Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Euphemia
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

E L I A S (E L I)

NEW York City, 2018


How was it a hunt if the predator so easily turned into the prey? Eli Jarac De’Vol stood above the lifeless body of the creature lying before him. Its blood spilled from battle staining the concrete, and saturating his clothing. It tainted the air, and coated itself over the gorging cavity that once held this previous life’s heart. “Such a foolish creature,” He remarked, his tone blank. The strong hue of the night caressed his back, imposing his lethal image over the corpse. He’d never stood a chance. The boy shouldn’t have even tried. He’d been too young, proud and far too inexperienced to best him. His death was nothing but a waste. Eli shook his head, turning away from the bloody scene. He gazed down towards his hands, hands that were now dripping in blood. In normal circumstance there might have been a temptation to savor such an occasion. Unfortunately distinct reasons prevented him from indulging in such endeavors.

Time being one detail but he most apparent being what dwelled within the misfortune of the vile creature genetics. Eli sighed and began quietly walking away from the gory scene. He knew sooner or later the authorities would happen upon the body. It was best if he made himself scarce before any further confrontation presented itself. He walked down the pathway, the park lamps overhead lighting his way as he exited the grounds. Slipping his hand into his pocket he began to search for his phone but, stopped short when he noticed a black tinted vehicle pulling up to the side of the curve. He immediately recognized the driver as the ignition cut. Xander D’Aville, his advisor step out of the vehicle. His face was full of questions as he looked over each Eli’s appearance. “Are you hurt?” Eli didn’t answer. He didn’t see the point. Xander wasn’t an imbecile; he knew how to put the obvious together. No this was his indirect way of asking for an explanation. Eli would of course eventually give him one but for now they needed to leave.

“Later.” He replied, side stepping the man as he took a seat inside passenger compartment of the car. Xander frowned at the response but took his place in the driver seat. He pushed the key in the ignition, removed the car from park and pulled off. Eli knew he sounded curt. He just wasn’t in the mood to talk, speak or discuss the subject till he had returned back to the penthouse, showered and had a drink. Of course Xander wasn’t about to make this easy. Eli closed his eyes but rest seemed unlikely to happen. At least not with his aides critical gaze burrowing into him. His intense stare demanding what he dared not voice out loud. Not that it fazed him; Eli was use to his adviser’s disapproval. It wasn’t the first time Xander hadn’t liked a decision he had made and it would not be the last.

Eli was right of course; in the front seat of the vehicle was indeed perturbed and mildly frustrated. He needed answers. Seeing Eli walk toward the car covered in blood had not been a welcomed sight. In fact it only further complicated an already complex situation. Xander gripped the steering wheel tightly, his nails indenting into the leather. He stared at his master in the rearview mirror. He wondered if he should dare what he knew he should not. Of course Xander knew Eli would not be amused to have the silence he desired interrupted. When his lord was this silent he was either annoyed or trying the stave off the calm before the storm. Oh and there was a storm, not just the one his master was bathed in but another awaiting him at palazzo. “My Lord...I know you do not wish to be disturbed.” Xander paused taking in what looked like a gulp of air. He didn’t want to do this but he needed to. “We need to speak...preferably before we reach home.” Normally he would never defy a direct order but the situation was too important.

“It would seem Xander…you are not going to let me have any peace”Eli aggravated tone filled the silence as he opened his eyes to look at his advisor in the rear view mirror. He was far from pleased that Xander had not heeded his warning.Eli did not like to be disobeyed. “I apologize. I know you do not wish to discuss the situation until we return but…” Xander hesitated. He knew he was in a no win situation. If he stayed quiet Eli would learn the situation to late and he would be to blame. If he told his lord now, then Xander risked pushing his lords already bad mood. “There is s situation at the palazzo.” Eli’s eyes flashed at those words. “What situation?” He demanded back. Xander’s mouth dried. He knew he needed to use his next words carefully. “A few of the youngers went hunting in the city a little bit after you left this evening.” Eli glared but his expression held the real threat, he wasn’t in the mood for a long story. He knew it and Xander as well. “Get to the point Xander.” He bit out. His advisor nodded. “They found a small group but they encountered a problem when they pursued their prey.” Xander paused pulling the car into park as they pulled into the underground parking area of the penthouse. He cut the car off and turned to look at Eli directly.

