Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Royaletutor59
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Royaletutor59 The Constantly Sleepy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Roof

Interaction: Park Jun-Hoe

At the sound of a whistle and a voice calling out, Pierre looked up to see the dog that had been keeping him company run towards a man wearing a beanie and a facemask tucked under his chin. It was impossible not to smile at the sound those little legs made as they ran towards his owner, or at least Pierre thinks he’s the owner. His theory seemed to be confirmed soon enough as the man leaned down and picked the dog up, putting him around his neck like a little scarf! Pierre was full out grinning at the sight, that has to be one of the most adorable things he has ever seen! Standing up, he waved slightly in greeting, hopefully he wasn’t upset that Pierre was petting his dog without permission, of course he would understand if that were the case, but he really hoped it wasn’t, it would be nice to get along with his new neighbours at the very least and he really doesn’t want to get off on the wrong foot with someone before they’ve even met properly.

Luckily, that didn’t seem to be the case as the man spoke addressing him. Still grinning, because come on it’s impossible not to when there’s a doggy being worn as a scarf right in front of him, he shook his head slightly and held up one hand in a ‘thumbs-up’ gesture to show that it was fine and he understood and wasn’t bothered by the furry little thing one bit. Hopefully the same could be said for the dog, but he thinks he’s on the clear in that regard.

Continuing to grin as the man eyed the dog, he watched as the dog was put down, taking a seat at the man’s feet, and the man said something in another language (sounds Asian, maybe Chinese? No, Korean perhaps?) before taking him by surprise with a bow. Blinking for a second before a slightly amused smile crossed his face as he received the English translation of what was said as he shook Junhoe’s hand before giving him and Frog(adorable name!) an, admittedly clumsy, bow of his own to be polite(it didn’t feel right for someone to give him a bow and not give one back) before straightening up. The grin on his face was near blinding when Junhoe told him that it was alright for him to pet Frog some more, he loves animals so any time he gets to spend with one is more than welcomed in his books, but before he did that, there was something he needed to do first.

Reaching into his hoodie pocket, he pulled out his phone and opened a notepad app he has on it before opening one of the premade documents on it, only pausing briefly to add something to it before turning it so that Junhoe could see what was written on it. A slightly sheepish smile crossed his face as he watched to see the other man’s reaction, hopefully it wouldn’t be a problem.

Hello, my name is Pierre(pronounced ‘peer’) De Jager, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for letting me pet Frog! He’s adorable!:)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 8 days ago

Row saw Alfie making his way to the stage and gave a big smile and head nod. “Hells yes bro” Row said excitedly as he saw alfie toss his jacket and started to tear up the stage. Then not moments Char got up as well as alfie extended his hand to her. This was shaping up to be a pretty badass party and the two stuck it out with row as he sang and danced his ass off three badasses just looking to have a good time. Row, while hella polite didnt connect with people fast but these two seemed pretty damn chill and people he could definitely see himself hanging out with outside of the party. In fact he had hoped to exchange numbers with them both after the set was over. It was quickly coming to an end and he gave another smile and head nod to Alfie and Char. “Damn you two are Legit we all need to DEFINITELY hangout again that was pretty dope.” He added still rocking to the rest of the tunes that were playing on the Karaoke machine. “I am however in need of another drink though but all we got here is beer. Im thinking i might make a run to the Spirits shop you guys wanna take little walk…” He asked as the blur of red made her way through the crowd. He tracked her a sec only to see her paying delivery men for some pizza. “On second thought whats say we hold off on that run and get some of this pizza and wings?” He said with a smile. As he headed off to grab some pizza for the three of them.

He felt the bump on his torso as roxy looked to almost be fleeing. “Hey hey hey little red where you headed too so quick” Row asked looking down at her with a smile. I saw the pizzas come in i wanted to say thanks cause alcohol on an empty stomach is a bad time...Well for most half of me and all of you could put burbon on our cheerios and think nothing of it” He said still wearing that smile. “Speaking of which though all we got here is beer and thats great and all but im gonna make run to the spirits shop and get like a shit ton of shit so we can liven this party up a bit did you want anything in particular Sis” He asked as he awaited a response .
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fairyBells
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fairyBells Little Fae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxy hadn't managed to make it back to her secluded spot by the edge of the roof like she'd intended. Instead, the man she'd nearly run into outside the bathrooms had caught her before she could retreat. "Ach, em, Ah think tha someone es bringin moore alcohol soon. Was thar anythin' yer' wanten specifically? Ah might could give 'em a call an ask te pick et up? No' much point en moore people than necessary gooin oot te git et, yah?" She hoped that if there was something he wanted that she hadn't ordered, she could just add it to the order that she'd already placed. If so, it'd have to be soon or they'd have to make a second run out to bring it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by lopsided
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lopsided (・ε・`)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

