Name: Allistair Corbyn Vernon
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 76 kg

A canvas and leather bag with adjustable straps and brass buckles, 42×12×34cm in dimensions. Its multiple pockets make it easy to sort the objects held within, while the adjustable straps allow the bag to be cinched, reducing noise from the contents.

A small shotgun created by Allistair, made by welding steel sheets together to house hand forged internals. Currently this weapon has no magazine, and as such only holds one shell before needing to be reloaded. Being made with upgrades in mind, Allistair's Blindshot has the capability to be a very versatile shotgun.

Contained within a 7.62mm NATO ammo box, this rechargeable battery unit is what Allistair uses for all his electrical needs on the go. Its output is variable, maxing out at 100w, and from a full charge it can operate at max output up to an hour. Four switches makes it a rudimentary system: The left upper switch is a Lamb Subminiature SPDT ON-OFF-ON Switch, it determines whether the battery is connected to the charger (down), isolated (center), or to the load (up). Both switches on the right are disabled until this switch toggles up. Left bottom switch links to the analog meter, which operates both as a battery meter and the adjustable output reader. Right upper switch engages the variable power supply, right lower switch is battery direct output, connecting to the board mount fuse holder. Left connectors are the charging input, right connectors are output. Multiple wires and adapters are held in the container as well, allowing for a versatility in connection options.
Utilizing the handle from a staple gun to turn a ratcheting crank, this charger spins up a small motor to produce an electrical charge. It can be attached to nearly any electrical device, provided connection points are accessible. Allistair most commonly uses it to refill his power unit in the field.
A compact torch created by Allistair, which he wears attached to his right shoulder. Created by disassembling a xenon torch and placing the bulb and lens components in a sturdy, slim box, this torch offers Allistair a maximum of 8500 lumens at 85w. A power cord is connected to the housing in place of an integral battery, allowing the torch to be hooked to Allistair's power unit. Different lenses can be swapped to alter the torch's throw.

Made from the brass of bullet casings, Allistair's lighter has sentimental value to him. He has carried it with him for nearly twenty years, and considers it a good luck charm at this point.

This bottle is just a simple .50 cal casing, with the primer removed and having been replaced with welded in brass. The casing holds enough fluid for five refills of Allistair's lighter, and uses a simple rubber stopper to hold the fluid.

A knife passed down in Allistair's family, which he wields proudly. The knife was left in Allistair's home during the evacuation, forcing Allistair to retrieve it when he was finally able to make a trip to the surface years later.

An 850ml canteen with NATO drinking hose, capable of being fitted to compatible gas masks for hydration while wearing the mask.

Allistair's most recent gas mask, standard issue to the British military since 2010. Comes standard with NATO compatible drinking hose attachment, and has been retrofitted with NATO compatible threading for the left side filter. This allows Allistair to make use of any filters he might find, making survival just that much easier.
Canned Dog Food ×1 (75%)
Shotgun Shells ×11
NATO Filters ×3
MGR ×12
Having lived in the Tube since the age of thirteen, Allistair has grown accustomed to life underground and doesn't let it get him down. He remains optimistic despite challenging obstacles, and enjoys making the most of each day. Part of this is allowing himself to indulge in a variety of intoxicants, which had led to a few addictions over his life. Now alcohol is his closest friend, though he enjoys making new ones in this rough life.
In the beginning, Allistair had a very regular life. As a child he wanted for nothing, always having his family to provide for him. He attended public schools, getting an education just as any other child would. After school Allistair often walked about London, enjoying the atmosphere of his home as he wandered the streets. By nightfall he was always safe in his house, warm beneath the roof his parents provided. This changed at the age of thirteen, when the city of London declared an emergency evacuation to the tunnels of the Tube.
Allistair's family managed to make it safely into the underground, though this was only the start of a very rough life to come. Originally, Westminster maintained order throughout the Tube, ensuring the safety of the people. This changed quickly however, as the Lords and the Commons seceded from Westminster in 2015, only two years after the people moved into the tunnels. Unfortunately for Alistair and his family, the station in which they lived now was outside the established borders of any of the big three factions, meaning there was very little protection against unsavory sorts. It wasn't long before tragedy struck, and at the age of sixteen, Allistair's home station was taken over by bandits.
While his family ensured his escape, they were unable to safely leave the station themselves. Allistair worried what would become of them, though knew that it was not safe to stay and wait. He ran through the tunnels away from his home station of Covent Garden, toward the nearest station, the Leicester Square interchange. He informed the local authorities lf what happened, who then sent a scouting party out to investigate. By the time the party arrived however, Covent Garden was a mere graveyard. The bandits had come and gone, taking some hostage and killing those who put up a fight. Among the corpses were Allistair's family, amd with this knowledge Allistair continued his life, now orphaned.
From this point on Allistair needed to provide for himself, and began taking on odd jobs for anyone who would pay. He made a decent living this way, and his wandering lifestyle allowed him to explore a large amount of the Tube. Eventually Allistair decided to make a trip to the surface, figuring enough time had passed to be able to at least spend small amounts of time there. He visited his old home first, out of nostalgia, where he found the old knife which had been passed through his family. This was only the first of multiple explorations of the much changed surface, all such expeditions yeilding their own rewards.
As he aged, Allistair learned much about the tunnels, encountering things most people would be extremely reluctant to even consider a possibility. What many knew only as ghost stories, Allistair had experienced as reality. Along with the supernatural, Allistair had his fair share of run ins with packs of mutants and bandits, through which he learned the rules of survival around hostiles. His life continued on, and despite trying to avoid it, trouble always managed to find him. Because of this, Allistair is slightly jaded to unfortunate situations, though he still continues his journeys through the Tube despite this, helping those he can as he travels.