"What did they encounter Xander?" Eli's patients was very thin. He had entertained Xander defiance because the man never did so without reason. However this was starting to sound like nonsense. There was nothing in the behavior he was stating that screamed unusual and if the young encountered a problem. They were more than equipped to handle it, they were vampires after all. "Your wasting my time." Eli reached for the door. He was tired of this hesitant game Xander was playing. He wanted shower, drink and time away from his adviser. All in that order. "I will find a fitting recourse for you later." That is when Xander finally blurted what had been holding out. "They found an angel."Eli stopped mid exit of the vehicle and looked at his adviser. He could not have heard him right. "An Angel? Your certain?" Xander nodded. Mierda Eli cursed. Now he was truly annoyed. He stepped out of the car. Xander soon following behind, both vampires headed to the elevator. There destination would have been the penthouse but Eli had a feeling Xander was going to tell him he needed elsewhere. So when the elevator arrived he allowed his aide to pick the destination.

He chose the basement floor level five. Eli looked at Xandering questioning. "There here aren't they?" Xander nodded and then further explained. "Yes the younglings encountered the angel when they unknowingly tried feed from what was most likely one of the angel's charges." Eli looked at his aide urging him to continue. "They were easily waylaid by the seraph. The angel stopped the children from feeding off the mortal and...a fight ensued." Eli wasn't surprised younglings did not like to be stopped from feasting on a good meal. "Were any of them hurt or killed?" Xander smiled. "Their pride was definitely hurt but Hunter stepped in and subdued the seraph." Eli wasn't surprised. Hunter was about what? Two hundred years older than him so it was not surprising he had the strength to pull off such a feat. "Where are the younglings now?" He inquired. Xanders face turned serious. "Being interrogated. Elandria is also waiting to see what your judgement of punishment will be for them. She also ask for an audience." So they were Elandria's bloodlets, now it all made sense.

"I'll will entertain Elandria later after I dealt with her wayward children." The elevator stopped. Eli stepped out heading towards the interrogation area. Xander however had one more thing to tell him. "There is one more thing my lord." Eli stopped, turning toward his aide. "What is it?" Xander braced himself knowing that his lord would like this last bit of new less than the previous. "Hunter subdued the angel but he did not release or kill them. He brought her here as a prisoner." That was when Eli's turned eyes black. He knew that his people believed in that asinine legend about angels blood. Never did he think they would be stupid enough to attempt it. It was times like these Eli wish he could remember Saphira or at least her face. It would at least help him deal with the long immortal road he had walked on. "I'm going to the interrogation room." His eyes turned back to normal. "In the meantime Xander find everything you can on this angel, including her archangel." Eli didn't want any surprises. Angels could not lie but the sure as hell knew how to bend the truth.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saphira Ducane

“What have I gotten myself into?”

Saphira stood in the middle of her cell, taking in her surroundings to see if there was any route of escape. Her face was as cool and collected as it normally was despite the situation she found herself in. Even though her face showed no signs of displeasure, the feathers upon her wings gave her true feelings away with how they were ruffled up like an angry bird. Her expressions were always an easy thing to control, but her wing feathers weren’t as easily controlled. This had not been the first time she had been captured in the many years she had been an angel, but it certainly was the most humiliating capture being as the whole thing had started with just a few weakling vampires.

