The once mighty planet of Hyperion is dead, destroyed by the nuclear holocausts which have dwindled away to legends. The husk of the planet lives on as a shadow of its former majesty, inhabited by the last remnants of its people. They are divided into petty, tyrannical kingdoms, ruled by fear, superstition and poverty. In the wastelands strange, fearsome beasts roam and lurk, preying on the vestiges of the dead planet's population. Deep in the scorched southern deserts, rumours of a stronghold of psychic mutants filter along the caravan routes, the rumours state that they plot the conquest of the planet.
Feared and loathed more than even the beasts of the wastelands are the wizards of the science cults. Men who collect the scientific artifacts of the dead civilisation which once made Hyperion its home. The legends of the nuclear holocausts say that it was the scientists who created the terrible weapons which ravaged the planet and created the living hell they now endured. The people of this dead world believe that the wizards will bring about yet another holocaust though no warlord on the face of the planet is willing to challenge the science cults.
The planet is on the brink of collapse but some retell the old legends, they say that one will come to unite the planet and lead it into a new golden age. Are these merely fairytales or are they prophecy?
Hello, so I've laid out the general premise of the setting above. This is a bit different in that it's a mix of a sword and sorcery fantasy setting and a futuristic science fiction setting with some post-apocalypse thrown in for good measure. I suppose the most basic way of explaining this would be a fantasy set in the iron age but instead of magic there is sci-fi level technology. This is a completely original world, I've drawn inspiration from a number of quite different sources and brought them all together into what I hope is an interesting and unique setting.
I've done a bit of work already on setting up the world, I've got a few ideas worked out. The world is filled with city states, similar to ancient Greece, each having their own culture and practices. There are also various races of mutants, some are more advanced others are more savage. The wizards of the science cults have uncovered a lot of the advanced technology of the ancient civilisation, they can't replicate it but they can use some of it and have developed rituals around these artifacts.
The science cults have been interfering with the politics of the world for centuries, implanting rumours and legends into the populace to further their own goals. My initial thoughts on my own character would be that he has been convinced by the science cults from his childhood that he is the prophesied saviour of the world, whether this is true or not is up in the air but he’s going to try and unite the planet. I'm happy for anyone interested to come up with their own ideas of who their character is, preferably they would be someone with some measure of power (for example the princess of one of the city states) to make them more relevant to the political situation in the world.
I usually write 3-5 paragraphs with more or less depending on the situation. I write in third person, past tense and would prefer you do the same. This story is going to be dark and gritty so I'm looking for someone who is willing to write adult scenes (sexual scenes, violence). I’d like to write this story over email. I'm also open to writing stories in an episodic format, where we write a section of the story and then have a time jump to another part or even do prequel/sequel stories etc.
Email me at if you're interested and we can discuss this further.
Feared and loathed more than even the beasts of the wastelands are the wizards of the science cults. Men who collect the scientific artifacts of the dead civilisation which once made Hyperion its home. The legends of the nuclear holocausts say that it was the scientists who created the terrible weapons which ravaged the planet and created the living hell they now endured. The people of this dead world believe that the wizards will bring about yet another holocaust though no warlord on the face of the planet is willing to challenge the science cults.
The planet is on the brink of collapse but some retell the old legends, they say that one will come to unite the planet and lead it into a new golden age. Are these merely fairytales or are they prophecy?
Hello, so I've laid out the general premise of the setting above. This is a bit different in that it's a mix of a sword and sorcery fantasy setting and a futuristic science fiction setting with some post-apocalypse thrown in for good measure. I suppose the most basic way of explaining this would be a fantasy set in the iron age but instead of magic there is sci-fi level technology. This is a completely original world, I've drawn inspiration from a number of quite different sources and brought them all together into what I hope is an interesting and unique setting.
I've done a bit of work already on setting up the world, I've got a few ideas worked out. The world is filled with city states, similar to ancient Greece, each having their own culture and practices. There are also various races of mutants, some are more advanced others are more savage. The wizards of the science cults have uncovered a lot of the advanced technology of the ancient civilisation, they can't replicate it but they can use some of it and have developed rituals around these artifacts.
The science cults have been interfering with the politics of the world for centuries, implanting rumours and legends into the populace to further their own goals. My initial thoughts on my own character would be that he has been convinced by the science cults from his childhood that he is the prophesied saviour of the world, whether this is true or not is up in the air but he’s going to try and unite the planet. I'm happy for anyone interested to come up with their own ideas of who their character is, preferably they would be someone with some measure of power (for example the princess of one of the city states) to make them more relevant to the political situation in the world.
I usually write 3-5 paragraphs with more or less depending on the situation. I write in third person, past tense and would prefer you do the same. This story is going to be dark and gritty so I'm looking for someone who is willing to write adult scenes (sexual scenes, violence). I’d like to write this story over email. I'm also open to writing stories in an episodic format, where we write a section of the story and then have a time jump to another part or even do prequel/sequel stories etc.
Email me at if you're interested and we can discuss this further.