Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons.
Knife: 5-10b
*Punch-Knife: 15b
Throwing knives: 25b (each)(balanced)
Dagger: 1g
Stiletto Dagger: 2g
Short sword: 3-5g
Longsword: 5g
Cutlass: 5g
Rapier: 4-5g
Duelist's Rapier: 10g
Broadsword: 5g
Claymore: 7g
Specialty items:
Spring-loaded Dagger: 5-8g (forearm contraption)
Cane Sword: 5g
Linked Chain Sword: 7-10g (rare and unruly, expensive and hard to master)