How long do you usually write? Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? Yes I do.
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? Very much so.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? Darkness, character development, PC interaction.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague? First person writing and Mary Sues.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? No as long as its run by me first.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? TBA
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? Yes I do.
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? Very much so.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? Darkness, character development, PC interaction.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague? First person writing and Mary Sues.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? No as long as its run by me first.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? TBA
Name: Zes Xusnex
Species: Falleen
Pureblood percentage: 0%
Homeworld: Falleen
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Rank: Sith apprentice (Inquisitor)
Master: Naloi Qolshuz, underling of Darth Katherion.
Former master(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A
Sphere of influence: Imperial Intelligence
Species: Falleen
Pureblood percentage: 0%
Homeworld: Falleen
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Rank: Sith apprentice (Inquisitor)
Master: Naloi Qolshuz, underling of Darth Katherion.
Former master(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A
Sphere of influence: Imperial Intelligence
Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.

Standing 1.81 meters in height outside of his armor, Zes has a lean, athletic figure toned with muscle. His eyes are a fiery orange, giving him a particularly striking stare. He has sleek, aesthetically pleasing facial features, high cheekbones and a defined jawline, offset by the reddish burns which streak across the left side of his skull and his upper chest. His attractiveness is amplified by his species' naturally occurring pheromones. Zes' hair is an intense black, flowing long and typically tied back in a ponytail. He has two golden earrings hanging off both his ear lobs, which are the only bits of jewelry he wears. His fingers are long and slightly clawed, his skin more akin to scales like all members of his species.
Zes' clothing varies depending on the mission. He wears a set of sleek Sith armor. It is composed of stainless steel metals while still providing a high level of mobility. He avoids wearing such an imposing, eye-catching set of armor on more espionage and assassination type missions, where standing out is not wanted. In these missions he will typically clad himself in robes and rags or otherwise casual clothing that allows him to just seem like another person in the crowd, often masking his face. Blend in with the local population in order to achieve his goals.
Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill level.
A proficient wielder of the Force, Zes uses it a great deal in his missions for the Empire. He's at an advanced level with the basic Sith force powers. For more advanced techniques the Sith assassin knows Force Scream, Force Slow, Force Illusion and Force Stealth. Scream is at an advanced level while the other three are intermediate level. His powers are tailored to his specialty, stealth and deception. In case he needs to make an escape he can cast a powerful scream to distract and terrify his pursuers, or slow their movement and cognition. His ability with Stealth allows him to better infiltrate and draw even closer to his goals, hiding his dark side alignment. The power is not perfect, and can be sniffed out by Sith and Jedi powerful in the Force.
Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill
- As a trained Sith assassin, Zes is highly skilled in all manners of stealth. He's highly talented when it comes to stealth infiltration. He knows several forms of silent takedowns, allowing him to knock out/kill unsuspecting (non force sensitive) individuals quickly and inconspicuously.
- Zes is knowledgeable in brewing and using various poisons. He knows just where to apply them to most effectively take out a target, as well as knowing cures for them as well, able to protect himself from being poisoned. His knowledge in field deals with the most common species. Rare and obscure races are something he may not have a suitable poison for. His preference when it comes to poisons is ingest-able and inject-able, a common tactic involving him coating the blade of his knife then cutting a target.
- He's a top notch parkourist, combining his ability with the Force with his highly athletic body to scale buildings, walls and dash along rooftops. Allowing him rapid unconventional avenues of escape as well as infiltration. Zes in general seems to move with a rapid fluidity that makes him elite at escaping pursuits.
- Being an assassin, Zes has a great deal of knowledge in tracking and hunting down targets. He's relentless in his pursuit and able to find subtle hints in order to locate his next unlucky target. He's knowledgeable in information gathering and won't stop until his target is dead on the ground.
- While not top notch in the field, Zes has knowledge of hacking into computers and consoles. An essential part of breaking into well guarded facilities. He will often get stumped by the more challenging hacks though.
- He's trained and knowledgeable in manners of torture, able to squeeze information out of people. Knowing multiple physical torture techniques as well as psychological methods in order to 'break' someone.
- Due to his species' naturally occurring pheromones, Zes typically has a natural 'charm' on the opposite sex. He'll often use this as an advantage on missions to gain information and better avenues in order to achieve his needed goals.
- Zes is fluent in Basic, Huttese and his species own language (Falleen).
Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.
An accomplished swordsman armed with dual lightsabers, Zes specializes in assassinations and covert operations. His time during the war was spent more as an assassin and espionage agent than a fearsome frontline Sith warrior. To his name he has dozens of kills of Jedi and important Republic personal, majority of which were stealthy assassinations. As well as having slain Republic soldiers, gangsters and various other blaster wielding opponents. He's a deadly combatant in one on one situations in particular, where he's able to use his quickness to its full advantage.
