Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐥

Upper Dorm Hall, Saturday Evening
Interacting with @KatKook@Polaris North

While he's searching for the source of the blood, he sees it. An imprint on his eyes, a malign... thing. Something evil, if such a concept exists. Something that would never relent. This pure, horrific light washed over Hangyeol's eyes, and while he saw merely the tiniest fraction of what it was, he understood.

The girl would be okay.

In fact, she's rapidly getting better. Even smiling.

Immediately after this revelation of sorts, Hangyeol is assaulted by a sudden rush of blood to the head and he steps back, disoriented. This is... not good. In fact, it could be described as horrible. There is no room for "it's just paranoia." The events that have happened in the last hour are too much, too close together and too unsettling to be anything other than planned, and this sudden revelation just confirms Hangyeol's worst fears. If there really is something, someone, some sort of "evil" in this place...

Well, it scares him.

And it doesn't stop at fear--it's a terrible sense of dread that washes over him, that makes him shiver and flinch back after touching the girl's forehead. He stumbles for a moment, breathing in deep in an effort to re-center himself and rid his mind of the things he just saw; of course, he will never be able to forget them, but he can push them away for the time being.

He doesn't even notice his hands shaking until Seoyeon speaks to him in Korean--he guesses it's one of the only things he can hear right now, his native language. Somehow, it brings him back enough to be aware of his surroundings and thinking things through more logically. If this blind, half-panic can be considered logical.

Despite this, he doesn't process what Seoyeon actually said; just the sounds, faintly familiar to his ears and easy to replicate. Without meaning to, he responds in kind.

"Let me help you," he repeats, then snaps back into it. What? Huh? Ah, right, the girl. Something he can do. "I, ah, I don't think there's anything else. To do." The sound of his own voice, thankfully, draws him back into reality, where Seoyeon and Lilly are looking at him expectantly. Hangyeol stares at them, blankly, before turning back to the girl. "She--she seems to be--" Okay? Better?

She's getting better. Hangyeol shrugs, words dying in his throat. Words cannot describe what he just saw and therefore he will not even try. He just hopes, in this moment, that things will be fine.

Even if it looks like a terrifying path is being set before them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex stood off to the side as everyone did their thing. He knew he wouldn't be much help dealing with an injury. He listened to Seoyeon say that she had called for an ambulance. Finally, as long as they made sure the girl was alright then hopefully everything would be fine. All the bystanders were giving the others space to do what was needed so his job was done. Alex was about to leave when he saw something curious. There was a woman smiling as she left to the stairwell. In and of itself that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing but Alex's gut was telling him that something was off.

Alex looked around to see if anyone else had noticed but they all had their attention on the injured girl. For reasons that Alex wasn't entirely sure of he decided to follow the unknown individual. Entering the stairwell he heard steps from up above. Slowly but surely he began climbing the stairs after the woman. He came across a door that was just closing so he assumed that was the one she had gone through. Opening the door he saw her standing in a completely empty hallway looking right at him as if she expected him.

Instantly, Alex felt a little on edge by her. He closed the door and leaned back against the wall to his right. Sticking close to the door in case for some odd reason he needed to make a quick getaway. "Hey, I was asking everyone down there if they saw what happened but they all were so drunk they could barely operate their phones to call an ambulance. I saw you walking off and you looked pretty coherent. Did you see what happened?"

"I found Abby." She said all the while playing with her hair and keeping that eerie smile upon her visage. Who was she and why was she acting so strange. Alex thought that maybe she was acting like this because the injury had something more nefarious behind it. Alex wasn't going to just accuse someone randomly but it felt like she may know more than the girl's name. "I'm assuming that's the girl who had been laid out on the floor. You didn't really answer my question though. Do you know who it was that screamed or was that you?"

She doesn't answer. She looks Alex up and down, still playing with her hair. It shines in the low light. Her mouth stays closed for what seems an awfully long time, wordless, smiling, playful. "I found her." Ok, that was basically the exact same thing she said before but the long pause definitely indicated that she had probably done something. It didn't necessarily mean she injured Abby but she most likely knew exactly what happened.

Alex looked at the young woman trying to see if something else seems off other than her actions and words. "Well, my name's Alex. What's yours?" If she didn't want to give any answers maybe it was time to try some new questions. Suddenly, Alex feels something wet trickle down the side of his head. The girl vanishes then the light. Everything vanishes. All there is, is a small spot of light in the distance. Alex feels the side of his head and pulls his hand in front of him to see what it is but other than the distant light it's to dark to see. He pulls out his phone only to discover the battery is dead. Guess there will be no extra light. He started feeling as if the light was pulling on him. Against his better judgement he begins slowly walking towards it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Okonuki
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Okonuki ok this is epic / bottom text

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Interacting with : Lou, Seoyeon, Upstairs people

"Thank you Julius!" Lou exclaimed, giving Julius an uncomfortably tight hug that went on for at least two seconds longer than was necessary. Worst of all, Lou hadn’t let go of the sex doll and he felt the slick plastic slide against his back as he squirmed, sandwiched between an idiot and an inanimate object. Eventually the pressure on the doll became too much and it popped out above Lou’s hug, floating merrily in the air before feathering gently to the ground. With the absence of Matilda, Lou’s arms slugged him in the back as he repressured the hug. His skin was slightly sweaty. Julius would have preferred hugging the doll.

He looked down at where it lay, staring blankly at the ceiling with unblinking eyes. Was it insane to talk to a sex doll? Well, Lou did and he was the sanest guy Julius knew. He mouthed threats at the plastic face as his roommate finally released the hug.

