The World of Aerion

The World
“Claims have been made about the decency of our world, yet history has proven us wrong, time and time again. Aerion wasn’t born in chaos. We have made it thus.”
-Lord Robert of House Welm, Ethora
All is not well in the world of Aerion. The immense nation of Ethora is in turbulent times as its Houses feud amongst themselves following the sudden assassination of their king, which is gradually pushing the disjointed country to civil war. The nations of Miraheim and Falke, which have been at odds for centuries, are being slowly pushed to hostilities, and whispers have begun to be spoken of Miraheim’s mobilization for war. The countries of the west are slowly being entangled in their own quarrels, as Palaven and Raelus both seek to strengthen their influence in the region, with Ellessar attempting to maintain some order of stability among the nations.
Indeed, Aerion is in shambles, and should the nations that inhabit it continue along this path, the world would ultimately destroy itself. Some comprehend the peril this world faces, and some would have something be done about it. On the isle of Ekilore has existed a structure of colossal size (extending high into the clouds and being visible from all regions of Aerion) called the Tower of Oculus, which was built long before many histories were documented. There dwells the Monks of Ekilore, who have resided there for as long as people can remember. Although the nations by no means see eye to eye, generally all respect, or at least value, the opinion of the Monks, which come often in the form of prophecies or divinations. On the 1792nd year since the Founding of Civilization (FC), such a prophecy was formed. The Monks of Ekilore invited to their tower emissaries of each of the countries to hear their prophecy, one in which they say could alter the fate of the world.
Indeed, Aerion is in shambles, and should the nations that inhabit it continue along this path, the world would ultimately destroy itself. Some comprehend the peril this world faces, and some would have something be done about it. On the isle of Ekilore has existed a structure of colossal size (extending high into the clouds and being visible from all regions of Aerion) called the Tower of Oculus, which was built long before many histories were documented. There dwells the Monks of Ekilore, who have resided there for as long as people can remember. Although the nations by no means see eye to eye, generally all respect, or at least value, the opinion of the Monks, which come often in the form of prophecies or divinations. On the 1792nd year since the Founding of Civilization (FC), such a prophecy was formed. The Monks of Ekilore invited to their tower emissaries of each of the countries to hear their prophecy, one in which they say could alter the fate of the world.
Presented to you are two options, two roads to journey upon. One road begins on Ekilore, where you answer the summons of the Monks. This path will take you on a quest all across the lands, where you attempt to change the course of the world, and thereby save it. The fate of Aerion is very much in your hands.
Yet in a world filled with strife is also presented the prospect of opportunity. For whatever purpose, be it gold, gods, guidance or glory (or whatever else your reason may be), you have recently begun travel with a group of mercenaries as they make their way through the land. You will accept contracts from clients, which could involve anything from slaying foul creatures, saving or protecting innocents, removing heads off individuals, and anything in between. Yet the life of a mercenary, especially in Aerion, may be more than it originally seems.
Yet in a world filled with strife is also presented the prospect of opportunity. For whatever purpose, be it gold, gods, guidance or glory (or whatever else your reason may be), you have recently begun travel with a group of mercenaries as they make their way through the land. You will accept contracts from clients, which could involve anything from slaying foul creatures, saving or protecting innocents, removing heads off individuals, and anything in between. Yet the life of a mercenary, especially in Aerion, may be more than it originally seems.
Aerion is composed of many creatures: humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls, goblins, and more. Once, it was said that dragons were also present, but none have been seen in centuries.
Ethora, Falke, Raelus, Ellessar, Miraheim and Palaven are all human nations. There are some dwarves that make their way to southern Miraheim, and many elves in Falke and Ethora. However, few are found in the western nations; Raelus, Ellessar, and Palaven. Mindirion is made up of nearly entire dwarves, besides some Ethorians in the south. Miracia is composed of only elves. Rastra is a small nation of mostly desert. It is usually closed to the rest of the world, save for the port city to the south where sailors stop before heading west.
Orcs are found throughout most mountains, especially in Mindirion, parts of Miraheim, and Ethora. Other creatures are scattered throughout the land depending on the location.
Ethora, Falke, Raelus, Ellessar, Miraheim and Palaven are all human nations. There are some dwarves that make their way to southern Miraheim, and many elves in Falke and Ethora. However, few are found in the western nations; Raelus, Ellessar, and Palaven. Mindirion is made up of nearly entire dwarves, besides some Ethorians in the south. Miracia is composed of only elves. Rastra is a small nation of mostly desert. It is usually closed to the rest of the world, save for the port city to the south where sailors stop before heading west.
Orcs are found throughout most mountains, especially in Mindirion, parts of Miraheim, and Ethora. Other creatures are scattered throughout the land depending on the location.
10,000 CE --> 1 CE = Creation Era
0 CE = 0 HA as this date represents a change in eras.
0 HA --> 3000 HA = Heroic Age
3000 HA = 0 FC as this date represents a change in eras.
0 FC--> 1792 FC (Current Date) = The Founding of Civilization
0 CE = 0 HA as this date represents a change in eras.
0 HA --> 3000 HA = Heroic Age
3000 HA = 0 FC as this date represents a change in eras.
0 FC--> 1792 FC (Current Date) = The Founding of Civilization
Origin and accessing magic: Magic is drawn from one of two places and subsequently has two names: Arcane and Divine. Arcane magic is drawn from one's spirit and the potential one has to command it is something you are born with. In this regard, not everyone is a candidate to to be a great wizard and a strong spirit to control the Arcane is something you have or not. Think of it as a natural gift or skill. That being said, it is difficult to control and is potentially very dangerous if one does not receive training. This danger has made many afraid of magic and is the core reason for a number of inquisitions and the widespread purging of mages in the land of Aerion (especially in the land of Ethora) leading to is rarity. However, Mage's guilds still exist and many students of Arcane magic go there to learn, control and develop their abilities.
Divine magic is drawn from one's faith in a certain divine being, whether it is an established figure or not (meaning it is does not have to be one of the major figures from Aerion's religions, which I can provide, and could be "made up"). Many Priests fall under this category for example. Divine magic is less dangerous and primarily used for healing and the like, though it can be used to curse others for example (if the patron deity is "evil" or "dark"). Divine magic is still fairly rare as to access it someone must have strong faith in a figure and like arcane magic be well trained.
Staves and augmenting magic: Staves, rituals, and other tools can augment and strengthen magic. Staves are usually used to channel, strengthen and help control magic, rituals and ceremonies can focus or strengthen it and other tools like wands and books do exist and do much of the same as I just said.
Rarity and use: Magic is increasingly rare because being a mage, wizard or any title is a stigma that often leads to imprisonment or worse death. People do not like magic for it disturbs the peace and is a constant threat. Magic is very powerful and power corrupts. Therefore, using magic in a public space is not a good idea for example, as you will likely be captured or killed on the spot by the townspeople or if you are lucky, the local town guard. Magic is often confined to the home or in the case of divine magic (which is generally more accepted), a church or shrine.
However, Raelus is one country where Arcane magic is more accepted, as the government makes extensive use of the offensive properties of Arcane magic in its military conquests. In this regard, mages are more of a resource however. Miracia is another country where magic could be found, as well as Palaven.
