Character name: Kai Funches Age: 26 Height/Weight: 5'11/ 175 lbs
Personality: Usually quite friendly and talkative but can be a bit quiet and unintentionally sneaky. Kai can get along with many people but his silent sneak ups and surprise appearance gets him nearly attacked and yelled at. His a curious individual so he has a bad habit on spying on others.
History: TBA
Skills: Capoeira, gymnastics, stealth.
Power: Gravity Defiance Abilities: Capable of floor tilting (stick to the ceiling or walk on the ceiling.), super leap (can jump several yards to half a mile with effort), wall crawling and running, water walking, self levitation.
Weakness: Tends to get dizzy and light headed from constant usage for a long period of time, especially in levitation.
Skills/Powers: He has no powers or special abilities, magic, nor augmentation. But....what he lacks in those, he makes up for his skill in stealth and recon. He has the skill of finding talented individuals and finding a way out of danger if needing to escape.
Physically, he's athletically fit. He's at Olympic level with his physical attributes and skilled with armed and unarmed combat. he uses Budo, Krav maga, and Wushu fighting styles.
The Equalizer - A fire arm effected by interdimensional energies, enabling the weapon to change the properties of the ammunition used in it. The firearm is near sentience as it bonds with a user. The user's fingerprints is memorized by the gun itself so that no one can use it besides the person who currently uses it unless they are no longer living, nullifying their bond. The gun takes 9mm magazines and as said, can change the property of the ammo upon firing. The user can call for whatever ammo he wishes to fire if needed for a certain task and if the gun is able to swift to that certain property.
The Equalizer can use standard ammunition. It's by the use of calling forth what ammo type you need is when it can change. Just like any other gun, once the magazine have been used up, you'll need another to continue. Each magazine contains 19 rounds. The Equalizer can also use a 33 round extended magazine for rapid fire. (With the 33 round magazine, the gun can shift into rapid fire mode). This is the list of bullet types that can be used by this gun that have been discovered so far.
~Ice: when called upon, the gun gets a bit chilled as it fires bullet that can gradually freeze that it hits. ~phaser: When called, the bullet's property change to that of phasing through solid objects to reach a target through stealth and without warning. The gun's color shifts into white. ~Silver: Can change the bullet to silver in order to harm werewolves or creatures effected by it. The gun's color turns silver. ~UV: Bullet can change into that of having the ultra violet rays to harm a vampire. The gun becomes a bit warmer ~Para: Bullet can change it's properties to harm the paranormal. the gun becomes lighter in weight. ~Breaker: a bullet with as much power and brings about as much damage as a shotgun or shield/bullet proof vest breaker/piercing bullet. the gun gets a little heavier. ~Explode: A bullet that gains the properties of a grenade launcher ammo. Often a surprising shot. The gun is about 3 times it's own weight. ~Sniper: With the help of the gun's barrel shifting to become about a foot and a half, the bullet can change to travel several hundred feet away. ~Rubber: There are times where one needs to be brought down but not killed. The bullet's property can change to rubber and cause a huge amount of pain to stop the individual without causing a severe wound. The handle becomes a bit rubbery. ~Toxin: One of the deadliest but not used often bullet that can change to that of becoming a neurotoxin bullet that an poison the target but if the antidote cannot be found or given in time, the person could die an agonizing death. The barrel starts to corrode a little. (More to come soon)
The Cutting Star- Dubbed as Anti-Metal, the sword is made from a cosmic meteorite (Similar to vibranium) that was forged into the weapon that it is today. This sword has a special property/ability. It produces vibrations of a specific wavelength that break down the molecular bonds in other metals. If a metal is imbued with energy or another substance or perhaps using the same anti-metal, it can nullify the sword's effect.
Personality: Calm, cool, and collected but borderline crazy. Blaque has a strong will and courage to face dangers that most wouldn't dare face. He has a since of justice and duty as he will find what it takes to get a job done and find the right people to do it. He feels that he can profit for his services. He values the abilities of others he seeks out or works with, showing his faith in his comrades.
Bio: Blaque was born several years before the war between the UN and NR when tensions were growing and the establishment of an opposing force against the UN was formed.
Not long after the end of The World Civil War, a new world awakened around him where the norm was...almost obsolete. Because of the Revolutionary forces, interdimensional energies came about. The supernatural grew....magic awakened in many, people were evolving into a new subspecies that had incredible abilities. It was like the cosmos warped reality itself. Blaque saw as everything around him changed. There were no world leaders but he witnessed more local leaders rising to govern themselves.
With a change and turf wars coming about, there was an incident that involved Blaque and his family that led to their deaths excluding Blaque himself.
During the turf wars, Blaque's father, who was a police officer, was killed by an individual who seemingly used magic on him. His mother, killed from a deadly gas weapon. His sister, brutally raped by some males that was spliced with animal DNA and killed her. Blaque was nearly killed by a meta who could shape shift and heal rapidly. He was saved by a blind man who had radar senses, precognition, and great physical conditions. Being trained and taught from the blind man about having to fight fire with fire and how to go about handling this world and the massive city that went straight to hell, Blaque made it his mission to protect those who can't defend themselves from the hordes of monsters, ability users, gang members, magic casters, warriors, mercenaries, cyborgs and so on.