{“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.”}

INTERACTING WITH: Roxy Stark @fairyBells and Rowan [indirectly]
It wasn't until after Makyla had begun her purposeful walk away from Felix that she realized she hadn't checked her cell phone notifications since she'd left her apartment. Rather than continue making her way towards Ritz, the young woman abruptly froze in her tracks and pulled the shattered device from her back pocket. A few swipes later, Kyla saw that she hadn't really missed much aside from the usual comment on her social media posts and a few text messages from her roommates. A quick survey of the rooftop soon told Kyla that Nadia Ocampo had yet to arrive to the party. Junhoe, however, was standing not too far away from where Kyla was; he seemed to be engaged in a deep conversation with another man. Kyla was slightly surprised that the two of her roommates hadn't shown up together given how close they'd grown in such a short period of time. As she stared in the direction of Junhoe and his new friend, she found herself contemplating whether or not she wanted to head over and join in on the conversation. After giving it another thought, however, she decided against it, and continued her journey towards Ritz.

The familiar, delicious aroma of pepperoni pizza caused Makyla to deviate from her original plan of action; instead of speaking to Ritz and interrupting whatever he had going on with the few people that were crowded around him, Kyla made the split decision to follow the scent to the other side of the rooftop. It was around that time that she also took notice of none other than Alfie Holmes, Rowan Alcaeus, and Charlotte Thorne gleefully, and drunkenly, dancing around on the stage. At the sight of it, Makyla couldn't help but crack a small smile. She probably would have joined in had she'd drank a little more of her whiskey. Makyla reached the source of the scent soon after Rowan had left the stage; her nose had led her straight to a small girl with fiery red hair. Sitting on a table near the girl was an assortment of pizzas and bottles of soda. It wasn't long before Kyla's eyes fell upon her beloved pepperoni pizza.

"Do you mind if I grab a couple of slices? Gonna need something to soak up all of the alcohol I'm about to ingest..." Kyla bluntly asked the redhead before silently reminding herself to soften her tone. "I'm Makyla, by the way. Or just Kyla, for short. I've been staying in 3B for a couple of months now. You must be new to the building though, right? Because I don't think I've ever seen you around."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DisturbedSpec
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DisturbedSpec Someone who has a theoretical degree in physics.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Redwood Apartment Complex, Rooftop; Interacting with: OPEN

Pepper awkwardly shuffled her way over to an unoccupied lawn chair as she clambered into the thing headfirst; flipping over to rest on the back of the chair as she glanced around the rooftop. She wasn't as social as Chris, and having never tried alcohol before, she probably wouldn't become any more social despite seeing what it does to people. Simply people-watching, she jumped when Rowan began singing on the microphone. Relaxing herself, she looked over when the scent of pizza hit her in the nose. Pepper moved to reflexively clutch her abdomen as her stomach growled loudly; her pale face darkening a shade of pink as she stood up and stretched, hoping no one heard that. Pepper made her way to the table in a mute-like silence; waiting in turn for the woman in front of her before pouring herself a cup of Dr. Pepper as Chris glanced up to look at her and laugh. Unavoidable to the eavesdropping, she learned that the woman's name was Kayla. Did she ever meet her before in the past? She couldn't seem to recall.

Location: Redwood Apartment Complex, Rooftop; Interacting with: @fairyBells, @Ejected

Temporal compression was real. Within a flash as the party began, someone was singing as most of the members near the rooftop door dispersed and joined their companion on the stage. Still leaning against the wall, Chris kept a watchful eye on each individual and smiled lightly. He was glad they were having fun, even if they were intoxicated. Hopefully he wouldn't have to stabilize anyone tonight. Sighing in contentment, Chris reached into his pocket to power off his phone and re-pocket the device, looking up in time to see Pepper pour herself a cup of soda. Dr. Pepper. Chris's bemusement spilled over into an open, hearty laugh as the woman rolled her eyes at him as she stood in line. Chris finally pushed himself up off the wall, moving toward the table and and eyeing the selection of food and drink as he listened to Kayla talk, glancing back to Roxy and then Pepper with a neat smile. "Enjoying yourself so far, ladies?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fairyBells
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fairyBells Little Fae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxy wanted to kick Rowan for cutting off her retreat even more with each person that came up to the table to get pizza. At least she knew that the pizza was going over well with others, but now she was front and freaking center of attention. Exactly where she hated being. Hoping not to offend or ignore anyone that was around her, she smiled and addressed all of them saying "Ye'r all welcome to it, Ah thought we could all use somethin' while we wait fer tha grillin te start. Ah alsoo oordered a fair amount of alcohol tha Ah hoop ye'll all be ok wi'. If no, Ah ken put another in an have 'em bring moore. Jus lemme knoow." She WAS going to wait for everyone to get their pizza and migrate away from the table but that didn't seem to be working out and now that she was already here, she may as well get herself some pizza anyway, so she grabbed a plate and snagged two of the biggest pieces she could find and shoved way too much in her mouth at once, hoping they would converse among themselves and she wouldn't have to say anything else. Unfortunately, she knew that wouldn't happen, but it was worth a shot.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Berlin
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The atmosphere on the roof was growing brighter even as the sun continued to progress towards the horizon. Ellie had offered a hand and raised her bottle to both Nick and Xavi, pleased to be able to claim she had at least met two new people in the building should the night fall flat. She listened intently as Xavius told of his day and the frustrations that came with it, her head subtly nodding until he seemed to press the breaks on his own conversing. “No, no, no,” Ellie protested, stretching her hand out to fall on his shoulder and leaning in just slightly. “I’ve watched Pet Cemetery and Children of the Corn. Kids can be truly wicked, terrifying, filthy little things… I want six.” A wild grin crinkled the corners of her eyes, unwavering even when she pretended not to notice the man’s pained expression as he took a drink. She turned to Nick in an effort to subtly give Xavius a moment of privacy.