"I will make you proud, I will be what the kids say very tight tonight!" Lou continued, his grin wide again and his enthusiasm undampened by Julius’ attempts. Facepalming was so five years ago, but Julius did an internal one anyways. The administrator who’d paired the two of them together in dorms was getting coal from him for christmas this year. Lou was quickly rescuing his beloved, scooping up the doll from the ground and settling it on a chair, which it quickly slipped off of.

"She probably will be okay." Lou said, looking at Julius with wide puppydog eyes. She - ugh, I mean it, is an it, Lou. You know these things aren’t real people right? Despite what they look like,” he added. The manufacturer of Matilda was clearly on a passion project, as the face was lovingly sculpted into an almost passable form- if you ignored the wide red mouth. “Also, I’m pretty sure these things are made to handle a slightly tougher beating than the one you gave her… it.” Julius filled a cup from the tap and gulped it quickly, looking around the room for an escape route. The cold water was refreshing, but the backwash taste reminded him of the weed brownie he’d eaten earlier and brought him up coughing.

The buzz had well and truly set in by now, and he was feeling slightly on edge. Wasn’t weed supposed to make you feel happy and dopey? At the moment it seemed to have frayed his nerves to a thin wire. He jumped in alarm as a sudden beeping came from behind his back, but turned to just find a very stoned looking dude retrieving a piping hot pocket from the microwave. His heart was racing, and he lifted a hand to his chest to feel it thumping against his ribcage. Why was he so paranoid? It seemed like there was a monster hiding in every shadow, a plotter behind every alcohol-induced grin that wandered past. He looked back at the couches where the group of students were huddled, conspiring. They must have planned that he would eat this brownie, get high… and then what?

Julius didn’t know what they had planned for him, but he saw the way Ylva’s purse bulged. She had to have a gun in there- or a knife. He wasn’t going to stay and find out. Even Lou, who had seemed merely dim and happy moments ago now had the face of a wicked, grinning conspiracist. They were all in it. All out to get him. “Hey Lou, do you want to stay here and look after Matilda? I’ve got to go check something out,” he called over his shoulder as he beelined for the door. Somewhere private, somewhere safe. That was what he needed.

To his displeasure, he found Dorm One occupied by a group playing beer pong across a hastily set up trestle table. “Hey mate, you here to join in?” one of them called, but Julius was already gone, slamming the door and taking a moment to calm his racing heart on the other side. Where could he go if even his own dorm was taken over by the enemy? In the corner of his eye the green glow of an exit sign hummed softly, and his unhinged eyes darted to below it, where the door to the stairwell waited invitingly. Of course, there would be no one on the other floors, with the parties. Everyone would be down here or on the floor above enjoying themselves. The top floor would no doubt be empty- somewhere he could sit and collect his thoughts.

He rushed up the stairs two at a time, bypassing the floor above where party noises and lights spilled from under the door crack. It was only after he continued another flight of stairs past that he found himself stopping. The door to the floor had been left slightly ajar, but no light came from the hallway behind it. Hopefully that meant no one would be there. He inched the door open, peeking his head to see what was happening on the other side.


Halfway down the hall a man lay crumpled on the ground, doing a worryingly good impression of a dead body. This university was all a trap, and if he didn’t get out soon, he was next. It was the only explanation! Julius looked around cagily. Was it just him or were the walls closing in, pressing against him, trapping him… He spun on his heel to retreat, run away into the Alaskan cold and never come back to this god-forsaken place ever again when his conscience twinged. Maybe it was the angel on his shoulder speaking, but for some reason it felt wrong to just leave the poor guy alone and hurt in the dark hallway.

Julius tiptoed across to where he lay, keeping the light on his phone close to the ground so he could see where he was standing. Once he was closer, he could take in some of the grisly details. The side of his head was slick with dark blood, staining the carpet red like spilled juice. Bleeding was a good sign, right? Well, to a point. He wouldn’t still be bleeding if he was dead.
Julius quickly stripped his coat off, with a twinge of regret at the feel of the expensive fabric, and bundled it against the wound. The light creamy colour was immediately stained like the carpet, but Julius kept it tight against the guy’s head. Hopefully the pressure would help staunch the flow.

Now that he was close enough to notice, he saw the man’s eyes were as wide as saucers, staring blankly up at the flickering lights on the ceiling in a way that reminded him of Matilda the doll. His pupils were also frighteningly dilated, and speckled with small white dots. The way his eyes stayed open, despite his unresponsive state freaked Julius out a little, and he closed the lids with a gentle finger. That felt wrong, though. It was what they did to dead people in movies, and there was no way this guy was going to die.

With a start, Julius realised the trouble they were in. People didn’t just show up bleeding from the head alone in hallways. They had to get there somehow. A half-possible theory of a drunk partier stumbling and hitting his head floated to his mind, but it was quickly discarded in favour of the much more exciting, much more horrifying possibility that there was a murderer in the university. Feeling like he’d descended into a real life game of Cluedo, Julius took another look around the hallway. It was deserted, the lights low and the dorm doors firmly closed. If there was a murderer lurking around these halls, safety in numbers seemed the safest route to take.

Julius tied the coat firmly around the head wound before seizing the poor guy by his feet and started to drag him down the hallway towards the stairwell door. Someone on the floors below must know what to do. Surely out of all the students here, at least one of them was studying med. Julius puffed with each tug- the guy was heavier than he looked, and the coat kept catching on the rough carpet. Most of all, Julius wasn’t as fit as he used to be in his schoolboy days.

Yet he still managed to drag the victim all the way to the exit door, where he paused for a quick breath and a look over his shoulder. The hallway was still empty, or so it seemed at least. Feeling slightly guilty about abandoning him, even if it was just for a moment, Julius vaulted down the stairs towards where light crept invitingly out of the open door of the floor below. His earlier introversion was forgotten, as any people were better company than the creepy dim lights and possibility of being murdered on the floor above. He booted the door open, taking in the scene only long enough to see a crowd of people clustered around something.