After finishing his training, he created a company where he'd find people willing to fight, protect, stop the ones who brutally rules these streets. If there was anything he could do, that would be to stop the chaos and bring some form of peace into this titan of a city. Vendetta Inc., The name Blaque will use to clean this city bit by bit. If the police can't do the job, they are the answer.
Skills/Powers: Burning Hand Magic- A skill to release flame spells from the right hand. There are spells that range from fire balls, super heated touch, flame slashing, flame finger bullet, rising flame ground attacks, flame seal and more to come.
Sonny is athletic build and usually uses freestyle melee fighting. He has high tenacity and have high pain tolerance. He can handle high heat but he can still be burned. He's able to improvise on the go.
Weapon(s)/Item(s): Burning Amulet- An artifact that grants any user handling it to wield flame magic. Upon touching the amulet, it burns and implants itself into the new users hands and stays until the user dies.
Personality: Cocky, brave, Hot headed, rash, impulsive, and at times a smart mouth smug punk. Sonny tends to love picking fights and never back down from a challenge. If he becomes an ally of yours, he's loyal to the end and will put his life on the line for ones who he's friends with.
Bio: Sonny came from a broken home where his father left after being so abusive and his mother was a drinker. Sonny spent most of his life getting into trouble but when dealing with the out of the ordinary, Sonny got himself mixed up in a situation where his life was on the line because of an augmented man who wanted Sonny dead. He hid away in an abandoned home that was closed from a fire that killed many people in it. Sonny couldn't leave at the time but he found an amulet in the hand of a charred corpse and took hold of it as it embedded itself into his palm, burning him and turning his palm into burnt skin but granting him flame magic.
After gaining the magic, he faced the ones looking to kill him and defeated them. Blaque found him when Sonny ran into a member of a powerful Asian group trying to steal an artifact. He got into trouble when running into literal shadow assassins and being outnumbered, Blaque, who got a call of a disturbance near the area this fight was going down, joined him and helped him defeat the enemies and made an alliance with him. This was originally refused by Sonny but thanks to Blaque's power of persuasion, he made Sonny realize he needed all the help he could get. Sonny was the very first to join with Blaque and became the co-founder of Vendetta Inc.
Skills/Powers: Tha Boost- An enhancement that was created from a serum. It allows the user to gain enhanced strength, durability and near impenetrable skin, and release shockwaves through stomps, claps, and ground pound. The user is able to gain near unstoppable momentum. The serum was only to allow the boost for a few minutes but the flaw in the serum caused a more permanent reaction. Tha Boost activates when there's a chemical reaction to adrenaline and stress in the presence of danger or difficulty.
Weapon(s)/item(s): Tha Boost Drug (Formerly)- The enhancing drug to make a human nearly unstoppable. It's permanently in Cassius' blood stream. Heavy guns- When not using his fists, Cassius uses shotguns, grenade launchers, and bazookas.
Personality: Intimidating, battle hardened, stern, and laid back. Usually the big guy don't lose his cool and talk calmly but he can have a hair trigger temper which means one would not want to be around when he unleash his rage. He's loyal and very protective of ones he care about and loyal to and will not tolerate betrayal and will enforce that people should stay in line.
Bio: Cassius is from a military family. One thing about Cassius he was always a big person with a big heart. He was a very kind and softhearted kid until the girl he liked was killed by a boy from a local gang because of an accident where she struggled and caused her death. Cassius found the boy and beat him within an inch of his life, not realizing that he was not holding back his natural strength. It was from that day forth that he found it a duty to protect the ones he cared about.
After getting into the military himself and the training along with the influence he's shown in his neighborhood, trouble not long after followed when members of the syndicate group, Southside Brotherhood stepped in the bring harm to a young male who, Cassius had a chance to talk to so for him to change his life course and out of that crime life, did not sell the products they wanted him to distribute. After the boy was hospitalized in critical condition and with his family being threatened and harmed for getting involved in wanting the Syndicate stopped, Cassius finally got himself involved.
In his time in the military, he signed for a program to test new drugs and products and thanks to the flaws, this "Boost" product became part of Cassius permanently. Cassius used his new enhancement abilities to fight back against the gang and other people sent to deal with him. Defeating these ones and damaging their profit, the Syndicate set Cassius up as if he caused the death of some children thanks to his shockwaves. With that, a corrupt police officer with the Brotherhood arrested Cassius for manslaughter. Blaque, after getting his first recruit, heard about what Cassius have done and managed to get someone to prove his innocence and got him out of prison to help him deal with that group that put him away along with other groups similar to them in Grand Haven.
Skills/Powers: Life force/supernatural/spirit energy release (Though his weapon) - A force or energy capable of bringing harm or negating other powers when in contact. It's capable of making beings vulnerable. (Ex: someone who can phase can be touched and harms. Someone intangible/made of liquid or sand etc. can be harmed. Someone invulnerable/durable/ and seemingly can't be harmed, can be harmed upon getting hit by this energy and can deliver quite a force to stronger or tougher opponents.
