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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by digichiptune
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*rolls around a small stone in her hand and smiles with amusement for a second before her face goes back to emotionless*
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by digichiptune
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*Gin sighs* "we're gonna have to tell you are names to do this arent we? I’d rather write them down if that’s ok, honestly I haven’t even said my actual name once in years" *Gin pulls out a scrap piece of paper out of her bag*
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Very likely, Griffin." The golem answers bluntly before contacting HQ that the operation was a success and requested a clean up team to the site. In the mean time she escorts the suspect through the scarcely used and populated alleys back to her vehicle. The suspect attempted to squirm and struggle. Possibly trying to break through the specialized hand cuffs' enchantments but, to his dismay, his strength, vigor, and supernatural abilities had already been drained considerably by the aforementioned enchantments. Placing him into the back of the vehicle, she takes her seat in the car and activates an enchantment from the on board computer to generate an illusion to hide both the suspect and the living doll. Other than the suspect's excessive cursing and threats, the drive back to HQ was rather uneventful.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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The director crossed his arms and tapped his toes. He glared at them. They were teenagers. The older one shouldn't be in charge of the younger. It was clear neither respected his authority. "You must have missed the memo. This isn't the UK. I don't care what they do in the United Kingdom. I am the one who is building the first Supernatural group of law enforcers and if you want to be a part of my bureau then you will have to obey my rules. I know all about mage's rules about names. Why do you think I want your birth names?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by digichiptune
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Gin mumbles something under her breath. “I TOLD him this wasn’t going to go well if I acted like this” She sighs. ”I’m sorry the head mage insisted I go in and act like I did. He is extremely distrustful of your country and stubborn. My given name is Gwen Witherspoon hers is Elaine Smith.” She puts the small stone that she was holding back into her satchel. ”Any other questions? I’d be happy to answer them."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The older man accepts the hand of the Djinn agent and nodding in agreement while quietly muttering to himself about wanting to go home and rest. Once the duo was far enough, the human agent was ready to deal with the remaining zombies. Richard finally allowed the mana to follow through and produced a holy flame. The radiant light, caused the zombies to recoil and stagger. A few even simply slumped over as whatever malevolent forces that were animating the corpse was simply purified by the light. Others however, began to attack the agent.

Producing his rented holy wooden bludgeon, he swipes at the first zombie and manages to tear off it’s jaw before the force caused the zombie to fall flat onto its side. The second however was dealt with quickly as Richard produced another sacred flame, but smaller, from his free hand. The effect was instantaneous as the zombie slumped onto Richard and pinned him down. Though now the rookie agent was in trouble as the remaining zombies were approaching fast and the rotting corpse was still being pushed off his body.

Argus escorted their new ward to his car, crossing through the graveyard; chuckling to himself as he passed the tall tombstone he had previously attempted to stand atop. As they exited the field around the graveyard, the Djinn clicked the remote for the agency car to summon it back to their plane and helped Bradley into the back seat, “Alright Bradley. Just wait here for a couple of minutes, I’ll be right back.” he explained, hearing the commotion from the fight back at the fountain.

As the Djinn returned to the scene of the crime, he pulled the holy oil flask from the depths of his jacket, unscrewing the lid and taking a few swigs as he approached the ongoing battle. With a ripple of flame, the senior agent’s hands burned away to reveal his four-digited claws. Argus sprinted forward, leaping over Richard and driving his fingertips through the head of the nearest zombie, “Sorry for leaving you on your own partner, just wanted to get the old man off the scene before we started cleanup. Didn’t want to upset him when we kill George.” the red-haired man explained; silver-blue flames spreading from his claws and beginning to engulf the remains of the freshly-killed zombie.

The human agent finally pushes off the rather heavy corpse of the zombie after a few more seconds passed. ”True, poor guy needs a break. Thanks by the way.” Richard then caves a zombie’s head in with his blessed truncheon. The only zombie left was ‘George’ who was still seated on the bench. The undead had shown aggression earlier but even after his fellow zombies had reacted violently, he was still seated on that bench. ”Hey, Argus...why isn’t George attacking us?” Asked Richard.