“Does anyone here know anything about first aid? I’ve found a guy with a serious head wound upstairs and he’s bleeding pretty bad,” he said authoritatively. Remembering some half advice from a long time ago about taking charge in an emergency, he pointed at one of the bystanders, a Korean girl who was already holding a phone. “You, call an ambulance.” The crowd of faces parted, craning their necks to see who was interrupting their little get together, and Julius could finally see what they were all crowded around.

Oh, fuck.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Other Party Floor
Interacting with: Hangyeol, Seoyeon, Julius

Lilly was relieved - a little bit - to know that the ambulance is on the way and that someone would take this load off of their hands. Nothing like the end of their first week to suddenly drop this massive bomb onto them. The girl wasn't getting any better - not even a bit. Sure she had stopped bleeding but something still was wrong and she couldn't tell anyone what it was. Hangyeol, despite everything, tried to reassure him but he seemed to choke up in the middle of it.

Reassuring, definitely.

There was nothing more she could do but wait until someone else came - someone more qualified than a bunch of students who were throwing a wild dorm party and may or may not be drunk and/or high from everything. She could feel her head pounding and she was sure that it wasn't from the vodka that she had drank from earlier. Her panic was dying down, giving way to exhaustion and she sat down on the ground. She could feel herself shaking and she wanted nothing more than to have another drink and crash onto the bed.

She decided to use that time to try to check in with Alex but he was nowhere to be found. Maybe he went investigating outside. Before she could even stand up to check where he was because she was not going to deal with a missing floormate after this one, Julius burst into the room. He was already saying something about first aid and an ambulance and Lilly had her second wind. She was up on her feet in a flash. She clenched her fists and her nails dug into her flesh - the pain a familiar feeling to keep her grounded instead of flying in another panic.

"We called an ambulance for her." Lilly said as she gestured over to the female who was on the couch before she headed towards Julius. "Is there another? We need to call another ambulance. God, this uni is going to be painted in red and blue by the end of the night." She growled the last part under her breath. But who might the other victim be and were the circumstances the same or different? She didn't know how to interpret the look on Julius's face if he was shocked because of the once bleeding girl or because he saw the same thing with whoever the victim was on his part.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dutchess Sarah
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Dutchess Sarah AKA Lavender James

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ylva had a hard time responding to the questions around her. She registered the questions, but it took time for her to digest their meaning. Something felt different, but she could not put her finger on it. She wasn't even sure what the answer should be, either.
Am I okday? Physically, there was nothing wrong with her, and mentally... well she had no idea what just happened, but she didn't feel not okay either. She felt a little off, but that didn't seem to odd given the circumstances.

I think I'm okay. That was weird, though. None of you heard any of that?
Ylva was trying her best to control her voice, but she was clearly shaken, and it showed. She was still trying to make sense of what she'd heard.
Something that had been set in motion? Something that could not be stopped? Our presence futile, a nuisance? What the hell?
I have no idea what is going on, but none of this is good. She seemed unaware that she said this last part out loud.

She rubbed her temples and tried to quiet down her mind. She remembered an old trick her grandmother had taught her when her mind was spinning, and she took a few deep breaths. Trying to clear her mind, Ylva discarded all her conscious thoughts and focussed on her breathing. As soon as her mind quieted down, she felt it. A presence inside her thoughts, inside her mind. The same horrible sensation came over her, hairs on end, stomach churning. It was scratching, pulling, clawing. Trying to break out of whatever part of her mind it was in, trying to enter her conscious mind, trying to... As soon as Ylva started thinking again, the sensation faded. It was like one of those eye-floaters. The more you try to look at it, the more it glides from your vision.

Ylva realised she was breathing heavily again and concentrated on breathing quietly. The moment she stopped thinking about things, the scratching, clawing, pulling started again, and just as before it faded as she focussed on it. Breathing slowly, Ylva concentrated on the lyrics of a favourite song. The sensation faded away again. Was it her imagination or could she feel it looming in the background, waiting for a moment of weakness? For now she was strong enough to block it, to stop it. But for how long? And what would happen as she slept? Or daydreamed in class? This was creeping her out.

Ylva looked around the room, trying to avoid the gazes of the people around her and looking for something to focus her mind on. Suddenly she realised they were almost alone. Weren't there more people here earlier? Where'd everyone go?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It's not that simple."

Location: Dorm Floor

Interaction: Upstairs people

As Seoyeon couldn't keep still at all during that whole endeavor. She stared at her phone moving her Bitizens up and down elevators as she waited for the paramedics to arrive. The door slammed opened and Seoyeon pushed herself off the wall, thinking it was the paramedics she was instantly disappointed to see that it was just some blonde guy she didn't know the name of, she sees him in the halls sometimes but she never bothered to check his name nor did she care that much since he wasn't in her social group. He then turned to her and yelled at her to call an ambulance. Seoyeon was already uneasy which made her response a bit more aggressive than usual, "Asshole, I already called an ambulance, what makes you think I wouldn't?" She had quite a bit of tone in her voice to prove that she didn't want to take any of this shit today, she was a third on the way to drunk and there's some bleeding chick on the floor; so it really isn't the time to fuck around or act like the biggest fish in the sea.

The look on his face kind of lowered her anger a bit since there was something else, there were traces of blood on his hands, and it was either he was the one doing this or this girl wasn't the only one. She backed off, but she made sure her earlier statement was heard pretty well since Seoyeon isn't the type of person to forget about what she says previously.

