Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sky galleons of Mars by Flavio Bolla

TL;DR Summary

  • Inspirations: Black Sails, Spelljammer, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, Master and Commander.
  • Mashup of Steampunk, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and so forth. To wit: sailing ships, airships and seagoing vessels of various types are able to, via a complex mashup of magic and technology, take to space with crews. By the same token, there is flintlock technology and cannons, but also magic swords and spells.
  • Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Dragons, etc. Not much has been fleshed of this, because it's better to let players do that in the process of creating a character.
  • Characters will be ship's crew, having been enslaved in service to a horrible entity named Lord Korzbubathul, a dimensional horror. The crew just overthrew their master...though aren't sure if he's dead.
  • They have just arrived in the great Space Pirate Republic, headquartered on the ancient space station of Quattryn, a lawless place where there is freedom and danger, rife with thieves, killers, anarchists. It smells of gold and gems, fancy perfume and a whiff of death at all times.
  • Ship is not named or even described yet, pending player input. Only exception: The ship's cat Waldo is a black, fey beast with strange powers, like a friendly, playful sphinx. Besides what we have up above, there is no setting stuff done.
  • Crew runs according to a pirate code of democracy where quartermasters and captains are voted in and actions are subject to referendum. That means characters get a vote, get to argue, and implement conflicting beliefs. It means politics!
  • People should be cool with the concept of on-the-fly brainstorming and setting lore that is not really set up ahead of time.
  • Discord Chat!

In Character Info

They took freedom at the point of a blade; metaphoricaly anyway. There were lots of ways that the crew killed of the minions of Lord Korzbubathul, a slobbering thing of slimy flesh, one or many eyes depending on what time of day. It, no gender, definitely no gender, don't even think about how its kind reproduces, had enslaved crew running its ship, plundering and serving as mind-blanked killers on its behalf, serving its agenda.

No one is quite sure who, what or how it happened that they were able to break free from the narcotic control of Lord Korzbubathul, but it was flushed out into the cold vacuum of space by a series of events. As the haze wore off on the slave crew, its dedicated servants, the overseers and officers that did little work besides give the orders, tried to fight back, but the slaves found that they were soft, easy prey.

They woke from their mind-slumber with little knowledge of each other, and a head full of memories and trauma aboard a ship. Somehow, they limped into the Free Port of Quattryn with their prize, the only place that would have them. To stay alive and prosperous in the Space Pirate's Republic, they had to work. They had a ship; they had a crew and they had common cause. The Spheres, as space was known, was a cold, uncaring place for those on their own...

Out of Character Info

So there are obviously things not even yet described, such as the operation of the ships and so forth in space. We will be leaning on the magitech to describe a lot of the functions, a fusion of mystic power and 19th century, at best, machinery. In some cases, we're looking at wildly different tech within the overlapping types of motiffs we are invoking here.

The ideal player thrives on brainstorming and enjoys themes of rebellion, like the Pirate's Republic in the Caribbean. I am intentionally not drawing on Spelljammer, besides getting a slight boost to start with, so I am not apologizing for any accidental duplication, nor am I claiming originality. Most of my thought processes came from a DVD set of Black Sails, a couple other books on the Spanish Armada and privateering and thoughts on what the power dynamics could look like in space with fantasy races.

That is to say, I had a couple brainwaves and then I wrote this stuff down. But I want to find good partners to work with on this.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Here is my candidate-

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I will post a character sheet tonight after work. I'll just add it here as to not take up any more room in OOC.. Also, Black Sails was great so...

Awesome. And yeah, I always wanted to do an airship/steampunk gig with a Pirate Republic, but the idea of just going whole hog 'space' but in a weird sort of 'magic in space' blending of sci-fi and fantasy and steampunk hit me on a wave and I decided to ride it.

But I've been watching Black Sails pretty religiously, like an episode a day. The shipboard politics is particularly interesting as a dynamic, which is why I want the characters voting. Sometimes you get outvoted and have to make it work anyway, you know?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@HeySeuss Yes I agree. I have a special place for this sort of in-between genre of pirates and steampunk. I have been wanting to do something similar for a long time. I actually had one ready to roll a long time ago about steam driven mecha (which thought you might find interesting) called Rise of the Steam Machines. It had airships and factions, resistances and all that but it never took off.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Revised ship and small vcrew. will fill in more info later tonight.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hour Error
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Hour Error A Visitor of Strange Hours

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Name: Lorn
Species: Tiefling
Faction: Currently a pirate, formerly a respected member of the Navigator's Guild.
Synopsis of Character: Lorn is a your average young woman blessed with small horns, a barbed tail, and oddly colored eyes that seem distinctly inhuman. The product of a human father and fiendish mother, she refers to herself as Planetouched. Drawing upon her extraplanar heritage, Lorn is an oracle steeped in the mysterious of the Outer Rifts, the otherworldly planes of existence that exist beyond the realm of the real. She is a spellcaster, a divine vessel selected by some mysterious patron to wield ethereal powers that even she does not fully understand.
Synopsis of Role: Beyond her abilities as a spell-slinger, Lorn is a talented guild trained navigator of the perilous interstellar seas. Given enough time, she can plot a safe course across the black void of space to virtually any destination.
Relation to Ship/Crew: The ship's navigator/oracle.