“Eventful, huh? Like I went to my ten year old cousin’s birthday party eventful? Or I woke up in a train station in Illinois wearing a sash that said ‘Bride To-Be’ eventful?” Ellie’s lips pursed and her eyes narrowed. “Not that, like, I’m speaking from experience or anything,” She relentlessly pressed into Nick’s concise answer about his day, unsatisfied with the lack of information she was given. As if the universe was handing him a free pass out of her grasp, however, Ellie’s attention was yanked to the stage where her roommate and one other had climbed behind the microphone. Her smile seemed to widen as she absentmindedly swayed along to the few songs she was able to catch.

Ellie reached for another beer as she drained her first, stretching it out to Nikola. “Can you do the thing?” She inquired as she gestured to the railing where she had seen him crack open his own. “My mom paid a lot for my teeth,” she almost seemed to snort at her own explanation, an inside joke with herself.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by sempis


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: Claire Dupont @berlin

One thing that Nick noticed pretty quickly was Ellie's smile. It seemed like Ellie preferred to stray from convention, and her smile reflected that. She seemed to smile often, and it didn't seem she was doing it simply for pleasantries. Nick liked that about her. Something about that put him at ease.

Nick couldn't help a bit of a snicker when Ellie tried to guess what kind of day he had. "Although I wish it had been more like the former, it was definitely kind of like the latter." The amendment that followed her statement pulled a real laugh from him, a smile spreading on his face. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you haven't woken up in Illinois with an engagement sash. Do those things really exist?

It felt good to talk like this, to socialize. Over the past years, Nick had disconnected himself from company. He'd almost been a sort of hermit, a whirlwind trying to sort itself out. If he really tricked himself, he could say it was because he didn't have time, but Nick knew better.

Either way, he was here now, and he could at least make an effort to get to know the people he lived near. Ellie had already finished her beer, and in a subtle effort to follow her lead, he drained his. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, right? He grabbed himself another beer as well, taking the one from Ellie. "Yeah, I can't imagine using your teeth as your personal beer opener can be good." He laughed good-naturedly, hoping the comment came off as banter rather than criticism. Taking both of the bottles, he pulled the caps off on the edge of the railing, spilling only a little, and handing one back to Ellie. The caps he tossed into the trash by the grill, secretly thankful he didn't miss.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'll be here."

Location: Roof

Interaction: Pierre De Jager @Royaletutor59, Nadia Ocampo @lopsided

Junhoe smiled at this interaction with this person he now calls friend. He bowed once more to acknowledge the phone he held in his hand because he did not feel like talking. Though, on the off-chance he was mute, Junhoe's next sentence was paired with a little bit of sign language since he knew a little. "Hey, no problem, you can swing by 3B anytime to have more of that fluffy goodness, and it's nice to meet you." He replied with a smile, and of course the offer of allowing Pierre- speaking of Pierre, "Wait, is not it pronounced Pee-yair? Sorry, I don't really know, and the Pierre's I've seen in films are pronounced like that." Junhoe added.

Junhoe did not know, in fact, Junhoe's knowledge on life is more based on what he sees and hears in media; almost as if Junhoe is a splicer or sampler. Junhoe then did a much quicker bow as a form of apology during his last bit of dialogue. Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket, and he made another quick bow of apologising before excusing himself to see what it was. It was Nadia, who replied in the 3B group chat. Junhoe then made two quick replies to make sure everything was alright, and that he was present if anyone needed anything, hell, he will even be there even if you do not need him.

To; 3B Peeps

Hey! There's always the next one! We'll meet you at the party!😄

He then immediately clicked back after sending that text and went to text Nadia just to see if she was okay, she does not seem like the person to miss breakfast after all.

To; 🌞 Nadia 💯

Just wanted to check in, you don't seem like the 'breakfast-missing' type, you alright?

Since Junhoe is still the introverted, hesitant guy people know and love, he stood there awkwardly for a few seconds as his finger hovered over the 'send' button before actually sending the text. He was not the one-on-one text-y type of guy, but group chats are fine. He just wanted to see if his Roommate/Friend was okay.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Royaletutor59
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Royaletutor59 The Constantly Sleepy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Roof

Interaction: Park Jun-Hoe

Pierre’s smile brightened even more at Junhoe’s following words and signs. Not only was he invited to visit the fluffy goodness in the future(in 3B no less, looks like they’re on the same floor, cool), but it looks like his new friend(?) also knows sign language. Though his own skills in the matter, while alright, is questionable since internet videos aren’t always the best teachers, but maybe he finally has someone to practice with? He’ll have to ask sometime, but first things first, he nodded happily at the suggestion and gave Junghoe a thumbs up.