Jax is a street fighter using freestyle fighting.
Weapon(s)/Item(s): Smasher - A baseball bat with supernatural properties that allowed the user to bind with it. His lifeforce along with focus can awaken the baseball bat's power to make others vulnerable or negates their power upon contact. The bat is unbreakable.
Personality: Foul mouthed, not trusting of others. Street smart, reclusive at times, not afraid to fight. and tends to find trouble easily.
Bio: Jax don't like to talk much about his past but he was abandoned as a child, living on the streets for as long as he remembered. Defending himself, stealing and do what he could to survive, he found a special baseball bat that he stolen from a pawn shop in another district that had rare and interesting things. After taking the baseball bat and not shortly long afterwards, getting into a fight with members of the group he worked for for stealing from them as well, Jax found out that the bat was not normal when a special member created a golem and Jax not only hit the construct but destroyed it with one blow as if it just exploded, Jax thought he was hallucinating. That was before he went at the group this time causing destruction, more than what a normal bat could ever do.
People heard about the incident and Jax created his own gang. recently, Jax was in a gang war with a very powerful syndicate that nearly wiped his whole group out and the day that Blaque showed up, he thought he was with the syndicate to finish him off which led to a situation with him attacking Blaque and two other associates. After a few tries, Blaque finally persuaded him to join his group and the reason why he searched for him.
Skills/Powers: Digital Manipulation- With the Digital matrix implant, she can digitally shapeshift her image to look like others. Also capable of using holograms of herself as a distraction.
Skill wise, she uses martial arts, parkour, Hacking skills, stealth.
Weapon(s)/Item(s): Twin stun batons- specialized Escrima sticks wired with tasers. Cryptographic Sequencer- a wrist device made to remotely hack into nearby computer terminals, security and so on.
On another note: She has an oversized pet wolf named Gamma who protects her and was genetically engineered to have the mixed genetics of a wolf and bear.
Personality: Capable of acting, one moment kind and sweet and other moments she can be the less trusting person to know. With her street smart thinking, she's good at conning others. She's a seducer and a flirt but can use those as a weapon to get what she wants. Very intelligent and a lover of money.
Bio: Her start was not so pleasant. Aurora (What she named herself. Never tells anyone her birth name.) was sold off by her drunk father and junkie mother for money to buy more drugs and alcohol. Being sold off to a female who owns a whore house and part assassination school.
Being trained to fight and use stealth, Aurora also at a very young age learned about computers and became instantly interested in them and learned how to hack. This made her important to the group as a teenager before later on being targeted by the same group for potentially becoming a threat to even them, leading her to a life on the run. Years went by as she did what she could to survive until meeting someone named Blaque on a mission she was on. He apparently was on that same mission looking for her to use her skills in his team, even going as far as to call her by her birth name which definitely gained her attention. There were some seriously bad people she was after and he could provide help and protection. From there, this was where he new life chapter started.
Skills/Powers: Regenerative healing factor- Heal rapidly from any external injury.
Skilled in Karate, judo, kenjutsu, gymnastics
Weapon(s)/Item(s): Butcher knife and cleaver Any firearm
Personality: Usually to himself but helpful to others. Seo is polite and reasonable but when witnessing innocence or scum harm people, he goes a bit crazy. Reckless and brave, he is will to go through fire (Literally) to stop the worst kind of people from harming innocence.
Bio: Raised by his uncle, Seo grew up training and learning discipline. He was usually smaller than most people so they usually underestimated him. His childhood was normal until he was in his teens and early twenties getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. Seo was involved in a street race where he crashed and was burned alive, having 3rd degree burns and possibly paralyzed, Seo's power awakened where he healed in 3 days back to normal with no scars and walking perfectly.
This left Seo curious about this miracle and tested himself to find out he could rapidly heal. Now, as a chef, Seo worked with his uncle and have had a few moments where ones tried to rob his family's business. Getting shot multiple times and instantly healing, Seo was claimed by the people to be a hero. Those words found it's way to Blaque's ears when he came to Kamikaze and recruited him to be part of their group with his skills.
Skills/Powers: Moon don't have any powers but what she lacks in power, she makes up in medical expertise. She have great knowledge of both medicine and medical drugs as well as the preparations of most remedies and ointments. She is also capable of administering surgery and resuscitation.
Unlike most who are very capable fighters, Moon is not really and fighter but is stocked with special enhancement drugs to help her get away or other drugs that can stop or slow down enemies after her.
Weapon(s)/Iteam(s): Medical Kit- A first aid emergency kit she carries with many supplies to treat injuries, check the physical status of one's health, and to give temporary treatment before getting the proper equipment to perform surgery if needed.
Diagnostics/ data system- A portable scanner system to locate any ailments, injuries and the like while in the field. Capable of recording data as well. There a portable field defibrillator for just in case.
Utility belt- Holds various instruments for her to use in the field while treating patients.
