Hinansho, a bustling metropolis city on the Japanese island of Shikoku. Over a decade ago, the multimedia corporation known as Anatsu Incoporated was established in the heart of the city. Anatsu CEO Takanobu Oda hailed the arrival of his company as a great boon for the city, promising to enrich Hinansho and make it the economic, social, and production envy of the Orient.
The year is now 2020, and Anatsu Incoporated is fast monopolizing all of Hinansho. The company has bought vast amounts of property, condominiums, radio stations, restaurant and fast food chains, shipping lines, and designer brands.
Many mainstream tabloids through the years made attacks and launched accusations against Anatsu and CEO Takanobu. These individuals and institutions however have all strangely changed their stories as of recent, or gone silent.
Though murmurs rise of threats and blackmail, these too were hushed.
Recent developments suggest that Oda is planning on pursuing politics. And as a result, Anatsu representatives and execs have been flooding the streets of Hinansho, appealing to “independent businesses” to sell or at least accept Anatsu endorsement. Billboards and placards of Takanobu Oda and Anatsu Incoporated are practically everywhere. One can even use a bathroom stall and find a Anatsu Air Freshener.
The Daily Truth, one of the last newspapers independent from Anatsu influence and funds, is running a sort of news campaign against Anatsu Incoporated. A team of reporters have been specially assigned to do whatever they must to uncover the sordid truth buried beneath Anatsu’s mountain of lies and cash.
This is a concept for an anime themed corporate conspiracy RP. Set in the fictional Japanese city of Hinansho (Haven), it tells the account of a mega-millions coporation that is mass monopolizing the city through use of intimidation, blackmail, and backroom threats. An independent newspaper called The Daily Truth is mass investigating the corporation. By mass investigating, I mean they have their best reporters specifically assigned to Anatsu (the corporation in question) and are going all out with their research to air out Anatsu’s dirty laundry.
You (my partners’ character) are a reporter/journalist, recently graduated from Hinansho University, seeking a bright career in journalism. You find your way to The Daily Truth and are hired on the spot. Seeing potential in you, your character is assigned to assist in covering a press conference at a local mall recently purchased by Anatsu for a rather curiously low price.
What you (my partners’ character) will find is what can only be described as a sordid conspiracy of deceit and that charismatic business mogul Takanobu Oda is far more than he appears to be. Get ready for a gripping experience.
If interested, directly PM me and we can begin discussion :D !