Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by freedomliveson
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freedomliveson Reader of things read

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sounds great!

It was wonderful. I had a LOT of sugar, fat and meat though. Thankfully my wife and I are training for a race, so you know, that'll help burn off all that butter.

I regret nothing by the way. xD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 5 days ago

There we go! Apologies again for the wait!

I can't remember what we had discussed about these two beyond them being the ones to find them, so I decided to go for the good old "wearing a mask so we can't quite make out specifics yet" approach XD feel free to do any expanding upon that as you like :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by freedomliveson
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freedomliveson Reader of things read

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Excellent! I'll be working on it throughout the day. Probably will get it up later today/early tomorrow :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 5 days ago

Awesome, I look forward to it! No rush as always! :3
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by freedomliveson
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freedomliveson Reader of things read

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So, this whole Order of Heralds thing:

-I thought of the title at the spur of the moment because I don't think Revan would really want an order named after him. My thinking was that the title of "Revanite" was given to anyone who followed Revan by others, not by Revan from himself.
-The Order of Heralds could go in a number of directions, but I thought that Revan would want to "herald" a new way to see the Force. Basically it's his wording of the Qyaari. Obviously we can modify as we go. Any thoughts on this?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oooohhhh, I LOVE that idea actually! A loooot. I always thought of Revan as the sort of reluctant hero type, the kind who went and did what he did because he felt it was the right thing to do, and not necessarily because he wanted all the credit for it so that would fit right in. I don't think he'd be vain enough to pick a name like 'Revanite' for his own followers either! :P

And him having similar philosophies to the Qyaari would work out quite well too, if they all survive this one (which, who knows, they may not. We'll see right? hahaha) then Revan and Meetra are gonna need somewhere to go when it's all over so there's potential there for them to help out with the Qyaari teachings and so forth maybe!

I got a couple other posts to try and work on tonight, but I'll work on getting one out for you by tomorrow-ish! :D
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 5 days ago

H'okay! So I was gonna end this post off with a time jump and have them actually starting the convo with Revan, but then I wasn't 100% sure you didn't want to add anything else onto the build up first, soooo I kinda left it off a little shorter and instead had him send the siblings out to call them forward so feel free to add to that if ya want and I can start up the actual convo itself in my next post!

Some details that come to mind which we need to iron out again (because I have the worst memory oops XD)
-Was Meetra still with him currently, or did Arcann already get hold of her (I have a funny feeling we mentioned her being held prisoner or something?)
-If she isn't, would Arcann think to use her as "bait" of sorts to draw Revan and co. out and thus, manage to capture them (which sounds vaguely familiar to me as well, but I don't know for sure! ^^;)
-If Meetra is still with Revan, I assume they'd still have to fill in the Champions and co regarding Arcann and the Eternal Fleet and so on?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by freedomliveson
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freedomliveson Reader of things read

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No worries! Yeah, I'll get us to Revan and then you just go for it (the moment we've been building to for almost three years xD)

Thoughts on questions:
-Right, I believe we agreed on Meetra already being taken captive by Arcann to try and get Revan to come out of hiding. That's probably where he was before he arrived back at the complex.
-Revan will probably have to fill in some gaps. Mind if I introduce an apprentice for Revan to help you fill in plot details? Don't want you to have to do all the lifting xD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oh thank God, my brain remembered something correctly for once! *victory air punch* XD

I can't wait, this is excitinggggg! :'D

By all means, throw an apprentice into the mix! The more the merrier, as they say! ;)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 5 days ago

Ooooohhh, I am soooo psyched for this post! *cue fangirl squealing*

SO, because I wanna do this good, I probably won't be able to get one out to you before the weekend! but I shall work on it over then, and aim to have it done by Monday! ;)

Have a good one, bud! :D
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

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Okay, so some quick explanations as to my thought processes here!! XD