“No problem Richard. Feel bad for the old timer, probably dementia; maybe Alzheimer's.” the Djinn sighed, shaking his hands to put out the holy flames as his human shell re-formed; approaching George and kneeling down to take a closer look at the undead, “That’s more the Professor’s area of expertise than it is mine, but if I had to hazard a guess he’s either a higher level undead, or…” the senior agent reached out and cautiously prodded at the zombie, poking it in the shoulder, “His name really is George and he’s an old friend of Bradley’s.” Argus stared into the zombie’s eyes for a few moments as he thought things over, “Help me carry George, we’ll take him with us; if nothing else he should help us keep the old man calm, maybe even give the nerds back at base something to study.”

”Understood.” Richard replies as he grasps the passive zombie by the shoulders and heaves up his portion of the weight of the animated corpse. The zombie giving them a snarl or two but doing nothing to harm either; as if the zombie was just trying to convey annoyance of being carried. ”Once we get ‘George’ in the car, should we call in the clean up crew? I suppose we’re done here and they can bury these poor souls to rest.”

”Easy George, we’re taking you to your friend.” Argus said to the zombie in a strangely reassuring tone, picking it up by the legs, ”Yeah, we can send them word to head out this way ASAP. Standard protocol is to have them mop up anyways.” the Djinn confirmed, taking point on carrying the undead towards his car, ”Besides, less work for us that way; and we need to handle Bradley quickly. Lord only knows how long his memory will hold out.”

”True. Poor guy could slip back to his ’reality’ without even noticing.” With a final heave the duo finally pushed the zombie into the back of the car. The zombie, upon seeing Bradley, calms down and pats the old gentleman on the back reassuringly. Bradley looks to the zombie and the confusion and fear behind his eyes lighten. ”Thank you, George...I could always rely on you. Even during the most confusing of days.” The zombie...nods? As if to reassure the semi-senile wizard. With both the wizard and his companion relatively calm, Richard grabs his radio and alerts HQ that the operation was coming to a close and that they needed the cleanup crew to arrive asap to begin ‘normalizing’ the graveyard.

”If you’re willing to help me try something incredibly stupid, we might be able to do something about his memory.” the senior agent mentioned as they loaded the undead into the seat next to Bradley. Once George was in, the Djinn leaned back against his car; producing a cigarette from within his jacket and lighting it up with a flame from his fingertip, electing to take a smoke break while Richard called the cleanup crew. It only took a minute for the red haired agent to finish his smoke and he climbed into the driver’s seat to wait for his partner; ”So, Bradley, How do you and George know each other?”

”George has been my best and closest friend for as long as I could remember...and the best one I could have ever asked for. Not half bad with spells too.” The zombie groans in response and Bradley, for the first time since his illusion was broken, chuckles at his friend before gently nudging the zombie’s shoulder. ”Ok.Ok. He was a decent practitioner of magic considering his age...you must be wondering how George came to be in his current state, aren’t you Argus?” It was then the human agent entered the vehicle and apologized if he interrupted something before talking to Argus. ”The cleanup crew will be arriving on scene in 5 minutes. HQ has given us the green light to head back with Bradley and George.”

The Djinn couldn’t help but smile as he saw Bradley begin to return to his more cheerful demeanor, but remained quiet so the aging warlock could finish speaking, ”Bradley, wondering is in my job description. I figured he was probably like you at some point, extending his life through magic; but it stopped working after awhile. How are off am I?” Argus queried, starting up the car as Richard buckled in, ”Perfect. Cleanup will be here in no time and we can chat some more with Bradley on the way over.”

”Half correct, Argus. You were spot on regarding George’s magical lineage. He was my childhood friend and college when we studied in London. Though you are wrong regarding the reason why he looks like this. Though true that most skilled magic users can use magics to prolong their life, I for one an example of that, George here was brought back from the dead.” The old wizard’s face then becomes sad and solemn yet again. George notices this and groans at him. ”George, your heart may be still and rotting, but you have a heart of gold. Your words are kind...but we both know it was my fault that you died during the Fire of London.” The zombie looks to Bradley and groans once again. ”You could have stopped me; I could have stopped, George...but I did not. I was too young, too optimistic, and too naive. I thought I could make a difference and help the citizens from the flames. I should have known that building was to collapse George. I-I-I should have stopped then and there...you’d still be alive if I did.” He lets out a tired sigh and grimaces at the memory of his mistake. ” ’Top ranking’ mage my ass...I couldn't even bring you back right. He goes quiet for a while. ”George. Tell me truthfully. Do you hate me for turning you into my familiar? Or that because of my waning control over my magic, your physical body is decomposing and falling apart for the past few years?”

