Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Hello everyone, this will be an interest check for a nation roleplay that I want to create. I’ve been involved in my fair share of nation RPs and it has left me wanting to create my own. Some of the limitations ive seen in the RPs that I have been involved with is that there is little awareness of environment, space (meaning the physical setting, like city layout or battlefields), unit composition, and planning. Whole armies go from point A to point B in an instant without almost any explanation about how they got there. Who’s feeding this army, what’s fueling this army, are there any heave vehicles that are slowly following behind? Beyond the military aspect, ive seen very little realistic espionage and diplomatic action in nation RPs. International cooperation is inherently hard and does not work most of the time. The same can be said for espionage, crawling through air ducts and hacking doors happened 0.0001% of the time and most of the time the risk is too high to consider it. Real spies do most of their spying through research and talking to people of interest. Turning agents and high value people is how espionage is accomplished in reality.
This RP will border on the hyper realistic but bet set in a near sci-fi world. Success in your actions is based on your writing skill and your ability to plan, military campaigns, diplomatic action and espionage. Failure to plan adequately and realistically will result in the failure of whatever your trying to accomplish. I will introduce maps for planning military actions and require battlefields be drawn ( at least at a basic level). Espionage and diplomatic actions will require cables and/or memos, detailing what is to be accomplished and why ( examples will be provided). Due to the realism of this RP characters will die, sometimes often and without any glory or heroic action. Maybe they starve to death in the vast expanse of space, maybe they are ambushed and die without getting a shot off, maybe they are assassinated by rebels while traveling to meet another head of state. Proper planning and awareness will dictate how long your character lives. I will provide examples of the mechanics below but now, I will set the story.

The Setting

The year is 2752, the human race has raced to the stars and have colonized their solar system, from Pluto to Mercury. The Humbolt drive, a new form of fusion based propulsion, has allowed humans to travel from one end of the system to the other in a matter of weeks. Almost overnight expeditions that would have taken hundreds of years can now be accomplished in months, colonizing planets is now possible.
The first planet to be colonized was Mars in 2390, with terraforming efforts starting almost immediately. Mars was perfect for adaptation to human life and was terraformed in record time, acting as the base for all other terraforming efforts. The earth like atmosphere and fertile soil made colonization easy. The next planet of interest to human kind was mercury. The rich heavy and rare metal deposits coupled with the limitless supply of solar energy made it a perfect mining planet but also a superb planet to start construction of a Dyson sphere.
Venus was an unlikely candidate for colonization after Mercury. The carbon dioxide rich atmosphere could be harvested and used for industrial use, while making the planet habitable to support the industry on Mercury. The asteroid belt was the first hurdle to overcome for further colonization of the solar system. Mapping and resource extraction efforts first had to be developed to effectively navigate and harvest the valuable metals that existed there. This was accomplished by hopping between the largest asteroids in the region. Supply, mapping and communication stations were built on Ceres, Vesta, Pallas and Hygeia with a main communication and Supply hub being built on the dwarf planet Ceres. These would support the mining operations within the belt and facilitate further exploration to the worlds beyond the belt.
Jupiter was the next planet to be colonized, but unlike the inner planets the planet itself would remain untouched. The lack of a surface and extremely hostile atmosphere made attempts to establish outpost in the high altitudes impossible. Colonists found its moons very habitable however, all four support large resource extraction facilities and the first alien wildlife was found below the frozen surface of Europa. The existence of untouched liquid fresh water on Europa made this residential capital of the outer planets.
Saturn was always one of the ultimate goals for colonization, a relatively endless fuel source for fusion engines could be attained by atmospheric harvesting and its nearly 64 moons could support all the refining and manufacturing that would accompany it. Saturn’s moons house the largest shipbuilding facilities in the solar system and more than enough fuel to run them for the next millennia.
Uranus in contrast was mostly seen a useless, its moons used for nothing more than remote resupply posts and extra land. The methane semi fluid surface and atmosphere give the moons inhabitants a limitless natural fuel source that can only be used to power surface installations, making the Uranus colony self sufficient. The moons can only sustain relatively minor mining operations due to the high methane ice content. Uranus is really only a domestic hub, made up of residential housing for the outer planets and a popular stop off point for those travelling to the edge of the system.
Neptune was the final planet found to be of industrial use. Like Jupiter, the atmospheric harvesting of helium and hydrogen would be used as fuel for fusion engines. Attempts to extract the liquid “surface” of the planet have mostly failed due to the extreme conditions below the atmosphere. Like the rest of the icy and gas giants, its moons have become large residential and mining centers. Triton is the only exception, its natural warming, liquid waters and the terraforming efforts of its colonists have transformed the moon into a dwarf planet supporting life.
Due to its relative isolation, Pluto was designated as the perfect weapon testing and military training planet. Its small size, large peaks and the close proximity of its moons made training for any type of operation feasible. The lack of a flammable or extreme atmosphere made it possible to test weapons in a virtual vacuum making it extremely desirable for research and design institutions. The high ice and low metal content of Pluto made mining not worth the cost of building institutions and residential housing. The entire planet and its moons are strictly weapons and military test grounds, no one permanently lives there despite housing for the military forces that visit to train.