She groaned angrily remembering the whole encounter. It started off easily enough, they seemed to be young vampires, who had yet to learn the full potential of their power and strength. They were certainly surprised by her attack and as she fought them off she was almost having fun toying with them. Their attacks had been weak, not thought through and filled with hungry rage, making it easy to tell that they had never encountered a seasoned angel like herself before. She was dealing with them easily until a well-dressed vampire appeared in the alley with them. The moment Sara saw him she could tell he was different from the others. He had a look of arrogance and wisdom in not only his eyes but his posture. Older vampires always held themselves differently than their younger counterparts. The younglings backed off when they saw he’d arrived and left him to deal with her as they ran back to their home with their fangs tucked behind their lips in embarrassment.

If anyone had watched the two fight it would have certainly been a hard one to follow. Their movements were so fast it was almost as if everything they did was a blur. All the human eye would have been able to see was the flash of fiery red hair and the white of his dress shirt. To them it was an elegant but deadly dance in the dark. In the back of Saphira’s head she wondered how old he must have been to move as fast as he did. Most angels of her age would have already been beaten within a few minutes of his arrival. Her only saving grace was the fact that she had been trained by one of the mightiest warriors within heavens golden walls, but that training only helped her for so long.

There was a point in their dance when she was able to jump on the vampire’s back and stab him with one of her hidden daggers. The blond vampire let out only a small groan of pain before starting to force himself backwards towards one of the brick walls. As she saw herself getting closer to be crushed against the wall Sara’s wings snapped out and gave one hard flap. She burst up into the air from his back and flipped herself forward back to the ground in front of him. When she landed she had planned to try and stab him in the heart, but he quickly grabbed her by the throat before she could. Sara expected him to attempt to kill her, but instead he head butted her hard in the face. The power of the hit was so strong that it surprisingly knocked the angel unconscious. When she awoke she found herself in the dark cell, her weapons of course gone and hanging on a wall across the room.

“Michael will look at me with such displeasure when he hears of this. “ She said to herself as she began to walk around the cell. It looked like a normal prison cell you would see in a jail, but she knew it had to be stronger than that if they placed her in it. No normal prison cell could contain an angel. It had more than likely been bound by a witch or demon to contain creatures such as herself. Wanting to test it one of her jet black wings quickly shot out from where they rested comfortably behind her back. The edge of her feathers hit hard against the metal, creating a loud booming sound to echo through the room. Just as she thought the metal didn’t even so much as dent against the force of her wing. She sighed in annoyance and pulled her wing back from the metal. “To be expected.”

The last time she had been captured had been almost 50 years ago by a coven of witches, who had tried to remove her wings. Sara didn’t know at the time, but witches found angel wings to be very valuable. They would cut them off and sell them for a good penny to fallen angels who had lost theirs after their fall. Losing one’s wings hurt almost as much as the decent to hell itself, which is what made some seek out a way to get them back without begging God. Many unholy angels also thought to it as a slap in the face to God, as if He cared about silly things such as that. At first Saphira didn’t think it was possible, but with the right spells it could certainly be done. It by no means made them divine again, but it helped them rebuild their pride and made them feel stronger than they really were. Thankfully for her she was able to keep her wings when Michael himself showed up to save her just as they were slicing into her back. That capture had been slightly less embarrassing than this. At least then she has been cornered by multiple witches of an ancient coven that had been in that area for over a century. Most of the witches had been trained in the ways of magic for quite some time. They had also specifically targeted her. The fallen angel that had hired them had been sent to hell due to her and was out for personal vengeance. This time she had been taken out and captured by only one vampire, which was an embarrassment that would stick with her for a lifetime.

Her eyes suddenly snapped up when she heard the door in the distance opening up. She slowly brought herself to the front of the cell to greet whoever it was that was coming to speak with her, more than likely the leader of the coven, or at least his or her second in command. If they had wanted to kill her they certainly had had the chance to do so back in the alley, meaning they had some form of use for her. What that use was she would only learn in time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Euphemia
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

E L I A S (E L I)

