- As a player, what is your preferred writing level?
Several paragraphs - Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Depth of writing, sure. For grammar, I’m not native speaker so just show some effort and I’ll be fine. - Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Order and Chaos. A clear viewpoint on Sith Empire policies. Family and Friends in a time of war. - Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
OOC fight. Power play without clear justification. Aside from that, none. - Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Don’t torture. Just kill. No, do torture. Don’t kill - Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Short term: Found someone or some means to fund her research
Long term: Become a Lord
Name: Neopar Rull
Species: Human
Pureblood percentage: 6%
Homeworld: Vjun
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice
Master: Sith Lord Yakir
Former master(s): Overseer Omillu
Sphere of influence:
Species: Human
Pureblood percentage: 6%
Homeworld: Vjun
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice
Master: Sith Lord Yakir
Former master(s): Overseer Omillu
Sphere of influence:
- Imperial Intelligence (2.1.6 BTC - 32.2.1 ATC)
- Laws and Enforcement (24.3.1 ATC - now)
Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.
Standing at 178 cm and weighed around 64kg

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill level.
Input: Sith Inquisitor Zavale Malgrea
At first glance, her self-evaluation on her Force abilities and techniques is quite impressive, maybe even bluffing. Despite her close affinity to the Force, as her overseer mentioned in some previous report, this much amount of skills and techniques are certainly rare to see in a twenty-eight years old Sith Apprentices. Yet, it is also because of her a track of all trade nature to be her downfall. A cannon fodder with every parts good and none mastered. It is only under her current master’s tutelage does she started to gear toward a more specific way, although specific details are still on the planning table.
Basic Force Techniques:
- Force Choke (basic training)
- Force Jump (intermediate training)
- Force Sight (intermediate training)
- Force Speed - Burst (well-trained talent)
- Force Sense (well-trained talent)
- Precognition (basic training)
- Mind trick (intermediate training)
- Telekinesis (basic training)
Intermediate Force Techniques:
- Crucitorn (basic training)
- Force Healing - Self (basic training)
- Force Drain (basic training)
- Force Empathy (trained talent)
- Force Fear (intermediate training)
- Force Slow (well-trained talent)
Advanced Force Techniques:
- Force Stealth (well-trained talent)
Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill
General Description:
An average pilot, a decent navigator on complex geographical landscape, and a suitable governor. These are a few things that I were able to pick up from past
“With all due respect sir. But if I have to give her any evaluation, I guess … she is … meh? Better than the average pilots for sure, but way below the skill of an ace. I’ll give her credit in maneuverability and speed. The woman knew what she was handling. But, without it… I mean, without a good aircraft, she basically toasted. She relied too much on what the panel said. She lacked the necessary experience in a dog fight. Without even looking, I could said that she use the computer too much for her aiming... If she is only as good as her fighting jet is, the woman better let others to take the control panel…. Of course, using the Force is not taken into the consideration…”
“Is there any skills about Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull, your team leader, that seems stand out to you?
“Yes, she is an exceptional navigator. We never got lost in the wilderness on Vjun, despite… you know… how inhospitable that place maybe.”
“Anything else?”
“No, I don’t think… Yes, she made excellent liquor?”
“...Privateer, are you implying that you and your team were drinking during operation?”
“No, sir. I think there is a miscommunication here… She only do that to break the ice between the teammates. Beside, she doesn’t do it very often sir.
“How often?”
“To this day, less than ten times sir.”
“Then how could you say she made excellent liquor?
“... Because it’s memorable, sir.”
“Yes, she is an exceptional navigator. We never got lost in the wilderness on Vjun, despite… you know… how inhospitable that place maybe.”
“Anything else?”
“No, I don’t think… Yes, she made excellent liquor?”
“...Privateer, are you implying that you and your team were drinking during operation?”
“No, sir. I think there is a miscommunication here… She only do that to break the ice between the teammates. Beside, she doesn’t do it very often sir.
“How often?”
“To this day, less than ten times sir.”
“Then how could you say she made excellent liquor?
“... Because it’s memorable, sir.”
From what can be inferred from her current duty as a law enforcer within the Empire, she certainly have a talent in governing, implied by the decrease of tension between citizens of occupied worlds and their newly appointed leaders. Her campaign in decreasing the remaining Jedi influences within the occupied regions proved to be successful despite multiple dissatisfaction of other Sith serving the same duty. The majority of the complaints being received usually related to the duration of her campaign, stretched at least 5 years and dedicating the majority of resources on a single system to have any fruitful outcomes.
Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.