Tilting his head slightly with an amused smile at Junhoe’s following question, he shook his head ‘no’, it’s a rather common question so he doesn’t really mind answering, in fact he had to make this correction so many times that it is one of the phrases that he’s confident that he’s not butchering when using sign language.

‘No worries. Usually it is, but where my dad is from it’s ‘peer’, so that’s how we say it.’

Nodding with a smile as Junhoe excused himself to check his phone, Pierre wasted no time in once again dropping down to pet Frog, revelling in the soft feeling of the dog’s fur. He’s pretty sure that he’s at the very least on his way to making a friend, so that’s good! Glancing around himself, he noticed a large group congregating around some recently arrived pizza. Contemplating for a second on whether or not to grab a slice, he decided he’d rather wait until later, he’s not really much of an eater anyway and going over there would most likely cut into doggo-time, besides, the night is still young after all, there’s still plenty of time to meet everyone later, and with that thought, he resumed his petting.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Days
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Days Watermelon Enthousiast

Member Seen 2 days ago

Apartment 4C, Amberle's room

Amberle stood in front of her floor length mirror, gazing at her body. She was quite satisfied with it. With attention to detail, she applied a nude colour of lipstick to her plump lips. She wearing a white, off the shoulder crop top and a pale pink asymmetrical skirt. While slightly tapping the lipstick to see if it dried, a pop up on her phone informed her of the time. Wearing her signature wide grin, Amberle put her phone in her pocket and straightened out her skirt. She loved the way it stopped at her knees on the front, but it flowed to her calves in the back. The young woman tousled her hair and turned towards her cat Sarang. "Ik ga. Gedraag je! (I'm going. Behave!)"

When Amberle opened the door to the kitchen she looked around to see if her roommate had come home. But there was no sign of life. Hmm, maybe she's already on the roof, she thought as she carefully tapped her hearing aid; a habit she picked up to ensure it was still working. After slipping into her cute white beach sandals, she closed the door behind her and dropped the key into the small pocket of her dress. In her left hand, she carried a heavy bag.

Suddenly a nervous feeling bubbled up in her stomach. She was not accustomed to American etiquette. Was she required to bring things? If so, what? Amberle even tried googling. Eventually, she landed on the decision to bring a collection of different Soju kinds. In total, she had about 10 with her. The bag was heavy and she frowned, but thank God she lived on the 4th floor and the party was on the roof. Amberle was slightly worried that a party on the roof was the worst kind of place for her impaired hearing, but she decided for herself that it would still be worth it to go. She'll just not drink that much, and really focus on people's lips. She had a bit of a sarcastic chuckle at herself though, thinking that she re-trained her Dutch Sign Language to American but it's no use if no one else knows it.

The walk towards the rooftop was dark and full of terrors. The small woman may or may not have accidentally tripped around 3 times already while carrying the heavy bag. At the top of the stairs, Amberle took a deep breath. She had to tell herself that it would be alright. She managed to move all the way out here from the Netherlands, she got a job, an education and a home. Surely, she'd be able to handle an American party. However, had only met Bert and her roommate Rena. She did remember the guy with the cello though, and a blush formed on her cheeks as she entertained the possibility about him being here tonight.

After a quick pat on the cheek, Amberle opened the door to the rooftop. The smells of food immediately attacked her nostrils. Her wide smile was back on her face as she walked onto the rooftop and stood on her toes a little, to find her roommate Rena. When she couldn't locate her, she took her phone from her pocket and decided to text her.

To; Roomie Rena
Hey Rena! You weren't home yet, so I went up to the roof party alone. Are you still planning on attending? I feel like a loner!

Amberle slid her phone back into her pocket and looked around for a spot to set down her heavy bag of Soju bottles.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

A collaboration by @Lionhearted and @Days

Felix comfortably resided by the door, leaning back on the cool bricks of the building as he swished the whiskey in his cup habitually. He had already watched the sunset, talked to the most beautiful girl his eyes could find, and drank enough whiskey to feel his sobriety slipping away faster than the length of the radiant twilight. Drunk Felix was like a teeter totter when it came to his mood, influenced heavily based on his surroundings and the situations at hand. While he tries to be the cliche of a daring, spunky drunk, he tends to be more of an angry drunk—not something that he’s proud of.

Felix stared at the night sky, trying to pick out the stars that would make their appearance first, not for any particular reason other than to have something to focus on. The stillness calmed him, isolating himself from his surroundings enough to enjoy a comfortable medium of his two drunken sides. But, the blare of the music roared through the air, shaking his unmoving rumination. He winced, trying to detest the anger that would begin to contaminate his mood. Felix took another sip of his whiskey with no cringe of discomfort this time, becoming used to the burning, yet warming, sensation. It wasn’t that Felix disliked party music, it just reminded him of the strip club, sending him bad memories with an urgency to feel at work.