New York City, 2018

Palazzo, 10:45pm

There were a good number strategies foruming in Eli's head but none of them would have any substance until he gained further information from his newly acquired prisoner. Eli cursed mentally as he pushed forward down the hall. The blood from his earlier encounter had finally dried but his hands were stilled stained. He looked down at them, gripping them into a fist. Hunter had placed them in a undesired predicament. If he had just left the angel after subduing her, Eli would only be looking at a formal address from the seraph's archangel. They would chastise Eli of course for not being able to control his subjects. However the undertone would be that they would overlook the transgression and continue to maintain their current relationship. Unfortunately his left hand, who knew their political climate hadn't made the smart decision and Eli could not figure out why. He turned a corner the vampire in question coming into view. Hunter was standing there in his disheveled suit with a few cuts spamming his hands and cheeks. He was obviously healing and drinking a glass of blood to speed up the process. Eli stepped in front of Hunter looking him over.

"Well..." He began. "...you look like merde." Hunter smiled at Eli's words. He knew he did not look at his top forum, yet after the encounter he had had who could blame him. "Well I met the woman of my dreams..." He pointed towards the glass. "...and she turned out to be a hellion." He quipped back. Hunter took another sip of his drink. He knew that Eli was not here to trade barbs. Xander had left here a while ago just before giving him a tongue lashing about his actions. He was certain that the aide had already updated Eli on the current situation. Which left Hunter to fill in the details. Xander had demanded earlier to know why he had brought the Seraph into custody. He wanted a logical conclusion where Hunter left the angel to stew in her wounds til she was retrieved. Even her death would have been far more preferable in Xander's eyes. Hunter disagreed he had happened upon the dispute by chance, but found opportunity.

Eli had charge him with an investigation on a new drug called heat that had hit the streets. Humans, as well as vampires were turning up dead and the lycans were suspected to be the cause. The lycan alpha was looking for a way to change the scales of power and Eli thought the new drug was apart of that plan. That was how Hunter had happened upon the one side scuffle. He had gain intelligence that one of the dealers for heat frequented a particular club called Nova. It was a hot spot in town, many vampires used it as hunting grounds. So Hunter knew no one would be suspicious if he came to the club for some entertainment. His plan had been simple. He would lounge around the club til the target was spotted. Hunter would then follow him back to his holdings and eventually back to the supplier. That had been the plan but then...she had come along. At first Hunter had thought it was just a dispute between mortals. He had seen this multiple times over the centuries and generally he left it to the police to handle.

What had changed his mind from walking away had been two things. One he realized that the group attacking were vampires and not just any vampires. The marks on their necks had told him they were Elandria's bloodline. The second reason had been because the one giving them a thrashing wasn't normal either. She was an angel and not just any class. She was a guardian, most likely Michael's clan. Hunter should have left the young whelps to receive their beating, they most likely deserved it. However if Elandria found out that her children hurt or even killed by someone who is not one of their own. She would use this to undermine Eli and call the thirteen bloodlines. The last thing his master needed was another power play to deal with. Not with the lycans being an even more pressing threat. So Hunter stepped in. He first detangled the younglings from her grasp. They quickly left and that was when they real fun had begun. Hunter could only describe her as one thing. A Valkyrie. The way she pulled out her weapons. Held her blades and even moved. It was like they had engaged in elegant dance.

She was a skilled fighter, for every wound Hunter gave her. The angel repaid him in kind. They moved fast pivoted using the terrain to its peak. Hunter had kept most of his attacks to a surface wound. He hadn't wanted to kill the seraph just subdue her. Since the beginning of the fight he had studied and tested her strength. Making sure he matched her skill, speed and vitality. Hunter had been so certain he had the fight in his control but he underestimated one thing. Strategy. She had had a plan. One that had nearly wounded Hunter gravely. The angel had seen an opening and seized it. Jumping on Hunter's back she pulled out two dagger and stabbed him. The pain surged through the back of Hunters chest. He tried to grab her to pull her forward, but she only dug in. Without any other option he pivoted back and rammed her against the building. However Hunters new lead was short lived as she pulled out her wings. She the force of the to free herself, flip him over onto his back. That was when he notice the weapon angling down towards his chest for the kill. Hunter knew he could no longer hold back anymore. He grabbed the angel by the throat, knocked her weapons away, stood up and used his head to knock her out.