Lily then added her statement about calling the ambulance for the girl earlier, who should be here by now. The girl wasn't looking good at all, she looked tenser than a tight rope with an elephant on it, and her eyes looked as vacant as ever- Suddenly two men rush in; they both wore those things paramedics wore so they were probably them. The taller one, went to check on the girl and the other grabbed the gurney and laid it flat on the ground. The taller one was a Caucasian male with dark hair and a beard while his friend was an African american with short hair and much larger muscles. The muscular one stayed with the girl, then the taller one walked up to Seoyeon and said "She's fine, just fainted. Make sure she stays hydrated over the next few hours, and she should be back to it by tomorrow, easy. Don't drink underage, it's not a good idea. Someone could've called the cops." Seoyeon then looked at the man in confusion and replied "Whoa whoa, it can't be that simple, aren't you supposed to take her to the hospital or something?" She asked, the man then turned to his buddy who shook his head at Seoyeon's reply, then proceeded to fold the gurney. "You kids should be able to take care of her, it's only a concussion." Said the man.

Seoyeon shook her in anger and grabbed the man by the collar, she looked up at him and angrily spoke "Concussion my ass! She's bleeding! So you better take her to the fucking hospital or I'll fucking put you in the hospital I swear to god!" Seoyeon yelled, the girl clearly wasn't okay and these two idiots don't know what they're doing. The tall paramedic pulled away, and scoffed at Seoyeon, he turned to his buddy and they just stared at each other. "Let me call dispatch." The man replied annoyingly as he walked out the door while his buddy stayed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

𝓐𝓵𝓮𝓴𝓼𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓷𝓪

Dorm Hall
Interacting with: No One

Several others noticed the redhead and asked the very same question Sasha did. The Russian girl waited for an answer, almost sighing in relief when she said she thought she was okay. But the tremble in her voice was still there and as soon as she asked if anyone heard something, Sasha raised an eyebrow. What was she talking about? Heard what? The scream earlier? That was what she meant, right? Her eyes glanced towards the stairs going up. The floor manager and a handful of other people had rushed upstairs to take care of whatever happened, didn't they? She looked around. The loud music blaring from the speakers was enough to block out any other noise, really. Shaking her head no, her eyes strayed towards the empty pan of brownies. Did the redhead eat one of those too? Perhaps it was the reason why she was hearing things that no one else did. Or maybe someone else did hear whatever she heard?

Sasha shook her head. She didn't wanna ask any more question, she didn't wanna try to figure it out. And she really didn't want to hang around people that was either too drunk or too stoned to make sense of what was happening around them. And so with a polite smile to everyone there, she excused herself and finally headed towards the room she shared with Venus. It was what she had planned on doing earlier and for a moment, she wondered why she even bothered going around to try to get to know people in the first place. The only person she really needed to get along with was Venus. They shared a dorm room and it would be awkward if they weren't at least in speaking terms to each other. It was a good thing though that she actually liked the girl.

Side stepping several drunk people passed out on the floor, she quickly made her way to her room. As soon as she was in there, she closed the door behind her, not entirely blocking out the loud noise but at least muffling it a little. She went over to her bed, pulled out her cellphone from her pocket, sat down and began texting her bestfriend in Russia.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by bandcrsnatch
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bandcrsnatch sᴜsᴘɪʀɪᴏʀᴜᴍ

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ylva Ulven

Frankly, he had no idea how to deal with this. It seemed like Ylva was having some sort of mental breakdown—something he was not at all equipped to handle. Once, twice, three times, Ziggy tries to think of something to say to help with the situation, something he could do even, but each time, his mind draws a blank. It was starting to get hard to think. The pounding music combined with the smoke fogging up his brain slows his thoughts to a sluggish crawl; and truth be told, Ylva’s ominous doomsaying wasn’t helping much either. What did she mean by that, anyway? That none of this is good?

“Come on, it’s just a party. What are you so worried about?” Ziggy tries to sound relaxed, though he can’t quite keep the unease out of his voice. Maybe I should just shut up, he thinks to himself, the girl clearly has it handled on her own. So, instead of trying to fumble his way through someone else’s problem, Ziggy resolves to take a step back for the time being. If things got really bad, he’d lend a hand, but from the looks of it, the worst was over. Ylva appeared to be settling down a bit, and he watches as her breathing slows to a more regular rate.

It’s only when Ylva points it out that Ziggy realises how many people had left during the commotion. At first looking to the right, then looking to the left, he does a quick headcount of those who are still present. It seemed Julius was gone, leaving Lou alone with Matilda, the blow-up doll. And then, Sasha is leaving too. Ziggy barely manages to say goodbye before she rounds the corner, presumably heading back to her room. Sighing, he reaches up to rub the glaze out of his eyes with the back of his hand, and slowly climbs back up to his feet.

“Hey, uh… Ylva, right? Do you need to like, lie down or something? I could walk you back to your room maybe.” Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, he gestures vaguely towards the hallway, then realises how something like that might sound. Hurriedly, Ziggy holds his hands up, palms facing out to show that he held no ill intentions. “If you’re cool with that, I mean. You just don’t look too good, s’all. Wouldn’t want you collapsing on us.”

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sometimes a man had to swallow his pride, and let things just go with the flow. At the moment he wanted to lash out at Julius and tell him what he he really thought. He didn't agree with Julius at all with his statements, women WERE real people! How dare he think they were just here to take a beating. Looking to Julius as he left, he only gave a slight nod of the head. Perhaps they could have a valuable talk later that night when they went to bed.

Matilda had fallen asleep where he left her, so he would let her rest. She had a rough night, having her boyfriend leave her after all. Taking a moment, Lou took a swig of some water. The weed that was littered in the brownie he had eaten was taken effect, but he wasn't really sure what to feel about it. Part of him was nonchalant about the entire thing, but the other part of him really wanted to go eat some of the food that was brought.