Tranquilizer Gun- Pretty self explanatory. This is the only type of gun she uses both for medical reasons and self defense reasons. She uses magazines with small tranq darts in them.
Personality: Very kind, friendly, compassionate, and very serious about her job. She will not hesitate to save a person's life, even if it meant to put her own life in danger.
Bio: Daughter of a 2 medical specialists who owned a clinic. Moon studied to become a doctor herself along with her older sister before her parents came to Grand Haven seeking to try and do some good there. Because of the crime rate and gang infestation, her parents were killed in a cross fire. The death toll in Grand Haven was quite staggering as most low class citizens didn't have proper medical treatment. Hospitals in Grand Haven didn't send EMTs and ambulances out to the more rougher neighborhoods and districts of the city for the fear of endangering the medical staff. Because of this, many people are at the mercy of illnesses, injuries, and neglect of proper care.
Moon found this unacceptable. She took in upon herself to pull a brave move by going to these high risk districts to give medical care to those who needed it most. She usually did this on duty, taking the ambulance herself to the dangerous areas but he boss threatened to fire her and take away her medical license. unbeknownst to her boss, she went off duty to help the people the hospital was neglecting to go help. This was like normal until one night she got herself caught up in a situation where Blaque noticed her helping others but was fighting off a creature and risked his life defending Moon from the creature leaving Blaque injured. She took him to a rundown pub where with the pub owner's help, treated Blaque. Because of her skills in the field, and the bravery to even risk her safety to treat total strangers,. Blaque offered her an opportunity to join Vendetta Inc.
Name: Oscar "Proto or Pro" Rocha Age: 32 Appearance:
Height/Weight: 5'10/ 178 lbs
Faction: Vendetta Inc.
Skills/Powers: He has no powers but he's very skilled in mechanical engineering, professional driving/racing, and near intuitive aptitude when it comes to mechanical engineering and robotics.
Quite proficient at using various firearms or automatic/ semi-automatic weaponry. An expert street fighter.
Weapon(s)/Item(s): Combat Rides- Special vehicles that are custom built with weapons installed in them along with other features. Features can range from miniguns, rocket launchers, saw blades, oil slick, wrecker grills, spike tires, rocket boosters, extra armor, missile mode and so on. Each vehicle can have a different feature in them but these are all build by Prototype for various missions and uses.
Large wrench- usually used to fight with in melee style fights. This is the only weapon besides that cars Prototype uses to fight with.
Personality: Very confident in himself and his skills as a mechanic. He can be a flirt at times but he's very competitive. He takes pride in his work and often loves praise for his work. He does have a bit of a mouth on him.
Bio: Oscar grew up in the neighborhood that the group, La Epidemia, runs. All he ever loved were car throughout his youth. the first time he raced, he won someone else's car. by the time was at the age he was able to work, he and a few friends decided to create a special customs garage to customize anyone's ride named, Grand Upgrades. All was good until La Epidemia decided to take control of the place and made all the workers for that customs shop create weaponized vehicles to increase the power of their group.
Even though Oscar and the employees of that company helped La Epidemia, Oscar was not proud to have their masterpieces used by trash like them. That was when Blaque met Oscar in an interesting circumstance that left Oscar being offered a position in Vendetta to create vehicles for them to be able to fight evenly with La Epidemia.
Skills/Powers: Psychic energy barrier- Using her will and imagination, she can construct a psychic barrier to physically defend herself from projectiles and melee attacks. Even that of energy attacks from weapons or other means. She's only able to construct a barriers and force fields.
She's also and expert in hand to hand combat and skilled marksman.
Weapon(s)/Item(s): 9mm handgun- A standard pistol she received joining the force. Along with 4 magazines on her person.
Personality: At times she comes off as timid, meek, afraid and just not cut out for the line of work as a police officer. She is a kind and sweet girl and she seems to nearly crack under pressure since she's a rookie police officer. Other times, she's brave enough to get herself out of a jam or fight her way out if pushed to that point where her life is truly in danger is must take action. She does have one thing that drives her to do what's right, take down the criminals and scum of the city that causes pain and problems for others. She loves children and because of that, if there are children in danger, she goes into what she calls mama bear mode.
Bio: Victim of physical and verbal abuse, Bridget grew up in a broken home. Her father left her family when she was 3 and her mother was an alcoholic when took her anger out on her daughter. She had mental instability as well. She was gang-raped by her boyfriend and her 2 brothers when she was 14. Bullied and picked on, she had enough when she met a female officer that saved her life from pimps and their human trafficking group. Afterwards, she wanted to be a cop and bring an end to these terrible crimes.
Recently, she just finished training to be a cop and after joining the force, everything went from promising to unsure when seeing many cops not trying to stop the bigger fish and some not caring about smaller robberies, some were corrupt, some were too chicken shit to fight against the criminal elements of the city because of the powers, numbers and weapons they have. Some were killed frequently, and some just simply gave up because of the odds stacked against them.