Once she was out cold Hunter dropped her to the ground. His first thought had been to leave her for another angel to find. One would happen upon her eventually and Hunter figured it would be best if he was nowhere near when that happened. He had already underestimated one seraph tonight he didn't need to deal with another. Especially when he was wounded, bleeding and not at his peak. He needed blood to heal and that was back at the palazzo. Hunter turned away from the scene he had taken a few steps forward and then stopped. He turned around looking back at the angel. Humans and vampires were turning up dead from this new drug. The side effects after preliminary testing had shown that the drug made the user stronger, faster and for vampires more powerful. The only thing in legend that was said to do that was angel's blood. Hunter looked at the seraph. He knew that there would be hell to pay if he did this but he could not pass up the opportunity for answers. He scooped her up and brought her back to the palazzo. It had seemed like a good idea at the time. Now staring down the future wrath of his king, Hunter was not so certain.

So instead of making excuses he gave Eli the only detail that would be important to him. "I think that the lycan's are using Seraph's blood to make the drug heat ." That statement alone got Eli's attention. "Are you certain?" Hunter nodded. Eli cursed. He now understood why Hunter had grabbed the angel. He wanted to use her blood to cross reference with the samples of the drug. Now he really could not let the her go. "If you are wrong about this Hunter..." Eli grabbed the vampire's glass knocking back the rest of the remains. "I know Eli there will be hell to pay." He took the glass back pointing him towards the entrance of the interrogation room. Hunter hadn't allowed anyone to speak the angel yet. Not even himself, he left that honor to Eli. "Oh and Eli tell my wildcat I will always remember our night fondly." Eli growled as Hunter saluted him with the empty glass. He really did not like the suggestion in his servants tone. The last thing he needed was for Hunter to throw on the charm and seduce an angel.

They had way more pressing matters to deal with. He moved towards the door pushing it open. Eli stepped in, than closed the exit behind him. He fully expected a volatile prisoner when he entered. However what he had not expected was to see such a tiny figure occupying his interrogation room. This was the seraph? Hunter hadn't described her yet now he could see why he found her fascinating. She was beautiful. Her eyes were blue and so vivid. Almost as if they could bewitch you if you looked away. The curls in her hair shaped around her face in a way that made her seem soft and elegant despite the bruises she carried. Eli was almost tempted to touch her but he fought it. Instead he walked past her and took control. "My name is Eli Jarac De'Vol." He began taking one of the two chairs across the table that was present in the room. "I am the king of this coven. Unfortunately..." He paused, motioning to the chair for the angel to take a seat. "...you are my prisoner and I cannot let you go." Eli had no idea his introduction was irrelevant, nor the shock that was about to enter his eternal life.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saphira Ducane


E L I A S (E L I)

One of the things about Saphira was that she was an extremely hard person to surprise. This had nothing to do with her divine gifts given to her by God, but more just due to the fact that she was a calm person who took everything as it came. However, she was not even close to being prepared for the person who walked into her new prison of sorts. The moment she saw him it felt as if she had been hit by a ton of bricks. She brought her hands up to the spot her heart once belonged and the wings behind her shuddered slightly at the sight of him. He looked almost the same as he looked when she last saw his face, maybe just a little older. His eyes were more beautiful than she even remembered, though many of her human memories were hard to recall at times. For a moment she actually thought she was dreaming, even though angels don’t actually sleep at all. After 300 hundred years it was extremely hard for her to believe that he was still alive after all this time.

It made sense now why she had thought she felt him dying all those years ago and why the feeling disappeared so quickly. He had indeed been dying, but didn’t pass into heaven because he had been turned into a vampire. “That’s why he didn’t come to me.” Sara thought quietly to herself as she sat down across from him. It was hard for her to say anything, especially since he clearly did not recognize her face as she did his. That knowledge hurt her soul ever so slightly, had she really changed so much over the centuries or had he just not loved her enough to remember her. Her love for him had never faded, nor the image of his face, which she cherished dearly. It was because of this she decided not to say anything of who she was yet.