Walking back to the area where every one was, Lou noticed the girl from his floor walking into a room. Sasha, he remembered her name from the profile he had added earlier that week during orientation. Going to her now closed door he knocked three heavy times before reaching to the handle. It was unlocked and so he quickly let himself into the room without waiting for a response of whether or not it was okay to come in.

He did not close the door behind, knowing that it was inappropriate to have the door closed with a lady in the room with you unless you had her permission. "HEY!" he exclaimed a little louder that necessary, as the music and mumbling entered the room. "Is it okay if I close the door? It is a little loud!" he looked at Sasha for approval. "Only if you'd like company that is." he continued, a lopsided smile plastered on his face.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐥

Upper Dorm Hall, Saturday Evening
Interacting with all present

"N-now, let's all just calm down..."

Funny that Hangyeol would say something like that; after all, he's currently in a semi-panicked state, the earlier "I got this all under control" mindset completely forgotten due to the disasters that continue to pile up around him. First that girl, now somebody else? And why is that Korean girl yelling... Can't everyone just be quiet? This line of thinking continues on for about a minute before he catches sight of the blood on that man's hands, which only serves to heighten the amount of stress Hangyeol is feeling, until his instincts kick in and the let's be rational side of him is drowned out by a very loud, very panicky voice that says YOU'RE GOING TO DIE.

And so, assaulted by bad memories, bad circumstances, and his own messed-up brain, Hangyeol does the reasonable thing and goes into a panic attack.

The process is familiar, really. One minute, he's standing up and the next, he's backed into a corner, conveniently separated from the main hub of action and hidden by a nice layer of onlookers; wouldn't be good to draw any attention to himself, he thinks, his last coherent thought before his mind reminds him he's probably going to die and he can't breathe, can'tfeelanything—

The symptoms are hard to miss; his heartbeat is hammering away like a freight train, hands and legs shaking uncontrollably, his breathing suddenly too shallow, not enough air—it's happening again, why is it happening, why can't I keep it together—?

And then, as suddenly as it begun, it is over. Time elapsed: not even ten minutes. A short one, in other words. Hangyeol considers himself lucky; taking into account the circumstances, it's a miracle he's even alive, let alone functioning within society.

Taking a minute to collect himself, Hangyeol observes the crowded upper hall from his place in the corner, curious to see if anyone noticed him slipping away. It could go either way; he prides himself on being able to blend in with the crowd, but that Korean girl probably noticed, if not Lilly. Hangyeol would rather they didn't learn of this, but if the questions get too serious he'll probably have to tell them. Unless he could make something up; it's not good to let them know too much...

But, well, for now Hangyeol watches, letting the paramedics (which have finally arrived, thank goodness) do their job. Unfortunately, it looks like Seoyeon is bent on shouting in their faces, and they haven't been notified of the other apparent victim in the dorm, so he figures now is a good time to rejoin the party. Or, it would be if his brain wasn't still screaming at him, stuck in panic-mode when presented with an unchanging, uncomfortable situation, to put it lightly. But Hangyeol is good at ignoring his mind's warning signs, so he brushes them aside and reconvenes to where Seoyeon is currently arguing with the ambulance guys.

"Sorry to intrude, but I heard there was another guy hurt," he says, keeping his voice nice and quiet and calm despite the chaos around and inside him. "Can we get somebody looking at him?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

𝓐𝓵𝓮𝓴𝓼𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓷𝓪

Dorm Room 4
Interacting with: Lou

Closing the door behind her but not locking it, she walked over to her bed and sat on it, glad to be finally alone. In the room, she didn't need to force herself or pretend to want to interact with the other people on her floor. Sure, she could hold a conversation really well but she wasn't exactly the type to be that much friendly with people she barely knew and people who couldn't care less who she was. She tried with Hangyeol earlier but that didn't quite pan out the way she expected it to. It didn't really matter. If he took her on that invitation to be friends, then well and good. If that was too weird for him, then it's still cool. She didn't want to force anyone to be friends with her anyway.

She sent a quick text message to Ekaterina, her best friend, who in turn, replied back in a matter of seconds.

You should really go out and try to be friendlier to the people who you'll be spending the next few years with Sasha.

I tried to, Katia. Everyone's busy with getting drunk, getting stoned and I don't know, rushing off upstairs because someone screamed.

Someone screamed? Wild. Is it a good scream or the bad kind?

I don't know. I didn't wanna meddle in stuff I have no idea how to handle. I'm just gonna stay in here.

Engrossed in her message exchange with her friend, she disregarded the loud knock on her door, automatically thinking that it came from next door or possibly some drunk people horsing around outside her room. Her phone beeped once more, signalling Katia's response.

"Sash, listen. Just staying in your room is boriiiing. And---

She was halfway through Katia's message when a loud "HEY" made her jump and dropped her phone to the floor. The phone made a worrisome cracking sound as it bounced on the floor and clattered under her bed. A string of Russian expletives bursted out of her as she quickly bent down and retrieved her phone. As soon as the gadget was back in her hands, she jumped to her feet and quickly looked towards the door.

The funny guy was standing there with the door still open. "Ugh! Come in, come in. And close the door," she agreed before looking down and her phone for a quick check. Thankfully, there was only a minor dent at the edge. Other than that, it looked ok. She sighed in relief before looking up again at her unexpected guest. "Uhm... Hi?" she greeted uncertainly. "Did you need anything from me?" she asked politely.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Okonuki
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Okonuki ok this is epic / bottom text

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Interacting with : Seoyeon, Lily, Yoon, EMTs

"Asshole, I already called an ambulance, what makes you think I wouldn't?"

Julius looked back at her with a curled lip and a look that could strip paint from the walls. At least he could get back into his good old aggressive mindset again, knocked out of his shock at finding the body by this girl’s sheer audacity, thinking that she could throw chat like that. He couldn’t take this lying down.