Divine magic is drawn from one's faith in a certain divine being, whether it is an established figure or not (meaning it is does not have to be one of the major figures from Aerion's religions, which I can provide, and could be "made up"). Many Priests fall under this category for example. Divine magic is less dangerous and primarily used for healing and the like, though it can be used to curse others for example (if the patron deity is "evil" or "dark"). Divine magic is still fairly rare as to access it someone must have strong faith in a figure and like arcane magic be well trained.
Staves and augmenting magic: Staves, rituals, and other tools can augment and strengthen magic. Staves are usually used to channel, strengthen and help control magic, rituals and ceremonies can focus or strengthen it and other tools like wands and books do exist and do much of the same as I just said.
Rarity and use: Magic is increasingly rare because being a mage, wizard or any title is a stigma that often leads to imprisonment or worse death. People do not like magic for it disturbs the peace and is a constant threat. Magic is very powerful and power corrupts. Therefore, using magic in a public space is not a good idea for example, as you will likely be captured or killed on the spot by the townspeople or if you are lucky, the local town guard. Magic is often confined to the home or in the case of divine magic (which is generally more accepted), a church or shrine.
However, Raelus is one country where Arcane magic is more accepted, as the government makes extensive use of the offensive properties of Arcane magic in its military conquests. In this regard, mages are more of a resource however. Miracia is another country where magic could be found, as well as Palaven.
Country Profiles
Founded: 617 HA as a collection of tribes; Founded formally in 1099HA
National Capital: Rudell
Language: Ethorian; Which has become the Common Tongue because of its wide use.
Flag/Sigil: The Crowned Lion, with different colored gems around it
Government System: Ethora is traditionally led by a single king who supervises the actions completed by the different noble houses who rule over different political regions. These regions function as relatively independent nations but still pledge loyalty to the king. The individual houses are: Reigncliff, Taimor, Crosland, Larson, Welm and Morok.
Current King: None as King Eliwood has been assassinated.
Culture: Ethora has perhaps the widest range of culture of any country largely due to the stark differences between the given regions within the kingdom. However, trends do exist as the northern regions are typically more conservative and militant while the southern regions are more liberal, placing a greater emphasis on trade. Each region is governed by a noble house with extends its own beliefs and traditions into its code of laws and values, producing practically independent countries unified by history and tradition. Despite this, the king's word is recognized by all and is followed usually without question. This does not stop conflicts between the other houses, which occasionally erupt into total wars if not resolved. Rivalries amongst the houses have developed over the years, some friendly and others not so much. Ethora is a well respected nation regardless and its bonds are strengthened by the notion that Ethora is a land of heroes and legends, and that its glory is without rivalry. It is Ethora's destiny to region supreme. Ethora is also surprisingly religious, with 90% of the nation following the Council of Nine, 5% practicing the belief in the One, and the last 5% following lesser known belief systems. Several notable citizens have renounced their faith in spirituality completely. Social mobility exists, making its class system nothing more than a convenient way to classify its citizens. However, class distinction is very high, causing occasional social unrest.
Founded: 617 HA as a collection of tribes; Founded formally in 1099HA
National Capital: Rudell
Language: Ethorian; Which has become the Common Tongue because of its wide use.
Flag/Sigil: The Crowned Lion, with different colored gems around it
Government System: Ethora is traditionally led by a single king who supervises the actions completed by the different noble houses who rule over different political regions. These regions function as relatively independent nations but still pledge loyalty to the king. The individual houses are: Reigncliff, Taimor, Crosland, Larson, Welm and Morok.
Current King: None as King Eliwood has been assassinated.
Culture: Ethora has perhaps the widest range of culture of any country largely due to the stark differences between the given regions within the kingdom. However, trends do exist as the northern regions are typically more conservative and militant while the southern regions are more liberal, placing a greater emphasis on trade. Each region is governed by a noble house with extends its own beliefs and traditions into its code of laws and values, producing practically independent countries unified by history and tradition. Despite this, the king's word is recognized by all and is followed usually without question. This does not stop conflicts between the other houses, which occasionally erupt into total wars if not resolved. Rivalries amongst the houses have developed over the years, some friendly and others not so much. Ethora is a well respected nation regardless and its bonds are strengthened by the notion that Ethora is a land of heroes and legends, and that its glory is without rivalry. It is Ethora's destiny to region supreme. Ethora is also surprisingly religious, with 90% of the nation following the Council of Nine, 5% practicing the belief in the One, and the last 5% following lesser known belief systems. Several notable citizens have renounced their faith in spirituality completely. Social mobility exists, making its class system nothing more than a convenient way to classify its citizens. However, class distinction is very high, causing occasional social unrest.
Founded: 537 HA
National Capital: Falcon Peak
Major Cities: Kirklandand Skyfall
Language: Falkmor or "Word of the Falcon"
Royal Sigil: A Falcon
Royal Colors: Black, Yellow, White
Words: "Among the Clouds."
Government System: Traditional Feudalism in that the king of Falke gives out land to his subjects in return for loyalty. These gifts of land are governed by the powerful families of House Hawke and House Highborn.
Current King: Frederick Highclaw III
Weapon proficiency, style, expertise: All forces in Falke specialize in archery and the use of spears and cavalry.
Culture: Since Falke's founding, it has always been a region that has attempted to be peaceful, organized and united. However, Falke's attempts have often been in vain, as Falke has been the subject of several invasions and rivalries with other nations, in particular Miraheim and Ethora. While modern day Falkians do not hold on to the same level of spite towards Ethora or its people, there is still something of a rivalry and apprehension towards them. Most of Falke's dislike has been redirected at Miraheim, its new rival in the FC era. The people and government of Falke like to think of themselves as open minded people living in a structured ordered society built on the ideals of peace and prosperity. Not as a conservative or self centered as Ethora's populace, Falke does keep its own hierarchy established in its social order with limited social mobility. However, Falke has a greater sense of social equality, limiting dissatisfaction in its population. Many Falke systems are content with their way of life, especially considering the social institutions in place, as Falke is a small(er) yet developed nation with an excellent education system and cultural developments. Falke is well renowned for its contributions to the arts.
Founded: 537 HA
National Capital: Falcon Peak
Major Cities: Kirklandand Skyfall
Language: Falkmor or "Word of the Falcon"
Royal Sigil: A Falcon
Royal Colors: Black, Yellow, White
Words: "Among the Clouds."
Government System: Traditional Feudalism in that the king of Falke gives out land to his subjects in return for loyalty. These gifts of land are governed by the powerful families of House Hawke and House Highborn.
Current King: Frederick Highclaw III
Weapon proficiency, style, expertise: All forces in Falke specialize in archery and the use of spears and cavalry.
Culture: Since Falke's founding, it has always been a region that has attempted to be peaceful, organized and united. However, Falke's attempts have often been in vain, as Falke has been the subject of several invasions and rivalries with other nations, in particular Miraheim and Ethora. While modern day Falkians do not hold on to the same level of spite towards Ethora or its people, there is still something of a rivalry and apprehension towards them. Most of Falke's dislike has been redirected at Miraheim, its new rival in the FC era. The people and government of Falke like to think of themselves as open minded people living in a structured ordered society built on the ideals of peace and prosperity. Not as a conservative or self centered as Ethora's populace, Falke does keep its own hierarchy established in its social order with limited social mobility. However, Falke has a greater sense of social equality, limiting dissatisfaction in its population. Many Falke systems are content with their way of life, especially considering the social institutions in place, as Falke is a small(er) yet developed nation with an excellent education system and cultural developments. Falke is well renowned for its contributions to the arts.