Instead of succumbing, he took a deep breath in preparation for social interaction, taking another sip of whiskey and mingling his way towards the source of the music. Although—it only took a few steps and a quick glance to become halted in his tracks. The commotion around him slowed, his gaze piercing through the crowd to recognize the guy on the stage. Felix, doubting his vision, blinked a few times to unveil the haze from his tainted cognition, and his initial sight was right. The teeter totter swung to one side, weighed down by a bag of heavy concrete, the anger within him boiling to the edges of his being, and his grip tightening to bend the plastic of his cup. Felix let out a low growl of irritation and frustration, gritting his teeth, and still caught in his steps by the scrutiny he placed on the egotistical asshole—Alfie Holmes.

And while Alfie danced on that stage, Felix felt he could see right through his facade and his wide smile, though it appeared that Charlotte was becoming allured by his fake charm. He furrowed his brows, pinching the bridge of his nose, convincing himself that Charlotte was smart enough to not befriend someone like Alfie. It wasn’t just Felix’s drunken anger that stirred his thoughts, but also his protective nature that sought to keep those he cared about away from people like him. ‘I can’t—I shouldn’t—I’m not going to say anything. I gotta,’ Felix thought to himself before taking another drink, ‘I gotta get out of here.’ And with that thought, he was pushing through people, occasionally looking back with confliction on whether to start a fight or not. ‘The door, where’s the fucking door!’ He could hear his heart beating fast with rage, his wobbly stride making his way towards the door, but his unsteady daze confused him. Before he knew it, he nearly pushed over a woman much shorter than him, the contents of his cup staining her white shirt with his sticky, copper-brown whiskey. A reflex in him kicked, wrapping his arms around her body to prevent her from falling back, feeling immediate guilt from almost body-checking someone who seemed so delicate next to him. As the brunt of the moment passed, Felix put on a pained expression, “I am so, so sorry.” As he gathered himself, he wanted to take the opportunity to really look at her, but his gaze was fixated on her blue-green eyes, drawing him in effortlessly. His lips parted in awe and his pained expression became flat as his eyes focused, darting back and forth between her irises. It could’ve been from the blur of his intoxication that he became so captured by her eyes, but he couldn’t deny the marveling feeling. And so he stood there for however long she’d allow it, unintentionally holding her with his arms tangled in her long, wavy hair.

Do you know that feeling of jumping into the water from a height, but landing on your chest? Wet, impactful and 100% unplanned? Yes, well that was exactly what Amberle just experienced. The small Dutch woman did not register the liquid that found it’s last resting place on her chest because the sheer force of a man significantly taller than her knocked her off her feet. Literally and figuratively. She was knocked back and with her hand firming the grasp on her bag she braced for impact. But it did not come, as the broad stranger wrapped his strong arms around her. He made her feel as light as a feather, and it seemed that holding her cost him next to no effort. Their faces were so close, Amberle could smell the whisky on his breath. But also a warm, musky scent that stirred something awake inside her. She made eye contact with him, belatedly realising that the man that knocked the wind out of her delicate lungs was no other than the cello guy. The blood in her body once again rose to her cheeks as she realised how close they were. His pained eyes were staring so deep into hers she wondered what he was searching for in them. Before becoming transfixed to his hazel eyes, Amberle snapped out of it.

She flashed a toothy smile and raised her free hand up and placed it on his chest. This man; If you look up chiselled in a dictionary his picture would be there as a sole definition. "Oh no need to be sorry! I think it was me not paying attention anyway." She chuckled with an apologetic face before taking in a deep breath and pushing herself off him gently so she can stand straight again. She didn't increase the distance between them though. Her hand went from his chest to her own, where she noticed the stain on her white shirt, running down the exposed part of her belly and to her skirt. “Besides, it's not every day a man like you wraps his arms around me.” The brunette winked playfully before furrowing her brow looking down at her stained shirt. She tugged the fabric sticking to her wet skin.

Felix’s mind resurfaced slowly, her voice muffled at first but becoming more and more coherent as he came back to reality—the sounds around him increasing in volume like he was coming up from underwater. Her touch was gentle. Although it felt light against his chest, it made his heart feel heavy. Felix drew his arms closer slowly, unintentionally feeling the contour of her hips, still very clearly coming out of captivation, but taking his time as he glanced over her slim, tan body. He let out a chuckle, seeming to still ignore the scenario at hand, “You, uh. You have very beautiful eyes.” There was silence before he snapped, “Oh, shit. Sorry. Ahhh! Let me, uh.” Felix scrambled around, going to the nearest table to grab whatever he could find—in this case, it was a handful of party napkins. He then came back in a hurry, but sheepishly passed it over to her in embarrassment for not being able to obtain anything better than lame party napkins, and to save from him, a stranger, wiping her very alluring body. Felix stuffed his hands in his pockets to prevent him from being any more clumsy than he already was, “Well, you make it feel extra bad for me because you’re so kind about it. Any other girl would’ve just slapped me—I mean, you’re so beautiful, it’s like I just committed a sin.” He shook his head, a dimpled smile appearing after he tried to wipe his blush away with his hand, “And to think you thought this was your fault? No, it was all me, hun.”

