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Loreliee The German

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Adrian was late. On purpose. As a noble, he had the privilege to be the last person to enter a festivity. It was even expected of him. As his future wife, Azariah should rather accept her fate and get used to it. Not for a second did he bother to contemplate whether she could consider his behaviour as an affront. Construe his lateness as a lack of dedication. No. After all, he had organised this dinner.

"You are looking handsome and powerful as always", reassured him one of his closer butlers, who was about to open the door to the dining room.
"What would I do without you Carl", Adrian replied. He checked the time on his Jaeger-Lecoutre watch and mentally prepared himself to set foot in the saloon. Was he nervous? He couldn't tell. His whole life had revolved around him being as confident as possible in any scenario. Timidity was an alien concept to him. This whole marriage is the reason for my sweaty palms. What else could it be?

Straightening himself, Adrian gave his butler a subtle nod and entered the room.
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Azariah watched as the time crept past 10. The first few minutes she thought nothing of it, as the time crept by she became concerned wondering if something had happened to him, but the concern soon turned to irritation. She was on her feet pacing the room. She glanced at her watch. He had another five minutes before she left. She was just about to leave, when the door opened and he stepped in. She greeted him with a tight smile, one that was much different from the ones in the photos he had seen and she had shared.

"Well, how lovely for you to finally join me." She said her tone saying exactly the opposite. She blatantly pulled out her phone and made as show of checking her e-mail. "All of London experiencing a cellular disruption? Because surely, someone with the slightest smattering of manners would have let me know he would be so late." She said. "I had hoped we had much to discuss, but at this hour, I think we would be better off rescheduling, after all, I have three years before I lose my inheritance, so I obviously have time." She told him coolly.
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Loreliee The German

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After he had entered the room, Adrian noticed two things: Firstly, that Azariah lived up to his expectations, as she was even more beautiful in reallife than on the photos. Especially in this revealing dress. Secondly, that she was upset.
"Because surely, someone with the slightest smattering of manners would have let me know he would be so late."
Okay, upset was an understatement. Furious described it better. Not the reaction he had hoped for, but rage was easier to deal with than disappointment. It could have been worse.

"Lovely to see you Azariah. I wouldn't necessarily call our situation a cellular disruption. It is more like a whirlwind marriage out of a bad film. Why don't we sit down and have a drink?" Taking a few slow steps forward, Adrian pulled one of the chairs back and looked at her in anticipation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ICanBeAnyone
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She looked at him and raised a delicately sculpted brow. "I think you will find, I am not so easily dismissed." She told him taking a seat, but she was not at all relaxed, her body was quite stiff. "You will find, that there are things I do not handle well, and one of them being disrespect. My time is just as valuable as yours, and this is behavior I simply will not tolerate in the future." She said softly. That was the thing, She never once raised her voice, but she was still able to make herself very clear.

"I, myself have not yet agreed to this, and it was my understanding from our communications, neither have you." She said resting her hands on her lap. Perhaps it is time we get to the bottom line yes?" She said tilting her head to the side a little. "You stated that you felt that this arrangement would be beneficial to both of us, what exactly is in this for you?" She wanted to know.

She watched him as he decided how to answer. She cleared her throat and spoke again. "Please, do not try to hide anything from me Adrian." She said "I have until my twenty fifth birthday to make a marriage, or to come to terms with having much less money, but do not forget, the public seems quite interested in me and what I do, so if need be, I can certainly appeal to the court of public opinion about the outdated, archaic, and patriarchal conditions set on my inheritance, and I assure you, I will likely find a way out of my predicament." She warned carefully.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Loreliee
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Loreliee The German

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How should he explain to her that him showing up late was out of tradition and not a lack of manners without telling her that he was the Earl of Summershire? He decided that silence would suffice his intentions. It would give her the false impression of being in the right and dampen the situation. No matter the consequences, he made sure that this evening would not even come remotely close to a disaster.

Whilst she was discussing their shared future, Adrian, unobtrusively analyzed her body language. After all the secret emails and messages they were finally sitting opposite each other. Almost unbelievable, but not too good to be true. To his astonishment, she didn't bother with small-talk but preferred to come straight to the point. No false flattery or compliments. She did not even pay attention to his dear watch. Her eyes were directed at his face and her hands rested in her lap. Ironically, she reminded him of his own mother when she had one of her angry moments. Forthright, but still managing to couch her words in polite terms.

"I am not going to pretend that my intentions are honourable." Adrian cleared his throat. "On the contrary, my sole object of interest is your fortune." There, said it. "The last few months have been less profitable and now it is my duty to save my enterprise from bankruptcy - or even complete ruin."
He leaned towards her, as if he was about to let her in on something. "Dear Azariah, your threats fall on deaf ears. Do you actually believe the public court would interfere in our affairs'? Trust me, they know me and they know better than to meddle in things that ought not to be meddled in."
Sitting back, he gave the waiter a small gesture to fill their glasses with champagne, his eyes still resting on Azariah's face.
"Now tell me, how do you plan to make this, I mean, - us work?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ICanBeAnyone
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She looked at him as he leaned across the table, a small smile crossing her lips. "Oh, my dear dear man." She said with a soft laugh in her voice. "The English public? Perhaps not, but the American public? I assure you, they would love to get involved, so on this, do not test me." She said settling back still smiling. "But I do appreciate your honesty as to what it is you require from this arrangement, and I shall be happy to oblige you. Provided..." She held up one finger "Provided I see the business plans to assure me that after this initial influx of cash your enterprise shall once again be self sufficient" She told him.