Founded: 206HA
Capital: Gryfor
Major Cities: Dergen, Renvall, Borr
Language: When the original humans separated and moved to form their own distinct countries, the people of the land that would be known as Miraheim crafted a language based off the ruins of those who had inhabited the land many years prior. It is from this ancient language that the people of Miraheim established their own tongue. They called it Ormurmal, “Language of the Dragons”. Miraheim is proficient in the Common tongue as well, and Ormurmal has become largely ceremonial.
Colors: Grey
Words: On the Water we have Wings
Government System: Miraheim is ruled by their High King by blood and divine right. This throne has been challenged much in the past. The High King’s word is law, and those under him must obey and respect his will. A High King who does not hold the respect of the people is an unwanted position to be in. Directly under the High King is the Maerr (Maerrun plural), the Miraheim equivalent of a Lord. The Maerrun rule Miraheim’s cities as well as the surrounding territory around those cities, known as provinces. There are 6 Provinces of Miraheim. The Maerrun rule these Provinces, while the King gets reports from a Maerr and rules the country as a whole.
Current Ruler: High King Ranulf “Ironfist” Hroaldr
Culture: The people of Miraheim, known as the Highmen, are a warrior race, and are known by other races to be highly militaristic. They are excellent sailors, one of their major tools of trade, and own some of the best vessels in all of Aerion. Because of this, however, many in the nation also choose the life of piracy, primarily against ships of other nations, and on few occasions, port cities. They are generally enthusiastic warriors, and excel in all manner of warfare, but particularly at the sea level. Highmen have a deep dislike for most other countries besides their own, viewing them as inferior in strength, culture and religion. Above all else in their culture, however, is the pursuit for honor and glory. It is said that to take away a Highman’s pursuit at this is to take away their soul itself. No man or woman of Miraheim is worth anything without such traits. A great emphasis is also placed on the family. Highmen are among the most devout followers of tradition.
Weapon Proficiency, style, expertise: The people of Miraheim make excellent sailors, probably the best of any country, or at least one of the best. They prefer to use less armor in combat, and instead wear animal pelts like wolfs and bears. Highmen make the best axes in all of Aerion, and many of their warriors are quite proficient in the use of them. They also make excellent blacksmiths.
Founded: 206HA
Capital: Gryfor
Major Cities: Dergen, Renvall, Borr
Language: When the original humans separated and moved to form their own distinct countries, the people of the land that would be known as Miraheim crafted a language based off the ruins of those who had inhabited the land many years prior. It is from this ancient language that the people of Miraheim established their own tongue. They called it Ormurmal, “Language of the Dragons”. Miraheim is proficient in the Common tongue as well, and Ormurmal has become largely ceremonial.
Colors: Grey
Words: On the Water we have Wings
Government System: Miraheim is ruled by their High King by blood and divine right. This throne has been challenged much in the past. The High King’s word is law, and those under him must obey and respect his will. A High King who does not hold the respect of the people is an unwanted position to be in. Directly under the High King is the Maerr (Maerrun plural), the Miraheim equivalent of a Lord. The Maerrun rule Miraheim’s cities as well as the surrounding territory around those cities, known as provinces. There are 6 Provinces of Miraheim. The Maerrun rule these Provinces, while the King gets reports from a Maerr and rules the country as a whole.
Current Ruler: High King Ranulf “Ironfist” Hroaldr
Culture: The people of Miraheim, known as the Highmen, are a warrior race, and are known by other races to be highly militaristic. They are excellent sailors, one of their major tools of trade, and own some of the best vessels in all of Aerion. Because of this, however, many in the nation also choose the life of piracy, primarily against ships of other nations, and on few occasions, port cities. They are generally enthusiastic warriors, and excel in all manner of warfare, but particularly at the sea level. Highmen have a deep dislike for most other countries besides their own, viewing them as inferior in strength, culture and religion. Above all else in their culture, however, is the pursuit for honor and glory. It is said that to take away a Highman’s pursuit at this is to take away their soul itself. No man or woman of Miraheim is worth anything without such traits. A great emphasis is also placed on the family. Highmen are among the most devout followers of tradition.
Weapon Proficiency, style, expertise: The people of Miraheim make excellent sailors, probably the best of any country, or at least one of the best. They prefer to use less armor in combat, and instead wear animal pelts like wolfs and bears. Highmen make the best axes in all of Aerion, and many of their warriors are quite proficient in the use of them. They also make excellent blacksmiths.
Founded: 9,358 CE
National Capital: Barazir
Language: Remkhuz or "Speak like a Dwarf"
Royal Sigil: Helmet of Thordain
Royal Colors: Blood Red and Black
Words: "Hard as Stone"
Government: Absolute Monarchy ruled by the Emperor or the Rasuh Etar. There is also the Grand Assembly (Mafol) which is composed of the leaders of all the major clans (now referred to as houses or Zoden).
Current Rasuh Etar: Orthen Durgon; son Danull Durgon
Weapon proficiency, style, expertise: Dwarves favor heavy armor and large powerful weapons, often used to end a fight quickly due to their low endurance.
Culture: Much of the culture of the Dwarves has been lost following the closing moments of the HA period leaving Mindirion as a shell of its former self. Organized in a strict caste society, Mindirion is currently rebuilding with a small elite ruling class guiding a growing middle class through a careful reconstruction. Dwarves favor organization, meticulous design, and wealth above all else and society has been guided by this for some time, hence the establishment of a caste based society, organized cities divided into different specialized sections, a specialized military and a commitment to mining, smithing and trading. Dwarves traditionally live in mountains, in close proximity to valuable stones. Ie. Dwarves like shiny things.
Founded: 9,358 CE
National Capital: Barazir
Language: Remkhuz or "Speak like a Dwarf"
Royal Sigil: Helmet of Thordain
Royal Colors: Blood Red and Black
Words: "Hard as Stone"
Government: Absolute Monarchy ruled by the Emperor or the Rasuh Etar. There is also the Grand Assembly (Mafol) which is composed of the leaders of all the major clans (now referred to as houses or Zoden).
Current Rasuh Etar: Orthen Durgon; son Danull Durgon
Weapon proficiency, style, expertise: Dwarves favor heavy armor and large powerful weapons, often used to end a fight quickly due to their low endurance.
Culture: Much of the culture of the Dwarves has been lost following the closing moments of the HA period leaving Mindirion as a shell of its former self. Organized in a strict caste society, Mindirion is currently rebuilding with a small elite ruling class guiding a growing middle class through a careful reconstruction. Dwarves favor organization, meticulous design, and wealth above all else and society has been guided by this for some time, hence the establishment of a caste based society, organized cities divided into different specialized sections, a specialized military and a commitment to mining, smithing and trading. Dwarves traditionally live in mountains, in close proximity to valuable stones. Ie. Dwarves like shiny things.
