Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PerryInc
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PerryInc Kekis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Merle Porter (Only known as “Doktor”)

Age: Late 20’s/Early 30’s

Gender: Male

Description: Not too tall, nor too short, the plague doctor’s solid, albeit slim figure is given the illusion of being much thicker about the torso by a travel pack that extends from his derrier to nearly the top of his head. The pack is covered in an assortment of tools such as a shovel, a pan or two, and other general wares. The Doktor obviously does much traveling given the supplies hanging onto and sticking into said pack. The only addition that doesn’t seem to fit on the outside of the pack hangs from the top: three bird-like plague masks, each slightly different, and each a different sort of occult than the one beside it, as though the Doktor is doing more than filtering air with them.

The man himself is mildly less intimidating than his mobile home. His clothes are a sparse, torn, and rough brown material about the pants, capped off at the feet by a pair of worn pointed boots. Tucked into his pants, a formerly pure red shirt with frills dropping down from the shoulders around the chest adorns him. Both pieces are worn to the point of needing to be replaced. The Doktor wears his shirt with the sleeves rolled up just above the elbows, giving a view of his forearms, which are covered in various marks that could be guessed to be symbols of importance in several different cultures. His hands are not spared from the markings either, which cover all the way down to the fingertips.

His face is devoid of markings and friendly, if not a little innocent in nature. A true professional, the Doktor’s face is only ever allowed to have short black stubble at most, and usually a clean shave. Above the various dirt smudges and whatnot on his face, messy, short hair adorns his head. Light blue eyes stare out from the sockets.

One strange thing about his appearance is the presence of a plethora of knives over various spots on his body, including one sticking out of and one stuck to each boot, around the waist, on the chest, and on the side of the pack. In addition to the knives, the plague doctor carries a machete in a sheath on the left side of his waist. Another machete hilt sticks out from between his back and the pack on the right side.

Personality: He is overwhelmingly kind. Almost to a fault, and almost as though he has some ulterior motive. Constantly trying to help others, the Doktor seems almost incapable of focusing on himself other than to note things in his studies. By contrast, the snap to violence is anything but slow when it comes to defending himself, yet ends just as quickly as it starts once the threat is taken care of.

Backstory: He hails from the unforgiving swamps of a land far away, rumored to be either on the other side of the continent or of another entirely, but one thing remains consistent: that he is of a medicinal background, though one could ask and receive no clear answer as to what that means. Moreso, one could get the same non-answer when inquiring as to the Doktor’s identity or anything of personal importance, as the man himself seems to be unaware.

Other: The man is trailed at all times by a raven with four, blood red eyes, never closely, and never too far away. It always perches within sight, and will find somewhere it can be seen, even if barely. Within earshot, it whispers names to the Doktor. Constantly whispering names. None of which he can remember or place a face to. He has no idea why it whispers names to him, but has decided to title the bird Merle.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NowIGiveUp
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Maeve Innis

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tall and pale as with many of her people, though stocky despite her height. Raggedly cut dark brown hair hangs down to her shoulders, framing craggy features. Maeve, though previously muscular and lean, has grown both slightly weaker and plumper than she was five years ago due to a more and more sedentary life. Her clothing tends to be fairly plain, consisting mainly of unadorned light grey trousers and shirts underneath rudimentary leather armour. The only things of note about her apparel are a patterned green bandanna which she uses to tie back her hair, and a heavy blue cloak held with a silver clasp in the shape of a stag head. Her quiver lies on her back, her composite bow in a sling, and her hunting knife hangs at her side on a belt covered with small bags and pouches. She has no tattoos, but has several small scars and marks on her face from her time fighting, which she bears proudly.

Personality: Maeve, for the most part, tries to be kind and accepting (to set a good example for her sisters). She has her flaws though, and harbours a suspicion and mild dislike for people different from her own. Both terrified and fascinated by the world outside Rasari, she prefers to avoid new experiences and things outside of her comfort zone. She also is most uncomfortable in large towns and cities, where she feels vulnerable and out of her element. While not illiterate, she is also not the most educated, and practices writing and illustration in a small leather bound journal she keeps on her at all times.

