Vassia Depreux

"It is always a good day to do something. 19 | 5’11” | Greek/French |She/Her | 161 ]
"Yes, yes, let me change."Standing upright at 5’11, Vassia is one of the tallest girl in town, usually securing her position at the bottom corner of the picture frame in group shot. And you might as well call her a male, seeing how she does look the part. Short hair. Broad shoulders and developed muscles. It is safe to assume that the extensive amount of training she has endured since eleventh has an everlasting effect on her body. The petite and slender frame now turned into a muscular build, lacking the softness and fragility one would seek from the female while providing in abundance the rigid nature of a man. Broken nose and multiple scars around the kneecaps and knuckles, aftermath of injuries. But it is not to say she does not possess any feminine traits, albeit they are usually overshadowed by her build. Long eyelashes and a set of green downturned eyes, gifts from her father. Even lips by her mother’s standard, although the lower one does seem to be a bit bigger compared to the upper ones. Fairly white despite her constant work out.
As part of her daily appearance, Vasia used to wear shorts when she was young, and that habit never die. Usually seen wearing brown khakis or black training shorts and always a tank top, Vasia dressed for only two purposes. To not feel uncomfortable when the sweat etched on the clothes and quick to change, that is her dressing policies. And if the situation calls for formality on its hosts, usually when she is needed to attend a party of her mother’s friends, she would wear a dark padded blazer, usually made by cashmere or silk, that comes with 2 buttons, flapped pockets, and single breasted just for its sense of professionalism. And paired up with that that would surely be a white blouse and a custom made trousers just to show off that she is rich. But once or twice everytime the Haley comet comes, she'll wear a dress for its femininity. Vas didn’t have a good reason behind it outside of just having an urge to do so.
"If you have no intention to come out winning, what is the point then?" MAIN GOAL ⫻ Unlike her sister, who has denounced her father’s acknowledgement, Vassia is still searching for glory, of becoming so great that she could live in her bubble of perfection once more.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ On you set out, there is no home to return to. That is what Vassia believes. The idea that everyone must sacrifice something, sometimes everything they have to reach for the goals. And those who don’t have the guts or settled for the lower fruits are just wasting resources.
SECRETS ⫻ During her more rebellious years, she has a streak of vandalizing the stores around the town. Although she never gets caught for doing so, this would not look great on her portfolio.
DESIRES ⫻ Glory and its associated power. So great, that no one could ever forget her existence. Not while she live nor after a thousand years after her coffin had been lowered.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Bisexual. If there exist more than one gender, why should she be satisfy conquering one half of the world?
FEARS ⫻ Realizing that all she strives for is nothing more than a lucid dream. That what she does will never be enough and events that had happened will never changed.
REPUTATION ⫻ Although mainly known as the local rich kid, Vassia would be more grateful if people could overlook her social upbringing with her actual hard work.
PET PEEVES ⫻ Wimps. Vassia couldn’t describe how much she hated those that are unable to stand up for themselves and their ideas. She despises them. If it were not because there is a line that she has to keep, these wimps deserve to be bully.
QUIRKS ⫻ She has a bad habit of rubbing her hand together before starting to do something that require physical labor. Aside from that, she usually scratches her head when being embarrassed.
Please, call me Vas.Born as a product of love and commitment between two souls; Vas was brought to the world under the roof of the Depreux’s family. And being their first born daughter, she only deserved the best. Dolls houses, expensive dresses, and her own maid, Mrs. Depreux, her mother, taken the term “extensive care” to whole new level. But that is not to say she is the only child of the family. As a matter of the fact, Vassia has a younger sister, born later than her by 2 minutes named Stefani. But unlike her older sister, this child does not receive the same treatment as her older twin. While it is unreasonable to assume the mother doesn’t love her second as the first ones, it is safe to say there is an uneven playing field between the two. Thus, mistreatment started the feud between the two sisters.
But as time goes by, Vas and her sister’s feud subsided. Their fights became less and less frequent. Their interactions scarce. Until one day, both does not acknowledge another existence. They know the other exist, but they choose to overlook it. And if it weren’t because they are still residing in the same roof, carrying the term “family” outside, maybe this is nothing more than an apartment for them.
And Vas knew. She knew about this trouble, of this unacknowledged state between her and her sister. And despite the multiple talk her mother had with her, Vas could not overlook what her sister has done.
Her sister broke the family.
