Khulbe Desilijic the Hutt
Species: Hutt
Age: 352
Gender: Male
Career: Crime Lord
Current place of Residence: Nal Hutta
Known Skills:
Highly Intelligent;
Powerful; and
Trained Techniques:
Khulbe learned the art of manipulation and much of his business sense from his father. He has studied numerous topics in his long life in the galaxy and considers himself one of cleverest beings alive.
Known associates:
Thodall Vizsla
Jaren Jast
Favoured Possessions:
* Palaces on Nal Hutta and Nar Shadda.
* Light sabre from a dead Sith
* Asherbafon - Twi'lek slave girl
* Ona - Human slave girl
* Iuric'piti - Twi'lek slave girl
* Ehottecri - Togruta slave girl
* Uovec'riti - Twi'lek slave girl
* Nima Tarkona - Twi'lek slave girl
* D440 - Protocol Droid
* (Others)
List and description of other known associates, including subordinates:
* Zura Lom - Falleen female that serves as his second in command
* Czajul Wilod - Devaronian male in charge of security
* Devon Verstang - Human male in charge of smuggling operations
* Jos'rizud - Twi'lek male, part of Khulbe's bodyguard
* Sounmil - Defel male, part of Khulbes bodyguard
* Ogint - Noghri male, part of Khulbes bodyguard
* Hishembi - Noghri male, part of Khulbes bodyguard
List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools:
* Palace on Nal Hutta
* Palace on Nar Shadda
* Space barge
* Anti-grav sled
* The Salias Hotel Group - A chain of luxury hotels and casinos throughout the galaxy.
* Spice smuggling operations on both sides of the border. He owns a controlling stake in several mines on Kessel.
* The High Cronin Consortium - A slaving operation that works on a contract basis, fulfilling orders for high paying clients.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database:
* Selfish
* Paranoid
* Limited movement
Khulbe is the offspring of Bogga Desilijic the Hutt, founding Hutt of the infamous Desilijic crime family. As a wee huttling he was coddled in the fashion of his species and educated by his father, and a never ending train of slaves and droids.
As with many Hutts in history, the father and son quickly had a falling out over who was going to run what portions of the family business. Khulbe was banished from his fathers base at Stennes Node and returned to Nar Shadda, but not without a considerable sum of money he "liberated" from his father.
Khulbe quickly showed an affinity for making excellent contacts through "low interest" loans, particularly to highly skilled assets looking to make a fresh start as their service with the Empire or Republic came to an end. Utilizing the skills and talents owed to him by these various creatures, he was able to assemble a considerable smuggling operation throughout both Imperial and Republic space, focusing primarily on the slave and spice trades.
His operations quickly attracted the attention of law enforcement across space but his clever use of secondary, even third, party operators made it very difficult to try and pin down exactly what he was involved with. Having insulated himself through the use of intermediaries, Khulbe was careful to avoid entering any space not controlled by himself or another Hutt. Several low level bounty hunters made early attempts on Khulbe and he made quick examples of them brutal enough to make even the most hardened hunter think twice about going after the Hutt.
Like all Hutts, he considered himself superior to all other races. He wanted everyone to know it and admit it, and took whatever steps he needed to in order to become the most powerful crimelord in known space. He is less violent and ostentatious than virtually all other Hutts, seeking to impress his guests through the quality of the goods and personnel he has rather than intimidation. This marks him out as unique among the Hutts' and he works hard to ensure he is famous for the right reasons.
That is not to say that his three fingered hands are not as filthy as the worst Sith lord. About a hundred years ago Khulbe made his biggest play yet, taking on his own fathers operations. Moving swiftly with pre-planned pockets of highly motivated (Well paid) mercenaries and bounty hunters, Khulbe smashed Bogga's operations on several planets including Nar Shadda and Nal Hutta. Discrete holo-dossiers were beamed to Imperial and Republic authorities regarding Bogga's operations, information that Khulbe had been quietly amassing for years.
Inside a year the entirety of Bogga's fortune has been wiped out and his operations throughout the galaxy shattered. This left a lot of desperate customers who found a willing replacement quickly enough as Khulbe moved in with his own operation and quickly replaced Boggas collapsing empire.
