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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chinoki Mehoeshi


She's normally shy, and quiet. She doesn't like talking to anyone or being around anyone at all.


Her mother went to this school, graduate top of her class, And went on to continued in sword fighting where she ment Chinoki's father while on duty. It was your basic fairytale that you've seen thousands of times. Her mother died later after giving birth because she was killed during a mission leaving her father to raise Chinook by himself with the help on her grandmother of course. Her father works two jobs and her grandmother helps to maintain run down house while Chinoki is off working herself or at school trying to follow in her mothers footsteps since it a family tradition for the first born daughter to to ClayMoore Acemdy on her mothers side of the family, so Chinoki decided to continue this.



Other things:
-She likes to be called ChiChi as a nickname
-She has a small fluffy puppy that she picked up off the streets one day that she takes care of and would go to the school borders to hi to and give them water and company before finishing school and walking home with them making sure no one tries to steal him. His name is, Tenchi

Student Council

Student Council:
Recording Secretary

Normal theme:

Battle theme:

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Sebastian Ajgiel
NickName: AJ or Sebi
Age: 21

Weight: 147.71 lbs or 67 kgs
Likes: Body art, Dancing, and Cosmetics
Dislikes: Fire
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Special Talent: Body art and colour coordinating
Profession: Cosmetologist and their own store in town
Bio/Personality: Sebi grew up in a household where his parents took turns taking care of him so they didn't care exactly what section of the store he shopped in. Therefore closet was filled with cutesy shirts, sparkly dresses, a large amount of cargo shorts, and bootcut jeans, on the other hand, there were two sets of his school uniform since he went to a private school for "The talented elite" from 1st to 12th grade. At that school, he was the silent kid who never did anything but draw during class and pass each semester with all As' so he never had friends and from that, he was able to develop his art skills and perfect drawing human anatomy. From here he was able to go to art to a get a degree in cosmetology specializing in body art and make-up. For a little the started as a commissioner for tattoo designs and as a beauty vlogger on youtube, then from here he started to work on owning his own small brand of make-up and body paint.
Your character's favourite song:

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tokyo Ghoul Fan RP

Name: Yamada
Age: 21
Personality: Fairly loud in both manners and words, he's always having a good time.
Basic Info:
  • Owns a Hair salon
  • Is dating a Dove
  • Pretty Gay
  • Know how to knock some like a pro (Drinking and fighting)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tokyo Ghoul Fan RP

Name: Katsura
Age: 22
Personality: Calm, collected, and almost impossible to rile up. He's respectful, and unless he's working doesn't speak with many people.
Basic Info:
  • Is an Associate Special Class Investigator
  • Is dating their Highschool sweetheart
  • Lowkey Pretty Gay
  • Quinque is a scissor blade that is about 2 feet to 3 feet tall from the end of the handle to tip of the blade.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Navarre Balkrana

Be prepared for magisty itself

Age: 20
Race: Elf and StarFallen
Origin: Imperium of Ashae, Ioria

Personality: If you could describe him with one word it would be a bull. simply due to the fact of how cocky and stubborn he tends to be. If he has two choices and one leads to certain death. He'll choose that one because he just wants to prove the signs wrong and that he's immortal. Don't give him an opening for a joke either, that's also a mistake. Navarre will take it, use it, and then never shut up. If he can imagine the most stereotypical butt head of a man and describe that to Navarre, he'll purposely try to top it.
It's not that he wants to be number one. He just likes the attention and to strike anything into someone. this includes sadness, joy, fear, and annoyance. at heart, he's a puppy but most of the time he's a butt. If you befriend him prepare for idiocracy and a world full of bad luck and shocking revelations. Though he's a kid magnet because he's been in and out of each town the children have made him of somewhat of a wandering attraction since he would give them piggybacks rides and carry them by if arms and run around with them.
History: He never quite knew of the outside world or as too why his mother is so special or why most people would turn their nose up at him. Mom was a starfallen and never talked much while Dad was an elf and also never talked much. He always stayed in one place and tried to learn everything from his parents. Navarre's mother was fairly skilled in electromancy and his father was skilled in map reading and cryomancy. Both his parents were busy a lot, his father worked as a military navigator for naval fleets and his mother was an ambassador, she never told him of what though. Navarre never knew his parent's names but if he did he could never quite memorise them or say them properly. When he confronted them about him wanting to join the order his father cried not wanting to lose his only child and to never see him again.
He took what little what he learned from his parents and built on it while with the order in the hopes to better himself as a person, as a mage, and as a crossbreed. Navarre would pour himself the few books he could find on electromancy seeing how he learned the hard way that trainers in that subject were hard to come by. He did grow immensely in cryomancy through his trainers and the books. He failed to learn swordsmanship and archery twice each but still managed to pass and finish his training with the order. now armed with his new knowledge he had a goal.
Navarre set out on his lonesome with the hope of finding more electromancy mages and information on the history of elves and starfallen. He enjoys the quiet and peace of being alone but hates it at the same time. Most of the time he's around the outskirts of large towns or trying to find a way to sneak into town so he could go to libraries, colleges, or bars in the hope of learning something. Though most end in people learning that he's an elf and kick him out or him being sent to jail and forcing him to try to break out, most are successful but he has ended up in having less and fewer places to go to for safety. At this point in his journey, he has almost covered all of his marked places in Ioria and fears he'll have to expand into different territories where their treatment of cross bleeds and elves would be unknown to him.
Relationships: He has a pet fish name goober that he carries around in a jar on his waist. Goober keeps Navarre company on long hikes and walks from place to place.

Skills: He knows basic and minor first aid because of how accident prone he tends to be. He's not too bad at cooking but it would be best not to eat it. he has a basic understanding of archery and swordsmanship but would only choose it as an option if the situation cannot be solved through diplomacy.
Magic: He has been heavily trained in cryomancy and lightly trained electromancy. His reserve amount isn't exactly known to him due to the fact he continuously forgets when enough is enough.
Equipment: Navarre has a satchel that he would use to hold his jars of food, water, and first aid supplies. He would sometimes wear a set of light armour when he is out hiking or moving to the next town and a change of more casual and loose fitting close when he is in town. When making his way to the next town he'd carry his sword across his back but other than that it's along with his hip.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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