▸ History:Yogensha was born in an area where little to nothing stood - there were no villages, no people, or even animals. Just wide open plains that were occasionally used for travel. Steppes - that's what the locals called them. The few that existed. It was more or less a requirement to travel by horse here, unless you were a shinobi and could travel faster than the average human. They were ... areas that were of little importance to the rest of the world, but meant everything to Yogensha at a young age. There she could be free. She was raised in the same way - free, without a care, only yourself to worry about. Everything else was a matter for someone else, but not the Kaguya's.
How wrong they were, but how blissful it could be to be wrong.
When she was six she was sent eastwards with a clan of traveling merchants. Passed off by her parents like.. dead weight. It was natural - like a bird throwing their young out the nest, this was her parents way of saying 'grow up'. It was only later she realized that her parents didn't know better - that they were raised in the same way. But back then it felt like her heart was torn from her. She screamed, kicked and cried as they took her. 'We have orders,' they said, 'to take you to Sunagakure.' She didn't want to go to Sunagakure.
Traveling was harsh. The merchants were slow and took every opportunity to stop and rest. As they got further and further from the steppes where her parents were, she could almost feel the connection severing until something snapped in her head. It was an audible snap - it was just gone. She didn't care anymore. Perhaps she realized herself that there was nothing she could do, or perhaps she figured that her parents didn't care so why should she? Again, she later realized that this wasn't the truth, but at that moment it helped her get through things.
The arrival in Sunagakure was... harsh too. She immediately kicked up trouble before the merchants could enroll her in the academy, and before the week was over she'd packed up her items, what few she had, and stole some food. Then she trekked through the desert by herself, occasionally meeting people and shinobi. Her wild streak settled in and she began making trouble, even on the road, as she crossed over into territories that were no longer Sunagakure's. A child travelling by themselves, making trouble, that can only go right for so long.
One day she ran into a group of Konoha genin, easily five years her senior, who commented on 'a lonesome child not having to be alone on the road.' With a typical attitude for her, she told them to go away in colorful terms, and leave her alone, so they pummeled her into the ground and made her eat her words. It wasn't until their sensei came back from his scouting run that they stopped - and for fear of trouble from their superiors, the sensei made a point of it that nobody tell anyone and that this wasn't reported.
She was left alone, and for the first time since leaving her parents she missed them again. She found solace when a local shrine maiden returning from the water well found her, and took her with her to clean her up. Once they arrived at the shrine, Yogensha never truly left. She began working with the shrinemaidens, cleaning the shrines, and meditating and thinking upon the greater lessons of the Sage. It didn't go well at first - she resisted and didn't want to study, just wanted to chase the local cat around the yard and play in the zen garden, splashing the water of the pool all over. Since the shrine was in Amegakure territory, it rained almost permanently, so the shrine maidens would have to spend hours cleaning up both after her and the girl herself.
But, she caught on eventually, and calmed down, began enjoying the training even. It was here that she began developing her special skillset - like most Amegakure shinobi, she never received a formal shinobi education, instead learning from herself and others. A benefit and a curse - she was never formally enrolled, and so many people never heard of her, giving her an edge. But she also lacked the rudimentary skills at first - she didn't have such good chakra control, and waterwalking was a slow process, just like a shadow clone, or a henge no jutsu.
On the other hand, she developed an entirely new skillset with the help of meditation. Meditating made her feel aware of everything in her body, including her tenketsu, and allowed her to use chakra to form new arms. It was scary at first, and she thought she was sick, but the shrinemaidens calmed her and led her to a nearby 'sage'. The man was a retired shinobi, called a sage because of his wisdom and time spent as a hermit, not so much as an actual sage. She was 12 then, and he helped her learn the basic skills. Amegakure was a torn land, at that time, so luckily there was little formal control over these things.