She reached for her water glass and picked it up taking a small sip before returning it to the table, and gently moving away her champagne glass, she was not drinking, not right now. She wanted a clear head for these negotiations. "I can assure you, that while the general impression of me is that I am all beauty and no brains, that is simply not true. And I am not in the habit of throwing good money after bad. We are, after all discussing a very quiet divorce once your business is back on it's feet and my fortune under my sole control. I have done my research on English Law, and inheritance is not something that will be divided in a divorce, therefore, should you NOT have a plan you would continue to be dependent on my generosity and good humor. That is a situation neither of us want, nor, would your next wife be thrilled with the prospect." She told him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loreliee
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Loreliee The German

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Her American accent was refreshing to listen to, full of life and energy. At the same time she exuded a calm confidence he found more than intriguing. Azariah was a breath of fresh air in this ancient building, so much he had to admit.
"Then we have a deal", Adrian agreed and considered shaking her hand for a second, but decided against it. She might believe that he was a businessman, however he knew better to not act like one. The lives of most aristocrats contradicted any cunning business schemes. Nonetheless she did have a point. As much as Adrian enjoyed his noble freedom, he also intended to keep it - forever. She was the first change to begin with.

And probably, only probably, she could actually be more valuable to him than he thought. What if she could actually help him with his financial means AND secure his position in the future? He did not plan to give up the parties he enjoyed, nor could he afford to spend less money on social festivities in general, but for the first time he considered using his position. Why had he never thought about it? Celebrating and at the same time discreetly obliging the other nobles to pay for it. And that was just the beginning.

Azariah's presence woke a passion in Adrian, he did not even know he possessed.
"Now that you say it, I am sure that we will form a brilliant team, you and me," Adrian said, seeing her with different eyes.
"But it is not me who we should worry about. After all, you will play a big part in this as well. For the moment you might underestimate your future role in this society, however any mention of the American public will no longer be of any relevance on this soil. If you are keen on your fortune, you will have to learn from the best. Fortunately, the very best is sitting right in front of you."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ICanBeAnyone
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She watched him as he carefully considered her condition, it likely was not an easy one to accept. No one wanted anyone else to see where they were failing, but she insisted upon it, and from this she would not back down. She folded her hands and rested them gently on the table as she leaned forward and smiled. "Oh, but you forget, I am American, and part of my charm is that I handle the media with all the grace and aplomb of someone twice my age, and I assure you there will be media interest on both sides of the Atlantic when this marriage is made public. As for me having a part to play? I assure you, I understand my part. I am the checkbook, nothing more. We will marry, you will run your enterprises, I will run mine. We will maintain civility and if possible a friendship, and after six months to a year we will quietly file for divorce so that you may begin your search for your second wife." She said plainly.

"There will be no children, and after an appropriate amount of time, I am guessing three, maybe four months we will no longer even share a room, much less a bed, which will of course lend veracity to our claims that we are just not a suitable match." She explained. "I think that the best way to handle this situation going forward yes?" She asked this time reaching for the champagne, in her mind the negotiations were concluded and therefore she would be safe to drink.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loreliee
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Loreliee The German

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"No children, liberties for the both of us." Adrian concluded, raising his glass of champagne. "To us. May our marriage be short and glorious" With a smile he gulped the drink and put it back on the table, waving for the waiter to come. "As tempting as the foods on the menu sound, we would like to try something else. As our lives are full of surprises, the date shall be no less. Please, indulge us with your chef's masterpieces of his own choice."
Turning back to Azariah, Adrian folded his hands on the table. "And you should indulge me with your stories. How has England treated you so far? Albeit you are American, you must surely have come across some similarities. After all we share history." He could barely hide his smug smile. And soon you will be part of it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ICanBeAnyone
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She raised an eyebrow as he mentioned liberties for the both of them. She was not used to men being so... blunt. Her only hope was that he would be discreet. She laughed a little as he turned to her asking about her stories of England and reminding her of the shared history their homes shared. "It has been quite lovely thus far. I have seen Borough Market, as you are aware. Today I saw some of the pathology museums, they are quite interesing." She said as she finally began to relax.

"To be honest, I have not sought out much in the way of similarities other than business opportunities." She said looking at him. "You see, the new taxes and tax laws put into place are going to force a lot of people out of the business of being landlords." She smiled a little. "There is money to be made here, especially in London, and I am hoping to take full advantage of that, and it may be something you would be interested in investing in as well. The more streams of income you have, the more stable you are against a change in fortunes." She pointed out to him.