For lightsaber forms, Zes' main forms are Ataru and Juyo. He is all about rapid, quick attacks and eliminating his opponents quickly. The assassin aims to blitz his enemies with flurries of swings and strikes, channeling his aggression and innate quickness to bring down any who he needs to eliminate. Zes is knowledgeable in Shien, the first form he was taught. He's at an advanced level with each of the three lightsaber forms he knows and constantly trains in his free time to get better with his twin blades. He's not bothered to look into learning the other forms as they do not fit his needed skillset.
Detailed notes on political influence and associates.
Zes as a Sith is not very politically connected. He knows a good amount of reputable higher ups within Imperial Intelligence, as well as fellow agents and assassins. But other than that his connections politically are limited. He does not hold much political sway, nor shows much desire to get involved in Sith politics. One notable connection is with lord Naloi Qolshuz. Another is Darth Katherion, who Zes has had less direct dealings with than he has had with Lord Qolshuz.
Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Empire.
As someone that uses stealth and hiding his identity as common tools in his operations for the Empire, Zes does not have many in the way of enemies in the Republic or Jedi Order. Within the Sith Empire he has a few rivals, chiefly Jiyus Onosjûsh, a fellow assassin who he's competed with for kills for years now. The twos rivalry is more of a 'one upsmanship' than anything else. While there is bad blood between them it is not extreme. There are others within the Intelligence division who are jealous of his accomplishments and reputation, something which has caused Zes to be more watchful of his back than he once was.
List and description of other known associates, including underlings.
Typically a lone wolf in his dealings, Zes does have a notable working relationship with Darth Katherion having undertaken missions in the past for her. His payment varying though it been good enough that he has no issues in doing work for her. He also has multiple contacts on important worlds across the galaxy such as Nar Shaddaa, Coruscant and Corellia. These individuals feed him information pertaining to his missions, often people in poverty that pose no risk of being exposed and can be eliminated without incident.
List of known all ownerships, including vessels, non-standard equipment, slaves and locations.
- Two red bladed lightsabers
- His armor, robes and other clothes.
- His personal starcraft a Fury-class Imperial Interceptor, the 'Revenant'
- Two droids that remain on and maintain his interceptor, a X2-C3 Imperial astromech droid and 2V-R8 (a Seneschal-series factotum droid).
- Various poisons, as well as antidotes for some of them
- Vibro-shiv (which he often coats with poison)
- Grappling hook
- Remote detonator and explosive charges
- Smoke grenades
Psychological evaluation of candidate.
When it comes to first impressions Zes is not like many other Sith. He's not overly aggressive, or pompous with his emotions like many others are. His species is known for their cold, calculated demeanor, exuding self control. To put it simply, he's more discreet and less showy with his ways. He does have the typical Sith cockiness, which has been amplified by his race's naturally occurring arrogance. He's not afraid to speak his mind, though he's taught in the ways of a deception, it was another part of his training. Zes is incredibly narcissistic, displaying the traits of a classic narcissist. He's highly entitled, with an adoration for praise and an overall inflated self worth. He has traces of being a high functioning sociopath, with a distinct lack of empathy, a tendency of impulsive behavior, a need for constant stimulation and shows little to no remorse for his actions.
Zes does not often start conversations, particularly with strangers. He's more of a quiet, scheming type than anything else. But when he does speak he is capable of charm. He seems to just use people for whatever his needs are. He's a lustful individual who has no qualms about using others for sex. Friends are far and few in between for Zes. He's reckless when it comes to the safety of others, though does not go out of his way to intentionally hurt innocents or cause collateral damage, only doing it if it helps his goals. Zes is not a sadist, unlike some other Sith. He finds little joy or fun in hurting others unless they have personally wronged him. He holds the typical hatred of the Jedi, finding them to be stubborn fools that hold themselves back from greatness intentionally. Though he does view their strongest as fearsome, but misguided opponents. He's a bit of a pragmatist in his actions, doing what must be done to further himself ultimately. He does not appear to have any grand plans at the moment.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
- Zes is incredibly arrogant in himself and his own abilities. He truly believes that he is the picture perfect example of a Sith agent. A prime assassin which others should aspire to become like.
- He's a high functioning sociopath who deep down only really cares about himself. He feels very little for anyone else and simply uses people to do what needs to be down. When he's finished with someone he'll discard them without a care in the world.
- He's very paranoid of others and finds it hard to trust just about anyone. This is a major reason why he prefers to work alone.
