How long do you usually write?
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, but as long as I’m able to understand what’s being said I’m fine with some grammar mistakes.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Character development and how characters interact with each other.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
I’m fine with a lot of stuff. I just tend to go with the flow.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Preferably not losing any limbs unless I feel it could work for some good character development.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Give this character a fresh start and make sure that I actually see her through. I’m thinking of having her start to try and focus on her healing skills but I’m open to anything.
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, but as long as I’m able to understand what’s being said I’m fine with some grammar mistakes.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Character development and how characters interact with each other.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
I’m fine with a lot of stuff. I just tend to go with the flow.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Preferably not losing any limbs unless I feel it could work for some good character development.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Give this character a fresh start and make sure that I actually see her through. I’m thinking of having her start to try and focus on her healing skills but I’m open to anything.
Name: Steila Yurel
Species: Miraluka
Homeworld: Coruscant
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Rank: Jedi Knight
Master: N/A
Former master(s): Jedi Master Ryn’nalei
Species: Miraluka
Homeworld: Coruscant
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Rank: Jedi Knight
Master: N/A
Former master(s): Jedi Master Ryn’nalei

Short description of the Jedi.
Standing at 1.73 meters and weighing in at 63 kg, Steila appears rather peaceful, her movements graceful and diligent. Tall and with a lithe build, Steila’s body type could be described to that of a dancer’s. Her light-brown, wavy hair rests just past her shoulders, a stark contrast to her pale skin. Donning a blue blindfold with white embroidery to cover her eye area, Steila wears a set of light blue jedi robes, covered by a dark blue set of robes with both sets hanging just above her knees. She also dons a pair of chestnut colored riding boots, and her lightsaber is tucked away safely on a small loop attached to her sash tied tightly above her waist.
Simplified report on known Force techniques and estimated levels.
Like most knights, Steila is adept in her use of the force and knows the basic skills taught to her during her time as an initiate and padawan. Due to being a Miraluka, Steila has a natural skill in Force Sight which she uses to see due to having no eyes of her own. She also has a novice understanding of force healing which she seeks to improve.
Simplified report on other known skills and estimated levels, including lightsaber training.
Like most Jedi, Steila has a basic understanding of survival and slightly above average medical skills, along with an understanding of how to pilot a speeder. She also is knowledgeable of negotiation as part of her training. Combat wise, Steila is adept at Form I and III, though she views defense as her strong suite. During her time as a padawan under Jedi Master Ryn’nalei, Steila began to learn Form V in the case that she needed to provide a bit more offense, though her skills in Form V are weaker than those in Form III and I.
Quick report on political influence, associates and rivals.
Being a Jedi Knight, Steila has strong ties towards the Republic and the Jedi Order who supply her with transport during her travels. She also maintains a strong connection with her former master whom she still views as a role model. When it comes to her fellow Knights, the miraluka tends to get along fine with others, often willing to lend a hand towards anyone who needs her.
Psychological evaluation of Jedi Order member.
A rather calm and collected woman, Steila finds herself at peace among the nomadic life of a Jedi Knight. She is quite fond of reading and learning new information to improve her skills, particularly information about healing. Her new interest in Force Healing spawns from her innate ability to want to help and protect those in need no matter the cost. This mindset has affected the way she handles combat, as Steila herself leans towards the more defensive lightsaber forms. Steila also has a distaste for killing and will feel guilty after having killed someone. However, she seems to manage to break through this period of distress and return back to her normal life, though this may pose a concern for the future.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
- Hesitant towards aggressive/offensive combat.
- Negative view towards combat and killing would affect mental health during wartime.
- Willingness to help no matter what could lead to her being caught in a trap.
Major achievements and failures on record.
Completion of Initiate Trials
Construction of own lightsaber
Completion of Knight’s Trials
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
Born to a poor Miraluka couple on Coruscant, Steila’s life before the order was full of conflict and uncertainty towards the future. Though she cannot remember much from that time, Steila still feels uneasy talking about her origins. However, due to her natural connection to the Force, Steila was discovered by Jedi on a mission to the lower levels of Coruscant. Her parents willingly agreed to give her up, realizing that they could not raise a child at the moment and that their daughter would be safer in the hands of the Jedi.
In the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, Steila began to live a much more peaceful life. She treasured the safety of the temple compared to the dangerous life of the lower levels of Coruscant. Often times, the girl would find herself near the library, trying her best to read whatever she could reach. Even if she couldn’t understand most of the words, she was still invested in the book.
