Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hey everyone and Happy New Year! Having been on a long hiatus due to college and some health issues, I am back and getting an itch to write again. Anyway, I am looking to rekindle this rp from about a year ago when I ran into my health problems and the rp fell into the void. It was going rather well and I'd very much like to see this world and the characters presented develop over time.

I'm looking for a small to large group of descriptive, active roleplayers (stressing the active part heavily) for a mid fantasy style adventure RP. Open world-ish in style with an overlying plot and side plots. The Rp is intended to remain open and ongoing and hopefully will remain so for a very long time. I like underachievers who turn into remarkable and unlikely heroes in a tact and witty story style. It is also intended to be for a mature group, for 18+ writers only. There will be bounties and rewards (money systems, market items, etc.) as well as purchasable goods to suit the adventurer. I will also keep up an OOC thread to keep everyone connected outside the storyline, and to give everyone opportunities for side quests and other things as well.

The premise thus far is an open ended adventure for a group of 4-6 underachieving, less than par, or just down on their luck thieves that are from a guild or come together through some mishap in the story and embark on adventures set upon them. These characters will all have to deal with some sort of flaw that is unique to each player that will hinder them constantly. My character, for example, is a lush and addict.. Mid-fantasy, as in slim on dragons and mythical beasts, but still outside the realms of reality. This RP will have some success rolls, but only to augment or direct the flow of your post and the successes of your characters during certain situations and should only be used to add a certain unexpected flair for your characters. The big driving force here are their flaws.

Human characters only please. Some magic acceptable, etc. I can answer questions as to where the line is... I would like for the environment to be both gritty, and filled with sharp wit and should make for a fun read as well. The idea is that somewhere in the very beginning of the story they are either all caught and brought together in front of the ruling establishment or are summoned from a guild, who are then sent on a perilous, and lucrative journey. Along the way they will either get their shit together, or they'll fall short in epic failures.

Link to original RP here:

Here is the first post so you can get a feel for the environment and my writing style..

Guillan- Market district, Noon.

Y'vanna peeled her head from the drool-soaked table planks that served as last night’s lodgings. Her left hand still clasped around a half drank horn of grog. The afternoon swelter woke her, and the air was thick with the smell of strong alcohol and vomit, and it was enough to drag her from slumber. Her eyes were red and half lidded, her stomach groaned as she bent to wrench the gruel and grog from her belly. What sort of life is this?, she thought to herself. Guillan was supposed to be a stop along the way and nothing more. How had she remained here for nearly a full cycle? Sure, Guillan wasn't a bad place for a thief to make a living, if that's what you'd call it. Enough coin to fill her belly and and horn, but that was about it. She couldn't even remember the last time she had a night under roof or with bed. The grog was nothing like the sweet mead she was accustomed to, but a little girl, she was not. She wiped the froth and bile from her lips and chin as she stood. Her face twisted slightly and she winced as she finished off the stale liquid from her horn. She made her way down to the water’s edge, perhaps the thing she enjoyed most about Guillan, as it reminded her of her own port city. Her leather leggings stretched and groaned as she knelt, immersing her head beneath the crystal waters. The shrill water was enough to widen her eyes and erect the hairs of her neck. She pulled her head from the waters and gasped. Finally she was awake, and for better or for worse.

The sun was bright and beat down with little in the way to soften it, and it was almost unbearable she thought.. and her head, oh how it pounded. Her leathers were drenched and tight against her body as she walked. She made her way back to the same outdoor tavern as she placed two bits on the counter. "Another.." she clamored.. Hair of the wolf would surely do the trick, as it had done nearly every day for as long as she could remember. The barmaid produced another horn on the counter as it sloshed. She would've thanked the ogre of a woman, had she actually been doing her a favor. She grabbed her drink and downed it fast.. On to business. Her fingers tapped against the pommel of her cutlass as she figured upon what she was to do this day.. Not much going on for a thief in the afternoon sun, but the heat was not to offer her any rest. She missed the cool breeze that rolled in from the shores from her home lands, but she shook it off. No time for daydreaming, not now. Grandeurs and delusions only got in the way, at least that's what she told herself. She made her way back to the tented tables, choosing a different one this time, away from the cesspools of last nights lodgings. The air was stifling and she had grown tired of her situation, though her drunken state did little to free her of her stagnancy.

