Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum nodded, "Will link A.L.I.S.'s comms to you and Angelo. Will allow you to speak to A.I. companion. Very helpful." He followed the commander, "Would like to know our destination. Anything important to note?" As he walked he opened his Omni-tool and linked their comms to A.L.I.S.'s and making sure to transfer a copy of all the data he collected into his own personal notes.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The commander walked with him upstairs to the comms where she would link to the council as Angelo got ready. When he asked where they were going she explained "Tri-star research facility. I'm sure you have heard of it even though it's still fairly new. It was established with the idea that all species could research their respective fields and gain assistance if asked. It was created in the hopes that it would depend relations between the species. However the biggest strides in research are of course coming from salarian, Asari, and human scientists. It is also the only place I could think of that would house the technology to manufacture immortals while still doing so under the radar. If nothing else we will know how it would be possible to create immortals from these scientists" she explained just as they got to the com room
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum nodded, "Have heard of facility. Good possibility." He followed the commander to the comms, tapping his chin as they walked, ideas and thoughts running through his mind constantly. His biggest question was why were the people behind this doing it. The work looks crude and rushed, it would have been far more efficient to continue finding better medical advancements and do more research. Some one was rushing to find a solution to everlasting life, but why?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Once they were in the comm room her ordered the ensign to establish the link to the council. It only took a few moments before the human ambassador for the council answered. He was a grizzled old man with scars on his face and a single missing eye. He looked like he went to hell and back and beat the shit out everyone in the process. He then said "report commander" then the commander said "sir we have reason to believe that someone is trying to manufacture immortals through illegal and unethical means. During a scouting mission we found a research facility was attacked. This scientist urtum is the only survivor. He can explain in more detail what he found out after examining the remains that my infiltrator Angelo find during said rescue"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum nodded at the council member and proceeded to explain what he had found and all he knew about the mining operation he was apart of, which wasn't much, but any information at this point is helpful. "Whole thing, very fascinating. Would like to stay aboard to help. I am best scientist for the job. Anyone else might get it wrong."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The counselman nodded intently listening to every detail. When the scientist finished he then said "very well, clearly something big is going on and I wouldn't want the only scientist that survived such an ordeal gone from my best ship urtum I will inform the dalatrass about your staying on the commanders ship. Commander as an n7 you will have full authority to search this facility. If you find anything I want you to inform us immediately. I don't have a good feeling about this so stay vigilant. Councilman out" he said before the hologram disappeared. The commander then turned to him and said "congrats Dr urtum. Welcome to my ship, you are now the chief science officer" she said holding her hand out to shake.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum took a hold of the Commander's hand shaking it and nodding to her, "Thank you. Always wanted to work on a ship. Will need a better lab though. Have thoughts on where we can find suitable equipment. Have connections with reliable people."

A.L.I.S.'s hologram also popped up next to the Salarian bowing slightly towards the Commander."We are greatful for this opportunity Commander. We look forward to helping you with the situation. Doctor Ezon will serve you well." Giving a small smile the hologram fizzled out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

She couldn't help but smile as she shook his hand and noticed his mind already thinking of ways to improve the lab. She gave a nod to the AI when she appeared before she took her hand back. She then said "as I said before the closest one that would be able to help you in this investigation is our doctor so don't be afraid to call on him. If you have need of special equipment fill out a requisition form and I'll have the crew install it when we dry dock next. For now do whatever you need to to be prepared when we get to the science facility. Dismissed"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum nodded, spinning around in place and heading back to the medical bay to go over the notes and data a couple more times. He wanted to make sure he knew every inch of the data, you never know when even the smallest thing will be helpful. As he went over his findings he also began to compile quite the hefty, albeit reasonable, list of equipment and tools that he would need to further investigate the sample and do deeper research on any future findings.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The trip to the science station only took two more hours before the intercom said that they were exiting hyperspace. Once they did they saw the commander in her N7 gear ready for battle while they mailed the gigantic space station. It was like a skyscraper floating around a blue sun making it glow like a moon thanks to it's white stone surface. Angelo was already waiting by the transport ship even before the intercom said "professor urtum, commander, infiltrator Angelo report to the hanger for airlock." Thankfully it seemed that they would get in through the stations docking yard.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum got his research gathered together and prepared for arrival during the ride to the station. When he was called by the intercom to the hanger, he took a moment to double and triple check everything and then rushed off to meet the other two. He arrived last, but not my much, still going through all the information they had gathered on his omni-tool, commenting every bit of information to memory. He took a moment when he arrived to look up at the commander and give her a slight nod, "Looking forward to field work. Will not let you down. Besides. I am best alien for the job." He looked over at Angelo as well, also nodding towards him before briefly finishing up going through the data one last time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The commander was able to appear in the hanger bay a little before the professor had a chance to show up. He looked like he was looking over his notes one last time before telling her that he was ready for field work. He then said "I'll hold you to that. We have no idea what will be waiting for us once we get there so stay by either me or Angelo" she ordered as they all got into the shuttle. Angelo gave him a nod before he took his seat and the shuttle was off taking them to the science facility.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum stood in the corner of the shuttle, holding onto one of the bars near the side doors. All of this stuff seemed exciting to the Salarian. After all those days doing simple research at some outskirts mining facility he could do with an interesting assignment like this. Besides, he never did like working for his former employers, they were always so secretive, in an unnerving kinda way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