There were a few cases involving missing children/child abducting in 3 districts that were next to each other. Finding out the kidnappings were done by a group that ran an orphanage where they were using kidnapped children to do experiments on and turning them into living weapons to sell in the black market for mercenary work. This was where she met Blaque. Running into him and some that were in his group, Blaque saved her from the weaponized children, teaming up to not only stop the weaponized children but to have them transported away and take down the group responsible for capturing them. From that day, she was recruited into Vendetta Inc. because of her power that manifested and her zeal to help fix their city.
Skills/Powers: (Monroe) Witch's necklace- A necklace that gives her the power of a succubus, siren, and banshee. She can absorb life-force through kissing along with enchanting songs and humming to give limited mind control and empathy to be drawn to her. She's also able to release super sonic screams.
Skill wise, she's effective in persuasion. Good marksmanship. Great navigational skills.
(Milo) Gravity Defiance- Can ignore the force of gravity. It allows Air walking (air jumps), Floortilting, wall crawling/running, water walking, and super leaping.
In skills, Milo's stamina and agility is at peak level. He's a master of freerunning/parkour. Expert in making explosives.
Weapon(s)/Item(s): (Monroe) Witch's necklace- An artifact that Monroe uses that grants her powers of a succubus, banshee, and siren.
Machine pistol- Her weapon of choice. She usually don't like getting her hands physically dirty.
(Milo) Gremlin Bombs- Special bombs with a mischievous smile on them that Milo created to pack quite a punch. He usually keep a few in his bag.
Cybernetic arm- A cybernetic prosthetic forearm and hand that he uses. He lost his real limb from an explosion. The arm gives him a little strength enhancement.
Personality: (Monroe) She can be quite childish, selfish, a little immature, and dislikes people telling her what to do. she tends to do things on a whim. She can be bossy but on the flip side, she is not above befriending others and show kindness despite cruel demanding ways. Her brother have mentioned that she didn't get crazy like this until after she found her artifact but never explained how she was before hand. She loves cute things and will not hesitate to kill someone. She gets turned on from other people's pain and screams.
(Milo) Usually indifferent, laid-back, and very easygoing. He tends to take things lightly no matter the situation and can be sarcastic. He does have a sense of morbid humor. And despite him being carefree and also absentminded, Milo will fulfill his duties as long as it's not too troublesome. Hi nonchalant attitude tends to piss some people off when they are in a dire situation.
Bio: Both Monroe and Milo are half siblings, sharing the same father who had an affair on Milo's mother while getting his crazy side chick, who was a traveling magician, pregnant with Monroe. After their births and both mothers showing hatred towards their father, left them to be raised by the same man in the Duval district of Grand Haven. Showing hatred towards the father that never gave a damn about them, they decided not to take neither their mothers' or father's last name and named themselves after the district they grew up in being part of a gang named after the district as well.
Both being part of this gang caused them to war with others and gained their special skills and powers to further strengthen their faction through the years until a war broke out between 4 major factions where Duval was right in the middle. Going on for a few months, the war between the four ended with the destruction of the territory along with half of another district, leaving the former Duval Club gang decimated and reduced to only 2 members, Monroe and her brother Milo. Afterwards, the two took up jobs as carriers and hired guns for smaller groups until meeting Blaque during Vendetta Inc's raid against their former employer. They faced against Blaque's group nearly getting the best of them until they found out what dirty things their employer was doing behind their back, causing them to leave them and join Vendetta, much to Monroe's reluctance but yet on a whim and Milo's whim as well.
Skills/Powers: Lucky have no powers nor fighting skills but he is quite proficient with handguns and shotguns.
He's resourceful. He has connections to the black market to get whatever items or illegal merchandise he can get his hands on.
Very smart. he has a hustling mentality
Weapon(s)/Item(s): Usually have a 45 magnum revolver. And a sawed-off shotgun.
His lucky comb and his shades.
Personality: Pretty cool and almost father figure-like. He talks and speak in a near hippie cool town but displays the tough guy attitude. He cares for life being that he don't take pleasure in killing. He only harms if he has no choice. He does not fear much even with the growth of metahumans, cyborgs, gangs, powerful weapons, and the supernatural. He tends to blend in with the crowd and knows how to lie very well to out of situations.
Bio: Lucky was once a leader of a biker gang called The Rebel Jesters and a black market dealer when he was live and fully active in that game when he much much younger. He and his men ran their section of the city for about 20 years before retiring from the game after these new and much more powerful individuals that caused the Territory Wars caused so much damage. Not only that but Lucky retired when his wife and child were both killed off and his men were taken down by two major groups that threatened them for not agreeing to the payments that were demanded by these groups that were fighting for their turf.
After his loss of his family and gang, Lucky started up his own pub called Safe haven Pub where people usually come in for food and beer and a place to lounge around and listen to music. It's a bit ran down but this place is not funded by any syndicate or gang. He's located in a grey area of Grand Haven where most poor people are at. Still having connections with the black market, Lucky can still supply people that need certain items or product just to make a little money here and there. He met Blaque when he was brought in by a field medic that needed a place to treat him for his injuries. Lucky helped with his healing and allowed Blaque and his later associates to come more often after Blaque defended Safe Haven from 3 gangs.
