Hi there! I don't usually make new posts like this but since this is a new site I thought I'd say a little about myself.
You can call me Mach, I'm a 19 year old female from good ol' Ireland and have been rping on other sites for around 7 years. I've just recently got a lot more free time so I will be able to rp here often! I'm a big fan of dystopian and realistic rps like things that centre around mafias and gangs but I also have a huge love for more fantastical themes like roleplays based on Kamen Rider, Fate, Jojo and Mob Psycho, unsure if there are any rps like that around.
All in all I hope to make some good memories here with y'all, if you couldn't tell, I'm a huge kamen rider nerd and if I can get the brain juices flowing, I might try and set up a kamen rider rp, but that's in the future haha. Hope to find some rps to get those brain juices flowing!
You can call me Mach, I'm a 19 year old female from good ol' Ireland and have been rping on other sites for around 7 years. I've just recently got a lot more free time so I will be able to rp here often! I'm a big fan of dystopian and realistic rps like things that centre around mafias and gangs but I also have a huge love for more fantastical themes like roleplays based on Kamen Rider, Fate, Jojo and Mob Psycho, unsure if there are any rps like that around.
All in all I hope to make some good memories here with y'all, if you couldn't tell, I'm a huge kamen rider nerd and if I can get the brain juices flowing, I might try and set up a kamen rider rp, but that's in the future haha. Hope to find some rps to get those brain juices flowing!