She tears it down. Unintentionally, she said. And here is the problem, back when they were young, her father had a relationship with another woman. Mommy doesn’t know about it, constantly thinking that the “business trips” were “business trips” only. And for some reason, Daddy decided to bring her home, introducing her as the Vassia’s maid. And of course, Vassia knew first. But she paid no mind in it. For to her, Daddy is perfect. He served the nation. He fought the war. He won medals for fencing and his excellent serving in the military. He brought the once crumpling Depreaux house from a middle class to the elite with nothing in hands to the largest farm in town.
Her father was everything. Everything that Vassia wanted to become. To use the term idolized is not enough to portray her enthusiasm when receiving praises from him. And so, if he is God, she is ready to overlook for some his trouble.
And yet, her stupid, idiotic, pathetic, sister have to tell their Mommy about Dad’s wrongdoing. Couldn’t she just shut up? Has he done anything to her but love and more love? And this is how she repaid her father for the 12 years long of passionate care and fatherly love? No, Vassia couldn’t take such a betrayed dog like that as her sister. Her pride back then wouldn’t let her to steep so low while her stubbornness refused to acknowledge her father's problems.
It has been 7 years from her father disappearance. And... Truth be told, Vas wasn't sure if she could accepted her twin. They have grew too distance from each other. Just two strangers with the same mother living under the same roof. That is all.
"You ever wonder, what is “talents”?"- [Acute hearing]⫻: Like the name suggested, her ears can hear higher frequencies sound comparing to those that are around her. But the sound that she can hear is nothing more than a high-pitched whistle, cool to hear but a pain while taking a test or training.
- [100m sprint]: Stemmed from anger toward her twin, Vassia took the most physical demanding exercise she could think of back then to blow off some steam. 7 years gone by and she doesn’t do it just because of blowing of steam anymore. For somewhere in her life, the glory and pride have taken a higher ranking than her twin’s position.
- [Psychology]: To be more specific, Vass schedule focused primarily in computing as she planned to be more involved in AI development.
- [Driving]: She is 19, old enough to drive her own car. Not old enough to drink and drive though, so there is that.
"Witness my Glory." SIGIL & LOCATION ⫻ Located on her forehead, the sigil manifests as a crown with strong lights, as if the heat of day in Sahara desert just appear, gushing out from the small symbol. This light, of course, doesn't exist. Instead, it is nothing more than a psychological effect.
ABSTRACTION ⫻ Glory-Waves, the ability to create explosive energy that also induces awe in people that witness it.
ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ Vassia has the ability to, at will, to produce massive waves of gold colored energy that is plasmic in nature and is thus incredibly hot. This energy goes in all directions and will absolutely decimate most forms of matter. Wood will be disintegrated, metal will melt in time, and people will be burned up by the power that Vassia exerts. Glory Waves will also do insane amounts of damage to Extra-Normal beings, even if they're more resistant to it. This ability also has the ability to induce awe of Vassia's power in people that view it. It bypasses the Awakened resistance to such abilities, and even people that are possessed will be forced to dread and respect her, possibly breaking their possession. Unlike many Awakened abilities, there is no channeling or manipulating the energy - there is only an on-switch and an off-switch. The energy quickly floods five meters in all directions until it creates a dome, and it'll remain there until Vassia deactivates her ability. Vassia herself is immune to the heat that she generates.
IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOUNTAIN ⫻ Vassia's abstraction's range goes from five meters to fifteen meters and the heat will double, making her an incredibly destructive figure in the mountain. However, she gains the ability to channel small amounts of it through her body to, say, produce a beam of this energy as opposed to a bomb of the energy. In addition, she'll gain the ability to channel her awe without even having to active her bomb to say, intimidate a foe into backing down.
LIMITS ⫻ Unless she's in the presence of the mountain, Vassia's abstraction is powerful and uncontrollable, which means that she's as much of a threat to her friends as her enemies. While the Awakened are resistant to it enough to withstand its effects, it's only for a short period of time. So it's difficult to use if she's with friends or in a place she doesn't want to destroy. Even in the presence of the mountain, channeling her abstraction into blasts is unstable, which means the abstraction can explode in her hands after excessively use. So the most that Vassia can keep the Glory-Wave going is around five minutes straight tops, or else she'll exhaust herself and pass out.
WEAKNESSES ⫻ As stated before, the glory waves are incredibly destructive and will destroy anything that isn't either immune to heat or herself. So if she uses it in a building she may destroy the building, or hurt her friends in the process. In addition, it doesn't discriminate to what she has in her so it can destroy an important item, and often anticipates her clothing. It's also linked to people's perception of her; if they believe that she is powerful and is in wow of her abilities then she can access it. If she hasn't impressed a group of people with her skills, appearance, or personality yet then she will not be able to access its full power.
“I’m a little bit late so if we can save this for later, it’ll be great.”