Name: Gwyneth Frederica Dankworth

Age: 25
Gender: Female
Blood Status: One quarter Veela
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Professor of: Charms
The Dankworth family was once a very old and Pureblood family. At some point during the 19th century the Pureblood line of the family had begun to squib out while the half-blood line continued to prosper. The family wasn't against those who weren't pure though they took a very unusual view that muggle-borns should be raised by magical families. Considering muggles to be unworthy and incapable of caring for a magical and nurturing there talents. They were perfectly fine with magical creatures and half-breeds though they did say something offensive occasionally.
Gwyneth grew up with her mother, father, four older brothers and on occasion several aunts, uncles, cousins. The youngest of her brothers was 8 years older than herself so they never had similar interests until much later on in life. Dankworth castle where they grew up is located on the Channel Islands which are remnants of The Duchy of Normandy. Due to this special fact children of the islands can get letters from Beauxbatons and Hogwarts. Gwyneth constantly messed with her older brothers and cousins showing them that even though she was small she could still get back at them.
Gwyneth was the only one of her family to attend Hogwarts as she didn't want her annoying brothers to say she was following in their footsteps. Being in Slytherin Gwyneth hasn't really had to many good friends with her only connecting with fellow Quidditch players and those in the duelling club. Gwyneth wasn't the best student in fact she sucked at herbology, potions and muggle studies. She only excelled at Charms and Care for Magical Creatures though her Arithmancy and DADA were above average.
During second year she managed to make it onto the Slytherin Quidditch team as a beater though she had to make sure to butter up team the year before. By this point she had already figured out the politics that went on in Slytherin. Now Gwyneth didn't want to be the queen bee of Slytherin but she still got involved in the whole house politics thing. She enjoyed pitting those who where at the top against each other usually with well placed miss information or a prank done at just the right time. Using her cunning no one ever managed to connect her to these acts. After third year she started messing with the others houses and the school in general. Mostly she only messed with those who were arrogant or anyone who was a bit of a dick.
By seventh year she was manipulating most of the groups in Slytherin making sure none of them got to powerful. She didn't have a reason to do this, it just amused her to do it. Occasionally she also messed with some of the people from the other houses for the same reason. Gwyneth also managed to pull of several pranks during her years though not as many as others she never got caught. It was also looking like that she would end up playing pro Quidditch and boy did she want to. Unfortunately this was also the year she lost her arm in an accident. Some younger Slytherins were trying out some spells well beyond them and not found in the regular library by the Black Lake. It was simply as case of wrong time and place. Without an arm she wasn't even considered for tryouts for Quidditch.
Since graduating Gwyneth has become somewhat bitter from not being able to do her dream job. Though she has come to accept and forgive those idiots who took her arm. Over the years she has worked a lot of different jobs trying to find something she enjoys as much as her beloved game. She has worked at a magical menagerie, a joke shop, as a tutor and as a professional duellist. Nothing really worked out and she didn't really want to go into any of the family businesses. Thankfully she was offered a job at Hogwarts about three years ago. It gave her plenty of time to do things in between terms and she would be able to teach students the dangers of meddling with magic that is beyond your current ability.
Favorite Hogwarts Memory: Gwyneth has several memories and she finds it impossible to pick a favourite.
Like there is her favourite Quidditch match where she beat the Bludger into the Gryffindor Seeker. She got it to hit right in their back and she broke their broom. The cherry on the cake was that they where just about to grab the Snitch and win. Though every game of Quidditch is special to her.
Another good memory is when she made something she called Kissle-toe. It looked like average mistletoe accept it would move around the castle. It would also magically compel two people to kiss and wouldn't let them move away until they did. It was surprisingly hard for the teachers to find and get rid of them all. She had a lot of fun seeing all the people who were unfortunate enough to encounter it. Best thing was they blamed someone else due to some exceptional Slytherin cunning.
Gwyneth also has to admit that it was fun putting that gryffindor Micheal something or other. He was an annoying git who would think so highly of himself and kept trying to get her to go out with him. So she told him that if he joined duelling club and beat her then she would give him a date. He signed up in a heart beat and was completely thrashed. Gwyneth didn't go easy on him in fact she made the fight last longer by jinxing and hexing him instead of just disarming him.
Secondary Section
For now this will be blank but there will be a second section all accepted roles will have to fill out and there will be some amount of collaboration.