Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum looked towards the door, giving the commander a smile and a nod, "Much appreciated. Will leave A.L.I.S. if you have questions about operation." He gestured slightly to the hologram and then left for the Comm Room.

A.L.I.S. watched Urtum leave and then turned towards the commander, "Forgive me, I had not been able to properly introduce myself. You may call me A.L.I.S., I am an artificial intelligence that assists the Doctor with his research. Or in this case, his former research. If you have any questions about the Mining Operation that the Doctor and I were working on, I would be pleased to give you any of the answers I can."

As Urtum finally entered the Comm Room, he made his call to his supervisor. Appearing in front of the salarian was a human male in a slick black suit. When the man saw Urtum a look of surprise washed over his face, "Ah, Dr. Ezon, I.. wasn't expecting to hear from you any time soon..." The supervisor adjusted his tie and cleared his throat, "So, uh, how's the mining operation going?"

Urtum shook his head, "Not good. Got attacked by unknown creature." He lifted up the box and opened it to reveal the rotting arm again, "Will be conducting tests as soon as possible. Had question about operation. I am certain that some information was not given when job was offered. Wanted clarification on missing information."

The supervisor sighed, "Look Doctor, I gave you all the information you needed, anything else concerning the operation is above your pay grade." After that the call was disconnected.

"Supervisor acting strange. I do not have a good feeling about this."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The commander nodded as the doctor said he would leave his ai to do the talking which only got confirmed when she said she was an AI. The commander then said "very good, for now I want you to forward all the information you have on your operation. If it consolidates with what Intel we were told then we will be able to confirm our suspicions. Ortega see to it that you write a report of what happened down there." She said and Angelo nodded and said "yes ma'am I will be in my room writting my report, I'll send it via omitool" he informed as he went to the elevator.

Angelo went down to the third level of the ship where the crews quarters were. He got himself a nice window room next to the lounge. He sat in his chair while his armory was behind him and started to use his computer to write the report.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

A.L.I.S. bowed towards the commander, "Certainly commander, all pertinent files and logs will be forwarded to you immediately." Just then, Urtum walked out of the Comm Room tapping at his chin and looking at the ground in thought. A.L.I.S. turned towards him, "Doctor, is everything alright? How did your talk with the supervisor go?"

Urtum shook his head, "Strange. Conversation strange. Supervisor strange. Intel strange. Not able to connect all dots. Important information missing and unattainable." The Salarian turned to the commander, tapping the box slightly, "Need to conduct tests. Might be possible to gather clues through research. Need lab. Need scientists. Urgent."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The commander nodded in thanks to Alis and was able to look through a few files before the scientist came in saying that the talk with his supervisor was a strange one and he needed a lab. She then nodded and said "fair enough though I will warn you now that we only have minimal facilities. The other science officer we have is our chief medical officer Baukus Chandra. He won't be much help I'm afraid, the man can stitch your head back together and have you solving quiz shows in an hour but his skill in science barely qualifies" she said with a sigh. She has the best cutman in the Galaxy but he is a dimwit when it comes to figuring out things. He then said "if you want I can come take you down there where he is no doubt in our lab slash medical office. Besides I'd like to talk to you more about your conversation if you don't mind"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum shook his head, "Minimal supplies serviceable. Talent of medical officer irrelevant. If Dr. Chandra has arms, then is serviceable. Please lead the way." He followed the Commander and awaited her inquiries. The hologram of A.L.I.S. fizzling as they walked away. This whole situation was very perplexing. There were a plethora of questions running through Urtum's head, but there was no certain way to find the answers he was looking for. With so many missing pieces to the puzzle Urtum wasn't even sure on where to start, the only possible link was the arm he held onto inside the box, but he didn't know if it would give satisfying results.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

She sighed but smiled as he said that if the doctor had arms he would be helpful. She then said "hope you still feel that way once you work with him" she said as she put the holographic notpad away in her pocket before she started walking and led them to the elevator. She then asked "what can you tell me about your supervisor? I want any knowledge you may have as well as your personal opinion of your handler so to speak."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum nodded as they entered the elevator, "Do not know much about supervisor. Don't work very closely with him, only allowed to call if necessary. Was hired by a sponsor, supervisor was assigned to mining operation." It had always been peculiar how secretive the sponsor was with the information on the mining operation, but having dealt with large corporations and wealthy business owners he never thought about it until now. "Personal opinion of supervisor is irrelevant..." He paused for a moment, "But he is an ass."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