Amberly stood awkwardly while he ran off to probably find something to get rid of the whisky. However, the liquor already stained a big part of her pale white shirt. She realizes she may have to go change. But it didn't matter because he called her eyes pretty, and her blush was back in full force. She couldn't even blame excessive amounts of alcohol this time, as it was clear that she didn't drink anything yet. He came back and handed her some napkins, which she took. While he spoke, embarrassment made him not look at her, which made it hard for Amberle to follow what he was saying. She tried to keep looking at this lips to read, which makes her head follow his movements like a cat that sees a laser light. His lips moved a bit odd, which is usually the result of booze. "Thank you." She said before dabbing her bare stomach, and then her chest. She felt the bass of the music through the floor and heard it through her hearing aid.

Amberle looked up after a fruitless attempt to clear the stain and looked at the man standing in front of her. He was so much taller than her, but he looked down at her sheepishly and she smiled up at him as he complimented her looks. She was not used to this. Were all Americans like this? "Well," Amberle chucked the dirty napkins into a nearby bin. "I wanted to go shopping for new clothes anyways." a chuckle escaped her coloured lips and she moved the bag with the bottles from her left to her right hand. It was becoming very heavy. "It's fine, honestly. Don't worry about it. I'll just drop the alcohol on the table, and then get changed I guess. A messy drunk was not the look I had in mind for myself when meeting all the tenants." Amberle suppressed her tendency to sign while talking and instead motioned towards the stain in her shirt.

“I'm Amberle by the way. Amberle de Jong, I'm in 4C.” She extended her free hand and kept her eyes focused on his lips, to be able to read what he would say. Names are always the most difficult.

Felix finally looked up at the sound of her name, smirking before replying with his own, “I’m Felix.” He gave her a delicate handshake, though his calloused hands felt misplaced against her soft skin. “Felix Brooks from 3A if you want to be formal, Ms. Amberle de Jong from 4C.” He gave her a quick wink, while placing his hand back into his pocket. Felix skirted his eyes from hers, looking to the ground instead, “Shopping…” He started, seeming to be at a loss for words. He would blame the intoxication for his lack of composure, but Amberle held such a unique emanation that undoubtedly came over him regardless. “Oh! How about this?” Felix exclaimed, “I’ll take you shopping. That way I can feel less shitty about ruining your clothes!” He was pretty set on his idea, a smooth way to ask someone on a date without calling it a date. “Oh, um. Here.” Felix took off his sweatshirt, his v-neck t-shirt sticking to it as he removed it, flashing a bit of his tanned muscularity—which could now be seen through his t-shirt and not hidden by the bulk of his sweatshirt. He handed her the university sweatshirt, a fresh, cool scent of cologne wafting from it, which could be immediately depicted as nothing less than the expensive selection sold by those high-end brands. A tasteful ratio between musky, earthy, and sweetness could describe the scent, with notes of lemon which could be given from the detergent he uses. “So you don’t have to do a walk of shame that’s nobody’s fault but my own.” Felix smiled, grabbing the bottles from her, “I’ll keep these safe until you get back, yeah?”

Felix.. Amberle mouthed the name and smiled. He had a good name. When he took her hand in his, she felt his rough hands paired with a gentle shake. As with his height, his hands were much larger than hers. It almost felt comical. Amberle tried to follow his lips again as he looked away towards the floor, barely being able to read what he was saying. It felt a bit odd. In front of her was a tall, chiselled man that obviously would have no trouble charming a lady, yet he looked at the ground unable to hold any sort of composure. Despite his appearance, Amberle found this man in front of her endearing. And extremely attractive. She chuckled at his suggestion. "Alright, I'll actually take you up on that offer. I just moved here, or well, to America in any case."

Amberle watched as he took off the Silvervale Uni sweater, which made her wonder if he actually goes there. She has the same sweater, but quite some sizes smaller. "Thank you so much," she said as she took the sweater and quickly put it on after he took her bag from her. Immediately, she could smell the same musky scent that stirred something in her before. The uni sweater was way too large for her, but it hugged her in a way that made her feel safe. The hem of it rested on her hips. "I'll be right back, Felix." Amberle flashed him an alluring smile and turned on her heels back towards the staircase door.

“Just moved to America!?” Felix’s eyes widened. “You should turn back now while you still can. We Americans suck,” he ended with a soft chuckle and a wide smile. And as the two parted, he would grab the bag with more firm grasp, flashing a charming smirk before she would turn to leave. By nature, he watched her until she left his line of sight, getting faint pleasure in seeing how baggy his sweatshirt was on her. Felix moved to a nearby table, dropping the bag on top and waited for her return.