Backstory: Born into a small coastal village, Maeve was raised primarily by the community. Her parents were travelling traders and so were absent for long periods of time though, when back home, they were loving. As such, she grew up surrounded by many that she called family, and took a particular interest in hunting though her parents wished for her to one day join them as a trader. She was sixteen when her sisters were born, twins, and she became the primary carer with the help of the village.
The revolution struck when Maeve was eighteen, and despite the protests of her parents and a large portion of the village, she left her sisters and set out with a small group of others to take up arms against the Kingdom of Rostra. She helped to plant traps and execute ambushes, and though at first the battle went in their favour, soon they began to lose people. One by one she saw her friends die until, two years later, she returned to her village defeated with only three of the people she had set out with.
It was not a heroes welcome she received, but instead one of scorn and disappointment. She was not embraced back into her home, but instead treated as an outcast. When she asked after her parents, all she was told was that they had not returned from their trade routes for six months. After a month of trying to resume her old life and failing, she decided to take her sisters (now four years old) and leave with the others who had fought with her in the rebellion. They left in the night, and were long gone before any of the villagers noticed they had taken the twins. The fog and weather made them hard to track, and soon they had put their old life far behind them. Together they decided to return to a small outpost used during the rebellion, now home only to the few outcasts who had had nowhere to go after the war. In that strange community she raised them as her own until the day, five years later, that she discovered the mask had chosen her.
Cut off for so long from the outside world, Maeve was now forced to leave her sisters and home and to travel to the Capitol of a Kingdom she had never wanted, to learn and wield a power she had never asked for.

Other: She is skilled with her bow and hunting knife, and is fairly agile. She has the knowledge of how to set traps, and is both a good climber, swimmer and long distance runner. Maeve lacks skills in literacy and social etiquette, tending to get herself into awkward situations, and the extent of her medical ability is wrapping the cleanest rag in sight around a wound.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Malloc Vadym

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Malloc has wavy, long and light hair which poses a rather strong contrast to his skin. The latter is tanned, clearly betraying his origin being the Tellon isle. His eyes are gray, but completely inconspicous otherwise while his jawline is covered in a well defined and regularly cut beard of mediocre length. Malloc never had to suffer from any lack of nutrition or many of those other issues less well situated people are often confronted with, something that resulted in him owning a very tall, strong and proud physique. It's not as if everything would be perfect as one can see when looking at his slightly emphasized waistline, but he is very fit definitely.

In terms of clothing he doesn't adhere to the standards of his class, but is quite happy with wearing whatever comforts him even if it's very casual. His current setup is a pair of thick, woolen trousers and a white shirt of similar fashion, held together by a black girdle. In case things get more dangerous though he also has a set of armor and blade, very expensive and custom-made for him. A 'small' gift of his family...

Malloc originates from the Tellon isle and was born into a family of nobles. His parents were not only nobles, but also embedded into the regional system of politics and military. As such Malloc found himself in a quite protected childhood relatively far away from the abyss of the street, but it also was a very demanding one: Schooling, military training and good manners in general were things that he was hammered with in sequence or even simultaneously -- and just like pretty much every other person Malloc failed to live up to each and every expectation.

One could say that he was a lucky boy when his magical talent was discovered. It was something he soon could not only excel at, but also something that actually filled him with joy (unlike many other activities forced upon him). Having barely scratched the threshold of adolescence, Malloc was sent to the institute of magic in the Amar region. This was a mere couple of months before the first occurrences of constructs, so it didn't take long for his studies to take a turn more focused on fighting techniques, even though students never were sent to any actual frontline.

One day Malloc was sent into the catacombs to retrieve some alchemistic equipment, but he found that mysterious mask instead that he had never seen before despite having been in the same cellar many times before. He learnt about the king's call and knew that this was a higher priority than any ongoing studies or the desires of his parents. Of course he hopes that they'll agree once they learn about his current location -- if they don't already have.

One of the guiding principles in Malloc's education has been noblesse oblige, however it's fair to say that his standards have degraded quite a bit since his departure from the Tellon isle. He is friendly, jovial, loyal and far from arrogant, but his natural spontaneity and impulsiveness have reconquered parts of himself over the past years of study. He doesn't like prolonged planning, but believes that random circumstances will spoil any such attempt quickly and it would not be the first time for him to maneuver himself into trouble due to that.
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