Louis "Call me Lou" Liu.
Twenty One.
Born and raised in Alaska.
Artistic, with a splash of slight dork.
"Well that was very odd..do you think it could happen again? Huh?"
Haven't been assigned yet.

+ Wearing hats of various styles, colors, and sizes.
+ Cooking for his friends, family, and other loved ones.
+ Visiting his Grandmother during breaks from school.
x The smell of bad coffee.
x People who think the color purple is considered a "girl" color.
x When people do not properly wash their dishes and pans.
+ French pastries and other baked goods.
+ Playing mobile games.
+ Collecting gum from the underside of tables around campus.
+ Checking Facebook to see if anyone has accepted his friend requests yet.
+ Finding recipes to try to feed to his new room mates.
+ Winter outdoor activities; ice fishing, hunting, sledding etc.
"All people are good people, when they are bad- they just needed something good to eat."
That his grandmother will pass away while he is wrapped up in school work.
Not focusing on things that make me happy, sooner.
Has blow his nose purposely into a classmate's meal before, and let them serve it for an exam grade.

[2] Lou has never been considered the smartest person on campus, but he isn't below average in any means. He does well in most of his classes, and usually falls somewhere between a low A or B grading score.
[4] Despite being on the odd side, Lou doesn't have any trouble talking to strangers like he has known them for a long time. He sometimes overshares things and can make people uncomfortable with his lack of consideration for personal space. However, when you get past his quirks he's a really good friend to have on your side.
[1] Lou is VERY suspicious and absolutely hates anything that has to do with the supernatural or ghosts. He sleeps with a night light and requires his feet to be tucked up and under the blanket. He scares easily and doesn't like when people sneak up on him.
[1] With the love of food, comes a little bit of love of the couch. Lou is not in the best shape, and doesn't like to waste his time working out or keeping up with anything that involves too much work. He does enough running around the kitchen to consider any extra work.
[4] Sometimes you have a piece of spinach in between your teeth and Lou will make sure you are aware of this. He likes to point out a lot of things that are going on in his life, your life, the situation and many more. He notices when things aren't quite right. This trait has helped him when he is seasoning a meal more than once.
[1] Lou lived a fairly lower class life; he received a scholarship to attend Upper Lake Institute and wants to make sure he uses it to it's fullest potential. His remaining family is relying on him heavily to succeed, and he will have to do solely on his own.