The story

Man took to the stars in 2390 to colonize their system, following the extreme overcrowding and pollution on Earth. Nearly 200 years earlier, the last nations of earth were assimilated into the Global Earth Federation or GEF after a two-century conquest of the planet. Using the pooled resources of the earth, the GEF was able to establish a sophisticated space program focused on the colonization of the solar system. Initial colonization was very successful, the GEF settled worlds in quick succession and public order was high, support for the GEF reached its peak, even among its most ardent enemies. This would not last however, management of such a large collection of planets and people across millions of miles proved to be too much for the GEF as dissent spread through the colonies. The new generations were born, grew up and died on foreign worlds. The concept of a united earth government had little appeal for those who had never seen earth. Those tired of seeing their homes turned into export economies for a planet they have never seen eventually revolted .
Being the first and oldest colony the GEF-Mars government revolted, declaring a sovereign Martian state. The people seized equipment from the GEF military forces and took control over its industry, making it the first and only bloodless coup of the solar colonies. The majority of its military forces were native to Mars and held support for the new Martian government. The GEF government of earth was furious but unable to act, Mars was taken intact and without damage, there was no weakness to exploit. The GEF chose to do nothing, letting Mars successfully break away from the GEF.
Once news of the new Martian state emerges, planets attempted their own coups one after the other. The outer belt planets were next, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune declared independence together and formed the Federation beyond the belt or FBB. Faced with the real possibility of loosing both their fuel and ship production hubs, the GEF declared these planets has rebels and started a military campaign to retake them. Neptune was the first world to feel the wrath of the GEF, forces garrisoned on Pluto began landing on triton and other moons to capture vital manufacturing and mining hubs. They were met with extreme force by the local Neptunian military and failed to take their objectives due to the heavy fighting. GEF forces then changed tactics, attempting to starve the Neptunian colony into submission through siege. Similar operations began on the Moons of Uranus with similar results as GEF forces were unable to defeat the local planet forces. Jupiter and Saturn, being relatively close neighbors were spared military campaigns, being hubs for starship production. The GEF could not muster enough forces for an effective siege and deemed it too dangerous to take militarily. A brutal diplomatic and espionage campaign was launched by the GEF, trading boots on the ground for secret police and assassinations. Despite being leaders of the FBB, both planets became very isolated and weary of foreign influence.
The remaining inner planets, mercury and Venus remained loyal to the GEF. out of fear of destruction Following the Martian coup the GEF’s earth forces immediately garrisoned a significant amount of troops to protect their interests in the region. The power output from the solar stations of mercury and dyson sphere around the sun were too valuable to loose. Its energy powered the earth and its people, without these planets the Earth would fall into chaos in a matter of months. The GEF established brutal intelligence services here, known for extrajudicial murders and torture. GEF repression is high on Mercruy and Venus, and the native colonists are always just a step away from outward revolt. The current year is 2752 and the solar system is divided by war, Uranus and Neptune are still under siege, while Saturn and Jupiter try to gather resources and equipment to help. Mars, being the first to break away from the GEF is the strongest and most stable planet state but unable and unwilling to assist its neighbors. Mercury and Venus still rest firmly under the thumb of GEF oppressive rule, but how long will the people continue to tolerate a government they see both as foreign and oppressive.

