Hotel in Los Angeles

The hotel Rami looms over the rest of the buildings around it, as if the city hasn’t figured out how to cover it up. As skyscrapers and high rise buildings swallow everything in their wake, the Rami seems to repel all growth within six blocks of its existence.
As one steps through the gold plated doors of the Rami, the long forgotten architecture of the 1920s assaults the senses. The smell of dust, cigarette smoke, old perfume, and scotch permeate the air. The drapes are gloriously tasseled and made of velvet. But all in all, the hotel is clean, if not just a tad smoke stained.
As if in costume, the residents of the hotel are dressed in various generations of clothing, from the 20s all the way to the present. They go about their day to day, and if watched closely- it’s always the same day, over and over again.
That’s the thing about the Rami. The residents? Most of the staff? The drunks at the bar? Well, most of them are dead. The hotel claims souls. It’s not clear why. It’s not clear how. It could be Satan. It could be some cosmic realm stuck in the middle of a campy 20s facade. Whatever it is, this place is not one of happiness, but one of misery.
Most of the people who check in here never leave.
Here’s what I want out of this:
Majority of the people are ghosts.
I would like to review and approve all humans
The ghosts can range anywhere from the 1920s to present and since the hotel has never been shut down, you can pick any time.
Most ghosts are in a loop, repeating the same day over and over. However, little changes can Jar their memories. So, talking to someone new can make them understand something different, but when the clock hits their death time, they start their loop over. Feel free to explore the idea of a character learning of their loop and basically dedicating a day to setting reminders or something.
However, know that becoming aware of the loop can cause the ghosts to become vengeful in their obsession to move forward. This can cause them to lash out, or even look to harm humans out of jealousy.
The staff seems to be the only ones not in a loop. Feel free to play a staff member. The staff has one rule for the guests: be mindful of other guests. The hotel is getting a little too crowded.
I am probably going to play three characters of my own. If you’re interested in joining, I would like at least 5 people on board before I create the thread.
The hotel Rami looms over the rest of the buildings around it, as if the city hasn’t figured out how to cover it up. As skyscrapers and high rise buildings swallow everything in their wake, the Rami seems to repel all growth within six blocks of its existence.
As one steps through the gold plated doors of the Rami, the long forgotten architecture of the 1920s assaults the senses. The smell of dust, cigarette smoke, old perfume, and scotch permeate the air. The drapes are gloriously tasseled and made of velvet. But all in all, the hotel is clean, if not just a tad smoke stained.
As if in costume, the residents of the hotel are dressed in various generations of clothing, from the 20s all the way to the present. They go about their day to day, and if watched closely- it’s always the same day, over and over again.
That’s the thing about the Rami. The residents? Most of the staff? The drunks at the bar? Well, most of them are dead. The hotel claims souls. It’s not clear why. It’s not clear how. It could be Satan. It could be some cosmic realm stuck in the middle of a campy 20s facade. Whatever it is, this place is not one of happiness, but one of misery.
Most of the people who check in here never leave.
Here’s what I want out of this:
Majority of the people are ghosts.
I would like to review and approve all humans
The ghosts can range anywhere from the 1920s to present and since the hotel has never been shut down, you can pick any time.
Most ghosts are in a loop, repeating the same day over and over. However, little changes can Jar their memories. So, talking to someone new can make them understand something different, but when the clock hits their death time, they start their loop over. Feel free to explore the idea of a character learning of their loop and basically dedicating a day to setting reminders or something.
However, know that becoming aware of the loop can cause the ghosts to become vengeful in their obsession to move forward. This can cause them to lash out, or even look to harm humans out of jealousy.
The staff seems to be the only ones not in a loop. Feel free to play a staff member. The staff has one rule for the guests: be mindful of other guests. The hotel is getting a little too crowded.
I am probably going to play three characters of my own. If you’re interested in joining, I would like at least 5 people on board before I create the thread.