“I did not believe you had any intentions on releasing me. I wouldn’t be here if you did. Though, as I’m sure you know, my archangel and the Angels of War will not be happy to hear of this. Why is it you are risking war between your coven and my people? I am but a simple Guardian.

Physically the King of the vampires was fine, mentally he could not shake this nagging feeling like there was something he was forgetting. Eli could not figure out what that was. However he did know that this girl was the source. it soured his mood immediately. Is this some kind of angelic trick Eli thought to himself, was she projecting her own emotions onto him. That wasn't possible not even the archangels could do that to him. Yet here this slip of angel was invoking something in Eli. It did not make any sense, he barely knew her. "So your archangel is Michael..." He replied to her statement. Of all the luck in the world. Eli was hoping she was not of the guardian class. Not that he was scared of Michael, Raphael and Uriel were just easier to come to accord with. When it came to Michael on the other hand, Eli and the archangel tended to cause unplanned natural disasters. The situation was about to become complicated

Once Michael realized one of his warriors were missing, which would not take long. Couple of days at best and then there would be a search party out looking for the seraph. Eli before then would have to put measures in place to keep the angel hidden. They had to stave off suspicion until the test gave answers to Hunter's theory. "I am hardly worried about your master..." Eli smiled humorously but it did not reach his eyes. "...he doesn't want war with me any more than I want with him." The vampire finished confidently. Eli was calm, collected, and in control. He knew what he was here to do. What he had to do. Her blood could be the very key to the mystery of heat. If they cracked the last element of the drug and it turned out to be angels blood. Michael would want this information as well, after all it would be his own kin being used in this sick experiment. So yeah he was confident the angels would be anger but Michael would not declare war. Yet despite the confidence in his objects, Eli felt another mystery was unfolding right before his eyes.

He could not shake this nagging feeling that continued to plague him. It was like there was something he was forgetting but he could not point to what. He definitely knew it had something to do with this angel. Eli had felt this way every since he had laid eyes on her. Who was this woman? Beyond what Hunter had told him she was like every other guardian in Michael's clan. A skilled guardian, who protected their duty whatever the cost. Most vampires would call that foolish but Eli who also prided himself on fulfilling his own duties to his coven. Thought it was the one trait he respected about the angel's the most, even if he did not like most of them. However that did not solve this mystery. None of these points lead to any answers as to why Eli could not shake this feeling around.

He wondered if this is how Hunter had felt around. He did seem to be infatuated with the Seraph. Eli frowned he did not like that for some reason. Hunter with the seraph made him feel uneasy yet the question still remained to why. Did the Seraph have the same feeling or was this some form of spell she was casting. That was impossible. This room was completing enveloped in dark magic of the void. It canceled magic. The angel at the moment was complete powerless. So why? Why did Eli feel like having her here was both a good idea and bad idea. "Who are you?" He questioned. Eli needed to know, because a name would at least would give him a place to start.

Saphira studied his reaction as he figured out who her archangel really was. He acted as if he had no fear of Michael, but his eyes gave away the slightest inkling that he at least wasn’t happy about it. It was true that Michael would not want to start a war between the angels and the vampires. Everyone had lived in relative peace for a while and no one exactly wanted to disturb that peace. However, Elias underestimated how fond of her Michael was. She had been his star pupil for many decades and trained with her almost daily. She of course wasn’t the only angel he devoted his time to. He had others he worked with, but it was always evident he had a soft spot for her. That wasn’t really worth telling Elias though. It was easy to see that he held himself in pretty high regards and a fight with an archangel was not of the highest importance. The way he carried himself and spoke meant he had been in position of power for quite some time and had no fear it would be taken away from him any time soon.