Founded: 3,330 CE (Following their exodus)
National Capital: Estel (Hope)
Major Cities: Aranwar, Fornond
Language: Elvish or Eldaquente (Elf speak)
Royal Sigil: The hands of Tella
Royal Colors: Dark Green and White
Words: "One World. One People."
Government: The Elves are traditionally lead by a congress of Kings or Druids. Each Druid leads a number of clans and these Druids meet together in times of need. At the current time, they are 3 total.
Current High Druids: Thalion, Vanya and Locien
Weapon proficiency, style, expertise: Elves employ the use of light armor and weapons, often dual wielding small swords or daggers and using long ranged weapons such as bows.
Culture: Elven culture is built around peace and appreciation of nature. Elves as a result, being wise, have stayed sheltered in recent generations as to avoid the warfare waged by their human counterparts. Divided into different tribes to allow Elves to affiliate with groups that share their belief systems, the Elves live fairly independent lives as a progressive, liberal people believing in equality amongst others. Elven pleas for peace and tradition have fallen on deaf ears in recent years, causing the Elves to dig themselves in a hole only associating with Falke on any level.
Founded: 3,330 CE (Following their exodus)
National Capital: Estel (Hope)
Major Cities: Aranwar, Fornond
Language: Elvish or Eldaquente (Elf speak)
Royal Sigil: The hands of Tella
Royal Colors: Dark Green and White
Words: "One World. One People."
Government: The Elves are traditionally lead by a congress of Kings or Druids. Each Druid leads a number of clans and these Druids meet together in times of need. At the current time, they are 3 total.
Current High Druids: Thalion, Vanya and Locien
Weapon proficiency, style, expertise: Elves employ the use of light armor and weapons, often dual wielding small swords or daggers and using long ranged weapons such as bows.
Culture: Elven culture is built around peace and appreciation of nature. Elves as a result, being wise, have stayed sheltered in recent generations as to avoid the warfare waged by their human counterparts. Divided into different tribes to allow Elves to affiliate with groups that share their belief systems, the Elves live fairly independent lives as a progressive, liberal people believing in equality amongst others. Elven pleas for peace and tradition have fallen on deaf ears in recent years, causing the Elves to dig themselves in a hole only associating with Falke on any level.
Founded: 378FC
Capital: Tallis
Major Cities: Irus
Language: The people of Ellessar speak the Common tongue of Ethora
Sigil: A black helmet in the center showing five silver swords extending from it.
Colors:Silver and Black.
Words: "Strength through Order."
Governing System: Oligarchy- Ruled by the Silver Authority. The Silver Authority is an oligarchic-based ruling system, headed by the 5 Regulators of the Authority. Each Regulator has the same amount of power, and demand absolute rule of the nation of Ellessar. A policy can be overruled by a majority vote of the 5, and new policies can be implemented by a majority vote. If a Regulator of the Silver Authority were to die or step down from rule, the others would vote in a new member of their choosing.
Current Rulers: The Silver Authority
Weapon Proficiency: Ellessar, besides being known for their well-crafted ships, are also known for their swordsman. Swordsman of Ellessar are among the finest in all of Aerion.
Culture: The people of Ellessar are considered intelligent and known for a proficiency in abstract thinking. They are well-educated and well-spoken. Though less physically imposing than the other races, the people of Ellessar are shrewd diplomats and traders. It is for these reasons people of Ellessar are among the best in business terms, and a reason their nation is quite prosperous. The people of Ellessar also have a maintained sense of order and stability, both within their nation and without. Being the oldest of the new nations to the west, they take it upon themselves often to intervene in conflicts among the other nations. They strive to maintain the given balance and stability among the Western nations, a region known as Rolsten (this include Raelus, Ellessar, and Palaven). Their territorial claims are misleading. Although their nation is smaller than some, their military might is second only to Raelus. They also have quite a successful navy and are known for their unique ship designs. The people of Ellessar have a disgruntled relationship with the country of which they used to be a colony: Ethora. They often avoid trade with them if they could, and increase tariffs on most of the houses of Ethora. Because of this, and Raelus’ better relationship with Ethora, Raelus and Ellessar also do not get along.
Founded: 378FC
Capital: Tallis
Major Cities: Irus
Language: The people of Ellessar speak the Common tongue of Ethora
Sigil: A black helmet in the center showing five silver swords extending from it.
Colors:Silver and Black.
Words: "Strength through Order."
Governing System: Oligarchy- Ruled by the Silver Authority. The Silver Authority is an oligarchic-based ruling system, headed by the 5 Regulators of the Authority. Each Regulator has the same amount of power, and demand absolute rule of the nation of Ellessar. A policy can be overruled by a majority vote of the 5, and new policies can be implemented by a majority vote. If a Regulator of the Silver Authority were to die or step down from rule, the others would vote in a new member of their choosing.
Current Rulers: The Silver Authority
- The 5 Regulators of the Silver Authority: Tybalt Greyhelm, Kilance Qarthwright, Hadrian Cromwell, Victoria Holden, Vermillia Bellasan
Weapon Proficiency: Ellessar, besides being known for their well-crafted ships, are also known for their swordsman. Swordsman of Ellessar are among the finest in all of Aerion.
Culture: The people of Ellessar are considered intelligent and known for a proficiency in abstract thinking. They are well-educated and well-spoken. Though less physically imposing than the other races, the people of Ellessar are shrewd diplomats and traders. It is for these reasons people of Ellessar are among the best in business terms, and a reason their nation is quite prosperous. The people of Ellessar also have a maintained sense of order and stability, both within their nation and without. Being the oldest of the new nations to the west, they take it upon themselves often to intervene in conflicts among the other nations. They strive to maintain the given balance and stability among the Western nations, a region known as Rolsten (this include Raelus, Ellessar, and Palaven). Their territorial claims are misleading. Although their nation is smaller than some, their military might is second only to Raelus. They also have quite a successful navy and are known for their unique ship designs. The people of Ellessar have a disgruntled relationship with the country of which they used to be a colony: Ethora. They often avoid trade with them if they could, and increase tariffs on most of the houses of Ethora. Because of this, and Raelus’ better relationship with Ethora, Raelus and Ellessar also do not get along.
Founded: 489 FC
Capital: Eldur
Major Cities: None
Language: Ethorian
Colors: Light Red and Black
Words: "Trial By Fire"
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Current King: Christian "The Burning King" Calason II
Weapon proficiency, style, expertise: The army of Raelus is diverse and skilled, capable of using a number of different weapons with skill and intelligence. However, they often favor the use of one handed swords and light armor, using speed to end fights quickly.
Culture: Dominated by an absolute monarchy, the people of Raelus are very much at the mercy of the king who can act on any whim he wants. Raelus is a state connected with efficiency, production, development and dominance. Despite being a young nation, Raelus believes itself to be destined for greatness, especially in its relative dominance in Rolston and in the Trader's Waters. This attitude has become reflected in its people who are often confident to the point of arrogance and firmly believe in the guidance of the King, almost to the point of worship. This is appropriate considering the lack of religious worship in Raelus, as religion has become a backwards institution replaced by industry. As a scientific nation, Raelus invests much in education and the sciences, making several advancements in recent decades. Raelus has evolved into a militaristic nation with a large standing army and navy, having adopted a warmongering attitude in its quest for dominance. Raelus' government has made extensive use of mercenaries, privateers, and pirates in its expeditions, rather than endangering its people. Crime has become controversial in the country, being somewhat accepted by the government depending on the offenders. Dominated by a small ruling class, the government nevertheless has dipped its hand into many dealings controlling nearly every aspect of people's lives. The populace does not seem to care, having become used to the treatment but understanding that the King has the best intentions for its people.