Name: NA-42 Unit Response Drone Age: 10 Appearance:
Height/Weight: 7'5/ 965 lbs
Faction: Vendetta Inc. , National Action Group (Formerly)
Skills/Powers: A.I. system- With advanced coding, NURD has a learning cpu in his head and is capable of making certain calls logically along with using the best strategy when engaging in combat and solving problems. This A.I. system allows him to gain a personality.
Superhuman physical attributes- Being one of the only machines left powered by a nuclear reactor core, it allows him to show off his superstrength, activate his pistons and hydraulics for explosive jumps, running, climb, last a long time in performing actions. The core powers his weaponry as well.
Flight- He has thrusters in his feet and back to allow jet propulsion.
Alloy heavy- Great defense. His bulkiness is from the alloy that allows him great durability to handle environmental extremes, damage in battle (Depending on what he's getting hit by) and support to keep from behing crushed easily.
Energy Blasts- Can release projectiles of plasma energy through his arm plasma cannon. he also have two more functioning blasts, cryo-energy (energy projectile with ice element) and white sound (concentrated blasts of sound potent enough to shatter rock or deform steel.)
Pulse emission- Capable releasing shockwaves/ pulse waves through his protrusions that can cause massive impacts, push enemies back and destroy foundations of structures. They can cause the enemies to be paralyzed as well.
Self destruct- NURD can self destruct voluntarily or involuntarily. If it's ordered to by authorized individual, it can detonate. If it's nuclear Reactor Core becomes damaged or unstable, it will inevitably explode. the power of the explosion can destroy half of a small town
Weapon(s)/Item(s): Arm plasma cannon- uses three types of projectiles. The base ammo is that of Plasma energy, the next function is Cryo-energy and the last is White sound. The cannon can be removed.
Pulse generators- Special generators on his shoulders that allows NURD to release the pulses.
Personality: His default setting of his personality is that of Combat mode, an aggressive, emotionless bot that only follows orders and fights until target is eliminated. With his A.I. matrix, NURD can start learning outside of his combat mode to a certain personality quirk, usually by copying ones he comes into contact with. If someone is a kind person, he can adopt that personality and view things in their view and etc. After experiencing various personalities, he can choose which personality he likes. Since his last owners, and ones he's come in contact with, he's become kind, naive, protective, and tends to have a dorky persona. Some slang he uses or words sayings make him sound lame and foolish. But even with his personality flaw, he's still a badass when out in the field performing his duties.
Bio: Built by a group that supported the U.N., the National Action Group, NURD was that of the 3rd generation machines that would join in the fight against the New Revolution Forces that were global. He along with his unit of other Unit Response Drones had a flaw about them with their A.I systems and was a danger to allies, civilians, and missions themselves when their Nuclear reactor would become unstable from too much damage detonating themselves killing both allies and enemies. Some were easily hacked and programmed to attack each other, bringing the project to a close and shutting down the remaining Drones. Some time ago, after being shut down, NURD was one of the last 8 that were still functional but locked away. Thanks to hijackers and thieves, NURD was stolen from a storage transport truck and have been traveling through the black market where people tried to profit by selling him. But because of his line's history, most people didn't consider buying him...that was until Blaque purchased him thanks to the connections that Lucky had with the black market. Now that he was brought in, Blaque had Aurora to activate him and look through his A.I. system to rig him so that no one else could hack him except her. There were a few more add-ons she put into NURD so that he wouldn't be a danger to his new team. With the power he's toting, Vendetta Inc. gained a very valuable ally that would make even the worst of criminals fall to their knees.
Portal creation/hopping - The first of his abilities to form that allows him to create portals to use as travel or redirection for attacks towards him. He can create ones small enough for his hand to go through and large enough for a group of people (About 5-6) to travel through.
Power negation - Ability to nullify powers and magic but maybe 1-2 at a time and depending on how powerful the other user is.
Limited precognition - Capable of seeing what happens shortly before it happens (Basically spidey sense). The only problem is that this ability is something Teka is still trying to control properly. It activates spontaneously.
Besides his core abilities, Teka is probably at olympic level physical attributes and have longevity.
He's quite talented with automatic and semi-automatic weapons along with bazookas and grenade launchers.
Species: Trickster (Demigod)
Crush: Don't know yet. None right now.
Relationship: To be determined.
Personality: A lazy perv who usually does things out of whim. If he's not sneaking around peeping at women, he's doing something to naughty to ease his boredom. That's mostly stealing and ripping off mob dealers. He usually don't fight unless he needs to defend himself or wants to cause a little ruckus. Not that he loves violence, it's in his nature to cause a little mischief. He can be dishonorable and a cheater the way he uses his power to gain the advantage in various situations. Besides his negative side, he's capable of befriending, loving and be selfless but again...entirely depends on his mood. If he was to run into someone too powerful, he won't even put up a fight and tries to escape. Other times, his curiosity will pique and will go toe to toe with others.
