"Yes, I know that magic ‘technically’ doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t believe in it."
Name: Pierre De JagerNickname: Everybody on his father’s side of the family refers to him as some kind of fruit, like ‘Apple’, as a joke because ‘Pierre’ is the Afrikaans pronunciation for ‘pear’, other than that he doesn’t really have one.Age: 23 Gender: MaleOccupation: Working towards getting a Bachelor’s in Journalism, currently unemployed but is looking.Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual maybe? Honestly gender doesn’t really matter to him as long as he’s able to form a meaningful emotional connection with someone.Time of occupancy in Redwoods: A week
Appearance:Reasonably tall at 6’3, Pierre has soft features, pale skin, light brown eyes and dark brown, nearly black, curly hair. He has a reasonably casual style, opting for jeans, hoodies, t-shirts and sweatshirts over anything else. He has a small scar on his forehead, about 1cm tall that nicks his right eyebrow as well as a few other scars on his arms and legs, all of them results from his adventures as a child. His hair is unruly, it takes ages and a heap load of gel for him to style it in a neat professional way, so he doesn’t really bother with it, only runs a brush through it in the mornings but otherwise let his curls run wild.
He also prefers dressing in darker, more toned-down shades with only the occasional bright colour thrown in to shake things up. He also wears a pair of grey and black, worn sneakers that should probably be replaced soon, but which he keeps anyway because they are really comfortable. He also wears an ‘ancient ring with magical runes inscribed on it’(a small silver ring he found in the forest as a kid with writing on that’s too faded to read) on a chain around his neck as a good luck charm.
Personality:// One-track minded // Imaginative // Dreamer // Quiet // Kind // Adventurous //
Lost in his own world most of the time, Pierre looks at the world through magic tinted glasses that only comes from years reading. To him everything has a secret story that is just waiting for the right person to come along to reveal it. Every forest is somehow magical, a portal to a new world is hidden inside every closet and every time a child reaches a certain age there’s a chance they’ll discover the magic hidden within them. Of course he’s aware that that isn’t truly the case, but it doesn’t hurt to dream.
Those dreams of his coupled with an adventurous spirit has led to some interesting situations through the years, worrying his parents half to death after sneaking out in the middle of the night because it was a full moon and he wanted to see if a unicorn would show up at the lake located in the forest near their home is but one example. However, that adventurous spirit doesn’t extend to the paranormal, after all there are some things in this world that shouldn’t be messed with and he wont be responsible for summoning a malevolent spirit with an Ouija board!
Pierre also has a big heart, he’s the kind of guy who would go out of his way to help someone he cares about as well as the occasional stranger, not to mention animals. He has raised at least twenty birds he found after they fell out of their nests as well as a baby mouse and squirrel he found. He also always leaves food out for strays, causing him to be quite popular amongst the neighbourhood dogs, much to his parents’ relief, they never followed him home.
Pierre also wears his heart on his sleeve, aka he’s a horrible liar. In spite of only talking if there’s no getting out of it, it isn’t hard to guess what’s going on in his mind, if he’s happy or sad, got great news, heard the world is ending, is dying of boredom or so excited that he could burst, either his face or body-language would give him away in a second. Of course, that is a huge give-away for when he’s lying or hiding something, he always gets all fidgety and refuses to look you in the eye and always with this super guilty look on his face too.
Another thing about him, is that as much as he loves spending time with his close friends and helping people out every now and then, becoming an actual close friend is something of a challenge. Until he actually gets to know someone, he usually feels a little awkward around them. He’ll still help them out and be able exchange pleasantries and such, but he’ll usually try to avoid unnecessary social situations if possible until he gets to know at least one of the other participants a bit better.