She further developed her 'kekkei genkai' which was what the man called it. Then, when she was 16, she left and wandered towards Amegakure. She enrolled for a squad, and showed her skills. She was considered to be on par with the average genin, so was offered a genin position, and she accepted it for the salaries. Then she made her way up, and up... never quite stopped climbing, until she became the leader of Amegakure - her prowess in battle increasing, as did her tactical skills. Above all it was her diplomatic skills that provided the breakthrough for becoming the leader, and it was her subtle nature that allowed her to remain in the backsight of the other nations - never making a target of herself. Even now, there are some kage's that barely remember the woman, despite her peculiar nature.
▸ Personality:✓ Calm, collected.Her practices at the shrine allowed her to obtain a greater sense of control over her emotions.
✗ Wild, uncalculated nature of Kaguya clan still present.Suppressing the emotions she feels is one thing -- but her wild nature still resides within her, and could be freed if pushed enough.
✓ Intelligent.Her calm and deliberative demeanor allows her to reach decisions on a much higher level of decisionmaking than others.
✗ Selfish.She suppressed her emotions as a shrinemaiden but cannot suppress her personality -- not entirely. Although she puts the village first and foremost, she does it partially to protect hersef and her status.
✓ Diplomatic.Whether she is diplomatic for herself, the village or just because that's her personality, she seems capable of swaying the minds of almost anyone she speaks to.
✗ Unknown.Yogensha has opted to remain in the shadows, and hasn't actively stepped forward -- both within the village and internationally. This has put a hamper on her diplomatic ability.
✓ Mysterious.Her choice to remain in the shadows also means nothing is known about her in general -- strengths, weaknesses, or anything else that could be important.
✗ Exerts influence.Although hard to grasp, her presence and being inspires awe and influence over those around her - primarily because she carries herself so confidently.
▸ Dreams and hopes:x Yogensha wishes for the longer term success of Amegakure -- a project of herself to be carried out by the future generation.
x Wishes to put a stop to the destruction of smaller villages, ideally without the aid of the Great Five Shinobi Nations.
x Wishes to be revered -- like Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan.
x Hopes to bring out the best in the recently graduated shinobi.
▸ Desires:x Desires success -- for herself and her village.
x Desires to deal with the border-friction issues with Kusagakure.
x Desires to make Amegakure no Sato one of the Great Five Shinobi Nations.
x Desires to have the first genin teams succesfully complete their missions.
▸ Fears:x The fall of Amegakure is her primary fear -- she would rather maintain the status quo of irrelevancy over taking a risk and losing it all.
x She fears finding out her clan was massacred and she is one of the few left alive.
x The death of subordinates under her command, especially due to mistakes and not calculated losses.
x Losing the next generation.
▸ Motivations:Yogensha is mostly motivated by the desire for progress towards her dreams -- improving herself, her allies, and her subordinates. At the same time, she can be incredibly selfish, as she is moving the village forward to ensure she remains in a beneficial position as it's leader.
▸ Kekkei genkai:Asura no Teisai, Visage of the Asura.
▸ Description:This style of fighting is typical to Yogensha, as nobody but her has managed to grasp it and utilize it. It is based on the wisdom she has gathered, the desire to learn more about the people in the world, the environment and the power contained within chakra - a path to Enlightenment.
But although the Enlightenment is contained within the style, the style refers more to Indra than Asura, using power, ninjutsu, force and law to uphold the values that is deemed important. As such, 'peace' is merely an extension of 'war' in the sense that peace is formed through war, and war is bred through peace. This philosophy lies at the heart of the style.
If we were to discuss the properties of the style in battle, it could be said that the style is used to take on numerous 'heavenly' qualities. If the style is utilized in full, it makes the user resemble something of a God(dess) in a more human way. Although quite obviously this is nowhere close to the levels of Indra and Asura, it does draw on their powers quite a bit.
Because this is not quite a kekkei genkai but more so a style specific to her, it would be hard to say in general what the description is. For a more detailed understanding, you'd have to consider the individual (custom) jutsu.
▸ Strengths:The strengths lie particularily in the application of the various jutsu's - they are versatile, and can be used defensively and offensively. This is because they are usually enhancements.