She listened and nodded at appropriate moments as confirmation. It seemed that now the Intel along with his insight into his handler might be connected somehow. As well as this mysterious sponser of his. He smirked a bit as he called his supervisor and ass so she said "I'll keep that in mind. For now I think it best if you stay with us for a bit. Your the only survivor from that ordeal so we will need you to stay in case new developments arise from your analysis" she explained as the elevator stopped and she got off leading him towards the medbay where the medical officer was sleeping on one of the information tables. He was a large man in stature and had a beard. His hair was blond and while they couldn't tell he had blue eyes. Clearly he was of German decent thanks to his name.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Agreed. Need to run tests and see what comes of it." Once they entered the medbay Urtum looked at the sleeping medical officer, turning to look at the commander before slowly inching towards him. When the salarian was close, he poked the officer on the side, trying to wake him up, "Is it normal for officers to sleep on job?" He glanced at the commander once more, "Seems a bit wasteful." He looked at the sleeping officer once more, lifting one of his arms into the air slightly, "But has arms, so not too wasteful."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

She sighed as he looked at their medical officer and asked if it was normal to sleep on the job. She shook his head and said "for anyone else they would be punished for it. However he is a special case, he has narcolepsy which means he falls asleep whenever he gets stressed. You would think that would keep him from doing his job but in truth when is working on a patient... He's a marvel to watch. Though I'm sure salarian have better medics and wouldn't be as impressed" she said before she lifted a book he had and dropped it onto the table making a loud bang. He woke up instantly and said "I'm up what's the emergency!" He said looking around for a patient but when their wasn't one he yawned "you know I hate being scared like that commander *yawn* so who's our guest?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum nodded at the commander, "True. Salarian medics are far superior. But not a contest." When the medical officer was sprung awake by the commander and asked about the newcomer, Urtum gave him a small bow, "Dr. Urtum Ezon. Here to conduct tests." The salarian tossed the box he was holding onto the table and opened it to reveal the rotting arm, "Arm from unknown specimen. Need to discover possible race. Looked mostly human. Will need tissue samples from your arm. You are only crew member not currently busy with important job." He pointed the the officer's arm, "Arm please."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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The doctor looked at him as he bowed and introduced himself and he yawned again before saying "just call me Baukus. Nice to meet you" he said as he watched him pull out a rotting arm and he said "can't put that back. Atrophy and rot would kill any normal patient" he said thinking that it was just a amputation but the salarian said otherwise. When he needed a sample the doctor sighed a bit before he offered up his arm. He then said "not sure if I qualify as normal though" he said with a shrug.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum shook his head, "Normal irrelevant. Just need reference. Will need to use equipment." He took a moment to look around the room and see what was available to him. When his eyes finally fell upon a tray of surgical supplies, he quickly grabbed the scalpel, making sure it was sterilized, and moved over to Baukus. He quickly, without warning, cut a small piece of skin off of his arm, turning and doing the same to the rotting arm. "Will need to conduct tests. Will need silence." And with that Urtum began to use some of the equipment with in the medbay to conduct his tests.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

He simply said ow when he got the scalpel and took off a piece of his skin. He didn't complain though as he did the same to the rotting arm. He then yawned as he mentioned silence and he went back to sleeping on the bed waiting for when he would be needed. The commander then said "I'll leave you to it then" she then left without another word to go back to the deck and initiate the hyperdrive so they could get to an alliance Outpost. Meanwhile Angelo had already finished writing his report as he sent it to the commander herself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum waved to the commander as she left, "Thank you." Once his samples were prepared he began to use the equipment in the medical bay to do what little tests he could. Not having a fully equipped science lab was a bit of an annoyance for him, but this would just have to do for now. After a few moments of conducting the tests, Urtum came across a very particularly interesting discovery, but needed to take in a second opinion to confirm his findings. He turned towards the once again sleeping medical officer and poked him, attempting to wake him up, but seeing as lifting his arm last time didn't help it came as no surprise that it didn't stir the man. As far as Urtum knew, this officer was the only medically knowledgeable member aboard, so he was going to have to be the one to confirm his findings.