One flaw of his though, is his tendency to lose track of time and his surroundings. When he starts on a project, he plans on finishing it in one go, which leads to him losing track of time, which leads to bedtime somewhere between 1-4am depending on his workload, same for when he starts reading an amazing new book…’one more chapter’ has led to him blinking and it being time to get ready for the day several times already. Needless to say, his sleeping-schedule is a mess and that’s not the end of it! Once he was spending a nice afternoon outside in a clearing in the forest with a book, he kept telling himself ‘just one more chapter then I’ll go home’…he woke up to the sun rising above him, a pain in his neck from a weird sleeping position, stiff all over and itchy from dew-covered grass and dust…
He’s also pretty clumsy, mostly due to being too busy thinking or doing one thing to pay attention to his surroundings. Luckily, he is not above laughing at himself, I mean seriously he’s not even embarrassed, that was funny and his own fault, why aren’t you laughing? He can also be rather stubborn at times, refusing to ask for help even when he needs it because 1) he doesn’t want to cause trouble for anybody, and 2) its his problem and he should be able to fix it by himself. He also enjoys spending time with children, their sense of imagination and his being rather similar. It is also important to note that just because he enjoys being quiet, doesn’t mean that he hates loud/rowdy/fun situations, he enjoys them just as much as anybody else, he just also enjoys being quiet and spending some time alone every now and then as well.
- Clucking his tongue when he’s deep in thought
- Tapping his fingers or playing with a pencil/stick/string/whatever is small and in the vicinity of his hands when he’s deep in thought/bored.
- Daydreaming
- Making up stories for various people as they pass him
- Reading
- Getting lost in thought.
- Taking walks, especially in the woods/swamp.
- Feeding stray animals
- Making bird-feeders for the apartment’s terrace
Background:His father’s family came to the states from South Africa years ago because there were better job opportunities, which is where he met his mother. The two were immediately smitten with each-other and after a brief time dating got married. Settling down in a small town where his mother, Darcy De Jager, opened up a small antique store and his father, Jakobus De Jager, worked as a high school history teacher.
The two soon became parents of first Daniel and then 18 months later Pierre. They were a happy and really close knit family, spending most of their time together. Pierre’s love for reading was a result of all the stories they read together before bedtime and that gave birth to a reasonably adventurous spirit that gave his family quite the headache at times.
It was during his final two years of high school that Pierre decided that he preferred staying quiet over talking. At first his family was concerned and was convinced that something bad had happened to him, but after what seemed like ages he finally managed to convince them that, no he wasn’t the victim of some traumatic experience, he just prefers not talking when he can get away with it.
Which is how it was, he was still the same kid they loved, he just talked a lot less, only making exceptions when there was no getting out of it, like when a customer needs help at the store he worked at and found his silence grating. His brother more than made up for it though, the already talkative youth becoming ten times more so.
Upon graduating high school, Pierre wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted to do with his life. He knew that he wanted it to involve books, but although he liked to make up short stories and such, they were more suited for bedtime than actual books. So he took a gap year, in which a series of events had him intern for a publisher for a few months and suddenly the way became clear.
He might not have what it took to become a writer, but he could help writers share their work with the world. So he went to a college near his home for about two years in order to get a Bachelor’s degree in journalism, which will help him fulfil his goals up until this year where he was accepted into Silvervale University for his final two years.
- Left handed
- DOB: 25 February
- He loves feeding birds
- Spicy food is awesome!
- Broccoli makes him think of zombie-brains.
- Prefers salty over sweet.
- He’s not a bad cook when he really puts his mind to it…though he’s not great either…
- Skips breakfast a lot as well as lunch occasionally, dinner is really the only meal he’s present for.
- Exchanges at least one message with his family a day.
- Has never been in a relationship before.
- Cleans up after himself, except when he’s in his room, it’s reasonably tidy, but he’s more lax about letting stuff lie around since its in his space.
- Speaks Afrikaans as well as English
- If he can get a message across without saying anything, he will.
- He knows the basics of American sign language, he's not quite fluent yet, but at the very least he might be able to hold a conversation.(hesitant to use it though, seeing as he's self-taught with a lot of youtube videos thrown in and he doesn't want to accidentally offend someone)
- Chairs and desks are overrated, the floor is where the actions at!