▸ Weaknesses:You'll have to outsmart, outpower, or simply brute-force your way past her, as the techniques themselves are not particularly inclined towards any element. Another weakness is that despite the visage of a Goddess, she remains very human. Stab her and she will bleed, hurt her and she will cry. She is not a goddess. Just looks like one.
▸ S-rank Techniques▸ A-rank Techniques▸ B-rank Techniques▸ C-rank Techniques▸ Custom Jutsu:
Asura no Teisai (Visage of Asura)▸ Rank:A.
▸ Range:N/A.
▸ Description:The user will form the tiger seal with two hands, or one if they are that way inclined. Afterwards, the user will 'sprout' four sets of arms that will grow from their back, and are under the full control of the user. This allows them to, for example, form handseals with these arms, or hold weapons. The arms also create new chakra paths inside of them that connect to the original chakra path. Therefore, while this technique seems simple, it's extremely difficult as the body must adjust to the new motor skills required to move the arms, as well as to accustom to the chakra paths. Yogensha has perfected this art, but a new student would likely struggle to learn this technique, if he ever manages to learn it at all.
As it is a manifestation of 'creation' it is a direct representation of Asura, whom was a master of Yang release among other things.
▸ Weaknesses:As this jutsu is a personal jutsu, there is nothing you can do to overcome or directly disable it -- cutting off the arms or shutting the tenketsu would still work, so treat them like 'regular' arms and you'll come a long way.
Indra no Teisai (Visage of Indra)▸ Rank:C.
▸ Range:N/A.
▸ Description:The jutsu starts by forming a tiger seal, one handed or two handed. The user then needs to take their time to gather yin chakra at their chest, to prepare for the next move. A result of the gathering of chakra is that they need to hold the tiger seal for as long as it takes, but also that they begin resembling 'Indra' and thus, a
light blue line appears under their eyes.
▸ Weaknesses:This jutsu has no direct effect on anyone, and therefore cannot be stopped -- however, killing Yogensha will naturally stop the jutsu.
Indra no Guntai (Army of Indra)▸ Rank:A.
▸ Range:A circle of 10m in diameter around the user.
▸ Description:This technique is the follow up to Indra no Teisai, using the built up Yin chakra to cast a powerful genjutsu. As Indra embodied Yin chakra, this technique is the embodiment of Indra. The user will perform the genjutsu at the moment they release the tiger seal, with the 'trigger' for the genjutsu being the words she speaks afterwards. These words can, quite literally, be anything as the words are not important, but the sound of her voice is.
After the genjutsu is cast, those under it's effect will be faced with a sudden purple mist setting in, limiting their view rather harshly. It is possible for them to be in the same 'circle' clear of mist with other people. Then, from the mist, a 'clone' of Yogensha will appear. This is the genjutsu in two parts; the mist is one genjutsu, the clone is another, but they act together and are cast and dispelled together.
The genjutsu clone is, in theory, a perfect human, and will fight without mistakes. They will block all the attacks that are thrown at them, but all their attacks will never hit (because, a genjutsu has no 'life' and no physical presence due to the fact that there is no yang chakra) and will therefore always pretend to miss, or to be blocked. As a result, the clone will engage in an engagement that can theoretically last forever.
As a result the target will lose stamina fighting the clone and, if they remain unaware of the genjutsu, can be targeted by anyone. Therefore it is easy for someone (Yogensha for instance) to attack and take down the enemy.
As the genjutsu is convincing and similar to other 'real' techniques (the mist technique from Kirigakure, for example) it would be hard to see through it. But if it is found out somehow, it is possible to dispel it using regular means.
A better way to deal with it would be to realize the clones aren't physical, and ignoring them. However, this leaves the mist, and would force you to fight in the mist with limited vision.
The genjutsu affects allies as well. Allies caught in the genjutsu would need to be freed from it by Yogesha/someone else, or else they will see the mist and Yogensha attacking them as well. Also, deaf people are not susceptible to this genjutsu at all because they cannot hear the trigger.