- The assassin is utterly ruthless in achieving his goals and decisions. He'll show no mercy to any that wrong him and has no qualms about killing anybody that gets in his way. He'll cut down anyone that tries to stop him with zero regret for those he kills in pursuit of his missions.
- Zes does not get into direct confrontations unless he can help it. He avoids frontline warfare at all costs and has zero qualms with fleeing when things get bad. Some consider this cowardice, he calls it a strong sense of self preservation.
- Falleen are known for their deep sense of self control and discipline, Zes echoes this in some ways even being a Sith. He's more controlled with his emotions than many of his fellow Sith, something which in the past has put him at odds with others in the Empire who are more free flowing with their emotions. He tends to look down upon the Sith that are to him just outrageous beasts, that kill without any sleekness and are no more than one track minded power hungry brutes.
- As someone within the intelligence sphere of the Empire, Zes is often met with suspicion from some of his fellow Sith. He frequently lies and uses deceit to achieve his goals, something which causes others who know of his history and deeds to be watchful of him.
- A lustful hedonistic being in his downtime, Zes' in particular pursues casual sex like no other. Its at the point where its an almost weakness for him. A pretty female face has a way of drawing his attention and often causing him to put down his defenses.
- To the displeasure of some of those in the upper echelon of the Empire, Zes seems too content and aimless with his life. He's not exactly aiming to climb the ladder and push himself to a higher position in the Sith hierarchy, he's a man that's quite happy where he's at. He doesn't hold any interest in elevating himself further and potentially taking an apprentice of his own.
known interests of the candidate.
- Sex
- Gambling
- Painting
- Exercise and training
Major achievements on record.
- Has assassinated dozens of accomplished Jedi and important Republic personnel, particularly during the war. Many of which were taken down with excellent stealth, leaving no trace of his presence.
- Kidnapped several Republic politicians who were summarily executed or handed over to his superiors.
- Has been successfully deployed undercover to multiple Republic controlled planets and gathered vital information for the Empire.
Major failures on record. Confidential.
- A notable failed assassination attempt against a Republic senator. Zes' identity was not revealed but the senator escaped unharmed, surviving an attempted bombing. It was seen as a relatively by the books job which escalated to more, partly due to Zes' actions.
- Was discovered and injured by a Jedi knight during an espionage operation towards the end of the war. The Jedi survived the encounter, and Zes failed to gather proper intel. Though he escaped without a more serious injury or capture.
Born in the Mid Rim on the Falleen homeworld, Zes was of high birth. The third child of Zajin Xusnex, lord of the influential House Xusnex. His childhood was one of affluence and decadence, never having to worry about money or food. He's always been an arrogant person, this brash cockiness was especially evident as a spoiled child when he lived on his homeworld. Servants took care of his every need, he was waited on every single second of his days. He was the only one in his family to display any Force sensitivity, though it was never something he fully realized until a visiting Sith lord arrived on his homeworld. The Fallen did not choose sides in the conflicts between the Empire and Republic. Though their homeworld would later be integrated into Sith space.
Zes was taken off his homeworld as a teenager, a huge shock to the spoiled noble child. Falleen was the only world he'd ever seen, the only one he'd ever stepped foot upon. He knew the great big galaxy existed out there but he never expected to end up out in it this early and under these circumstances. Tales of the Jedi and Sith never were ones which entered his ears on his homeworld. The Falleen were always a fiercely independent, famously arrogant species. They always saw their homeplanet as the absolute pinnacle of civilization and the center of the galaxy. The academy was a brutal show of the truth of the Sith Empire. Zes' wealth no longer mattered, nor did his family's power. He was all alone now.
Still, the young Zes showed remarkable ability. Despite not being the most physically imposing neophyte in the academy he was very agile on his feet, and quick with his mind. The Falleen's ways of self control and patience did often clash with the Sith ways of passion and emotion but he adapted as best he could. There were struggles which did result in berating from the instructors, but Zes was no fool. He showcased his potential regardless, though did draw ire from some jealous inferior academy mates. The beatings from them taught him how to run, how to fight back when he needed to. The acolyte would never show as a Sith fit for the war's frontlines. It seemed certain from his first days in the academy that he'd find himself in the field of espionage. He'd be taken as the sole apprentice for the Sith Lord Naloi Qolshuz, a cunning pureblood Sith. Qolshuz being one of the powerful Darth Katherion.
Lord Qolshuz was a particularly wise master, the perfect teacher for Zes. The Falleen was given difficult tasks from the start. One of his earliest tasks involved being dropped into a Republic controlled planet, infiltrating a military base and placing a bomb within it. Zes did so without detection, smirking as he pressed the switch and watched the base go up in flames. His first taste of the assassin lifestyle were under Lord Qolshuz. His master used him to hunt down, stalk and eliminate any opponents which he saw fit. Many were Republic personnel but the occasional missions against other Sith were particularly enlightening to Zes. The utter ruthless which preceded everything in the Empire, a common lack of forgiveness for even the tiniest of failures. It only pushed him to steel his resolve and better himself, as well as take notes on the merciless Sith politics. For all intents and purposes he served as Qolshuz's personal assassin and spy, rather than a traditional apprentice.