“Hey newsflash dumbass: I can’t read your mind. How the fuck am I supposed to know what you’ve done or not?” he steamed, wiping his bloody hands on his thighs. Lily had jumped to her feet as he had spoke, her eyes wide with worry and attempting to assuage the situation. "We called an ambulance for her,” she said, pointing down at the passed out girl before resuming speaking. "Is there another? We need to call another ambulance,”

“Yes, there’s bloody well another. My dorm mate’s half bleeding to death two floors up,” Julius said, looking pissily at the korean girl. “And forget the ambulance. If you want to call anyone, you should try the cops. While one can be an accident, two people showing up fucked up is a mite bit suspicious.”

As he was speaking, the stairwell door opened again and revealed the reassuring presence of two paramedics, one wheeling a stretcher. They walked briskly over to where the girl lay on the floor, all professional and business-like in their manner. It was a reassuring break from panicking students whose best idea of first aid generally involved slapping a band-aid over the wound and keeping the victim drinking to block out the pain. Julius noted their velcro name tags emblazoned on their chests- ‘Hall’ on the taller white medic and ‘Williams’ on the shorter black one.

Williams crouched down next to the girl and quickly checked her over, closing and opening her eyelid and feeling her neck for a pulse. Hall took the stretcher and lowered it to the floor, preparing to take the girl away before the shorter medic turned and gave a shake of his head. He stood up, brushing his knees off and made his way over to where Lily, the korean girl and Julius stood.

"She's fine, just fainted. Make sure she stays hydrated over the next few hours, and she should be back to it by tomorrow, easy. Don't drink underage, it's not a good idea. Someone could've called the cops,” Hall said authoritatively. Surely that couldn’t be it? Julius was no trained EMT like these two, but the girl seemed to be in a much worse state than you would expect from just fainting. Unless she had knocked her head against something hard on the way down, the blood curtaining down the side of her face seemed the sign of a hospital-worthy injury. The korean girl seemed to agree with his thoughts.

"Whoa whoa, it can't be that simple, aren't you supposed to take her to the hospital or something?" she said incredulously. "You kids should be able to take care of her, it's only a concussion,” he replied, turning away to go back to where his buddy was folding the stretcher up.

"Concussion my ass! She's bleeding! So you better take her to the fucking hospital or I'll fucking put you in the hospital I swear to god!" Jesus Christ, and people thought Julius had anger issues. He needed a freeze frame of her clutching at the EMT’s collar, trying to look as threatening as possible as she assaulted a public servant. A public servant who, more to the point, had about a foot and a half and thirty kilograms on her. Hall simply pulled away and detached her hand from his collar, showing admirable self restraint.

"Let me call dispatch,” he said, leaving the room with a hand on his pocket radio. The other medic had finished his checks on the girl and packing up the stretcher and so joined the small group. Along with him came an asian guy, who spoke in a calm, low voice. "Sorry to intrude, but I heard there was another guy hurt. Can we get somebody looking at him?" Julius’ heart jumped. In all this mess, he had managed to almost completely forget about Alex.

“Yeah, there’s another like her two floors up, doc,” Julius said. “But he’s had no treatment and looked even worse off. If she isn’t a hospital case, he probably is.”

"Okay mate, I'll take a look for you," Hall said, with 'tired of this shit' eyes, before disappearing out into the hallway to join his friend. Julius looked back at the small group that had formed. "Is it just me or do these paramedics seem way too casual about two serious head wounds?".
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

LOCATION: Dorm Floor
INTERACTIONS: Ziggy and Ylva

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It wasn't long before the crowd that had gathered around the ratty old couch began to disperse; after Julius had finished confronting his friend from earlier, the skinny blonde boy headed off towards the stairwell. Shortly after that, Sasha made her way back to their shared dorm room without uttering a single word; Venus probably would've followed suit if it weren't for the same dork from earlier bursting through their door just seconds after knocking. Venus couldn't help but roll her eyes as she saw the boy enter through the door; it had now become obvious to her that the kid had more than a few loose screws. While part of her was annoyed at his actions, another part hoped that her roommate wasn't the type to make it into such a big deal. Maybe she'd be nice to him and ask why he'd come inside, or maybe she'd lose her shit and kick him back out. Only time would tell.

That just left Venus with the fiery redhead who sat at the other end of the couch, the same dazed expression plastered across her face, and the stoner who appeared to be very much concerned about the girl. Venus simply raised her eyebrow and shrugged when Ylva asked if anyone had heard something; after all, it was hard to hear much of anything over the music that blared through the speakers. Soon after that, Ziggy stood from his seat and asked about walking Ylva back to her room; upon hearing this, Venus jumped to her feet as well and nodded her head. "I think that's a great idea," the young woman said as she stretched out her limbs and let out a yawn, "You look like you could use some rest, you know? Ziggy can walk you back while I go check out what food Buford has over there in his... wagon. That or take some more chips from the snack table."

As Venus said those last few words, her stomach began to grumble noisily, one of many effects of the weed brownie. "I guess I'll catch you kids later... when I'm sober." the young woman finally said with a nod as she began her slow walk down the hallway.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Other Party Floor
Interacting with: Hangyeol, Seoyeon, Julius, EMTs

Lilly had to bite down a sigh of frustration from the current situation. With emotions running on a high right now, it was only understandable that they would come into conflict with each other. So she simply just shook her head and took a deep breath to calm herself down so she didn't have to get into a screaming argument with the others. But Julius coming in with another injured person just seemed wrong. Just as Julius had said, this might as well be someone actively hitting people in the head but that didn't seem right either.