▸ Weaknesses:Dispel it, or realize the clones aren't real and ignore them, leaving you in the mist.
Brahmastra▸ Rank:S -- kinjutsu.
▸ Range:Close range.
▸ Description:Yogensha forms a tiger seal with as many hands as she can spare, and molds chakra inside of, and around, her heart. The more hands she uses, the quicker it goes, although it is possible to use one hand only, lengthening the time it takes to prepare the chakra significantly. After she has enough chakra, her arms lunge forwards and move into the target, at which point they become paralyzed (some say it's because of fear, others say it's because of the poison she supposedly has on her hands, others say it's an effect of her chakra). Yogensha's hands will slowly move into the target until they reach it's targets, and the victim can feel her hands on the inside the entire time, until her hands make a grabbing motion and grab something that they'd never felt before, something that isn't meant to 'be' in the body.
Then Yogensha pulls it out, pulling something that appears to be like a cloud of chakra out of the body of the victim. It's entirely crippling, and even if she's unable to get it all out before being interrupted, it will still do lasting, permanent damage that is not recoverable through regular medical means.
If she manages to pull it all out, the victim enters a dormant state, falling over and laying there - on some occasions they essentially become a plant, cursed to live in a hospital forever, staring forever forwards, never becoming truly alive again. Others simply die straight away or after a few seconds.
Yogensha herself is not truly sure what she is actually pulling out, only that it is her chakra and her nature as a representation of Indra and Asura that allows her to do it - she supposed, therefore, that it is either the soul of a person or their entire chakra reserve that she pulls out. The jutsu is, however, extremely dangerous to the victim, so she has never been able to truly study it, only having used it on occasion.
▸ Weaknesses:Lack of ability to practice means that Yogensha will most likely not be able to execute this technique at full speed -- giving allies or the shinobi in question time to break free.
Sējizuai (Sage's Eye)▸ Rank:C.
▸ Range:N/A.
▸ Description:Focusing their energy on their forehead, an eye made of chakra appears that can move around the head at will. It allows the user to add an additional sight sensor to their array, allowing them more attention-per-minute and thus a greater chance of seeing things coming that would otherwise be lost on the eyes. Since it can move around, however, it can also move behind the user, and thus see where they normally can't see.
It's constraint is, however, that it can't move away from the body.
▸ Weaknesses:The technique does not have infinite movement and this can be exploited. Just like two eyes, a set of three eyes can be overburdened and distracted.
Asura no ude (Asura's Arms)▸ Rank:B.
▸ Range:N/A.
▸ Description:Although it is in essence a rather common summoning technique, the difficulty lies in that it summons three sets of two weapons all at once, making one appear in each hand of the Asura stance.
▸ Weaknesses:The weapons she summons are not special in any way and thus can be overcome through the use of regular ninjutsu or weaponry if one is skilled enough/utilizes chakra flow weapons.
Kami no kami o shōkan suru (Summoning the God of Gods)▸ Rank:S.
▸ Range:N/A.
▸ Description:Using all six arms, the user will perform a summoning jutsu, for which the handseals are different for all three pairs of hands. Hence, this technique could only be used by someone that has mastered the Visage of Asura technique.
This summoning requires no contract - the God of Gods is not a living creature. Rather, it is.. best comparable with a statue inhabited by a spirit, or multiple spirits. It is an ancient thing coming from the age of the first two shinobi - Indra and Asura - that was said to have the spirits of Indra and Asura within it. The truth of that is contestable, but the sheer power and size of the thing speaks volumes.
When the God of Gods is on the battlefield, the allies of the summoner will feel inspired and be inclined to fight harder. Similarly, the enemies will feel demoralized and will have a hard time to continue fighting with the lurking eyes of the God of Gods upon them, judging them for opposing him.
▸ Weaknesses:The statue is made of wood and, like wood, is susceptible to the things one would normally be expected wood was weak too. Furthermore, it's effects can be withstood by sufficiently strong and/or willful shinobi, allowing them to ignore the effects of the demoralizing statue.