Early on in his apprenticeship Zes had taken it upon himself to forge a second lightsaber, he still recalls it as one of his proudest moments. In his downtime he'd constantly train himself to be better, become a more efficent killer. He would take no other master, seeing no need to do so. Lord Qolshuz and him had a mutually beneficial relationship. Zes would do the pureblood's bidding without question, be his personal killer and spy while his master would bestow him with lessons, holocrons, connections and a good amount of independence to do as he pleased otherwise. He has had no interest in becoming a Sith lord, his chosen lifestyle fits his desires perfectly. While he is now an Inquisitor, he still frequently does missions for Lord Qolshuz, as well as the Darth his master serves, Katherion.
As the war raged on Zes would often take parts behind the scenes, continuing to be a nuisance for the Republic and Jedi Order alike. He'd continue to push himself to get better, but embraced a hedonist lifestyle in his free time. The falleen shunned greater Sith politics in favor of a life of bliss, adventure and carnal desire. As an Inquisitor he's simply served the Empire in his own ways. He serves the Empire loyally, further lengthening his list of kills.
Zes was taken off his homeworld as a teenager, a huge shock to the spoiled noble child. Falleen was the only world he'd ever seen, the only one he'd ever stepped foot upon. He knew the great big galaxy existed out there but he never expected to end up out in it this early and under these circumstances. Tales of the Jedi and Sith never were ones which entered his ears on his homeworld. The Falleen were always a fiercely independent, famously arrogant species. They always saw their homeplanet as the absolute pinnacle of civilization and the center of the galaxy. The academy was a brutal show of the truth of the Sith Empire. Zes' wealth no longer mattered, nor did his family's power. He was all alone now.
Still, the young Zes showed remarkable ability. Despite not being the most physically imposing neophyte in the academy he was very agile on his feet, and quick with his mind. The Falleen's ways of self control and patience did often clash with the Sith ways of passion and emotion but he adapted as best he could. There were struggles which did result in berating from the instructors, but Zes was no fool. He showcased his potential regardless, though did draw ire from some jealous inferior academy mates. The beatings from them taught him how to run, how to fight back when he needed to. The acolyte would never show as a Sith fit for the war's frontlines. It seemed certain from his first days in the academy that he'd find himself in the field of espionage. He'd be taken as the sole apprentice for the Sith Lord Naloi Qolshuz, a cunning pureblood Sith. Qolshuz being one of the powerful Darth Katherion.
Lord Qolshuz was a particularly wise master, the perfect teacher for Zes. The Falleen was given difficult tasks from the start. One of his earliest tasks involved being dropped into a Republic controlled planet, infiltrating a military base and placing a bomb within it. Zes did so without detection, smirking as he pressed the switch and watched the base go up in flames. His first taste of the assassin lifestyle were under Lord Qolshuz. His master used him to hunt down, stalk and eliminate any opponents which he saw fit. Many were Republic personnel but the occasional missions against other Sith were particularly enlightening to Zes. The utter ruthless which preceded everything in the Empire, a common lack of forgiveness for even the tiniest of failures. It only pushed him to steel his resolve and better himself, as well as take notes on the merciless Sith politics. For all intents and purposes he served as Qolshuz's personal assassin and spy, rather than a traditional apprentice.
Early on in his apprenticeship Zes had taken it upon himself to forge a second lightsaber, he still recalls it as one of his proudest moments. In his downtime he'd constantly train himself to be better, become a more efficent killer. He would take no other master, seeing no need to do so. Lord Qolshuz and him had a mutually beneficial relationship. Zes would do the pureblood's bidding without question, be his personal killer and spy while his master would bestow him with lessons, holocrons, connections and a good amount of independence to do as he pleased otherwise. He has had no interest in becoming a Sith lord, his chosen lifestyle fits his desires perfectly. While he is now an Inquisitor, he still frequently does missions for Lord Qolshuz, as well as the Darth his master serves, Katherion.
As the war raged on Zes would often take parts behind the scenes, continuing to be a nuisance for the Republic and Jedi Order alike. He'd continue to push himself to get better, but embraced a hedonist lifestyle in his free time. The falleen shunned greater Sith politics in favor of a life of bliss, adventure and carnal desire. As an Inquisitor he's simply served the Empire in his own ways. He serves the Empire loyally, further lengthening his list of kills.