Founded: 489 FC
Capital: Eldur
Major Cities: None
Language: Ethorian
Colors: Light Red and Black
Words: "Trial By Fire"
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Current King: Christian "The Burning King" Calason II
Weapon proficiency, style, expertise: The army of Raelus is diverse and skilled, capable of using a number of different weapons with skill and intelligence. However, they often favor the use of one handed swords and light armor, using speed to end fights quickly.
Culture: Dominated by an absolute monarchy, the people of Raelus are very much at the mercy of the king who can act on any whim he wants. Raelus is a state connected with efficiency, production, development and dominance. Despite being a young nation, Raelus believes itself to be destined for greatness, especially in its relative dominance in Rolston and in the Trader's Waters. This attitude has become reflected in its people who are often confident to the point of arrogance and firmly believe in the guidance of the King, almost to the point of worship. This is appropriate considering the lack of religious worship in Raelus, as religion has become a backwards institution replaced by industry. As a scientific nation, Raelus invests much in education and the sciences, making several advancements in recent decades. Raelus has evolved into a militaristic nation with a large standing army and navy, having adopted a warmongering attitude in its quest for dominance. Raelus' government has made extensive use of mercenaries, privateers, and pirates in its expeditions, rather than endangering its people. Crime has become controversial in the country, being somewhat accepted by the government depending on the offenders. Dominated by a small ruling class, the government nevertheless has dipped its hand into many dealings controlling nearly every aspect of people's lives. The populace does not seem to care, having become used to the treatment but understanding that the King has the best intentions for its people.
Founded: 692FC
Capital: Garius
Major Cities: Teyya and Ashera
Language: Common tongue of Ethorian.
Sigil: Bright white, with a red circle in the center, signifying the Church of One.
Colors: Red and White.
Words: "God and Glory"
Government System: Palaven is a theocracy dedicated to the One God. The head of the country is Armand Terrin, who also dons the title Voice of the One, and is said to be the holy connection between Aerion and the One. Alongside the Voice of the One is the Palaven Senate, the Senators of which are entitled to the same respect as the Voice himself, though not the same reverence. The Senate members are from the six main Houses of Palaven: Culliver, Ulminda, Sinoria, Caspian, Ersmend, and Artoss. Merek Culliver is the head of the Senate and hold the most power in all of Palaven besides the Voice himself. The Senate handles the day to day matters of the nation, but the Voice ultimately has all authority over any matter, and can revoke a Senator’s status at will, and annul any law passed by any of them.
Current Ruler: Armand Terrin, the Voice of Palaven
Weapon Proficiencies, styles, expertise: Fairly knowledgeable with spears, but not their distinction.
Culture: Religion dominates the culture of the people of Palaven. Whether in a day-to-day conversation with siblings or a meeting with the Senate, the religion of the One is foremost in peoples mind, seen in their speech, as they are often referring either to the Voice of the One or the One himself. The lifestyle of Palaven's citizens is rooted in ceremony and tradition, so much so that outsiders who venture into the country often find themselves constantly in danger of breaking social etiquette, or worse, in some matter insulting their religion, which can spark outrage or even persecution.
Founded: 692FC
Capital: Garius
Major Cities: Teyya and Ashera
Language: Common tongue of Ethorian.
Sigil: Bright white, with a red circle in the center, signifying the Church of One.
Colors: Red and White.
Words: "God and Glory"
Government System: Palaven is a theocracy dedicated to the One God. The head of the country is Armand Terrin, who also dons the title Voice of the One, and is said to be the holy connection between Aerion and the One. Alongside the Voice of the One is the Palaven Senate, the Senators of which are entitled to the same respect as the Voice himself, though not the same reverence. The Senate members are from the six main Houses of Palaven: Culliver, Ulminda, Sinoria, Caspian, Ersmend, and Artoss. Merek Culliver is the head of the Senate and hold the most power in all of Palaven besides the Voice himself. The Senate handles the day to day matters of the nation, but the Voice ultimately has all authority over any matter, and can revoke a Senator’s status at will, and annul any law passed by any of them.
Current Ruler: Armand Terrin, the Voice of Palaven
Weapon Proficiencies, styles, expertise: Fairly knowledgeable with spears, but not their distinction.
Culture: Religion dominates the culture of the people of Palaven. Whether in a day-to-day conversation with siblings or a meeting with the Senate, the religion of the One is foremost in peoples mind, seen in their speech, as they are often referring either to the Voice of the One or the One himself. The lifestyle of Palaven's citizens is rooted in ceremony and tradition, so much so that outsiders who venture into the country often find themselves constantly in danger of breaking social etiquette, or worse, in some matter insulting their religion, which can spark outrage or even persecution.
Religions of Aerion
The Council of Nine
Founded: Dawn of Time; or an unknown date in HA
Countries that practice the religion: Ethora, Falke, Ellessar, Mindirion, Miracia
Belief: Belief in "The Nine" is to believe in a council of nine divine beings that had a part in the creation of the world of Aerion. The children of the supreme being Vesmir are believed have created the world in a vision bestowed upon them by Vesmir. Each Council god represents different aspects of the world, both physical and abstract. As a result, each god or goddesses is worshipped in different capacities, and worship is a very personal act. For example, sailors worship Atlantia as she is the goddess of the oceans while aspiring heroes would worship Fortis instead. Lives that are deemed worthy and filled with respect for the Nine are rewarded with passage to the higher plane of Astrum, while lives dedicated to Dabel (more so than the others) were sent to the depths of Infernum.
The Nine include:
Andal: God of order, honor, truth, nobility, light; Ruler of Astrum
Dabel: God of Chaos, corruption, desire, darkness; Ruler of Infernum
Tella: Goddess of nature and peace
Atlantia: Goddess of water/oceans and earthquakes
Makara: Goddess of magic and knowledge
Fortis: God of heroes, courage, resolve, honor and loyalty
Divum: Goddess of storms
Thordain: God of war, violence and conquest
Flamma: Goddess of fire
Other figures:
Tempus: God of the Sun
Lumes: Goddess of the Moon
The Creation Myth
In the beginning there was nothing. The universe as you know it was little more than a black abyss fueled by darkness and chaos. However, a being known as Vesmir, the creator of all, emerged from this chaos and brought with him order and salvation. He shaped the abyss and brought form to the universe. Within this form came the world, the sun and moon, the stars, the sky, the grass, the tress, the oceans, and all life as we know it. The labors put a great toll on Vesmir despite his vast power. To maintain the balance he sought to achieve in the universe following his labors, he created a number of powerful children. These children would continue to shape the world in his absence with the hopes they would honor his wishes and achieve his vision.