The young woman dashed back to her apartment and into her room. Still no sign of her roommate. When she entered her room, she momentarily hesitated to take the sweatshirt off. The scent was so marvellous it made her dizzy. A sweet mix of his musk and whisky. She didn't like whisky before, but she sure does now. Her delicate fingers held the fabric up to her nose as she smiled into the sweater. After a moment, she took it off and put it on her bed. She changed into a white, lace crop top. Since the skirt had become dirty too, she stepped out of it and pulled on a tightly fitted denim washed jeans. She notices she cared a little bit more about how she looked now and took a quick glance in the mirror. A rosy blush adorned her cheeks. After putting her phone in the pocket of her pants, she climbed the stairs towards the rooftop again.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 8 days ago

"Wait what! Oh snap little sis look like your giving this party it's second wind. And you saved me from having to make a drink run. From the sound of it you ordered a damn bar."Rowan said as his index finger lightly brushed her chin. With her having ordered so much pizza and booze it looked like she wanted this party to carry on for sometime.

It wasnt long before everyone gathered around the center of attention...PIZZA hot delicious pizza. There was one person in particular and while she seemed a bit aggressive that all changed after a moment. She introduced herself to Roxy and by proxy Rowan, this was fine. Row, while having very malleable energy still understood that he wasn't for everybody but there was nothing wrong with introducing himself. He might not make many friends doing it this way but he at least would minimize enemies.

He waited for her and Rox's back and fort to finish before he introduced himself."How are you ms.Mikayla i hope you didnt mind my ear hustling i overheard. My name is Rowan and its nice to meet you. Our little party Liason has also taken to ordering an entire bar. For now though let me get out of your way so you can grab those slices. And hey if your down for it we...well i was gonna put the suggestion out there for a few drinking games and you are more than welcome to join." Row said with a smile and playful bump to Roxy. Before getting out of the way so ms.Jones could grab her pizza. "Though if you will excuse me ladies..."Row said as he made his way back to Alfie and Char."Dont worry about the walk, little red over there ordered a damn bar so we should have some good stuff in just a few moments."He added givng a head nod to Roxy who was still buried amongst the tennant's that wanted some of the pizza." but yeah i just wanted to give you guys the heads up. Imma hop back on stage ral quick though cause we got the booze and all that but i think its gonna be lit af if we can get some party games goin or something."His smile grew wide at the though of the games they would play.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Berlin
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Nick was quick to play along with Ellie’s antics and had therefore earned her appreciation. She silently concluded that he would be the helpless soul she would stick with for the evening. Her battle buddy. Possibly willing, perhaps not. “Psh, do celebratory sashes exist? Why, of course. They’re only the best way to convince strangers to get you drunk for free,” Ellie shared this as if letting him in on a secret. “I will totally let you borrow my bride one if-” Her words were cut short as the speaker besides them suddenly came to life, a familiar voice spilling from within it.

Ellie was entirely shocked and impressed by what she was seeing of her roommate. He previously appeared to her as somewhat reserved and reticent, but what she had witnessed of him behind the microphone was quite the opposite. She looked towards Nick at the conclusion of the announcement, one eyebrow lifted slightly higher than the other. “I dunno what high school Rowan went to, but at mine, we would smoke in the back of the parking lot and sneak shooters into the pep rallies. We’re totally ‘getting high school up in here’.”

The young woman slid a few bottles into the crook of her elbow and urged Nick towards the lounge area. Her cheeks had warmed and it was apparent that only a few beers had softened her edges as she unabashedly approached those she saw isolated to themselves. She encouraged them each in that same direction, hooking their arms with her own if necessary, before falling back into a cushioned seat herself, curling her legs beneath her. She slid the alcohol towards the center of the table before scanning the small crown for their emcee. “Rowan, what are we playing, my friend?!”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fairyBells
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fairyBells Little Fae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Little Red", he'd called her. 'Damn ye, Rowan... Why'd ye have te put ah spotlight on meh?' Just as she checked her watch, wondering when the alcohol would get here, two men hauling dollies with boxes full of her order came through the door. Breathing out a sigh of relief and handed them her card to run it, picking up a bottle of Tequila and chugging enough to get her night started and picked up a smirnoff ice to sip, never putting down her bottle of tequila. She may as well put a nipple on it and nurse on it all night. Lord knew she'd need it. Roxy never drank anymore, which was a good thing, because the tequila hit her almost as soon as it hit her stomach, even with the pizza. Holding her drinks, she made her way to the area where she assumed the games were getting going.

"Oy, howya? Tha extra drinks are hear. Goo get em an les git thus on. If Ah'm beein dragged inta thus, we're goinna do et.
How boot neaver 'ave Ah eaver?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Royaletutor59
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Royaletutor59 The Constantly Sleepy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Roof

Interaction: A bunch of people

Looking up as Rowan started talking into the mic, Pierre paused his petting of Frog momentarily, long enough for the doggo to slip out from under his hands and trot away. Pouting momentarily at the loss of the fur from under his fingers, he sighed before straightening up and listening to the rest of the speech. At the mention of games, he was intrigued, it would be a good opportunity to meet the rest of his fellow tenants and while he really isn’t much for drinking at all, well maybe it won’t be so bad? He could always try to fake drinking if it comes down to it.