Letting out a small sigh, Urtum used all of his strength to push Baukus off the table, hopping to impact with the floor would wake him up, and without hesitating began to talk about the results of his test, "Officer Baukus. Results from test. I think you will find it important. Tissue from arm sample matches with the human race. Not interesting part. Interesting part is that sample not rotting. Sample visually appears to be rotting, but cells are in an unending stasis. Not dying. Not living. Just existing. Almost like sample has stopped aging." He pointed towards the screen that displayed the readings and waited for Baukus' reply.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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The doctor started sleep until he felt himself land on the floor and he groaned. He was about to release his annoyance on him until he started to explain that he found something and he needed his opinion. He started quiet until her was finished and groaned as he got up. He then said "next time just clap or something. A sudden loud nose wakes me up" he explained in case he forgot what the commander did. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his glasses before he became serious. It was only a minor change but one could tell that his aura was showing authority as a medical officer.

He then walked over to the microscope and started to look through all the tests he had done. At first her didn't believe it but after triple checking he had no doubts. "How in the hell did this happen? It's as if their is a constant stasis field being generated even though the host body is gone. It may not look it but it seems like someone discovered immortality though not soon enough to actually save the body before it turned to this"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum waved off the Medical Officers complaint, but nodded at his comments about the discovery, "Thought odd as well. So ran tests to find source of stasis field." The salarian pulled up a file on one of the near by terminals and pointed to it, "Stasis generated by cells. Rest of the body unnecessary for continued existence. Only needed for movement." Urtum scratched the top of his head in thought, "Also curious. Sample found in mine. Multiple individuals found same as sample. As if rotting, but not rotting. Find it too big a group to be coincidence." He turned to Baukus, "Cells of sample completely halted cellular degradation. A.L.I.S. inform commander about findings. Will need time to ponder possible explanations for anomaly."

The hologram of A.L.I.S. appeared next to Urtum as she nodded, "Of course Doctor. I shall inform her immediately." She turned towards the medical officer, "I also must apologies for the Doctor's actions, he gets very single minded when in the middle of researching." He gave Baukus a nod and fizzled away. Moments later A.L.I.S. reappeared near the commander, "Excuse me, Commander. Doctor Ezon has found some crucial data about the sample we had brought aboard that you will need to look at." Once the message was delivered, the hologram fizzled away once more.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The doctor nodded as he explained that the cells were what created the field and that the body was just there for movement. It made sense in a way but he still couldn't wrap his head around the idea of such a creature. A creature that was essentially immortal and had it's very cellular structure rewritten in such a way. He couldn't believe that this was natural. He then asked "what if they were manufactured? I doubt a normal organism would evolve into such a state. Especially since it shares human DNA like this" he hypothesized.

The commander had looked over at the hologram as it explained that they found something. She then said "inform Angelo as well to come to the medical area if you please" though even if she didn't the commander sent a message via omitool and went to the elevator to head back to the medical station. Angelo having received the message did the same. He was mainly just wearing a black shirt and blue cargo pants that had the camo of the Navy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum nodded at the medical officers comment, "Would be most likely. Impossible to produce stasis field of this magnitude without some help." As he finished talking the Commander and Angelo had entered the Medical Bay and Urtum nodded at them both. Pointing to his research he began to explain everything he had found to them as he had done with Baukus. Including the fact that both of them think that genetic manufacturing would be the most likely reason and adding at the end, "Know of place that specializes in genetic engineering and manufacturing? Need to follow lead as soon as possible. Could lead to person behind creatures at mine."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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The commander and Angelo listened as they explained that the creature was a manufactured immortal. When he asked about a place that would be able to produce such beings the commander had to think for a moment before saying. "I can only think of one place that would be possible. However I doubt that it will be easy to find there since such a thing would be down right illegal. I'm starting to see the bigger picture. Urtum I need you to come with me. Angelo suit up when we get there you are to infiltrate the facility to see if my hunch is right. We will inform the council of what we know" she said as Angelo nodded and turned on his heel to head to his quarters and get ready.
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