She laid a few more bits on the table. The woman huffed and waddled over with all of her stench and girth. She set a small pitcher on the table, sloshing the liquid inside. She looked at Y'Vanna and placed her hands on her hips.

"Aren't ye had enough lass?. Been 'ere nearly a moon’s cycle, day after day a'drinkin' the grog.." the woman said, offering only a slight tinge of sympathy.

"You'd do good to hold your tongue, old sow..." Y'Vanna said in a low and firm voice as she raised a brow and tilted her head to meet the woman's eyes. "Sides, I pay ye do I not? My coin is good, aye?" She snorted. The look was enough to curdle sweet milk in an instant.

"Aye your coin is good... it's your attitude needs a good polishin'.." she said as she waddled back towards the bar adjacent the tented tables.. "Had ye been me own I'd had ye beaten with the sense of things, lass.." she mumbled as she went.

"Had I been yer own I'da left by now..." Y'Vanna said, her voice raised and perturbed in manner as she poured another horn. "Or killed meself... Twat."

The woman cackled as she made her way behind the bar.. They had been at this for a while now.. Had she really been there that long? She downed the horn and poured another. The pounding in her head slowly subsided and gave way back to her thoughts. What to do? The question resounded yet again.. There was still a good bit of day left in the sky, and plenty of time to ponder. She was tired of the marks in the alleys, barely had coin themselves. Things needed to change for her, and she was going to change them. The sun beat down hard around the canvas covered tables, which offered little comfort from the heat. She played with her small purse, rolling the weight and strings in her fingers. What to do indeed..

Several hours pass as Y'Vanna waits out the afternoon swelter. The market district was thick with people and the hot air and stench of it all was stifling. She propped her head with one of her arms as she sighed, watching the passers by, entranced by the motion of it all. She took the last sip from her horn, and looked at it disappointedly. She had been asking for another pitcher for nearly half an hour now, no response from the wicked shrew either. Y'Vanna was losing her patience. She cut eyes towards the bar adjacent her table under the tent. "Look at her.." she thought.. acting as if she hadn't heard her requests for some time. Y'Vanna had little in the way of patience to begin with, and her temper had little need of encouragement like this. She huffed and slammed her horn hard on the table planks.

"Damn it wench, I said another! Ye be deaf as well as ugly now? Do ye?" Her voice was shrewd and cut like a blade. Others seated nearby grew quiet and looked onward in her direction and the scene she was making. Y'Vanna cared little, nor did she notice. The woman waddled silently back and forth behind the counter. Y'Vanna could hear her shuffling about. The woman soon came from behind the bar and walked over to Y'Vanna's table carrying a small tray. She stops directly in front her and sets the tray down. Y'Vanna looks coldly at the woman. The woman then grabs a small cup filled with a steamy liquid. The smell was putrid and stung at the nose. It was quite noxious, she thought.

The woman sat across from her with a stern brow. She crossed her arms and leaned back a bit, tilting her head as if she was disappointed. She nodded her head and pointed at the small cup.. "Drink up lass, do ye good an' all." She nudged the cup closer. "Go on. take it all up now."

"Now ye know this not be what I asked ye for wench.." Y'Vanna said, crossing her arms in contempt. "Sides, it smells like the shite from a sickened yak belly..."

"Just drink it.. go on. Ye be drenched in the mash and need a good lift up.. Now I see people all the time.. just like ye, drinking like the time just stopped a'tickin'.. People don't just drink like that for no reason lass.." She paused a moment before continuing. She leaned across the table taking "Y'Vanna's hand. "I had me own daughter once... long time ago though... Look child, I know what ye be doin for coin.. Least ye not be taking to yer back to get it.. Those be the real fools. I know I didn't exactly get marks for me smarts, but any fool can see it dear. Now, I'm not sure what ye be runnin' from lass, but ye needn't be a'wastin away in the likes of this 'ere place either."

Y'Vanna jerked her hand loose from the woman. "Now just who ye be thinks ye know me? Trust me wench, ye know little about me.. or what I a-." Y'Vanna couldn't finish her retort before the woman started back in at her.