His children at the time were 7 in number: Andal, Dabel, Tempus, Lumes Tella, Atlantia, and Makara. And for a time there was peace and order, with each maintaining their domains. They mingled amongst each other, giving birth to new beings of power. From Andal and Tella, Fortis and Divum were born and from Dabel and Atlantia, Thordain and Flamma were born. Tempus and Lumes were absent from this mingling as these two were responsible for the cycle of day and night (respectively).
In order keep order, Andal decided to bring the beings into council. This was when the Nine were born: Andal, Dabel, Tella, Atlantia, Makara, Fortis, Divum, Thordain and Flamma. It was then that the Nine decided to take Vesmir's vision to the next stage.
Tella brought life into the world in the form of nature itself and her dreams of peace. Atlantia created the waters of the oceans, lakes and rivers and her wrath brought earthquakes. Divum became the created of the sky, and her various dances brought weather and storms. Flamma created fire and its many uses. And Makara was the bringer of intelligence, wisdom and magic.
Andal crafted the ideals of order, honor, truth and nobility as well as bringing the light of heaven to the world, which angels acting as the guardians of peace and order. Dabel created opposing ideals of chaos, corruption, desire, darkness as well as being the lord of the underworld, with his foul devils, demons and monstrosities seeking to spread destruction. Fortis created the ideas of heroes which would embody the qualities of courage, resolve, honor and loyalty. Thordain brought with him nothing but war, violence, bloodlust and carnage.
Tella wanted to share this wonderful creation upon its completion. Then the Elves were born. The Elves were a beautiful and fair race with a deep admiration for nature. They were immortal like the Nine if only because Tella envisioned them as a being of nature and one that should live with the earth until the end of times. The Elves lived in the world, alone and at peace. The Elves worshipped Tella, calling her a "God" in their native tongue.
However, Thordain grew jealous and wanted a people of his own. Working his sister, the two created their peoples. Thordian created the Dwarves and Flamma created the dragons. Dwarves were a small but strong race. They were hardy with muscular bodies with strong constitutions. They had a love of valuables, war and drink. The Dragons were a mythic and powerful race, capable of flight and fire. However, these beings were crafted in secret and in due time grew separate from the world. The dragons flew to the north where the dragon kings would unite them as a single race. The Dwarves retreated to mountains and caves, having little contact with the other beings, fueled by their greed and lust for wealth (and the craft of mining was soon born). The Dwarves became a conflict seeking race, often at odds with Tella's Elves. But peace was soon achieved, much to Thordain's dismay.
Dabel grew curious of these creations, but was unable to craft any original beings. He was a god of chaos and nothing is created from chaos. Using his talents of corrupting, Dabel twisted the minds and hearts of Elves, Dwarves and dragons. Thus arose the Orc-kin and the dark dragons. These manifestations ravaged the land. Orc raped and pillaged the land, murdering all stood in their way. Fire rained from the skies as Dragons unleashed their rage upon the world. Elves and Dwarves attempted to fight back, and succeeded for some time. Elves reclaimed a small corner of the world to call their own while the Dwarves had invented weapons to defend themselves from the Dragons of the north. However, both were overrun. Soon the world would be swallowed in flames.
Fortis and Makara looked at the world in pity and with Andal's guidance, they created Men. Men were to be an adaptable race capable of many feats at the cost of short life in comparison to their peers. Blessed by Fortis, the Men drove the Orc-kin into the deep bowls of the Earth. Many dragons were killed following the rise of men and like the Orc-kin, were driven into mountains and caves. Though many are believed to have retreated north, or simply left the world entirely.
This is how the world was born (so say the followers of the Council of Nine).
Founded: Dawn of Time; or an unknown date in HA
Countries that practice the religion: Ethora, Falke, Ellessar, Mindirion, Miracia
Belief: Belief in "The Nine" is to believe in a council of nine divine beings that had a part in the creation of the world of Aerion. The children of the supreme being Vesmir are believed have created the world in a vision bestowed upon them by Vesmir. Each Council god represents different aspects of the world, both physical and abstract. As a result, each god or goddesses is worshipped in different capacities, and worship is a very personal act. For example, sailors worship Atlantia as she is the goddess of the oceans while aspiring heroes would worship Fortis instead. Lives that are deemed worthy and filled with respect for the Nine are rewarded with passage to the higher plane of Astrum, while lives dedicated to Dabel (more so than the others) were sent to the depths of Infernum.
The Nine include:
Andal: God of order, honor, truth, nobility, light; Ruler of Astrum
Dabel: God of Chaos, corruption, desire, darkness; Ruler of Infernum
Tella: Goddess of nature and peace
Atlantia: Goddess of water/oceans and earthquakes
Makara: Goddess of magic and knowledge
Fortis: God of heroes, courage, resolve, honor and loyalty
Divum: Goddess of storms
Thordain: God of war, violence and conquest
Flamma: Goddess of fire
Other figures:
Tempus: God of the Sun
Lumes: Goddess of the Moon
The Creation Myth
In the beginning there was nothing. The universe as you know it was little more than a black abyss fueled by darkness and chaos. However, a being known as Vesmir, the creator of all, emerged from this chaos and brought with him order and salvation. He shaped the abyss and brought form to the universe. Within this form came the world, the sun and moon, the stars, the sky, the grass, the tress, the oceans, and all life as we know it. The labors put a great toll on Vesmir despite his vast power. To maintain the balance he sought to achieve in the universe following his labors, he created a number of powerful children. These children would continue to shape the world in his absence with the hopes they would honor his wishes and achieve his vision.
His children at the time were 7 in number: Andal, Dabel, Tempus, Lumes Tella, Atlantia, and Makara. And for a time there was peace and order, with each maintaining their domains. They mingled amongst each other, giving birth to new beings of power. From Andal and Tella, Fortis and Divum were born and from Dabel and Atlantia, Thordain and Flamma were born. Tempus and Lumes were absent from this mingling as these two were responsible for the cycle of day and night (respectively).
In order keep order, Andal decided to bring the beings into council. This was when the Nine were born: Andal, Dabel, Tella, Atlantia, Makara, Fortis, Divum, Thordain and Flamma. It was then that the Nine decided to take Vesmir's vision to the next stage.
Tella brought life into the world in the form of nature itself and her dreams of peace. Atlantia created the waters of the oceans, lakes and rivers and her wrath brought earthquakes. Divum became the created of the sky, and her various dances brought weather and storms. Flamma created fire and its many uses. And Makara was the bringer of intelligence, wisdom and magic.
Andal crafted the ideals of order, honor, truth and nobility as well as bringing the light of heaven to the world, which angels acting as the guardians of peace and order. Dabel created opposing ideals of chaos, corruption, desire, darkness as well as being the lord of the underworld, with his foul devils, demons and monstrosities seeking to spread destruction. Fortis created the ideas of heroes which would embody the qualities of courage, resolve, honor and loyalty. Thordain brought with him nothing but war, violence, bloodlust and carnage.
Tella wanted to share this wonderful creation upon its completion. Then the Elves were born. The Elves were a beautiful and fair race with a deep admiration for nature. They were immortal like the Nine if only because Tella envisioned them as a being of nature and one that should live with the earth until the end of times. The Elves lived in the world, alone and at peace. The Elves worshipped Tella, calling her a "God" in their native tongue.