-The established Lore suggests that the Tuk'ata were beasts that were created by Sith Alchemy, soooo therefore, the reason their basic is so broken/spotty isn't because they're stupid necessarily, but rather because their "native tongue" is High Sith, so like with any second language, it takes a lot more effort to speak it and they're prone to more mistakes. So hence why I figured they'd be able to communicate somewhat with Yuno (and of course, when he was alive, with Roan, who was also fluent in Sith ;) )

-One of the small retcons I've been dying to make regarding Ari, would be that she would definitely have had some of the red "Sith Mark" tattoos that the ingame Human Warrior players can get, they supposedly mark their belonging to a great Sith bloodline and since the Saals are descended from Tulak Hord of course she and Roan would have had them :)

-Also, because we didn't do the whole "Outlander-Locked-In-Carbonite" thing with our guys, I got to thinking why would it take so long for Revan to re-establish contact with Meetra if he suspected/knew she would follow after him? so that's what I came up with haha let me know if it's a bit much though and we can always retcon that bit!

-Wasn't sure how much you wanted Yuno to know about everything, so I figured I'd leave it up to you to add anything else you feel necessary and then we can go from there? Onward, to rescuing Meetra Aaaanndd ending up in jail for it, but oh well xD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by freedomliveson
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freedomliveson Reader of things read

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Hey there! Apologies for being offline, but I just started school again, so that's swallowed up most of my time xD

(If you're wondering, yes I did just graduate last year. This is to get a certification so I can get into another career field cause this one is...not working out :/)

Anyhow, yes, all looks great! Just to clarify before I get started on a reply:

-Where would Meetra be held? Would we want to head towards Odessa or another planet entirely? In either case, did we agree on Meetra not making it out alive? I feel like we agreed to that, but I could be wrong.
-Regardless of whether or not Meetra makes it out, Vaylin is going to want a piece of Revan and the Champions, so I'm sure she'll make an appearance. She'll want a fight, so I assume our characters will oblige, but for how long can be something we discuss?
-After the party makes it out, I'm going to assume that Revan will have some plan to take down Arcann, seeing as he is the direct successor to Valkorion? Speaking of the former Emperor, how involved is he going to be? I imagine that his Force ghost won't want to sit on the sidelines, but then again, we've involved Force ghosts quite a bit already.
-Are we going to follow KOTFE lore on this and involve Vitiate?

That's all I've got for now xD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hey no worries, take all the time you need! RL stuff always comes first! :D Good luck with the new certification though, hopefully this one works out better for you! :3

-If I'm remembering rightly, we said something about Revan and co camping out on a nearby moon or something? XD sooo potentially they could be holding Meetra on Odessa, or if we wanna chuck them literally into the frying pan we could say Arcann wanted to keep a real close eye on her, in case Revan came after her, so was holding her on Ziost? (then there's more chance of stuff going wrong, plus they might have the Knights to back them up? XD) but up to you, whichever you feel fits I can roll with it :)
-I think we may have decided to kill her off, too. Either way, nobody's died for a while (since Voldon) so might be a good time to throw another one in - plus, will give Kytra and Ethan a real taste of "this is what it means to be a Champion, sometimes it sucks but you've gotta deal or you're gonna get chewed up and spat back out" ;)
-I shall start spitballing Revan's master plan in the meantime, because yes, I'm sure he would have one :P
-As for Vitiate...that could be very interesting? I don't imagine he's the type to sit on the sidelines and spectate when there's death and destruction going on XD How involved we make him, though, is something to think through? The "established" lore seems to suggest he and Revan have some sort of beef going on, hence why Revan went storming off into the unknown regions to hunt him down (and drove himself kinda crazy in SoR trying to bring him back just so he could kill him himself... seriously, Revan, why?! everything was fine till you did that, dude XD) so it could be potentially interesting to build into some kind of final showdown (ala-Bracknell-style maybe? hehe) between Vitiate, Arcann, Vaylin and Revan and the Champions?

I can't think of anything else but that should cover the main bits for now? XD We can always iron out the finer details of the later points as they approach that time in-posts :3
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