She turned to Hangyeol, keen on getting more of his opinion and to invite him to go and check up on the other victim of the night. However, he didn't seem to be at all with them - shallow breathing, a far off look... it was like he was descending into a panic attack. Lilly was about to question him about it when the paramedics came in. She brushed her fingers against Hangyeol, hoping to catch his attention, silently asking if he was going to be fine. This issue can be resolved later, perhaps, and questioned further but there was a much bigger and much more immediate problem.

The paramedic - the taller one - deemed it to be a concussion. Completely fine and harmless, apparently, and Lilly highly doubted that it was just that. She might not be a medical student nor was she professionally trained for first aid but Lilly knew it can't be that simple. Concussions wouldn't lead to that. She brushed off the comment about the underage alcohol consumption because this wasn't exactly the first time a bunch of kids got their hands on some alcohol. Seoyeon was agitated and was already screaming. "Seoyeon, calm down." Lilly whispered when she stepped up to her side, placing a placating hand on her arm to keep her from doing anything else she might regret.

Hangyeol was back to alert them about the other victim and Lilly turned to inspect him and he seemed to be alright. Or at least, he was better than he was a few minuets before. Still, she needed to talk to him about that. "We're just really worried about them, sir." Lilly said when the taller male - Hall - seemed even more irritated upon the showing of another case.

"It's definitely not just you." Lilly replied with a shake of her head. "The girl looked like she was about to suffer from blood loss and they just deem it as a 'concussion' and that 'they'll be fine with some hydration and some rest'?" She crossed her arms and shifted to the side, uncomfortable at the situation. "Maybe this wasn't the first case? But still, they could act like this wasn't just a hassle to them..." She grumbled.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Gotta chill."

Location: Dorm Floor

Interaction: Upstairs people

The same man poked his head out from the door just to mention "Dispatch says it's nothing, just take care of her; Come on Frank, we got more stuff to do." He gestured towards the other paramedic to call him over. Now Seoyeon needed to chill since she didn't want to make enemies with that curly haired blonde dude and she was highly thankful to Lilly to helping her calm down especially around two totally mindless paramedics. "Look, as I've said it's nothing, just take care of her, give her something soft to lay down on and she should be up by tomorrow." With that they left Seoyeon to be furious from where she stands.

Seoyeon tried her absolute hardest to calm down as she glanced back at the girl, the paramedics have left the door and now she barely knew what to do with her life. She turned to Julius and initiated an apology "Hey, listen, real sorry about yelling at you earlier, people who don't know what they're doing just infuriate me, like what type of paramedic can't see the problem with that?" Seoyeon then then held out her hand, if he were to shake that hand of hers they would be fine but if not then maybe Seoyeon would have to deal more than people getting concussions in this school.

She took a deep sigh and paced the floor while her hands were behind her head. She paced back and forth a few times before deciding on what to do on this terrible night. She couldn't think of anything better to do, she wasn't in the mood to party or get drunk anymore so she considered an alternative. She walked pass Lilly and look over her shoulder to tell her intentions, "I'm going to go out for some fresh air, yes I know it's cold and I'm wearing shorts but, fuck I need that fresh air more than ever." Said Seoyeon as she walked a few steps before adding another thing. "If anything happens, call me." Said Seoyeon to make sure that her help was there if they need it.

She then walked off now completely, heading back downstairs and through the loud and screaming party goers. She took a quick detour to grab a hoodie so she wouldn't die of hypothermia, that we would be a better way to die than some killer. She then slipped that on and stood by the door of the dorm building as she felt the cold wind touch her body.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The swearing that came from Sasha's lips caused Lou to instantly apologize, "Sorry for startling you." he cooed, closing the door and moving into the room only slightly. He looked around the dorm, it wasn't much different from his. He wasn't sure what he expected honestly- maybe that the dorms that were belonging to the girls would have something special in them, just like the mysteries of the women's bathroom.

"Oh, I didn't need anything, I just needed to get out and away from every one for a little bit." he started, rubbing the back of his neck as he gave her a smile, "It's been a little crazy tonight." he mentioned, looking to the door for a split second before looking to Sasha again.

"You're very pretty!"

The words came out as explosive, complimentary and awkward.

He laughed slightly, "So is your phone okay? I'm pretty good with that type of stuff, if you want me to take a look?" he walked up closer to the bed, holding out his hand patiently to wait for Sasha to hand her phone over to him. Lou was not good at phones, but he hated that he had caused her to drop her phone earlier when had came in, and would rather give it a good honest try rather than not try at all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dutchess Sarah
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Dutchess Sarah AKA Lavender James

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ylva shook her head violently. Then, to clarify that she was actually trying to communicate, she took a deep breath and said I think I'm okay. I mean I'm not okay, but I'm okay here. I really really don't want to be alone right now. For a few moments, Ylva closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing. She could feel her heart rate start to normalize and nodded to herself I'm not going to pass out or anything. I just... not knowing what to say or what to make of what had happened, Ylva didn't finish that sentence.

She felt hyper aware of all that was going on around her and suddenly remembered something saying something about screaming. I didn't hear anyone scream. Did you? I'm not sure what I heard. Or who. She looked around the group, not addressing anyone in particular. Gosh that was weird. It was almost like she was talking to herself.
Ylva hesitated. She was dying to share whatever-that-was with someone, but she'd only met these people just now. With no idea who to trust, and no desire to be the designated weirdo again, Ylva was hesitant.

At the same time, in a split second, something else was dawning on her. She'd accepted going to this school because she'd had little choice, but the few brief conversations she'd heard and had suddenly came back to her and suddenly it hit her. We're all weirdo's here. She smiled and thought Maybe whoever brought us here, brought us here for that reason? We are all weird in some way? This gave her courage an unexpected boost and she just blurted out I never heard a single voice shouting. I heard a lot of voices, first at the same time, then jumbled. They were taunting, threatening, all talking at once. She looked around the room to gauge the reactions, then continued. Something weird about things having been set in motion and our being here won't make a difference. It was weird, scary weird, nails on chalkboard scary weird.