History: Teka was abandoned as a child. He was found by an elderly couple and was told about him being wrapped up in a cloth with a symbol that represented a trickster god. He was actually considered a hybrid for the fact that he was as vulnerable as a human leaving one to suspect he is mixed of divine and mortal origin. He was cared for by the couple until they died after 6 years of them caring for him. This left Teka becoming alone until taking to the streets where a scumbag thief hustler raised him and because of this bad influence and nature, he became the man he is today. During the years, his powers manifested and was being used for selfish gain this the only meaning Teka have in life? there something out there better for him?
Other: Teka have 3 pet birds that looks at him as a father/mother. That's possibly the only thing he has fondness for, other than women and certain vices. He has access to an armory, via his portal hopping.
Powers/Skills: Nanite manipulation - With the help of nano tech, this allows the user to have a few functions such as regeneration, fabrication/constructs (Weapon and tool creation), and limited techopathy. The nanites can help to adapt to various situations, including gaining flight.
He has super human physical attributes and durability granted thanks to the nano tech.
With the weapons created along with the energy core, energy can be generated and released.
He's skilled in hand to hand combat, marksmanship, and hacking.
Species: Cyborg
Crush: Unknown
Relationship: Unknown
Personality: Professional, serious, cold-hearted, and curious. He's like a human weapon-killing machine. Persistent and fearless, Complex-07 will pursue his enemies until they are brought down for good. He's usually indifferent but after being made into what he is, he has a flaw where his human side tending to get in the way.
History: There was a horrible accident that nearly killed but gruesomely crippled a military veteran. Deeming him dead, the government chose him for "Project Guardian", being ran by the NDLD (National Defense of Logistics Division). Knox Overman, a man known by close friends as someone that's always wanted to make a difference. He was over seas on a mission to find a terrorist before getting trapped in a bunker where an explosion went off. It was a miracle that he survived but it was only a matter of time before he'd full succumb to his injuries until he was brought in for Project Guardian.
Project Guardian was an initiative to create the perfect human weapon to combat the superhumans and supernaturals that were becoming more of a factor in this world. More were showing up and there was fear that the general population would be eliminated by these forces and would have nothing to counter the being's advances. That's where Complex-07 comes in. Created and trained to face various threats and adapt to the supernatural dangers, Knox is on a mission to handle the threats of humanity. One problem, his humanity that's still somewhere in him may escape from out of him and question his creators of his objective.
Other: Knox has a family but do not remember them. He's the first successful advanced prototype of many that may come after him. His human side can be triggered by certain things that he has a connection with in his past.
Name: Ebony Cooper Age: 17 Gender: Female Height/Weight: 5'7/ 140 lbs Orientation: goes both ways Faction: Student Council Fight Style: Hybrid Boxing (Uses elbows, wrestling grapples, leg blocks, along with boxing as the primary style)
Special ability: Burst - An enhancement ability that Ebony can control to give her a boosting increase to her strength and speed up to 5 times it's base. Her toughness increases as well. She can use this when executing attacks and evasions to gain an edge in fights. She can use this according to the boxing style (Slugger, swarmer, and out-boxing). The downside to this ability is that if used too much without a break, the recoil is being fatigued and the cooldown of using the ability is up to between 5-10 minutes.
Rep: She became known for her involvement in underground fight tournament, winning last year against nothing but men. She fought and defeated the corrupt principal who were abusing the children at her school, Trinity Institute.
Brief Bio: Ebony was born to a former boxing champion Carlo Cooper. This sexy, strong upbeat female is a happy-go-lucky type of girl but have always been competitive since she was just a child. Being the only child, her father trained her after she begged to learn and showed talent. Throughout her youth, she's fought many street fights and developed her own style of fighting and awakened an ability to help her gain the edge. She made the news when she defeated her corrupt and dangerous principal at Trinity High. Now that she's in this new school, she along with her new comrades are to make history again.
Appearance: Stands about 6'2 weighing 215 lbs. In good physical shape with lean muscle definition. He has a few battle scars on the left side of his face and discoloration of his left eye. He usually wears tailor made suits and he special made bullet proof vest.
Bio: Born to a pimp and an unknown biological mother, Dhorian was raised in district 4, Hellison Heights by his aunt who was known as Miss "Auntie" Yvette, the producer of the drug "Sweet Tooth". A pill like the Molly drug. A sweet drug that tastes like candy. Growing up with that woman was quite tough as Dhorian was abused by his cousins since he was smaller than them but at a young ago of 8, he started his hustle with being a carrier at first until eventually working his way up to actually selling as well.
A few street scraps here and a few hustling lessons there and learning to take what he wants in order to get what he wanted was what helped mold Dhorian into the man he is today. One thing he did best was steal supplies and sell them at a different price to gain the kind of many he wanted. His world changed when his Aunt and cousins were raided and killed off by a rival after Dhorian made some moves that was not authorized. he stole the products of the rivals to ruin their business and sell at a different price. After the wipe out of his people, Dhorian was basically left alone in the streets feeling that this was not for him...being some lowly street runner that sells drugs and constantly fight. He wanted more.