When the time came for her lightsaber training, Steila was taught the first lightsaber form, Shii Cho, though she often found herself acting more defensive during fights. This further intensified during her time learning blast deflection, as Steila showed strong promise in being able to deflect incoming fire due to her natural ability to see with the Force. Once her training with Form I was finished, Steila soon found herself being trained in Form III. Practicing more and more, the young girl soon found herself deflecting away incoming fire with ease.
At the age of thirteen, Steila began her Initiate Trials on her way to become a Padawan. Having a slight love for books and other texts, Steila found herself easily passing the Trial of Wisdom. The Trial of Skill, though tough, was eventually completed by Steila who had managed to construct her own lightsaber through use of telekinesis. All that was left was the final trial: The Trial of Insight. She was tasked with helping to console a fellow initiate who had done poorly in training and was beginning to believe they were no use to the order. She could sense their pain, for it was similar to the pain she could still feel in her chest when trying to remember her past before the Order. It was then that Steila discovered her desire to help people.
After passing all the trials, Steila had finally become a Padawan, and on that day she let out a small smile and promised that she would try her hardest to protect the Republic and its people. Even if it was a unrealistic, adolescent thought, Steila held tight to it. On the same day, she was assigned her first master: Jedi Master Ryn’nalei. He was an imposing man with broad shoulders and a muscular build, yet Steila saw a gentler side in him, hidden beneath the scars and other memories of war that were apparent on Ryn’nalei.
Throughout their travels, Steila began to learn more about her new master. While Steila focused more on defense, Master Ryn’nalei was a man who prided himself in being a heavy hitter. It was because of his willingness to attack that the young Padawan found herself realizing that she could not delay the inevitable, and that sooner or later she would have to strike. Seeking help from her master, Steila began to focus on learning the fifth form of lightsaber combat: Djem So. Still, it pained Steila to hurt others, and she often doubted her skills in Form V.
But throughout it all, her master was there for her. He had seen enough battles to know how battle could take its toll on a Jedi, so he did his best to console Steila.
“Everyone needs a reason to fight for,” He’d say in a low voice, “You want to protect people, right? Well think of all those people back on Coruscant; think of that kid that ya’ helped out during your trials. If you fight for them, you’ll feel all that bad stuff just wash away.”
Those words were so precious to Steila. They had reminded her of the promise she had made two years prior, and so she added onto that promise.
However, things were not always so pleasant. The war was beginning to tip towards the Empire’s favor and the battles began to become more and more intense. Still, the two would head straight into battle, and Steila would remember her master’s words: Fight for the people you wish to protect. Clutching her lightsaber, the Miraluka stood by her master’s side as the blaster fire rained towards them. But the torrent of fire was too much for the young Jedi, and after being struck by a bolt on her leg, Steila felt her lightsaber slip out of her hand. Injured, the two were forced to retreat with Steila having lost her first lightsaber. Eventually she would rebuild a new one, but the pain felt from losing the pain felt from losing her original was like losing a limb.
Eventually, the war reached its peak, and the Treaty of Coruscant would be forged. Steila was outraged at the attack on Coruscant. It was her homeworld, and she had grown up in the temple there. But her master reminded her of the Jedi Code: There is no emotion, there is peace. And peace there was, or so it seemed. The treaty was signed but tensions remained high. The cold war had begun, though the days of hectic battles against Imperials for Steila and her master were done for. As the years went by, Steila and her master found themselves traveling across the galaxy to help worlds ravaged by the war. It was work that she enjoyed, but she could tell that her master still longed for the days of fighting.
After several years of accompanying the man, Ryn’nalei knew that Steila would eventually reach the status of Jedi Knight. She had already proven herself in combat with him, yet he knew that one could not become a Knight so easily. Near the end of their time together, Steila found herself learning more about the Knight Trials; her master helping her to make sure she would pass with flying colors. Though through the training, Steila couldn’t help but feel a bit of sadness that her time with Master Ryn’nalei would end.
At the age of twenty-two, the Padawan had finally completed her trials of knighthood. She had survived through combat before the treaty, and afterwards had helped to try and restore what was broken. Now, she was alone; a Jedi Knight. Even if the war was at a standstill, there was still much to do. People to help; people to protect. And perhaps, people to heal. Steila pondered for a moment, before a small smile appeared on her face.
Yes, there were people to heal, and perhaps she would be the one to do it. With a smile on her face, the Jedi made her way over to the library.
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