Mind made up he looked over to where Junhoe was still preoccupied with his phone, waving him over he gestured over to where everyone was starting to congregate at the mention of the games as an invitation for him to join him in going over there. Walking over to the group he stood slightly on the outside, not wanting to interrupt any conversations currently taking place, and gave them a smile and a wave.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Let me be a part of this!"

Location: Roof

Interaction: Whoever was in that circle of people

As Junhoe put his phone away, Pierre was gesturing him to come over and join the fun. What immediately caught his eye was a bottle of soju which he hasn't had ever since he moved in the apartment. So, of course, he wanted a few shots since it would be just like South Korea again. Pierre didn't really interact much since he was, after all, the quiet type. But even with Junhoe's introvertedness he wanted that shot bad so he did something that he'll probably regret the day after... Initiate.

Someone did say something about never have I ever, so Junhoe saw that as an opportunity to join the fun. "Mind if I be a part of that?" Junhoe asked, as he stepped forward. He then flinched for a moment, and realised that most of these people don't know him so he he bowed and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Park Junhoe, 3B, nice to meet you all." His bow was quick but very respectful, he didn't know their ages so he would usually assume above him unless stated otherwise.

"I'm actually here for that," he said pointing at the soju, "What would it take to have a few shots of that? Never have I ever?" He asked.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Days
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Days Watermelon Enthousiast

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rooftop, interacting with circle of people, specifically @Lionhearted,@Royaletutor59,@fairyBells,@KatKook and @Berlin

Amberly spotted Felix and walked back over to him. His scent still lingers, and she noticed she forgot to bring back his sweater. She didn't mind though, as it gave her an excuse to see him again. He stood at a table with her drinks. He looked divine. While walking, a man walked up to the small stage and took the mic. Standing still in front of Felix, she watched as the person on stage spoke about 'getting high school up in here' and it made her chuckle. She looked at Felix and winked at him playfully before more people gathered around the table they were standing at. A playful blonde sat down in a seat, in her arms several bottles of alcohol. A redhead came over with drinks and suggested never have I ever, and Amberle noticed her accent. She smiled, a fellow European!

Amberle set herself down in one of the chairs before bending forward to her bag, the one Felix had placed on the table. She opened it, pulled out several shot glasses and exposed the Soju bottles. This is perfect for never have I ever, though some might find it a bit too strong for that. Shortly after, a man with curly hair joined the group and waved. Amberle waved back kindly before turning towards the next addition to their group; an Asian man.

"Great idea, I love 'never have I ever!" Amberle spoke to the red-haired woman before turning towards the man that introduced himself as Junhoe, and she figured he was Korean, as he pointed towards the Soju. "Of course! Everyone, I'm Amberle, I live in 4C. My roomie is not here yet, so please take care of me!" She accompanied her introduction with her signature wide grin before grabbing a Soju bottle from her stash. She swirled it around, tapped the underside of the bottle with her elbow several times, twist the cap open and jabbed the bottle of the neck with two fingers, as is the tradition. She poured two glasses, one for her and one for Junhoe. "Anyone else?" She looked around at everyone, so she wouldn't miss anyone speaking.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 8 days ago

@Akayaofthemoon @ineffable @fairybells@Berlin@Royaletutor59@katkook@DAYS
and anyone else that manages to find their way over to the PARTY TABLE

Row heard a familiar voice at his side and as he looked down he noticed his roomie. This had to be a legitimate shock to her because he was normally holed up in his room doing all manner of meditation and just overall pagan things from cleaning his pendants and cleaning his stones to using his spirit board, sometimes it was nice to cut loose though and try to be a bit more high energy he could go back to the reserved Rowan tomorrow for now he was about to get 9 kinds of FUCKED UP. “Well my dear Claire it seems we are all in agreement for a badass round of never have i ever and we have more than enough libations here for us all to find out what kind of drunks we are. Cause honestly i dont know myself never been drunk.” Row said with a little chuckle ”However, I have a sneaking suspicion that our little red here is gonna drink us all under the table, those goddamn Irish” He added with a nod to Roxy.

He saw the bottle of unfamiliar alcohol emerge from the back of the young lady that stood at the opposite end of the table from him. As she poured she then offered everyone, respectfully Row declined as he snagged a bottle from the cart that seemed like an addition, maybe it was a promotion or something but he was gonna drink this...Everclear. He unscrewed the top took a shot and let loose a small chuckle. ”oh DAMN that tastes like fire. Row said before offering anyone else. He waited a moment to see if anyone wanted a shot. Before stating the first of the never have i evers, well if we are all in agreement then I will get us started with something simple...Never have I ever been shitfaced. Row started simple but had intentions of this getting DEEP. Only time would tell where this evening went.

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