"Aye lass.. Ye be right on that.. I don't know ye.. but I do know ye aren't what ye be claiming to be. And ye don't need be knee deep in shite 'ere either." she said in a very direct manner. "I seen the markings on the back o' yer neck, all slumped over and near a'drownin' in yer own liquids of an evenin'.. and that's enough." she said, raising a brow. "But don't worry lass, I won't be tellin’... now drink up.. I might a have a bit you'd might be interested in, a proper job, if ye gets me jist." She slid the cup closer to Y'Vanna with a stern look.

Y'Vanna sighed and looked away for a moment, as if to take in the recent proposal. She looked back at the woman and leaned in landing a finger on the rim of the glass. She thought for a bit, and there was a brief silence between the two.. She took the small cup in her hand and brought it to her lips then stopped.. "Let's say I do be interested wench.. what sort of job is it... and is it worth me to be doin' in the first place." raising a brow as if slightly intrigued at the sound of this so called "proposition".

"It be enough for ye to get away from 'ere lass.. Now go on, bottoms up." she said slyly.

Y'Vanna thought for a second and threw the liquid to the back of her throat, wincing immediately . The foulness of the dark roasted liquid was indescribable. Black bean tea they called it, guaranteed to lift the drunk from the dead. She smiled and said "Alright then, let's be hearing it." The two leaned in close and began talking over the details, and for about an hour or so this continues. It looked to the other inhabitants taking the grog as if they had surely been friends for ages. They finally settled and agreed, Y'Vanna and the woman stood, and then the barmaid produced a small folded papyrus and gave it Y'Vanna. The two shook on it and parted ways.

"We'll see ye none more then, aye?" The large woman said loudly as she made her way to the bar, looking back in Y'Vanna's direction from over the counter as she went back to sprucing the cups.

"Aye, wench, no more.. ye being seeing me no more.." Y'Vanna smiled as she spoke, but she didn't look back. She took to the masses of people in the streets, which had died down a bit now. The daily hours were quickly waning, and so was the heat. It looked as if it might come to a drizzle from the looks of the sky. She found refuge on a bench nearing the end of a corner street, away from most of the traffic. She unfolded the papyrus and looked at the scratched out map and plan, careful not to afford even a single glance to any passers by. She smiled and found herself to be rather giddy upon doing so. A "proper job" indeed, she thought. It finally looked as if her very luck was changing and she would be free of this place, and it would soon be just another faded memory, cloaked in the clutter of better days to come.

I also like to add visual aids and all sorts of goodies to add a personal flair and ambiance whenever I have the time to do so. I am an artist getting my BFA so I get busy at times but when I add stuff it's usually good.. Things like maps or images relating to areas or places of interest, charts, tables, etc..

The whole rp will be very in depth and will center on character and group development over time. The plot will be extremely loose and will be greatly determined by the group as a whole.. Anyone interested please feel free to pm me any time. I am looking for committed, well written players for this. At least one to two posts per week..
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'd be interested in the story itself, although I'm a bit wary of tabletop mechanics in play-by-post RP. How prevalent do you imagine these rolls will be?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Aristoits extremely minimal, and only when trying to perform some feat or task where you might be inclined to simply write your way through a grand success, to keep a flawed character (and mainly the writer) honest. Its extremely minimal. I can show you to the original rp from about a year ago if you'd like? I intend to keep the mechanics to a bare bones minimum as to not contest the story or developments of the characters too much.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arthas32
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm up for it, but i've been away from roleplaying for right about 3 years now, I hope my writing is on par with what is asked.
Also, how fleshed out is this setting ? Could I get a link to the original rp ?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Naive1


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interested, but can you PM me with a bit of information on what you consider over the line for magic?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Aristo Pardon my long absence, some unexpected personal stuff came up that took longer to resolve than I thought, but if you are still interested, as I hope you are.. I have more than ample time to put towards this now. I have taken a permanent leave from work to focus on my artwork and writing.

To answer your inquiry and fears of tabletop mechanics, it is more like a post or action swayer. To help keep our characters, and the success of their feats a bit more unplanned and honest. They are in no way overbearing and are meant to only direct your posting in a more haphazard, organic fashion, and are meant to add a bit of spontaneity to posts. More like whitewolf's set up where the storytelling is paramount and supersedes the needs for excessive rules or rolling. All we utilize is the generic roller already in this roleplaying forum and are as follows..

