![]() __________________________________________________________ (Date if birth) – July 27, 1700 _______________________________________________ Age 318 | ♀ _______________________________________________ Physical Profile ___________________________________ Abilities, Skills and Resources ___________________________________ | Personality: ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Eli at first glance, looks like a cool indifferent individual. At times he is a man of few words but strong determinations. Then there are times where he can be very is incredibly curt, and will verbally spar with even the most powerful of foes especially when rubbed the wrong way. Though most of the time he is seemingly unflappable, never seeming to be outwardly fazed by anything, whether he's being attacked by demon in closing it's jaws on him from behind or a Lycan trying to rip off his head. Eli can seem at times to be uncaring, or even callous. However, he actually has a very strong sense of right and wrong, he prefers to fight fair and can be counted on to do the right thing, even if he is making quips the entire time. He has a strong sense of loyalty to his coven and because of predecessor a resolve to fulfill his duty as leader. He drinks blood like any other vampire but does not participate feeding off unwilling victims. He finds it distasteful. Eli is pessimistic, always has a plan for everything, leaves nothing to chance, and will do everything necessary to reach his goals regardless of the cost. Which at times is hard because he must bend his own code. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Count Eli de Vol was born on July 27th in the year 1700, to his proud parents the Count & Countess Jer de Vol. He was raised with his two younger siblings in the their French estates in the countryside. As the tenth heir to his father’s title, Eli was raised and educated from a young age to fulfill his duty to his family and country. He knew that like many of his social class that much was expected of him. Eli would push his family’s endeavors by making political and business connections, as as eventually finding the right Lady to marrying. It was all in the cards for him. Unfortunately the cards had not shown him her. Eli’s family owned vast lands but the estate connected belonged to his father’s good friend. He was a peer of the realm like his father who had young daughter a year younger than Eli. The first time the young boy had met her they had became fast friends with Eli at times leading them on adventures or the both of them tricking the nanny into giving them extra treats. Their friendship was a strong one an a vast source of strength for him over the years. When Eli left for school at the age of twelve he continue to write her even though their parting had been painful for him. The letters help him maintain his resolve to complete school and make his family proud. Years past and eventually they lost touch until he came to london for a season with a group of his peers. It was his first year after finishing schooling and Eli was given his first bachelor lodgings. One of his mates from school who was a second son to a earl joined him in town. On the first planned soiree of the season Eli and mates attended the festivities for the evening. His parents and younger sister attended for the even, only to have two another guest in attendance in their party for the evening. One was his father best mate and the other was her. Eli at first hadn’t recognized her but after taking studying look at the beauty, he was certain. It was his childhood friend but no no longer was she a young girl but a beautiful woman. However Eli was not the only one who noticed his mate immediately asked for a introduction and that was all that she wrote. After that evening his friend had gained a right to pursue her. He took her carriage rides, picnics in the parks and escorted her on various events. Eli who had fallen hard and fast for her the moment he realized his friend desired to pursue a claim had stepped aside. The only time he had seen his old childhood companion was at dinner parties when they were seated together and when his mother had pushed him to entertain her with strolls in the park. During those brief moments of privacy they discuss old adventures at her home and what she had been up to in the years since their last letters. They had been charming discussion but Eli had never overstepped the mark even though he wanted to. Though on the first bloom of spring the footing would be pulled from right under him. His school mate had asked for her hand in marriage and it was accepted. Eli inwardly had been devastated but supported the match of both of his friends. However two people had noticed his plight. His father and her father. They had know for a very long time that he had harbored feelings for childhood friend. They encouraged him to tell her and convince her to break things off with his mate. Eli search for the answers to this dilemma. He knew himself or his mate would be hurt by this action but he had to try. So he sent a note to her to meet him in the gardens after nightfall. Eli waited in the gardens for a good portion of the evening. She never came but it would not be until the morning he would know why. His father had sent a footman with a note for him to come to the townhome immediately. When he had arrived he had learned why she had never came that night. Her father had found her in her room the next morning dead strangled. Murdered. They never found the man responsible and his school mate stood by her father echoing the grieving fiancee. Grief took over Eli and for years after he would never truly recover. He knew from the moment he had seen her again she had been the one and no other would ever do. He went off the rails for a while drinking, whoring, and fighting whatever was destructive to himself he did it. It took years and his father's death for him to find his footing again. When the Count died and Eli took over he knew he had a duty to fulfill and even though he was dead inside at least he had a purpose. He continued push the wealth of his family and even gained entry in the kings secret service. Eli served his country well but it was his last mission that would end his service and mortal life completely. He had been in the city for little over a year. Eli had been pursuing a lead on the third branch smuggling operation that was beginning to leak into london. If the operation began to grow any larger that begin to hurt legitimate shipping companies. His information had lead him into the heart of he beast. There he gained all the evidence to push for an arrest in for the group responsible. He took the evidence to his superior but before he could see the fruit of his labors. Eli was shot, one of the men peers he had not seen among the operations of that night was also in the kings secret service. His own superior had ordered his death to cover up his involvement before it could linked. The only man who could do this was Eli. After being left for dead in a alleyway Eli faded into death but a shadowed whispered in that darkness. It spoke to him demanding him to either live or die. Eli wanted to be with her but his duty and vengeance demanded he live. He gave in and when he woke Eli was changed. That was when he met the man who change him. His name was Allucard Udinov. He was one of the few remaining pure-blood vampires. However unlike many of his kin he stood at the top of the pyramid. He was their leader of the coven. The king persay and he had chosen and claimed Eli as his son. Allucard then help Eli gain vengeance on those who had taken his life and after he trained him. It took years for Eli not to be resentful towards Alucard for what he had done and even more years for him to look at the man as a father. When he finally had Alucard revealed his true agenda. He had made Eli the only child of his bloodline to replace him as the head of the coven. It was on that night Eli’s mortals connections had died and his life as a vampire had truly begun. Miscellaneous ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Home * New York City, Principle Seat Interests/Desire * Reading * Traveling * Duty * To have what he can not * Silence * Misses Ice Cream |