The following action of the zombie shocked Richard as the zombie actually replied to Bradley rather than groaning or making a gesture. ”Yoxu...brought...amey...back...tzo...life; Ah...oawe...yohuu...eveyr...ting...Bard...lee.” The voice the zombie produced was harsh and guttural; sounding like he routinely gargled and ate nails and rocks, but to Bradley it was as smooth as silk. The elderly man then bit his lower lip to hold back his emotions as he looked to his oldest and closest friend misty eyed and hugged the animated corpse. ”An old coot like me don’t deserve a friend like you, George.” The zombie patted the man on the back and in the process lost a finger or two. Richard looked at the duo from the rear view mirror and a pang of sadness struck his heart. He leans over to Argus and whispers, trying not to intrude on the personal moment George and Bradley shared. ”The R&D Division does have a means to fix George, right?”

”That’s a hell of a story, old timer. Most people who study necromancy don’t use their abilities to try and save people.” the Djinn wasn’t really sure what to say, ”I lost someone too, a long time ago, so I understand why you wanted to bring George back when you lost him. If I had the kind of powers you do, I probably would have tried it myself.” he offered solemnly, turning his attention back to his partner, ”The R&D guys do a LOT of work with sapient undead; vampires, wraiths, shades and the like. I guarantee you they’ll be able to put some missing pieces back on a zombie. Hell, magical sciences have advanced a lot since the 1600s; they may even be able to… upgrade him, for lack of a better word. Make him just a little bit more human again.” Though the senior agent’s words were meant to be reassuring, it was clear he wasn’t entirely certain what could be done to improve George’s condition, ”I’m no master magician but I know they’re going to need to learn exactly what spells were used in the process first; that means Bradley is our priority. If we can repair his mind -and that something stupid I mentioned needing your help with may just be able to do the trick- then he can help our R&D team find a solution.

”For both their sakes, I do hope they can...about that something stupid. What do you have in mind? Perhaps something to do with your ability to manipulate memories?” The human agent asked the Dijin, curious as to what he had in mind.

”There’s this old technique I read about back home, it’s a collaborative spell requiring both a Djinn and an Angel -though your powers should be a viable substitute. Using a Djinn’s power to enter minds and an Angels healing ability, it’s possible to almost completely restore a damaged or degraded mind. The problem is it’s a very intense process and takes a lot out energy of the casters. We’ll both need to juice up before we can do it.” Argus explained, turning onto the street which would take them to base.

”For the sake of helping the innocent, I’d be more than willing to try.” Richard said, his voice and being filled with determination to help the unlikely pair. ”Though, I’m not a big fan of magical exhaustion, I’m curious as to how far I can use this gift.” Richard nervously chuckles. He had never exerted so much power into one spell, at most was when he cast that spell against the shadow demon. This will be a big hurdle for the rookie agent. But one that would be worth it.

”That’s the spirit, Richard. That’s why we do what we do; help people who need it.” Argus encouraged, pulling into the HQ garage, ”We’ll give you a double of mana potion once we finish to get you back up to strength and ready for the next job. It’s gonna be a bit trickier for me to recharge but I’ll pull an overnighter with the cleanup crew wiping memories.” he explained; parking near the door so it would be easier on their elderly guests.

”How considerate of you gentlemen. George and I thank you.” Bradley told the duo as Richard helped the wizard and his unusual familiar off the vehicle. Bureau personnel were shocked to say the least when they saw the human agent guiding the two to a holding cell for the meantime. He looks to both Bradley and George. ”Do understand that it’s only protocol for me to place you in a cell. Please be patient with us while we process your information to the database. You’re not being arrested, we just need to see if the bureau database has any record of you or George. Okay?” The duo nod. ”Good. Argus or I will be back with you shortly.” Richard then leaves the specialized cell and heads to one of the computer terminals beside it and inputs commands to begin scanning both of them for any records or data the system may have to offer.

“Just doing our job, old timer. Helping people like you is what we get paid for.” Argus dismissed politely, stepping away from the others before lighting a smoke; technically he wasn’t supposed to do so in the agency building, but nobody had bothered to stop him yet. The senior agent snuffed out his cigarette once Richard was done offloading their wards and followed them inside. “We’re home” he said, giving a two-fingered wave to the agent guarding the garage entrance.

The Djinn called up his memory of the spell they would be casting, needing to recall what was needed, “I’ll see you in a bit Richard, going to file my report and get together some components we’ll need for that spell; can’t even remember last time I needed to requisition something from the Spellcraft department.” with that, he split away from the group to acquire ritual components.