It didn't take long for them to dock into the hanger. When they did and stepped out they were treated to a sight of pristine white. Not to mention merely the entrance had a few experimental shuttles and mass effect docking claws. Soon 3 of the lead scientists a salarian female with red markings on her face. A turian with yellow markings at the tips of his face and a human male with blond hair all wearing the colors of their home planet. The turian was the first to speak "what can we do for you commander? As far as I know we haven't done anything to warrant a council specteres visit
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum walked out of the shuttle, following closely behind the commander, taking in all the scenery around him. The place was definitely nice, he was interested in all the equipment they had laying within the buildings, but he supposed that, that could wait. He looked forward at the group of three who approached them and as they began talking to the commander, Urtum opened up his Omni-tool and began to take notes on the three, everything from height and size, to how they spoke and their body language. The salarian figured it might be useful to know how these people acted, in case anything suspicious was going on.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The commander waited till they finished speaking before saying "we are here investigating your facility. We believe someone is doing something highly unethical and illegal. We would prefer your cooperation in searching for the culprit." She said in a low tone looking to see if any of them had any idea as to who they were looking for. However none of them showed any signs of recognition or if they did then they were very good at hiding it. The female salarian then said "if you feel it necessary commander. If you like we can take you to each of our facilities so you can inspect them yourself" she offered and the commander nodded "thank you for cooperating, we will try not to hinder your work here anymore then we have to" they nodded before they started to lead the way deeper into the facility past the decontamination rooms and into the labs themselves...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The moment they passed decontamination and into the labs proper, Urtum became entranced in all the equipment. Raising a hand to get the attention of both the commander and the Salarian's attention, "May be helpful too look over research. Maybe able to find outlier in results, see if the information can point towards culprit." The scientist spoke as he peeked over the shoulders of some of the researches, trying to soak up as much information as he could as they continued forward.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

When their resident scientist spoke up the commander listened. She was no scientist and if it would help he felt his strengths should be used elsewhere. She nodded and said "please have someone escort our scientist to you archives so he can get a closer look at your results" while the turian was a bit apprehensive he nodded and decided to take him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Urtum followed, eyeing all the lab equipment and scientists as they passed. This science station seemed to do a large scope of different research, it seemed biology and bio engineering were just some of the many fascinating things these scientists work on. Even with all his amazement and excitement, Urtum had a bit of a perplexed and almost disappointed expression. He began to comment on the research as they made their way to the archives, "Research and experiments too inefficient. Could provide twice the results with my methods. Lab could use an upgrade as well. Equipment seems... a bit last year."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

As they walked through to the archives the turian sighed as he talked about how inefficient it was. When he mentioned that their equipment was last he scratched one of his facial plates and said "that's to be expected. While we are approved as a research facility none of our home planets want to expose their latest advancements to the others for fear of loosing an edge. Each department is deliberately given older models to use for research. The only places with current and even advanced equipment at the areas that are exclusive for that species." He explained as they soon found their way to the large archive looking like a grand library with many younger scientists researching and looking through them.

In the mean time the commander and Angelo kept moving forward following the salarian to where they were meant to find the facility able to produced the monstrosities on the planet Angelo had searched.
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