rules they had already been educated with it seemed a terrible idea to insult or bait their forceful hosts. Trying to force a pleasant smile, the expression a difficult one to make under the circumstances, and holding his hands up in a gesture of peace he spoke in what he hoped was a calming, but not patronising, tone.

"I don't think any of us really believe any of this but it won't do any good to insult the people keeping us here. As Natalie just pointed out," he gestured toward her, "we're going to be getting a briefing about all this soon. Whether you choose to believe any of this is up to you but you'll just wear yourself out raging at cameras. For all we know that's what they mean to happen so just... keep calm and carry on, right?" He knew he was not terribly convincing, it certainly did not feel that to him but it was the best he could do when under stress himself. To change the topic, and move to something that felt familiar and therefore comfortable and safe, he turned to the rest of the group.

"Why don't we just start with introducing ourselves? Whatever situation we're in, it can't harm to get to know each other a bit. I'm Matthias and, if it wasn't obvious, I'm from the UK but I've been studying in the US the past few months." He forced another uncomfortable smile before noticing that a woman, an outlier of the group, was leaning against the wall with a mildly pained expression.

Without really thinking, the legitimately paranoid element of his mind warning him not to get involved with anyone or expose himself, he moved past the others toward the woman. A quick glance and he could see that one of her ankles was swollen and she was favouring the other leg, an injury he was familiar with after years playing contact sports.

"You look hurt. Your ankle - did you twist it? It's looking rather swollen. There's a cafeteria a bit further that way," he pointedly vaguely down the way he thought he and Natalie had come from, "and I'm sure we could find something cold to put over it?" He frowned, trying to remember if he had seen anything resembling freezers or cold storage in the room but he had been so focused on seeing another person that he had quite forgotten to take stock of his surroundings. A bag of frozen peas or, better yet, an actual ice pack would do the trick for the swelling but his first aid experience beyond that was rather rusty. The usual response from teammates after a moment's rest with a cold pack would be 'walk it off'.

"Well, in any case you shouldn't stand on it too much. I can definitely promise you a bench on which to prop your leg, take the weight off that ankle." He proffered his arm for her to lean on, trying to ignore the panicked feeling that perhaps he had just misread the situation and rather insulted this young lady.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PinkOwl


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Amelia stared from one person to another as each one spoke; from the blonde women's detailed explanation, to the man shouting, and then the two newcomers. Her vision went hazy briefly, though she could hear the conversation well enough. She sighed and focused her vision on the girl detailing how she had been there longer then they had. Superpowers? They thought that they had superpowers? Was there something in her blood test that revealed information about her? She frowned as her panic began to settle in. What kind of superpower did she possess that warranted this insanity? They would be experimented on? What the hell was this?

Her panic briefly eased, for the man speaking, or rather, yelling, caused her to snicker. She recalled watching X-Men and reading a few comic books. The laugh was distorted though, due to her pain. She swallowed hard. Superpowers. If it was true, she wondered what her ability was that forced them to kidnap her. What abilities did the others possess? It must have been enough to scare the government into kidnapping them all. Fear made people do the craziest of things. She knew that well enough from listening to many horrifying or tragic stories from her clients. Perhaps if they did all possess these "frightening" abilities, it would be enough to help them escape. That was a possibility, right? She bit her lip as her heart rate began to soar. Her hands became clammy as she tried to withhold an anxiety attack from forming. In and out, she told herself and released slow, deep breaths.

As Amelia glanced around, she found each was around her age, give or take a few years. They did not appear threatening, despite the angry man yelling. She pursed her lips, able to decipher his emotions. The anger, desperation, and fear in her eyes told her that something else was bothering him about being here. His jokes, however, were not going to be taken lightly by these assholes. She knew that well enough. Amelia knew damn well this was not a game. This was a genuine nightmare they were in together. She needed not focus on that however, or else she'd be spiraling again and God knew that would not help at all. She took a deep breathe and pushed away her fear and anxiety for the moment. She was used to masking her emotions anyways for her clients' sake.