Richard gives his partner a polite nod before returning his attention to the computer terminal. The bureau did have data regarding Bradley’s descendants, but rather than that. They both had no previous records. They ought to register them both after the ritual had been complete. He returns to the two in the cell. ”I have very good news. The bureau has information of your lineage and knows the whereabouts of your family, Bradley. We can contact them and they can pick you up as soon as they can from here. Though before we can do any of that, we need to do one last thing.” The old man doesn't even let a second pass before he replies. ”I am ready to do anything! Just please...help me get home.” He replies with a firm and determined voice, George raises an arm as if to cheer him on. ”Great to hear, Bradley. Argus is just getting the materials for the spell that can help you and George.” The human reaffirmed the two while waiting for the djinn to return to them.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by digichiptune
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The director didn't know whether to be glad the girls could follow orders even when they didn't make sense or pissed that they had followed orders that didn't make sense. "Following orders that don't make sense even when there is no way for your superior to verify that you followed them? That is impressive and stupid. I can see that I can not trust you to work on your own or together." He told them gruffly. While he wanted his agents to follow orders they shouldn't follow them simply because someone higher up gave them. "You are going to be assigned to superior officers. Gin you will still be Digi's magical teacher but you will be supervised by another mage."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by digichiptune
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”Thank you” damn it I’ve basically blown it with any first impressions Gin thought.“I promise im a better field agent than a ambassador” why did I even sign up for this?.
Digi looked over at Gin who was clearly uncomfortable then at the director who looked annoyed then spoke who are our superior officers going to be?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Come with me we are going to have a team building exercise. Hopefully you will show more promise there. Maybe you can work better with others than you can together." The director told them before leading them into the meeting room where the others were gathered. "Be seated. These our two new recruits from the UK. Like most mages they don't use their full names." He explained. He was please with the success of the pairing. They hadn't been perfect but they were better. "Three successful mission. A few bumps but much better than the first attempt. I would like to try a team building exercise. I want you to be able to work as a unit when the need arises."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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The Djinn yawned, still feeling somewhat lethargic after he and Richard healed Bradley's mind. He'd definitely need to pull an extra shift with the memory team to recover. "Richard and I managed to clears ours no hiccups. Even got an extra magical registered and processed; and a science project for the lab boys." Argus noted, glancing over at the fair haired magician.

"A fascinating one at that; an actual Revenant. I've read stories of course, but never seen one. Truth be told I'd thought them to be a myth; like unicorns, and tax collectors." Rost confirmed, reading from a tome on the undead as they walked. It would take his team some time to find a solution to George's condition. Any time he could spare to perform research was vital.

The two senior agents took adjacent seats at the meeting room table, directly across from the new agents. "European magicians, eh?" the scribe asked, eyeing them curiously, "Wait, they don't use their names? Does your guild not know how to bind them?" he inquired; pulling down his collar to reveal a brand of a runic stave on his collar bone, releasing it immediately "I'll take care of that for them before they're dispatched, Director. Can't risk having our agents susceptible to that sort of outside influence." he offered.

"More new blood? Did you hold a recruitment drive or something?" Argus observed, raising an eye to the Director before looking across the table at the new agents; a brief flicker of light emerged from his mouth and he flicked out his serpentine tongue. "Hm, silicon with traces of gold and copper. Technopath? Haven't seen one of you in a couple years." he shifted his stare to the other newcomer and flicked his tongue at her, "Boring." he added plainly; slinking back in his seat to finish listening to the Director's speech.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


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"New blood eh? Is this a turn of phrase or is there blood cause I do not smell any new blood in the air." Spoke Amaya as she walked into the meeting room shortly after Rost. She had decided from their last mission to learn more phrases and understanding of strange terms in this world. Well that and the fact she quiet enjoyed her conversations of the mythical creatures and historical events with the scribe nearly as much as she enjoyed getting to know the djinn.

She pushed some of her blue hair behind her left shoulder while taking a seat listening to the director introduce the foreign agents. She did become confused with the whole 'foreign agents not using their names part' as well as the mage part along with Rost's question of binding or something? Amaya sat quietly, deciding that it was best for now to just listen she would be able to ask Rost to explain more to her when they had down time.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

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"Don't look at me Miss water-type, I haven't been able to have fun since spineless here got a fancy paint job on him." the shadow said looking very see-through and misty. "Shut up shadow and go away, I don't want to cause anymore problems" Mason said getting onto the shadow. "Fine...pansy" with that the shadow dissipated as Mason followed suit.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by digichiptune
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Gin looked around the room and said “I’m gin Cain. We don’t use our given names for security purposes, In the UK if somebody knows your given name they can control your actions. What do you mean by a guild?”