Dhorian met a petty but skill thief named "Stuntman" Dave. He caught him in the territory of another gang at the train yard where plenty of supplies were coming through. Dave was trying to steal phones and other electronics that were scheduled to be delivered to stores the next day but was caught by members of the other gang, Dhorian saved his life by taking down a couple of the members but retreated with Dave while carrying a few pieces of tech. Dhorian question if Dave was stupid but Dave just called himself crazy and that what he did helped him make a little money.
Dhorian had an idea. Seeing Dave in action, the man had the skills to break into things but they needed to be a little more organized as they managed to find a hacker named Ian, who could help them with securing their success in stealing and supplying. it was from there that these three men started to try and build an establishment so they could try to compete with the best suppliers in district 2. The question is, can Dhorian score the best stuff to supply people with?
Personality: Cool, calm, and collected. Dhorian is usually in a calm demeanor and is respectable when speaking to others. If there's a way to make more money, he's all ears. Fearless and willing to take chances, he is willing to put his life on the line to protect his valuables. On the flip side, if one is to cross him, he can be brutal. He's cunning and tends to hold a grudge if he's wronged by anyone until that person is dealt with. He hardly ever smiles and tends to be a little intimidating but he means no harm as long as no one pisses him off. He has an eye for tech and new types of weapons. Don't blame him if he gets a little attached to the new stuff.
Likes/Dislikes: +Money +Technology +Women +Italian and Greek food +Gambling
-Losing money -Disrespect -Incompetent people who work for him or with him -dealing with drug dealers -germs
Weapons: Nodachi blade
colt .45 handgun
AK-47 Tactical
Backpack Items: Flask filled with bourbon (More to come)
Name: Davarius "Dav" Hicks Age: 18 Appearance: Backstory: Dav came from a broken home where he never knew his father and his mother gave him up for selfish reasons being a neighborhood trick and wanting to always get high and drunk. He lives with his grandparents but still was not an easy dealing with a deadbeat uncle and cousins that were assholes. After his powers awakened when he was being attacked by his cousins and dealing with neighborhood goons, he was scouted by someone affiliated with the Academy and offered him an opportunity to be a real someone. After hearing Dav's story, Dav was given a proposal of bringing about justice that he never be able to get before. Thus...this allowed Dav to join the academy, being part of it for about a year now. Abilities/Weaknesses: Psychic Constructs: can change psychic energy into tools, objects, weapons and structures. Construct structural strength may be limited by the users will and focus.
Expert in hand to hand combat and melee weapons use.
Skilled in Parkour.
Personality: Usually to himself and seems a bit serious as if he don't like others and rather reserved but despite his demeanor and expression, he's actually quite kind but he has get acquainted enough with someone to trust them and to be more talkative. He'd rather talk things out instead of fighting but would not hesitate to defend himself or anyone else if they are in danger. He has a great dislike for bullying and a soft spot for females. Not that they are his weakness but he has great respect for them. If there's anyone you could rely on, he's willing to show that he's dependable even if it may be an inconvenience to him.
Bio: Nassau is a young man who is constantly haunted by his linage being that of a son of a trickster. His mother was once in love but because of his father, he basically robbed his mother of her money, belongings and trust. She was once wealthy but now struggling to support herself and her son. After his father sought him out and taunted him about what he did to his mother, in a fit or rage, Nassau's magic awakened. His father challenged him and utterly defeated his son. He gave him a new challenge, if he was to get strong enough, he can face him again and kill him. Because of this, Nassau joined the magic school.
Powers: Sealing magic - allows him to use debuffs towards others with binding seals, trap seals, depowering seals, and seals that brings negative effects towards living beings, weapons, and object. He can also use seals on himself and allies that can empower with boosts of strength and so on.
Down Side: It takes time to create these seals. Stronger ones take a little longer unless already made before battle.
Weaknesses: While it takes time to create a seal, he could be interrupted in making them. Some seals requires him to physically make contact with the opponent.
Fears(optional): Father
Items: Carried a few small scrolls and charm tags with seals already on them so to utilize them without having to take time to make them.
Magic: Telepathy - can simply sense other's presence but can release a telekinetic force from his palms but at a distance of a few feet as of right now.
Sexuality: Straight
Weapons: Mostly his claws, teeth, tail, and body. (With his size and training, he's mostly a melee unarmed fighter.)
Backstory: Ras was born to a tiger beast-kin monk nomad. His mother trained him in the ways of their art of being a monk to train body and mind so that they can use their body as a weapon. Ras was abandoned at a young age of close to 10 years of age when he mother left him on the mountains to find for himself since his kind were solitary. With gaining the magic of telepathy, he's started harnessing his skills even though he still has much more to learn. After coming down from the mountains 10 years ago, he witnessed a problem when a band of human thieves were in a village robbing and plundering thanks to the orders of an Orc/ human halfling. he took the fight into his own hands to face the leader with his skills. The strength and skill of the halfling and the injuries that Ras sustained while fighting and defeating this foe awakened a new calling for the beast-kin. This forced him to gain more experience by traveling and helping others so that his magic and fighting skills would grow but he wondered what kind of destiny was before him.