Name: The Worshipful Company of Interstellar Navigators, commonly referred to as the Navigator's Guild
Type: Professional Association/Guild
Synopsis of Role: An enigmatic organization famed for the peerless interstellar navigators it trains and provides to clients for a hefty fee. The guild navigators are some of the only individuals capable of successfully navigating unknown space and to set sail without a sanctioned guild navigator is to invite the ruin of one's starship. Carefully whispered rumors of drug-fueled space-folding and dark pacts with endlessly powerful extraplanar creatures have followed the Navigator's Guild since it's creation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Before I do try and submit a sheet, would a dragonborn artificer esque character be welcome?

Asking incase I can adapt a DnD character of mine to the setting. Instead of ground based Dragon Indiana Jones, it'd be a space archeologist on the ship's crew. I dunno, I'm open to ideas.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Before I do try and submit a sheet, would a dragonborn artificer esque character be welcome?

Asking incase I can adapt a DnD character of mine to the setting. Instead of ground based Dragon Indiana Jones, it'd be a space archeologist on the ship's crew. I dunno, I'm open to ideas.

Sounds alright to me.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, thanks, expect something by the end of the day, Netflix permitting. Winter break means plenty of movies to binge so yeah-
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Folks, I have updated our character stubs to reflect the need to determine what their job is aboard the ship.

For off-ship characters, we can use this as a description of their relationship with the crew -- adversary or ally.

Faction: (Pirates, nation, or other.)
Synopsis of Character: (Two sentences max on who the character is.)
Synopsis of Role: (A couple sentences on the character's abilities/skills/possessions/agenda and why they are relevant in this world.)
Relation to Ship/Crew: Example: Gunner, Bosun, Navigator, etc. If an NPC, 'adversary' 'neutral' and 'ally' are the best descriptors.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hour Error
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Hour Error A Visitor of Strange Hours

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nifty, updated my original post with ship job.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Drako Jones
Species: Dragonborn(Bronze)
Faction: Pirates
Synopsis of Character: A Dragonborn from a destroyed world, whose love of knowledge and loner nature as an interstellar archeologist attracted the wrong attention. Has a good heart, and kindness in his eyes.
Synopsis of Role: Fluent in multiple languages, proficient with navigator tools, map making, exploration, and magical item analysis and creation. Knowledge in both practical and random information, Drako is a skilled writer, having kept multiple journals of his adventures, and has knowledge of various world customs, and is a good translator when the need arises. He's a bad cook though. Has a pesky habit of going left whenever the choice of left or right is presented, which can cause problems, but he also seeks the secret to immortality, though for what reasons are unknown.
Relation to Ship/Crew: Record Keeper/Lookout/Backup Navigator

Don't have a good picture, but hope this works. I can make changes as needed. Did my best to adapt the Artificer Class and Archeologist background to the setting. Feedback would be very welcome.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Drako Jones
Species: Dragonborn(Bronze)
Faction: Pirates
Synopsis of Character: A Dragonborn from a destroyed world, whose love of knowledge and loner nature as an interstellar archeologist attracted the wrong attention. Has a good heart, and kindness in his eyes.
Synopsis of Role: Fluent in multiple languages, proficient with navigator tools, map making, exploration, and magical item analysis and creation. Knowledge in both practical and random information, Drako is a skilled writer, having kept multiple journals of his adventures, and has knowledge of various world customs, and is a good translator when the need arises. He's a bad cook though. Has a pesky habit of going left whenever the choice of left or right is presented, which can cause problems, but he also seeks the secret to immortality, though for what reasons are unknown.
Relation to Ship/Crew: Navigator/Record Keeper

Don't have a good picture, but hope this works. I can make changes as needed. Did my best to adapt the Artificer Class and Archeologist background to the setting. Feedback would be very welcome.

I think the only issue here is that Hour Error has a navigator character role already locked in. Can you guys talk out where the role intersection/division might be to prevent overlap or create a dynamic of Helmsman/Navigator/Cartographer or something of that nature? As an Artificer/Archaeologist, it seems like his wheelhouse would have to do with the collecting of information (and potential sale of such) including the creation of charts/maps and log information. Could easily be the person tasked with inventorying and mapping.

Just a thought.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Revised entry. I'm just going for one right now.. Quartermaster and smith.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 6 mos ago

If everyone is okay with Arkitekt's character starting as quartermaster, that's fine. It is a voted position on a pirate vessel, so someone can run against her. I can also be convinced to go with a captain submission, but it needs to be convincing for me.

Let the drama begin. :)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sure, I can easily change stuff up. Like your suggestion, I can make him solely the record keeper, and have his navigation skills be put to work only if something happens to the current navigator. Or two heads are better than one type deal. One drives while the other plots the course and points out problems. I dunno, I'm completely open to suggestions or ideas. Wanna make sure there's more synergy than there is chaos, y'know?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@DocRock I assume V will have to deal with your character a great deal, especially in deciding on the amount of supplies needed/used, which would definitely be kept record of and would rely greatly on the destination of the ship. I will most likely have to report to you at least twice a day.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I get the dusty job of sitting in a room keeping stock. Someone has to ration out that grog. Might even do a science lesson for the more inclined crew members. Like why Rum exists, and why in turn it gets watered down.

So yeah, record keeper it is, once I make the change, we good, or is there anything else I need to change?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I get the dusty job of sitting in a room keeping stock. Someone has to ration out that grog. Might even do a science lesson for the more inclined crew members. Like why Rum exists, and why in turn it gets watered down.

So yeah, record keeper it is, once I make the change, we good, or is there anything else I need to change?

Charting and spyglassing too. Perhaps as a lookout?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sure, we can have the dragon be the eyes in the sky. he probably has better eye sight than anyone else. I'll make the changes, then comment here to let you all know.
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