Despite his calm and collected façade, Saphira could tell there was something that was bothering him. She wondered if maybe he really did remember her and was trying to avoid bringing it up. She couldn’t think of a reason why he would want to ignore the fact that he knew her. They had, after all, been quite good friends in another life and had even loved each other as they had grown into adulthood. At least she had loved him that is, but it was starting to become unclear to her if he ever really loved her at all. He had stopped writing her when they were teenagers and they had only been brought together again due to him returning from school. Had he been forced to spend all that time with her when she was being courted by Dante? Was he just asked to do it by their fathers to be polite? It made her think and truly ponder if their entire relationship had been nothing to him at all. Back then she had just been a foolish human girl. Maybe she had just been so love sick that it had made her blind to his false feelings for her.

One thing that made her rethink that though was the letter. The letter he had sent to her the night that had been her last mortal night on earth. He had asked her to meet him in the gardens that evening. Why had he written her that if he didn’t love her at all? Typically a man wouldn’t write a letter such as that if he was just going to tell her to stop following him around like a love stricken pup. She stopped thinking after that thought to look over at him. Her greenish blue eyes looked directly into his and she cocked her head to the side just slightly.

“It pains me to know you do not remember me, Elias De’Vol. My time with you in the past must not have been valued by you as it was me.” Saphira tore her eyes away from his and stood to begin walking around the room. It was hard for her to look at him. “To not even remember my name…” She shook her head, causing a little bit of her hair to fall in front of her face.

“Saphira..Saphira Ducane..Since it seems to have escaped you. I suppose that will happen after 300 years, though I never forgot yours.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Euphemia
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

E L I A S (E L I)

New York City, 2018

Palazzo, 10:57pm

Angel's could not lie. They could bend the truth and even be made to believe what they were saying. However lie that was impossible. So when Eli heard this seraph call herself Saphira. His Saphira. The control he was so famous for nearly shattered. Eli eyes turned black and his tone turned ice cold. He did not know what this angel's game was but no way was he about to believe such a ludicrous statement. "Is this some tactic to get me to let you go? Because I am not amused." Eli wasn't not in the least bit entertained. There was no way in hell this angel was Saphira. She died. She was in the afterlife, maybe on the road to reincarnation. There wasn't any way in hell this woman was Saphira. The chances of that was impossible. "Whatever trick this is, it will stop now." Eli voice was emotionless yet firm. The former however was far from what he was feeling. Eli did not like talking about Saphira. There were a few reasons. One because Eli did not like to linger on regrets. It was hard to discuss something when you felt guilt for not being there to save her.

He wish he had. He would have given anything to do so, even live without her. Had that been the price Eli would have paid it willingly. Sure Sara would have been married to someone else but she would have been alive. Maybe even happy. Eli could have lived with that. He would have paid it a thousand times over. Sure his one attempt to be with her would have never have happened. Also she would have married Dante and maybe eventually had children. Yet all those things Eli could have lived with if he knew she would have still been alive. That was why Eli had wished for her to be reincarnated, because maybe then Saphira would have had a second chance at life. The twenty-first century was such a different time. Woman were so much more vibrant and independent. Eli could could easily imagine Saphira here living, embracing life. She had enjoyed adventure with him as a child. So maybe some of that would carry over in a new existence. Not that he would ever know. She could have been born into any family around the world or reborn to look like her old self.

In either scenario Eli would never recognize her. His memories of Sara were as vivid as any memory he had as a human. Yet the one thing shroud in all them was her face. He could not see her or sum up her features in anyone of those memories, Alucard his immortal father had made sure of that. So even if this angel was telling the truth, which he was sure she wasn't. There wasn't any way Eli could confirm at the present. So until proof was presented Eli would not dare have the memory tainted in any way. He rose from his chair and walked over to the angel. He wasn't sure what he wanted to say or do but decisions at the present had to be made. "I am not sure if you believe what you are saying or have found some way to go against your very nature." Eli took a deep breath to restrain himself. "However I will not tolerate you claiming the identity of a woman who is long since been dead." He reached passed her pressing the button that opened the intercom. "Hunter open the door. I am done here."