However, Thordain grew jealous and wanted a people of his own. Working his sister, the two created their peoples. Thordian created the Dwarves and Flamma created the dragons. Dwarves were a small but strong race. They were hardy with muscular bodies with strong constitutions. They had a love of valuables, war and drink. The Dragons were a mythic and powerful race, capable of flight and fire. However, these beings were crafted in secret and in due time grew separate from the world. The dragons flew to the north where the dragon kings would unite them as a single race. The Dwarves retreated to mountains and caves, having little contact with the other beings, fueled by their greed and lust for wealth (and the craft of mining was soon born). The Dwarves became a conflict seeking race, often at odds with Tella's Elves. But peace was soon achieved, much to Thordain's dismay.
Dabel grew curious of these creations, but was unable to craft any original beings. He was a god of chaos and nothing is created from chaos. Using his talents of corrupting, Dabel twisted the minds and hearts of Elves, Dwarves and dragons. Thus arose the Orc-kin and the dark dragons. These manifestations ravaged the land. Orc raped and pillaged the land, murdering all stood in their way. Fire rained from the skies as Dragons unleashed their rage upon the world. Elves and Dwarves attempted to fight back, and succeeded for some time. Elves reclaimed a small corner of the world to call their own while the Dwarves had invented weapons to defend themselves from the Dragons of the north. However, both were overrun. Soon the world would be swallowed in flames.
Fortis and Makara looked at the world in pity and with Andal's guidance, they created Men. Men were to be an adaptable race capable of many feats at the cost of short life in comparison to their peers. Blessed by Fortis, the Men drove the Orc-kin into the deep bowls of the Earth. Many dragons were killed following the rise of men and like the Orc-kin, were driven into mountains and caves. Though many are believed to have retreated north, or simply left the world entirely.
This is how the world was born (so say the followers of the Council of Nine).
The Church of One
Founded: 600 FC
Countries that practice: Palaven, Ethora (10%)
Belief System: The Church of One's tenants as outlined in the Book of One believes in a singular god who created the world of Aerion with nothing more than a few words. As the supreme creator, the followers of the One dedicate their lives to the One. True believers ascend to Astrum while non believers burn in Infernum.
The Theocracy of Palaven follow their variation of the Church of One, which was established by followers of the One who fled from Ethora and other countries. Palaven follows the Voice of the One, who is said to be the ‘bridge between the One himself and the world of Aerion’, as said by their holy scriptures. Citizens of Palaven worship the Voice as he himself is thought to be divine, a direct descendant of the One. It is illegal to approach too close to the Voice, speak to him without first being addressed, touch the Voice, speak up against the Voice, or harm the Voice in any way, whether physically or emotionally. All such actions are punishable by death according to the laws of Palaven and those of the Holy Scriptures. The Voice is said to have divine gifts that he could unleash anytime he wishes, and that through obedience, the path to enlightenment can be found.
Founded: 600 FC
Countries that practice: Palaven, Ethora (10%)
Belief System: The Church of One's tenants as outlined in the Book of One believes in a singular god who created the world of Aerion with nothing more than a few words. As the supreme creator, the followers of the One dedicate their lives to the One. True believers ascend to Astrum while non believers burn in Infernum.
The Theocracy of Palaven follow their variation of the Church of One, which was established by followers of the One who fled from Ethora and other countries. Palaven follows the Voice of the One, who is said to be the ‘bridge between the One himself and the world of Aerion’, as said by their holy scriptures. Citizens of Palaven worship the Voice as he himself is thought to be divine, a direct descendant of the One. It is illegal to approach too close to the Voice, speak to him without first being addressed, touch the Voice, speak up against the Voice, or harm the Voice in any way, whether physically or emotionally. All such actions are punishable by death according to the laws of Palaven and those of the Holy Scriptures. The Voice is said to have divine gifts that he could unleash anytime he wishes, and that through obedience, the path to enlightenment can be found.
Founded: Unknown exact date, potentially as old as the Council of Nine.
Countries that practice: Rastra
The Belief: Followers of the Sages of Wisdom. Their religion, called Shugalism and therefore their followers Shugalians, instructs the followers to physically and spiritually embody the qualities of the first Sage of Wisdom, whose name has long since been forgotten, but who is said to be the founder of Shugalism. It is said that the first Sage ascended into the Realm of the Deities (their version of heaven), and followers of his beliefs and values can also ascend into the Realm if they are good Shugalians.
Founded: Unknown exact date, potentially as old as the Council of Nine.
Countries that practice: Rastra
The Belief: Followers of the Sages of Wisdom. Their religion, called Shugalism and therefore their followers Shugalians, instructs the followers to physically and spiritually embody the qualities of the first Sage of Wisdom, whose name has long since been forgotten, but who is said to be the founder of Shugalism. It is said that the first Sage ascended into the Realm of the Deities (their version of heaven), and followers of his beliefs and values can also ascend into the Realm if they are good Shugalians.
- Shugalism advocates the pursuit of salvation through personal meditation on the names and messages of the Sages of Wisdom, which is written down in their holy book, the Hilarkan, the combination of the manuscripts of their teachings. Their teachings primarily are open-minded, allowing for pursuit of whatever paths of life one desires, so long as they do not intentionally harm others. However, their teachings do illustrate the need to be moral, as well as humble, good-intentioned, and peaceful.
- Shugalism allows room for the deities and worships of other religions/Gods. They do not find that all other religions are wrong, but rather that the deities and beliefs of others are only an extension of the beliefs of the Rastrans, and that the gods of others are apart of the thousands of those that linger in the Realm of Deities. Shugalism, therefore, is accepting of other religions, even new ones that recently pop up. However, direct denouncement of the Sages is considered highly insulting, and those who do so are considered lost or tormented souls damned to anguish as their spirit is doomed to wander the world until they prove themselves a true Shugalian again.
- The Sages are said to all be a sort of reincarnation of the first, whose spirit ascended into the Realm of Deities, but whose powers were passed on to the next sage. Upon the death of a previous sage, a new sage will be born. It is unknown when exactly the next Sage will be born. It could be a year after, or a hundred years. However, the Rastrans known when that Sage is born, as the eyes of the first Sage's statue, located in the Temple of Truth, (the Sages’ official home), begins to glow. It is then that 3 ‘Watchers’, who are servants of the Sages of Wisdom, scour the kingdoms in search of the new Sage, and once they are found, they are taken to the Temple of Truth, where they are said to be taught their powers from infancy. From then on, the Sage of Wisdom guides the people of Rastra as their leader.
- There have been 11 Sages of Wisdom in Rastra. The current one has been ruling for 12 year.
Founded: Around 200 FC
Countries that practice: Miraheim
The Creation Myth:
It is said that originally there was a chasm, a great abyss known as Ginagap, bounded on either side by fire and ice. When the fire and ice met in the center, they combined to form a great beast known as Rumir. From the void was also said to have created the High God Isir. Rumir, from his mouth, shaped and created the species of dragons. High God Isir created the other gods, and then it is said he created man. Isir and Rumir lived together as brothers, but it was apparent from early on that the two beings' children could not get along, and it was then that the Great Battle had occurred, ultimately ending in the death of Rumir by High God Isir. From Rumir's dead body, Isir created the world. Rumir's blood was the sea; his flesh, the earth; his skull, the sky; his bones, the mountains; his hair, the trees. The new Rumir-based world was named Aerion where mankind would live.