Digi didn’t know what to. She looked at everyone and then her hand into blue flame “darn it!" She shook her hand and snapped her fingers to get rid of it but it took a few tries. “Sorry I’m Digi chiptune”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Richard sat quietly in the meeting room as he hoped to God that the director didn't notice that he was nodding off while he introduced the newcomers. Though his body felt like he went ten full rounds and lost against a dump truck, he was happy. They managed to recover and restore Bradley's mind and memory as well as contacted the family to come visit the elderly magi. They could have picked up the old man and brought him home but after 40 long years he finally managed to meet James, the sight alone of his family would be enough for the mage. He opted to stay and help out with the attempts of the research and development team in the effort of restoring George. Being a pseudo-familiar, he was tethered to the old man's mana and must be within a set distance or risk further degradation of the body he has as well as his consciousness. Though maybe in the future, they could find a means to fully restore the revenant to his human form.

The golem agent then enters the meeting room and takes a seat beside Griffin. With the suspect detained and registered in the bureau's criminal database, he was ready to be interrogated for the whereabouts of the victim and weather or not the victim was still alive or not. Though the topic at hand was that the director was introducing foreign agents. "Greetings. Welcome to the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs. I, on behalf of the bureau personnel and agents, look forward with working with you both." Astra then finished her monotonous greeting with her signature smile.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"New blood, fresh meat, cannon fodder; fancy ways of saying rookies." Argus explained casually; pulling a steel water bottle marked with a flammable sign from within his jacket and taking a few swigs before setting it down on the table. "So boss, what kind of exercise we looking at this time?" the Djinn inquired; staring at the Director.

"Guild is the term my father used when speaking of other magical sects; sounds less dubious than coven." Rost offered, thumbing through his book without looking back up, "I'm aware of the weakness of true names; it's not exactly a uniquely European concept after all. No worries about that here, I've placed wards to mute true name spells withing the base; and I'll prepare brands for the two of you as soon as I have the chance." he explained further; briefly glancing up from his book to stare at Mason, "I'll need to update Mason's binding before the exercise as well. The current version is not quite enough to suppress that Shadow of his."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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"That would be very helpful Rost. Now that we have ways of protecting true names there is no valid reason not to use them." the director stated. He would allow nicknames. He saw them as a sign that people were comfortable with each other. "Whether you like it or not I need you working as a unit. There will be missions that will take more than two of you. You should know each other's weaknesses. Not just the ones for each species but the personal limitations too." They couldn't cover each other if they didn't know exactly what the other could do. He wanted them to be able to work together without issues. "You will be doing a scavenger hunt. Each item will focus on a strength of someone in the group. I haven't had a chance to look at Gin or Digi's informations so I will have to add them at the end."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Shadow be nice to your other half please."Said Amaya honestly not minding the annoying shadow but she felt itwas best to help Mason deal with this side. She listened to the explaination of new blood from them "I get it thankyou for explaining it to me...Guess i still need to learn these turn of phrases or whatever you all it."Spoke Amaya before she continues to listen as she heard for now nicknames not their real names " Amy is probably the best Nickname for me other then something water related" She replied thinking about it outloud while listening about another full team builder exercise...Interesting.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 27 days ago

"why should I listen to you little miss squirt gun" the shadow said appearing again but seemingly weaker. "Im not afraid of you, I could totally take you" Mason tried to shoo shadow away saying "shadowww! Goo awwaayyy". He finally got it to vanish again as he turned his attention back to the people speaking.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Richard awakens from his 5 second nap and acts like he completely understands whatever was planned. "I whole heatedly agree on the notion." He states rather confidently as he wipes away the beginnings of a line of saliva on the side of his mouth, masking it as an attempt to think deeply on the subject he had not the pleasure of hearing completely. He could only remember that the director wanted to something with the other agents, but was too embarrassed to ask the director to restate the notion.

Astra tilts her head to the side slightly as the words of the director somewhat confused her. How could many individuals be one? And how could an item observe a strength? Was it a measuring device or something of the like? Though those were questions for another time, as of now she needed to reply to the director. "Understood. I will perform to the best of my abilities during this exercise."
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