"We earth men have a talent for ruining big, beautiful things.”
-Ray Bradbury
-Ray Bradbury
Current Status: Open and Looking!
Welcome lovelies to a running thread of my current interests and plot ideas! I will be updating this as I develop new plot inklings or as my interest change. Please feel free to peruse my ideas or ask me about yours. I ask that if you're interested please shoot me a PM, I'd like to keep this thread tidy. Cheers!
![]() | I'm a grad student who likes to RP to stay sane in between all of the grants and research. That being said, I am busy, but will try to post no less than once every couple of days. I've been around on RPG for almost a decade so I like to think that I'm fairly seasoned at this whole thing. I don't have rules that I demand of my partners, but there is some guidelines I do have to keep things running smooth. So, down to the quick and dirty brass tax:
![]() | Here is a list of general pairings that I will normally jump at, very few questions asked. Some I'm currently craving, some I have plot ideas for, and some are just downright fun. Don't fret if you don't see a particular pairing on here, toss one at me and I'll let you know if it tickles my fancy. || ***Plot Idea*** || || Currently Craving || || Currently Full ||
![]() | Here is a list of general genre and settings that I tend to gravitate towards. As always, don't see your favorite up there? Feel free to ask about it. || ***Plot Idea*** || || Currently Craving || || Currently Full ||

▭▸▹G E N R E-- Southern Gothic || Supernatural || Horror
▭▸▹S E T T I N G-- American South
▭▸▹I N T R O D U C T I O N-- None
▭▸▹N O W P L A Y I N G-- In Hell I'll Be In Good Company
▭▸▹G E N R E-- Southern Gothic || Supernatural || Horror
▭▸▹S E T T I N G-- Peaksville, Ohio
▭▸▹I N T R O D U C T I O N-- None
▭▸▹N O W P L A Y I N G-- It's All Over But The Crying
▭▸▹G E N R E-- World War II || Supernatural || Horror
▭▸▹S E T T I N G-- Occupied France
▭▸▹I N T R O D U C T I O N-- Available Upon Request
▭▸▹N O W P L A Y I N G-- We'll Meet Again
▭▸▹G E N R E-- Modern || Thriller || Action
▭▸▹S E T T I N G-- Modern American
▭▸▹I N T R O D U C T I O N-- None
▭▸▹N O W P L A Y I N G-- Rich Girl
▭▸▹G E N R E-- Fantasy || Magic-Tech || Action-Adventure
▭▸▹S E T T I N G-- Fantasy World
▭▸▹I N T R O D U C T I O N-- Available Upon Request
▭▸▹N O W P L A Y I N G-- Terrible Things