Khulbe changed the way he did business as a Hutt. The strong arm tactics and violence often associated with Hutts were notably muted as he invested in legitimate enterprises such as casinos, hotel chains, and the various liquor producing sectors, before using them as fronts for his operation. In fact, most of his operation is run through a legitimate business operating from Nal Hutta. This is not unusual as taxes levied on large corporations by the Hutts tend to be far less than the more "civilized" sectors of space.
To him, everything must have value, and he looks for that in whatever he possesses. A slave might be young and beautiful, but can she please his guests? A guard may look intimidating, but can she actually keep him alive? If the value is not there, he is not interested. This mantra has carried him through the last 350 years of his life and he continues looking for opportunities to add to his empire. The only ones who truly know the sheer scope of his empire are Zura Lom, his Falleen second in command, and himself. Today he is considered one of the more powerful Hutts and continues to look for avenues to expand his wealth and reach throughout the galaxy.
As with many Hutts in history, the father and son quickly had a falling out over who was going to run what portions of the family business. Khulbe was banished from his fathers base at Stennes Node and returned to Nar Shadda, but not without a considerable sum of money he "liberated" from his father.
Khulbe quickly showed an affinity for making excellent contacts through "low interest" loans, particularly to highly skilled assets looking to make a fresh start as their service with the Empire or Republic came to an end. Utilizing the skills and talents owed to him by these various creatures, he was able to assemble a considerable smuggling operation throughout both Imperial and Republic space, focusing primarily on the slave and spice trades.
His operations quickly attracted the attention of law enforcement across space but his clever use of secondary, even third, party operators made it very difficult to try and pin down exactly what he was involved with. Having insulated himself through the use of intermediaries, Khulbe was careful to avoid entering any space not controlled by himself or another Hutt. Several low level bounty hunters made early attempts on Khulbe and he made quick examples of them brutal enough to make even the most hardened hunter think twice about going after the Hutt.
Like all Hutts, he considered himself superior to all other races. He wanted everyone to know it and admit it, and took whatever steps he needed to in order to become the most powerful crimelord in known space. He is less violent and ostentatious than virtually all other Hutts, seeking to impress his guests through the quality of the goods and personnel he has rather than intimidation. This marks him out as unique among the Hutts' and he works hard to ensure he is famous for the right reasons.
That is not to say that his three fingered hands are not as filthy as the worst Sith lord. About a hundred years ago Khulbe made his biggest play yet, taking on his own fathers operations. Moving swiftly with pre-planned pockets of highly motivated (Well paid) mercenaries and bounty hunters, Khulbe smashed Bogga's operations on several planets including Nar Shadda and Nal Hutta. Discrete holo-dossiers were beamed to Imperial and Republic authorities regarding Bogga's operations, information that Khulbe had been quietly amassing for years.
Inside a year the entirety of Bogga's fortune has been wiped out and his operations throughout the galaxy shattered. This left a lot of desperate customers who found a willing replacement quickly enough as Khulbe moved in with his own operation and quickly replaced Boggas collapsing empire.
Khulbe changed the way he did business as a Hutt. The strong arm tactics and violence often associated with Hutts were notably muted as he invested in legitimate enterprises such as casinos, hotel chains, and the various liquor producing sectors, before using them as fronts for his operation. In fact, most of his operation is run through a legitimate business operating from Nal Hutta. This is not unusual as taxes levied on large corporations by the Hutts tend to be far less than the more "civilized" sectors of space.
To him, everything must have value, and he looks for that in whatever he possesses. A slave might be young and beautiful, but can she please his guests? A guard may look intimidating, but can she actually keep him alive? If the value is not there, he is not interested. This mantra has carried him through the last 350 years of his life and he continues looking for opportunities to add to his empire. The only ones who truly know the sheer scope of his empire are Zura Lom, his Falleen second in command, and himself. Today he is considered one of the more powerful Hutts and continues to look for avenues to expand his wealth and reach throughout the galaxy.
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