Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


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The doors to the music room swung open to unveil the six hosts in a group, all dressed in suits and black trillbys, with the exception of one of the members, a short, shy looking male, who wore the suit but not a hat, his long, light brown hair framing his face, his hat placed across his crossed lap.

"Well well, looks like we have a new guest then.." A tall male, thin and handsome, glasses perched on the end of his thin nose smiled coolly, his eyes hiding any emotion under a veil of disinterest. "Pleased to see you here.

"Hello.." The smallest member, the one who'd not been wearing a hat at the time of the guest's arrival smiled shyly, looking at the new arrival. He seemed... saddened, looking across the hall past the new guest and to the maid's group across the hallway, seemingly wanting to be there.

"You should focus on your hosting duties, little lonely kitty. You'll be with your twin soon!" Two voices spoke in unison, on either side of the small blonde teenager. The twins leant back, the near identicalness of them making it impossible to work out who was who. The only visible difference was the way they spiked their raven-coloured hair, but the duo would often swap styles to make it hard to actually decipher who was who in the end. "You know Matthias wouldn't like it, and you don't want to piss off the dark lord!"

"Ah, but it's so hard to be without your twin, you know that as well as I do, Nick!" One of the twins sad softly, looking sad.

"Too true, too true Neil!" The other smiled, grabbing him in a hug, much to the delight of the other guests. "We should make them happy! As happy as we are!"

"Happy making things worse for Jack?" Harrison spoke, face emotionless. "You shouldn't pick on him, he misses his sister when here." The tallest member spoke in his deep, smooth voice, the usually silent male trying to get his opinion across. "Leave him be."

"Too true, the Brothers Grimm are such terrors.." The final host spoke, smacking the twin's over the head with a newspaper, his sandy blonde hair waving in a wind that came from nowhere. "Come, we have princesses to entertain."
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Ouran High is widely known for the lavish campus and the excellence of its students, but the school also has a reputation of offering services to the students such as the Host and Maid Clubs. Which organization is more favorable? Well, that's not something that can be answered so easily. Every student has their own preference. Some flock to the Host's Club, where they're entertained by Ouran's most charming young men. Others might find themselves more comfortable seated in the presence of beautiful and lovely women.

"Customers!" Locks of blond hair swung gracefully as the creator of the Maid's Club danced joyously among her fellow hosts. "Get ready my lovelies~" She sang happily, continuing to glide across the tile floor with absolute pose.

Standing beside a large window with a notebook held carefully in her grip, a brunette female was occupied reading and checking over some recent invoices. "Martha! Glancing up from her book, Martha frowned in annoyance when she discovered the overactive blond approaching her with gusto. "What are you doing over here?"

"I'm working, m'lady." Martha's Japanese was slightly muddled by her accent, but this wasn't a rare occurrence at the Maid's Club. Aside from two members, everyone in the club has a native language outside of Japanese. In fact, except from the two members, the rest of the club has immigrated to Japan from other countries for the opportunity to attend Ouran.

"Is something bothering you, Elena?"

The blond's lips spread along in a wide-set grin. "Of course not!"

Martha immediately saw through the deception, though. Ever since the addition of the club's newest member a week ago, Elena has been distracted more frequently than normal. The latest recruit was a young woman named Jacklyn. Lovely and quite adorable, she filled the club's necessary position for a Lolita, but she wasn't the most enthusiastic recently.

"Yeah," Elena finally confessed, her cheery behavior immediately disappearing. "She's not happy!"

As Elena raised a pointed finger in the direction of the young host, Martha had to agree. The girl seemed quite distressed.

"Francis!" Elena called out, rushing eagerly to the passing by blond. "Where are Emily and Erika!?"

Frightened beyond speech, Francis meekly squeaked out in reply. Elena pouted her lips cutely, "Francis!?"

Suddenly the two missing members from the club appeared at Elena's side, both busied with the lollipops between their lips.