She managed a smirk at the "keep calm and carry on", comment from the English man. There had been mugs that she kept in her office at work with a similar saying, though hers were inspirational or humorous to make her patients laugh. Her heart lurched again. She wished that this was a dream so she could wake up and go to work. Most people complained about it, and despite her remarks here and there, she genuinely loved it. Amelia ran a hand through her hair absentmindedly as she listened to take her mind off the pain. She wanted to reply, though there was hardly a break in any of the conversation. It was semi-comforting to know she was not alone and each individual had something to say.

The latest newcomer spoke directly to her, something she tried to focus her attention on. Her right leg was beginning to ache tremendously from putting too much pressure on it. Propping her leg up sounded fantastic; she was going to injure herself if she continued trying to stand. She hoped there was ice around here so she could ease the pain. She had been thinking she would tough it out. She had not liked the idea of showing her pain too visibly, should these government officials use it against her.

After Matthias finished talking, he offered her his arm. She stared in surprise and at first, she did not move. Was she seeing right? She blinked harder and the man was indeed trying to assist her. She smiled faintly and accepted his arm.
"Thank you so much,"She leaned against him lightly and managed a faint, mischievous smirk."I tripped in my flats trying to escape. Who knew I'd be needing running shoes today?"

She tried to make a joke, but it may have fallen flat. She tried to ignore it. "My name is Amelia, and I'm 27 years old." She bit her lip and sighed in relief; taking the pressure of her ankle and speaking, was bringing her relief. "I'm in for heading to the cafeteria and propping up my leg. Shall we head there and see what glorious cafeteria we have been provided?" She managed a genuine smile this time. She wanted to try to lighten the mood, if for just a moment. She didn't give a damn about her panic right now; she wanted to help these people.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
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ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 14 days ago

Elijah Edwards

And just like that the situation bled from mild confusion to a raucous panic as the once toppled man began to shout. The arrival of the new woman had only served to heighten the anxiety that dwelled in the pit of his stomach. Each person seemed to be as lost and confused as the last, and the lack of information was starting to gnaw at him.

The fair-haired woman, or Wendy as she had introduced herself as, started in on a pretty detailed tangent recalling her recent scuffle. It was bewildering, to say the least, to listen to her talk. And had it not been for his own recent run-in with strange men and strange facilities, he would have written her off as some common lunatic. Lord knows he’s seen enough of them pandering on the corners—talking about superheroes and the shadow movement’s of their government.

But no, as much as his brain wanted to purge the idea something was going on here. Though he still clung to the shredding hole that it was still all a very simple mistake. Elijah didn’t know about the others but for him he didn’t belong there. His place was back in his workshop and soon he would be home—that is if he could find someone of authority to talk too.

More people.

The hallway was starting to feel crowded and Elijah folded his arms across his chest while he studied the two new additions. Just how many people are here? The thought was worrisome. Could it be all the missing people were here? Could there be something to this? His doubt was carving little holes in his logic, giving him cause to start shifting nervously on the balls of his feet.

He listened carefully to the man who approached them. The English accent throwing Elijah off kilter. Since he clearly wasn’t American, did that mean they were outside of the U.S or maybe this incident was happening outside of the states? He felt his face crease with pain as a stress headache arched through his temples while his brain attempted to make heads or tails of the situation.

As the man’s reassurance tapered off he offered his arm as support to the injured woman and with grace she accepted the support, leaning into him. She quickly introduced herself as Amelia, a young woman a handful of years his junior. As she suggested they head to the cafeteria his stomach made a rather impressively loud gurgle. A sheepish grin tugged at his lips before he let out a soft laugh. ”I think my stomach agrees with the young woman.”

He let his arms fall to his side and strode over towards the still panicked looking man, placing his hand on his shoulder and looking him square in the eyes. ”Let’s go see what they have to offer, and maybe we can find someone there who will have a better explanation.”

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