Ylva looked at the people around her. Her eyes passed over their worried faces. She continued So no, I'd rather not be alone right now. And I doubt I could sleep tonight anyway.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheGrundlesnart
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TheGrundlesnart Snarting Grundles since 1838

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Dorm
Interacting With:Remnants of Weed Couch Gang, Ylva

Buford had been taking in the ongoing events around him with an unusual silence. Though, no one here would have any reason to think Buford being quiet was anything out of the ordinary. He'd watched people come and go for various reasons and with various causes, and he'd watched Ylva go through her whole small breakdown without saying anything.

It wasn't until she explained exactly what she'd heard that Buford finally raised his eyebrows and decided to speak up for a change. He wasn't entirely coherent, as the brownies were starting to kick in and giving him the sort of sleepy confidence that weed tended to give him. "Woah," he said quietly, "That sounds like bad news bears, right there," he said in his exacerbated drawl. "I'd be inclined to make some sorta ascuzation that Ziggy accidentally put some of his LSD in the brownie mix but we'd all be feelin' it by now if'n that were the case, so you're off the hook, buddy."

Buford gave a nervous chuckle. "Hey, Ylva, is this the sorta thing that happens to ya often? Like, having voices n' whatnot speakin' atcha?" Buford tilted his head a bit as he looked at her, trying to express genuine curiosity. "I only ask cuz I had me an uncle way back when. He heard voices and whatnot, too. They locked him up in the loony bin fer it but in the end he were right. Dude had voices sayin' where to find some old treasure hidden by some kinda old bandits way back when. One day he goes out there, he finds the shit, and never hears the voices again. Wild shit, man. So I guess I'm seein' if you had those sortsa experiences before yerself."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Okonuki
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Okonuki ok this is epic / bottom text

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



The others seemed to agree with his assessment of the situation. Lily in particular was looking uncomfortable with the situation, her arms crossed tightly across her chest as she replied.

“Yeah, I’m sure they get a lot of calls out here for party injuries and drinking shit, but still this seems a little stupid,” Julius replied doubtfully. “I guess the best thing we can do is try to look after them and follow their advice, however useful it might be.” The girl was looking slightly better, but still unconscious and unresponsive to the attentions of the attendants. Someone had put her in the recovery position at least, with a pillow under her head and her body turned to the side. Julius snatched a second pillow from the couch and turned towards the stairwell door.

“It looks like she should be okay for now with all these guys helping. I’m going upstairs to check up on Alex, come along and give me a hand?” The second part was phrased more as a command than a question, and directed at the small group of students that had formed around him. The paramedics had both disappeared by now, and they clearly weren’t planning on being any more help.

He was interrupted by an outstretched hand, the korean girl reaching out as she attempted to apologize. While he agreed with what she said, he wasn’t the type of guy to let an insult run off him and he stared at her open hand for several long seconds before she withdrew it with a scowl. A small, satisfied smile grew as she turned away to pace anxiously across the floor, before he returned his attention to the others.

“Anyways, it’s probably better not to leave Alex alone too long. Let’s head,” Julius said, taking his pillow in one hand and the doorknob in the other. The stairs were cold and empty, the paramedics long gone and the rest of the student body either playing real life Cluedo or partying unaware downstairs. The korean girl followed him out into the stairwell, but ran downstairs instead of up to help him. Typical. He wasn’t paying much attention to if the others had followed him, his mind focused on the stairs ahead of him and thoughts of the potential mysterious assailant somewhere in the building.

The hallway was as he left it, the lights dimmed ominously low and even more ominously, a bloody red trail dotting the path he had dragged Alex. The man himself was flat on his back, his head cushioned by Julius’ not-so-tan-anymore coat. Julius crouched down and made an Indiana Jones-esque swap, swiping the coat out and replacing it with the pillow he had brung from downstairs. He cringed slightly as he touched the wet red on his coat, and threw it to the side where it landed with a splat.

“It looks like the medics didn’t even look at him,” Julius said, rocking back on his haunches to look at the others. “Do you think it’s safe to move him downstairs with the other girl, or should we keep him here?” he asked. Perhaps when all this was over, taking a brief first aid course would be a good idea. Next time a sudden storm of head injuries descended on his dorm, he would be prepared.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

𝓐𝓵𝓮𝓴𝓼𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓷𝓪

Dorm Room 4
Interacting with: Lou

Lou was definitely a strange guy, awkwardly complementing her the first minute and then shifting to wanting to look at the possible damage on her phone. "Oh, thank you," Sasha said in her polite tone and then shook her head. "Don't worry about my phone. I've dropped it several times already and it has always proven itself to be really resilient," she explained, showing him the small dent on the phone's casing. "See? Just that small dent there, no big deal," she said and then pocketed the phone. Katia's message will have to wait a little later for her to finish reading it. Reading it now would be terribly impolite even though she wanted to.

"You're..." Sasha paused, trying to remember his name. They haven't been properly introduced before but she's heard his name several times. "...Lou, right?" she asked. "It seemed like you were having fun with the people outside..." she commented, not really sure what he meant by his earlier statement about it being a crazy night--if it was a good thing or not. It was, at the same time, an opening for him to exit her room. People in Russia really just don't go around bursting into rooms of people they don't know or at least not properly acquainted with. She would have told him to leave but Katia's words echoed through her head.

You're gonna be encountering a lot of people that are way way different from us. Their tradition and culture might shock you. Try to tolerate them a bit and make friends. They say that you find some of the best people in college, you know."

Okay, Katia, she thought to herself. It was, after all, her fault for not locking the door behind her.

"I-I'm Aleksasha, by the way. Sasha, for short," she politely introduced herself.
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