Attack rolls - 1d10
Injury Mod - -2 for the duration of the injury.

Skill Rolls - PointsxD2 ( if no skill points exist for skill player rolls 1d6 but must roll a 4 or better for a success. If successful in same action several times the GM may award character with this skill, adding 1 point, accumulating over time. Please make the GM aware of this as best as possible.)

Flintlock Mod - -2
6-8 = hit, 3-5 = poor shot, 1-2 = catastrophic failure

If you roll a perfect 10, the -2 modifier is negated, The shot is accurate and finessed. (Head shot, or similar)

Flaw Mod - -2 on first roll, if successful, mod drops to -1 (hold my beer!)

Intoxication Mod - -1 for duration of affect. Must be added to roll if this flaw already applies to character but reduces to regular mod -1 if roll is successful.. (good luck!)

Unfamiliar Weapon - -2

Pickpocketing - 1D100 (Silver)
All Successes - 1D20 (Gold)
Zero Successes - Failed pick, alerts the mark as well, resulting in confrontation.

Every character has to deal with some sort of flaw so there is a mod for that. These numbers generated are to determine how well, or how poorly your character performs, and isn't meant to be written down or put on a character sheet somewhere. The higher the number, the better success, the lesser, well you should get the idea of it by now. These characters aren't meant to be dashing, valiant, virtuous hero types, and are expected to do quite poorly quite often.

I added a mod for flintlocks as well, as in this era or realm, they are hazardous and less than reliable to use with any degree of expertise.

Skill rolls are the only ones that deal with any kind of character sheet statistics as you would be thinking of, and skills can grow over time, as well as new skillsets being acquired.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Aristo@Arthas32 Here is a link to the original rp, complete with hiders and info on first page.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Finris
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alright, I am going to head over, would most likely be interested. I am just trying to make sense of the rolls.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Finris No need to head over yet. I will make a new rp thread once I have about five players or so. As for the rolls it will make a lot more sense once you see how the character creation and character sheet are created. I will also go a bit more in depth with examples so you can see how it works. its much more simple than it sounds, and it is only meant to guide or embellish your post rather than to dominate the game play.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Definitely interested!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Finris
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I think I could wind up a character :D

Are you exclusively looking for thiefs or rogues in general?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Definitely interested!

I would be very glad to have you.

@Finris I will create a new RP thread and explain the character setup in the OOC. You do not necessarily need to be a thief or rogue, you could be any sort of criminal, or unjustly accused person. The basis of the rp is to be set upon a motley lot of underachievers, or persons who are under their luck, if you will? An underdog on all counts. They will (or should) get better over time and grow as a group.

Almost any archetype shall do, though I would like to keep magic users (like full blown wizards, etc) to a minimum. Magic will be sparse, and the magic used should be hardly above parlor tricks, potions, and magical agents like dusts and concoctions, things like that. Shadowbending, incantations, all very minor.. Nothing like lightning bolts and fireballs, or elementals, etc. I would allow minor healing abilities and things like that, but nothing like Gandalf hurling waves of crazy magic or anything. More like Pirates of the Caribbean type setting, where you might encounter magical beasts and witchery, but nothing LOTR in feel. If that makes sense.

I should have the new rp thread up in a couple of hours and I will provide those interested with the link. very excited to get started.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FailingForward
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago



I am going to make the roll system optional, for those who would like to use the system to augment your posting please do so, and if not you certainly don't have to. It was meant as a basis upon which to help keep your character's actions honest and less than heroic. These characters are meant to be less than epic in their feats, and I set up the system to help keep them honest. This should make things easier on everyone. I will leave the system up for referencing, just in case you need to know how difficult certain tasks would be given your current statuses and effects.

I hope this helps..
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I've made quite a few more updates to the actual RP boards.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MDL
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MDL world-builder supreme

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This still open? I am a writing ace.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@MDL yes it is. Here is a link to the actual rp. Please post a cs in ooc first for approval.


Discord Channel has been added as well and can be found here..

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