I am limiting the spots of this roleplay to 8 nation players, I may allow people to minor characters within these nations if interest is high. The GM will play as earth and will act as a playing moderator. Players will get to choose what planet they want to rule, each planet has a unique set of strengths, weaknesses and starting positions. NPC pirates controlled by the GM roam the asteroid belt and provide another barrier to traveling between inner and outer belt worlds

-High Energy
o High industrial capability
o High Research capability
-Extreme planet
o Not able to be terraformed
o Not fertile
o Unable to support plant life on the surface
o GEF secret police
o Good rebel intelligence service
o High Rebel support
o Established black market
-Weak local military
o Relies on rebel forces
o No advanced military technology
o No militarized navy
-High Energy
o High industrial capability
o High Research capability
o GEF secret police
o Rebel support
o Established black market
-Weak local military
o Relies on rebel forces
o No advanced military technology
o No militarized navy
-Still terraforming
o Hostile environment
o Unable to support plant life
-Stable government
o High public order
o Low public dissent
o Low rebel support
o Democratic
-Industrial power
o High resource extraction capability
o High manufacturing capability
-Diplomatic power
o Experienced and trained diplomats
o Low internal conflict
-Average military
o Established self defense force
o Small expeditionary force
o Established self defense navy
o Small expeditionary navy
-Closed government
o Weary of foreign power and intervention
o Repressive local government
o Repressive local secret police
o Repressive local intelligence service
-High Energy
o High industrial capability
o High Research capability
-Industrial power
o High resource extraction capability
o High manufacturing capability
-Strong Military
o Average self defense Navy
o Average expeditionary Navy
o Large self defense force
o Large expeditionary force
-Closed government
o Weary of foreign power and intervention
o Repressive local government
o Repressive local secret police
o Repressive local intelligence service
-High Energy
o High industrial capability
o High Research capability
-Industrial power
o High resource extraction capability
o High manufacturing capability
-Large Military
o Extremely large self defense Navy
o Extremely large expeditionary Navy
o Average self defense force
o Average expeditionary force
-Under Siege
o Food shortage
o Equipment shortage
o Restricted freedom of movement
o Constanct threat of conflict
-Industrial power
o High resource extraction capability
o High manufacturing capability
-Average military
o Small navy
o Average self defense force
o Average rebel militia
-Fuel producer
-Under Siege
o Food shortage
o Equipment shortage
o Restricted freedom of movement
o Constanct threat of conflict
-Industrial power
o High resource extraction capability
o High manufacturing capability
-Average military
o Small navy
o Average self defense force
o Average rebel militia
-Fuel producer
o Difficult to get supplies in
o Difficult communication
o Longer travel times
-Military power
o Large self defense forces
o Large expeditionary forces
o Large expeditionary navy
o Large self defense navy
o Advanced military capabilities
-Loyal to GEF
o Low public dissent
o High public order
o Little rebel support
-Extreme planet
o Not able to be terraformed
o Not fertile
o Unable to support plant life on the surface

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 6 days ago

I read the first 2 paragraphs and I'm already interested. In fact, I've been making a near identical RP setting in my head, which I'll put on a halt to see how this works out! Lemme just read the rest quickly, but you already have my itnerest!

EDIT: Okay, after reading this I'm even more hyped than before! I really hope this RP takes off, because there is nothing more interesting than an Expanse style conflict.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looks promising!
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