Synopsis: A princess from Onara, a pacifist world of super science, philosophy, spiritualism and ecology travels to the military peacekeeping world of the Prometheans. (The Prometheans are like a futuristic Sparta.) She offers herself for an arranged marriage to seal an alliance.


The galaxy now faced a new threat, the Spectrals. They were an enemy unlike any the Prometheans had ever faced - utterly ruthless, devoid of mercy or fear, and boasting a technology superior to humanity. They weren’t simply content to kill their victims. They took their very souls.

The Sectrals had initially poked and prodded at the borders of Promethean space, capturing small colonies. Promethean warriors fought - and died bravely against the onslaught. The Spectrals learned of the Onarans from the minds of Prometheans. However, the Onarans were initially deemed a non threat.

The Onarans were pacifists, a race devoted to life and science. They had the science to terraform or even CREATE worlds. Some believed they had magic. Everyone - even the Prometheans expected the Onarans to just throw shields up and sit the war out. Of course, when the Spectrals were finished destroying the largest military obstacle in their path, they would turn to feed on the pacifists.

The Spectrals had now set up a blockade around the Promethean homeworld in an attempt to prevent the humans from sending aid to any of their colonies. Of course, this was only a partial success as the Prometheans had planned for such contingencies by building shipyards and military factories even in inhospitable locales. (There was a damned good reason why the Prometheans were a feared enemy to have.)

Realizing the last best chance to stop the Spectrals was the barbaric ways of the Prometheans a lone Onaran ship made its way to Prometheus and braved the gauntlet. Its screens flared under the onslaught. It was a suicide run made at excessive speeds. The Onaran had no tactical knowledge. It did, however, have some very impressive screens. It also used a defensive weapon that slowed the maneuvering and aiming capabilities of the Spectrals by wrinkling space.

Before its destruction the Onaran ship ejected 12 pods to land near Promethean bases. Spectrals followed those and destroyed 8. Clearly the Spectrals were concerned as direct attacks on the surface of Prometheus hadn’t been common. The Onaran also ejected all of its life pods 120 of them … and a single Promethean battlesuit. It least that’s what the telltale sensors read.

The Spectrals went after every single pod, which soon proved to be devoid of life. The Spectrals sensed this and turned away without even bothering to attack them. What was inside was worth every bit as much though - a new generation of battlesuit. The last task force went after the lone battlesuit with a lifeforce in it.

It was no ordinary battlesuit. It had personal battle screens. The had firepower three times that of an ordinary suit. And it could fly - well the suit could fly. The woman who wore the suit was another matter. She wasted more firepower than a platoon and hardly hit any targets. She was cowering and firing in a blind panic by the time the Prometheans got to her and killed the last of the Spectrals.

Diplomatic Mission

It was a Princess Leia move if ever there was one - except that this time the princess in question delivered the message in person. The cargo pods had contained components to upgrade Promethean weapons, as well as a working sample. They also contained Onaran prototype shields. Of course, for the moment the Prometheans didn’t know that as their sensors told them nothing and they couldn’t get inside … yet. But if the life pods were any indication, they knew to take things along a diplomatic route. Besides, they couldn’t unlock the suits either.

When the Princess finally awake in the infirmary - at the time noone had any idea who she was - she had to be restrained as she thought she was still in the fight. But once she stopped crying and was able to speak she DEMANDED to speak to someone in charge. She didn’t realize that even a Prince fought. And in fact, the soldier who had pulled her out of the carnage had been the very man she was talking. At the time all she had seen was armor and an angry voice telling to stop shooting.

Demand … such a strong word. Humorous under the circumstances. It wasn’t as though her demands had any real force behind them - except for the fact that she might be the key to the technology she had brought.

So he introduced himself. Watching her flush with embarrassment and stammer and stutter was a small victory. She had to struggle to compose herself. Then she explained that she had come to propose an alliance. Herself - and the technology of the cargo she had brought in exchange for the defense of her homeworld. She made it clear that she understood what many Onarans denied - that not getting involved only delayed the inevitable and left a thousand other worlds to fall to the Spectrals.