Following Rumir's defeat, High God Isir created separate realms as to keep his children safe. Aerion was the realm of men. Vigard became the home of the Gods, but was also the afterlife for man should he die worthy. Hielheim was the realm of the dead for all others who were not deemed worthy. The dragons were banished to the newly-created realm of Ormurheim, where it is said they still reside forever. Dwarvenheim was said to be created for the dwarves, and Alfenheim for the elves. Travel between the realms could not normally be done, save for the Enebrus, the lightning bridge. It is legend that once a large thunderstorm is present, someone is passing between the realms. Long ago, Isir was said to unleash such a thunderstorm to seal away the dragons, and bring dwarves and elves into the land.
Ragnel also foretells of “The End of Times." It is said that in a certain number of years, a great battle will take place. At this time, the realm containing the dragons of Ormurheim will break, and the dragons would come to invade Aerion. High God Isir will gather the other gods and great men and women who reside in Vigard, and the Great Battle would begin. It is a battle High God Isir knows they cannot win, but it must be done nonetheless. In the process of the battle, every hero and god will eventually die, including Isir. However, it is said that a lone male and a lone female will have survived the conflict to repopulate the human realm, and from the ashes of the battlefield the gods will revive. The worlds will restart anew, and on the back of a black dragon, hope and life is brought into the world, but also pain and suffering along with it. The cycle begins anew.
Gods of Ragnel:
Founded: Around 200 FC
Countries that practice: Miraheim
The Creation Myth:
It is said that originally there was a chasm, a great abyss known as Ginagap, bounded on either side by fire and ice. When the fire and ice met in the center, they combined to form a great beast known as Rumir. From the void was also said to have created the High God Isir. Rumir, from his mouth, shaped and created the species of dragons. High God Isir created the other gods, and then it is said he created man. Isir and Rumir lived together as brothers, but it was apparent from early on that the two beings' children could not get along, and it was then that the Great Battle had occurred, ultimately ending in the death of Rumir by High God Isir. From Rumir's dead body, Isir created the world. Rumir's blood was the sea; his flesh, the earth; his skull, the sky; his bones, the mountains; his hair, the trees. The new Rumir-based world was named Aerion where mankind would live.
Following Rumir's defeat, High God Isir created separate realms as to keep his children safe. Aerion was the realm of men. Vigard became the home of the Gods, but was also the afterlife for man should he die worthy. Hielheim was the realm of the dead for all others who were not deemed worthy. The dragons were banished to the newly-created realm of Ormurheim, where it is said they still reside forever. Dwarvenheim was said to be created for the dwarves, and Alfenheim for the elves. Travel between the realms could not normally be done, save for the Enebrus, the lightning bridge. It is legend that once a large thunderstorm is present, someone is passing between the realms. Long ago, Isir was said to unleash such a thunderstorm to seal away the dragons, and bring dwarves and elves into the land.
Ragnel also foretells of “The End of Times." It is said that in a certain number of years, a great battle will take place. At this time, the realm containing the dragons of Ormurheim will break, and the dragons would come to invade Aerion. High God Isir will gather the other gods and great men and women who reside in Vigard, and the Great Battle would begin. It is a battle High God Isir knows they cannot win, but it must be done nonetheless. In the process of the battle, every hero and god will eventually die, including Isir. However, it is said that a lone male and a lone female will have survived the conflict to repopulate the human realm, and from the ashes of the battlefield the gods will revive. The worlds will restart anew, and on the back of a black dragon, hope and life is brought into the world, but also pain and suffering along with it. The cycle begins anew.
Gods of Ragnel:
- High God Isir: Major god in Ragnel, ruler of Vigard, and the god of war, battle, victory, death, and wisdom. One of the three gods of creation, who made man, known as “High”.
- Rosen: The god of stone and wood. The builder of the Enebrus, the lightning bridge.
- Ven: god of innocence, beauty, peace, and rebirth. One of the three gods of creation, who helped make man, also known as “Just as High”.
- Dargan: God of dawn, justice, inspiration, fish and the skies. One of the three gods of creation, who helped make man, also known as “Third”.
- Fiera: Goddess of fertility, love, and winter.
- Ullur: God of skill, hunt, anger, and duel.
- No godmodding or bunnying, unless given permission.
- This RP will have blood, gore, and quite of bit of violence, so be mindful of that.
- Have good grammar and spelling, as well as correct length in posts. Typically, I consider this RP Low-Advanced/High Casual, so I'll expect a couple paragraphs in length, unless there's not enough substance for that much.
- Only one character is allowed per person. NPCs are for the GM's use only, unless specific permission is given.
- Keep on track with the storyline. Making your own subplot is fine, as long as you don't derail too far from the main story.
- Try to post at a reasonably consistent basis (based on the progression of the RP, of course). Obviously, your life takes priority, so if you know you are going to be absent, away, or unable to post for whatever reason, please let us know somehow so we do not drop you from the RP.
- Because of the RP, it is more than likely that characters will confront each other in combat. If/when those instances should arise, we expect maturity and poise in dealing with the way a fight should end up, whether by pre-agreement or general RPing etiquette.
- One of the most important things to do in this RP is to have fun. Arguments will not be tolerated (this is not to say that discussions are not allowed, in fact they are encouraged), but generally impeding the ability of one or others to have fun in this RP will be ground for said person to be removed.
Character Sheet
Age: (18+)
Race: (You can be Human, Elf, or Dwarf.)
Country of Origin: (You may be from any of the countries found on the map above. Country profiles are found in the section above, which has the information on the nations. I urge you to take a look at them before deciding where you hail from. Additional information can be provided)
Appearance: (picture or description works)
History: (Your back story. We urge you to look at country profiles when making your history, but this being an original world, feel free to roam. If you would like to make up a House, or a town, feel free to do so. There are few, if any, limits, we impose here.)
Weapon Preference: (Simply put, your preferred weapon of choice. Some countries specialize in certain types of weapon proficiencies, and that could factor into your choice. But do not think of it as a restriction. However, because of the rarity of magic in this world, if you choose to be proficient in that, you cannot be proficient in any other weapon. For everyone else, there are two options: One standard weapon, and one minor secondary one).
Side: (Do you want to be a member of the Knights of Ekilore or the Mercenaries?)
Age: (18+)
Race: (You can be Human, Elf, or Dwarf.)
Country of Origin: (You may be from any of the countries found on the map above. Country profiles are found in the section above, which has the information on the nations. I urge you to take a look at them before deciding where you hail from. Additional information can be provided)
Appearance: (picture or description works)
History: (Your back story. We urge you to look at country profiles when making your history, but this being an original world, feel free to roam. If you would like to make up a House, or a town, feel free to do so. There are few, if any, limits, we impose here.)
Weapon Preference: (Simply put, your preferred weapon of choice. Some countries specialize in certain types of weapon proficiencies, and that could factor into your choice. But do not think of it as a restriction. However, because of the rarity of magic in this world, if you choose to be proficient in that, you cannot be proficient in any other weapon. For everyone else, there are two options: One standard weapon, and one minor secondary one).
Side: (Do you want to be a member of the Knights of Ekilore or the Mercenaries?)
*credit to Legend for building this world with me.