Input: Sith Inquisitor Zavale Malgrea
From what can be inferred from her tutelage with Overseer Omillu, it is not at all surprised for the Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull to be well versed at Ataru. Her footwork was reported to be like dancing. Her fencing liked art. Moreover, it is said that dueling with her is an excruciating and nerve-wracking experience. Somehow, the apprentice was able to perform Cho Mai and Cho Mok simultaneously without much hindrance to the Ataru which she used as a based form.”She aimed to paint, not to kill” was found during the report of Overseer Omillu during Neopar Rull’s time under his teaching. That report was before the Sacking of Coruscant.
Currently, we observed a change in her fighting style. Her movement is more grounded. And yet, the fight happened at a much faster pace, usually between three to five seconds. Other Sith Inquisitors and Overseer had agreed that her fighting style is still belong to Ataru, just that it is more personalize. This maybe cause due to her current master, Sith Lord Yakir.
Well-versed in both large scale and smaller engagement and in different environments, Neopar is suitable to be a Sith Warrior. But still, some psychological effect proved her to be ill-fitted for the position. Outside of being presented during the Sacking of Coruscant and its subsequent occupation, Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull is also presented during the capturing of Jedi Master Donocor, where she and three other Sith Apprentices were able to prevent the Jedi Master from escaping the system and captured him alive.
Trained Fighting Styles:
- Form IV: Ataru (well-trained talent)
- Style 1: Cho Mai (left hand, master)
- Style 2: Cho Mok (right hand, well trained talent)
- Style 3: Jar’Kai (secondary)
Detailed notes on political influence and associates.
Input: Sith Inquisitor Zavale Malgrea]
Having travel to more than one third of the Empire’s territory and fighting the second half of the Great Galactic War, it is no wonder that Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull possessed a large number of inner friends. But still, I believed that there are two main associates that are funded by or receiving support from Sith Apprentices Neopar Rull. The first one is Governor Colaa Vym of the system Halmad. A tortuga. 52 years old. She used to own a monopoly of meat import before climbed to this rank. Coincidentally, Neopar Rull was also assigned to this system to sweep the Jedi influence that may have permeated during the war. Although the extend of this understanding and cooperation between Governor Colaa and Neopar Rull is still in need of further searching, the fact that Neopar Rull decided to open a factory of her owns suggest something.
The second associate, on the other hand, is a much larger and more influential than Governor Colaa. We believed have reason to believe that Brigadier General Kodmos Holwet is an associate of Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull. Before meeting with Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull, Kodmos Howlet was put in charge of a squad. In a normal sense, he would probably reach the rank Sergent - Major within one to one and a half years if presented with enough battle. Within eleven years, captain is his best. Yet, during eleven years of his servitude, Brigadier General Kodmos Holwet had made his appearance in two major battles, one of which was the Sacking of Coruscant and another was the Battle of Rhen Var, and multiple military intervention during the Imperial Occupation.
Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Empire.
List and description of other known associates, including underlings.
List of known all ownerships, including vessels, non-standard equipment, slaves and locations.
Psychological evaluation of candidate.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
Known interests of the candidate.
Major achievements on record.
- Imperial Intelligence:
- Supporting for Sith sympathizers within the Republic Galactic on Coruscant. Despite never grew large enough as the other two Coruscant Riots, it was influential enough to add more stress to an already exhausted government.
- Joining Project Friendly Fire. Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull and other Sith shall be implanted within the Galactic Republic Army and Navy.
- Infiltrate into the Galactic Republic Navy as a Communication Specialist and deploy abroad the Dawnbreaker, a Hammerhead vessel
- Promote as a Communication Officer aboard the Dawnbreaker
- Survived Operation Scalpel, a Galactic Republic operation aimed to eliminate Imperial spies within the Galactic system. Out of 73 Sith Apprentices and Inquisitors implanted, only 38 remained hidden.
- The Dawnbreaker was reassigned to Coruscant Home Defense Fleet.
- Promoted to Chief P.O of Communication, responsible for ensuring connection between navy and ground force on the planet.
- Sacking of Coruscant:
- First phase: 19 Sith Apprentice and Inquisitor, after individually received order from their Lords and Darths, launch the first wave of destabilization within the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet. Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull order was to secure the Galactic Republic Communication Hub, blocking all signals getting out of the planet.
- Second phase: All Sith Apprentices and Inquisitors were ordered to lower the enemies defense as best as possible. Sith Apprentice Neopar Rull was able to cause the destruction of the command center abroad her ship, rendering the Dawnbreaker useless.
- Final phase: All Sith Apprentices and Inquisitors join the ground force. Eliminate all resistance. Sacking or annihilate all important infrastructure.
- Laws and Enforcement
- Suppressing various riots after Imperial Occupation
- Successfully capturing Jedi Master Donocor
Major failures on record. Confidential.
- Failure to kill Admiral Adolmar during the Sacking of Coruscant
- Failure to prevent two apprentices of Jedi Master Donocor from escaped, along with valuable information of the current stationary troops upon Delomar
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in imperial archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.