"Perhaps I will make that part of my wedding gift to you, a property management firm, that way you will have additional income after I am gone."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loreliee
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Loreliee The German

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A property management firm? That wasn't Adrian's idea of being discreet. No, he had to generate his income without drawing too much attention to himself. And being the boss of a property management firm was simply impossible. People would question his motives and possibly his title, calling him greedy and manipulative. Unlike the royal family, he couldn't directly use the public. And even worse - neither could his future wife. As an American heiress, she would be of use to him, but as the Countess of Summershire, she was expected to attend social events and proclaim her love for charity. Nobody would even listen to her business proposals, apart from him. All her suggestions would turn to his. Azariah did not have a single clue what she got herself into.

"We will talk about your visions later," Adrian replied curtly. "For now I would rather focus on your talents, likes and dislikes. Tell me about yourself, how you have lived your life so far and your plans for the future."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ICanBeAnyone
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She looked at him and leaned forward placing her champagne back on the table. "First of all, I do not appreciate your tone." She said. "My visions regarding my own businesses are none of your concern, and should you chose not to hear my ideas on keeping you solvent, then I will certainly keep them to myself." She said as she shifted in the chair sitting back as the waiter appeared with their first course.

"As for me, I am certain you will find my life quite boring. It is making appearances, and smiling for camera's, taking pictures." She shrugged. "I am looking forward to the day our divorce is final and I can retreat from the public eye" She said honestly. "I am tired of performing for people, and I want to be left alone. Let me run my businesses, watch my Netflix and not have to deal with cameras in my face and I will be a very very happy woman."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loreliee
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Loreliee The German

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


She wouldn't appreciate a ton of the changes that awaited her. And running her own business was a luxury of her past. How long would it take for her to figure it out? Her role in this whole spectacle? Adrian couldn't quite believe that she hadn't even looked up his name just to get to know her future husband and gather information about him. Such as his alleged affair with the married Countess of Devonshire.

"Oh darling, your life is far from what normal people would perceive as boring. And it is doomed to become even more attractive to the public eye." He said with a wink. From the corner of his eye he registered the approaching waiter, who then continued to put appetisers on the table. "Poached Salmon with Honey-Mustard sauce as your hors d'ouvre. Bon appétit," he said with a convincing French accent. Adrian thanked him politely and refocused his attention on Azariah. "I completely forgot to enquire about possible allergies. I hope you don't mind salmon, do you?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ICanBeAnyone
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She laughed a little as he commented on the fact that people would hardly think her life was boring. “But that is the difference between perception and reality. Everyone sees exotic trips or fancy balls, but no one sees behind that, the endless pitches over why I should invest in one company or another or why I should donate to this charity or that one. It is hardly as glamorous s it seems. My family was very fortunate and my father worked very hard to get where he was. It is up to me to see that we continue on the forward path he put us on.” She said.

“I have very little interest in continuing to spend much time in the public eye. It serves little purpose other than to distract me from the things I could be doing.” She said as she sat back a little allowing her food to be placed.

“I have no food allergies, and will try everything at least once.” She said. “I enjoy trying all sorts of new things. The giant cockroaches at the market were an interesting experience.” She said with a laugh. “Enough about me. Tell me more about you.” She said genuinely interested.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loreliee
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Loreliee The German

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Actual Cockroaches?" Adrian grinned at Azariah, trying to imagine her eating insects in the middle of the market place. As far as food was concerned, she shouldn't have an issue being a countess. Part of her noble duty was to savour dishes from renowned international cooks and Adrian was more than certain that she wouldn't mind this obligation.

"What could possibly interest you about me? I am a simple British man," Adrian replied, tilting his head to the side. Simplicity might not actually apply to him nor his future beloved, but she could have been betrothed to a duke or Prince as well. Compared to them, Adrian considered himself quite frugal.

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Azariah laughed at his disbelief over the cockroaches. "Yes, huge Madagascar hissing cockroaches I believe they were. Fried up in some sort of oil with a spicy peanut sauce. Not bad, the legs were a little scratchy on my throat, but an interesting experience." She said with a small shrug.

She raised an eyebrow as he asked about what could interest her. "You say you are a simple man, yet your speech betrays you, as does the fact that you have arranged for all of this." she said gesturing around the private dining room. "So, to be incredibly American, Let's cut the crap and start being more straight forward." She said with a smile as she rested her hands in her lap.

"You want or need my money and that's great, but to get it we have to marry. Fine... But stop trying to sell me a line of shit over who and what you are. I will find out eventually, and would you rather it be from you, or from the investigator I hire to find every skeleton in your closet so that our Prenuptial agreement is iron clad?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Loreliee
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Loreliee The German

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Azariah had a fiery temper. She differed from the usual ladies he talked to. Not that it should surprise him. After all she was American born and bred and every part her cliche.
"Directness is not one of my strengths, in case you have missed it." Adrian fixed his eyes on her. "I could tell you a great thing or two about myself but you would find my speech rather deceiving. I won't do that. I have a better idea."

Adrian fished his phone out of his pocket. He send a quick message to someone, before he looked up again.
"After dinner, I would like to present you my home. We are quite lucky today. The others will be away to watch the race, giving us more than enough time to have a look around." He tried to gauge her reaction while picking up his dinner again.
"Tell me, Azariah. Can you, by any chance, ride a horse?"
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