The interrogation room opened up and Eli stepped past the angel to exit. Before he took his leave he made one final statement. "In the future it would be wise for you to not use that name in my presence." When it came to Saphira Eli did not even allow his subjects to test his patients. "Hunter will be your guard til you are returned back to your kin." After this Eli thought the sooner the better. He left the room. Hunter was leaning against the wall with a somber face. Eli could tell he wanted to know what had just happened in there but at the present the vampire did not want to answer. "Later" He answered the unspoken question. Hunter nodded and stood up straight. "How would you like me to handle her quarters arrangement?" Eli frowned at the question. He knew how Hunter would like to handle it in his way. The man was literal casanova and was clearly enamored with the angel. That did not sit well with Eli but it was better than having her around him at the present. "Keep her in one of the suites on the 12th floor." That was where they kept guest with magical abilities. The entire floor was tethered in void magic. She would not find any hope of escape there.

Hunter nodded acknowledging the command as Eli walked away. He watched as Eli disappeared down the hall, before he went about his duty. Pressing the button opening the doors once more. He entered and bowed. "I am Hunter Ashton." He stood back up and smiled. "But I believe that you and I have already met."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saphira Ducane

Sara’s face hardened as Eli approached her with a dark look in his eyes. The calm look in her eyes didn’t completely disappear, but her wings instantly ruffled in irritation the moment he came too close. As much as she loved him, she also knew that Elias De’Vol was a different person than he was when she last knew him. She also knew he was much more capable of harming her than he was then as well. However, she was slightly surprised by his reaction to her name. It seemed as if he was madder that someone was trying to trick him into believing that she was in fact herself. He actually didn’t believe that she was really Saphira and was an imposter instead. It relieved her that he didn’t believe who she was. That meant he wasn’t pretending he didn’t know her, not that she could tell anyway. Maybe he truly didn’t remember her face due to his vampiric changing. It was quite obvious that he remembered who she was, just not what she looked like. It did happen sometimes when you died and came back to life as another creatures. She wanted desperately to try and tell him that he was wrong, that she really was who she said she was. There was a few times she opened her mouth to try and tell him secrets only they would know, but he didn’t give her the chance at all. Every time she went to speak the truth he would cut her off and insist she was lying to him. It annoyed her slightly, though she didn’t let him know that fact. She didn’t like showing people her irritation towards them, she usually didn’t like showing anything to anyone other than her typical unreadable expression.

Her lips twitched when he advised her not to use her actual name in front of him again. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t realize that Saphira Ducane didn’t take orders from anyone other than someone of divine nature or God himself. Vampires, werewolves, witches, and demons were not creatures she would ever do anything they ordered her to do. It didn’t matter that it was Elis. His words only held so much power over her now a days, at least they didn't when he was trying to tell her what to do. “My apologies, but that won’t be the last time you hear my name.” She whispered just as he shut the door behind him. In the back of her mind she wondered when he would come back to see her or what he would do with her now that he believed she was a lying angel. He still hadn’t even told her his intentions with her, which still made it a mystery as to why she had been brought here in the first place.

Not long after Elias left, another vampire walked into the room to no doubt keep an eye on her. She sighed once she realized who it was and crossed her arms over her chest. He bowed once he caught sight of her, his bright smile flashing in the dim lighting as he stood back up right. “Yes, we have indeed met already. My face remembers your head quite well.” Sara said, referring to her possible broken nose from when he’d headed butted her earlier that night. She could still feel the sting of it every time she took a breath. It hadn’t started healing quite yet, more than likely due to the dark magic that bound the room. “Nice move by the way. I would have beaten you had you not done that.” She gave a half smile in Hunter’s direction as she waited to see his reaction. Mr. Ashton still held himself with quite a bit of arrogance, but he didn’t quite seem to be as dark and brooding as his king. In fact, he seemed a bit friendlier than he was when they first met, though that didn’t mean he could be trusted in the least.

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