![]() _______________________________________________ Carter Gregory Newton _______________________________________________ 18 ┃ December 1st, 2000 ___________________________________ Bisexual ┃ Male ___________________________________ Princeton Perez ┃ #CCC6EA | ![]() Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ There are multiple layers to Carter's persona; only those who are closest to him know most of his traits, but these are the few that can easily be seen when spending just a few hours with him. One of the many things that Carter inherited from his mother is his playfulness. Ever since he was a young boy, Carter has loved joking around with his friends and family; he's always enjoyed making the people around him happy. Although he doesn't joke around as much as he did before shit started getting real, he does still have his moments. Another trait of Carter's, one that he probably got from his father, is how relaxed he tends to be, even when dealing with stressful situations. Carter is the type of guy who likes to just go with the flow and take things in stride. There are a few downsides to Carter's persona, the main one being how secretive he tends to be about his personal life. There are only a handful of other teenagers who know how life is for Carter; even then, the only reason they know is because they either live just a couple of blocks away from his apartment complex or hustle with him. Carter doesn't like inviting people over to his home, especially not any of his friends from school. As far as he is concerned, they don't need to know a bunch of that shit about him anyway. Why should they even care? Another negative trait Carter possesses is his tendency to be impulsive. Ever since he was a child, Carter has acted before thinking about the consequences of said actions. This, of course, has gotten him into a lot of trouble, whether it be with the principal or the police. This also goes hand in hand with his shoplifting; while he says he steals to feed his family, he also takes things that he decides he wants for himself in the spur of the moment. Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Height:6'0" Weight: 192lbs Physical Description: Carter is a tall and lean boy of Nigerian and Dominican heritage, standing at six feet tall, and weighing in at a little over one hundred ninety pounds. His skin is the color of cinnamon and free of any blemishes, an exception being the vertical scar on his eyebrow from a childhood incident. His soft-curled hair is dense but yielding, and thick enough to lose your fingers in. He prefers to keep his hair neat and visits one of his friends every couple of weeks get his hair trimmed or braided. When smiling, you can see that he has two rows of perfectly white teeth, a slight overbite present. Carter is, by definition, a "pretty boy" and takes a good amount of time out of his day to make sure that he is well-groomed and put together. Out of everyone in his family, he probably cares the most about personal hygiene. Fashion Style: Carter once told his best friend that he is "a broke nigga with expensive taste," something that can definitely be seen when you take a peek into the boy's closet or underneath his bed. Although Carter does spend a good portion of the money he makes from selling on his family and their needs, he does keep a bit for himself. See, Carter is a sneaker-head to the very core; he has nearly every pair of Jordan's that has come out within the last couple of years, as well as a few from other well known brands. Also, much like his Daddy, Carter is obsessed with gold jewelry; he has multiple rings, chains, and grills that he wears on the daily. As far as his apparel goes, however, the boy likes to keep things fairly simple. He'll typically rock a plain, solid-colored shirt with a pair of jeans or joggers. Whenever it gets cold outside, he'll throw on a jean or leather jacket and some combat boots. Likes/Dislikes/Habits/Fears/Secrets ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Likes + Dislikes ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ + Sneakers + Getting high + Jazz and Hip-Hop music + Making his family happy + Basketball - Heavy Metal and Country music - Alcohol - Cold Weather - Overly sugary snacks - People who can't take a joke Habits ▔▔▔▔▔▔ - He often finds himself acting before thinking. - He shoots hoops to clear his head - Stealing Fears ▔▔▔▔▔▔ - Losing his mother or siblings - Heights - Disappointing his mom Secrets ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ - Carter isn't exactly 100% open about his sexuality. As far as anyone else knows, he is straight. - He used to dream of trying out for the basketball team, but doesn't want to be associated with most of the jocks. Besides, he probably doesn't even have the GPA to stay on the team, so why bother? Background ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Every morning, before I go to school, I stare into the bathroom mirror and think, "is this the Carter Gregory that I was truly meant to be?" Was I destined to be the Carter Gregory who has constantly bounced from apartment to apartment with his single mother and younger siblings since before he could even remember? Am I meant to be the Carter who shoplifts from the local corner stores and food marts or sells a little dope on the side just to make sure that his little brother and sister get those cool toys they wanted for Christmas, or those brand new pair of Jordan's that just hit the Footlocker shelves? The Carter who, despite trying to keep his head down, his mouth shut, and his presence discreet, gets into fist fights nearly every other day because he simply cannot control all of the frustration that has been building up from the pit of his stomach ever since that one time he saw yet another eviction notice taped to the front of his apartment door, bright and bold for all of his new friends to see? And then I think about all of the possibilities; I think about who I could've been, or who I would've had the potential to be if God, or whoever you want to believe in, hadn't dealt me such a shitty hand. I could've been an honor-roll student, the captain of the basketball team, an esteemed member of the debate club... Hell, maybe I could've been one of those kids who received a full ride scholarship to the college of their dreams. Maybe, in another life, I could've been blessed enough to have a mother who didn't have to work as hard as she does just to keep a roof over our heads, or a father who didn't end up getting killed on his walk home from work. Maybe we could've lived in a big house like those ones you see on television, and I could've been given a brand new BMW for my sixteenth birthday instead of another night in lockup for trying to steal a few packs of sugar cookies from the corner store. That's what I think about when I look in the mirror, but all of that goes away once I step out of that front door and into the real world. The world where everyone looks at me and see's me as 'the criminal,' and I have no choice but to go and prove them right." Miscellaneous ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ▶ If he doesn't catch a ride with one of his friends, Carter rides his skateboard to school. ▶ When he's in detention, it's either because he got into another fight or was caught smoking pot. |