The twin wearing a beautiful blue dress with white ruffles and black bow tied at her neck spoke first, removing her candy. "Yes, ma'am?"

"What do you want?" The older twin snapped out rudely, her black hat pulled forward and shielding her eyes.

Elena clapped, "Girls, I want you to go and recover some delicious sweets for our dear Jackie. She's not happy!"

Emily and Erika shared a look of concern between them, but obeyed Elena's orders and went off in search of some treats. Meanwhile, having been observing the chaos of her friends, Nuka came forward with utter disbelief. "She just misses her brother," Nuka stated simply, walking up to Elena's side. "Her twin, Jack. She doesn't like being apart from him."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack sighed as he gazed from the window, jumping as Matthias spoke to him. "You know we need money, don't you. Go on, get back to work. The sooner you do, the sooner you can see your twin sister." He hummed, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Go on."

"Yes, Senpai." Jack whispered, putting the hat on his head, heading over to the guests who'd requested him. Smiling, he bowed to them, lifting his hat in greeting. "Hello, my ladies. Allow me to take you to your table." He smiled and plopped his hat back on his head, leading them to the table. Glancing over, he listened to Phillip's conversation over the other side to another guest.

"No, no. I'm afraid I don't support the gays. I'm against it on an ethical and moral ground. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve or Eve and Eva." He explained, not aware of Jack's situation at the time, probably not even caring too much. "Honestly? If a gay guest came here, I'd refuse them service."

Jack's hands shook where he sat, tears in his eyes, running down his cheek and dripping off onto his lap.

"Oh? Jack? What's wrong?" Nick spoke, kneeling beside him. "Do you miss your twin?" He whispered, honestly concerned for him. As Jack nodded, Neil squeezed his shoulder standing behind him, leading him away from the guests.

"Both clubs get out soon, you'll see her then. On another note, the tears are getting you more guests. Don't let it upset you." Nick ruffled his hair, departing with Neil.

"I think it's more then him missing Jacklyn. I think something King. Dork said touched a nerve."

"Yeah... No doubt the Dark Lord or Harrison will pick up on it. I'm thinking it's to do with sexuality.."

"Jack. Can I speak to you?" A guest took his arm, leading him to a corner, her long black hair to her waist, her thin body tall and pale. "You're suffering. I know you are. And it's more then separation anxiety." The goth whispered as she knelt to his level. "Come here." She hugged him, taking his hand and pressing something in it. "Pocket. Look later."
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Emily and Erika, the Maid Club's two lovely twins, walked the halls of Ouran in perfect unison. Identical physically, yet differing tremendously in terms of fashion. The elder of the twins was Erika. Unlike her sister, the elder prefers to dress rather tomboyish and absolutely refuses to wear the same clothing as her twin. On the other hand, Emily adores adorable items of clothing and thinks periwinkle blue is the perfect color for any occasion. It's always easy to tell them apart. Erika usually wears a black hat that's tipped slightly forward, a white blouse of some sort and a sleeveless black vest left unbuttoned.

Although Erika's hair is long and the same shade of blond as her sister, Erika always keeps the back braided and twirled into a bun. Emily, due to her love of fashionable accessories, wears her hair down with a different colored ribbon off to the right side everyday. Today it's a black ribbon, to match the one tied around her neck. The twins speak exactly the same when it comes to their British accent. Erika is more likely to curse and use foul language, though.

"I can't believe Elena is forcing us to go searching for sweets just so Jackie doesn't act so pathetic," Erika grumbled through her annoyed frown. "Why should we be responsible?"

"Oh, stiff up a lip, love." Emily's cheery disposition often contributes to Erika's sour mood and today was no exception.

Striding alongside her twin, Erika happened to notice the Host's Club just across the hall. "Maybe we should ask them for some?"

Not entirely sure with Erika's suggestion, Emily agreed anyway. "Okay."

Approaching the doors to the Host Club, the twins both took hold of the golden handles and bravely walked inside.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Oh?" Heads rose as the twin's entered the room, Jack giving a small, shy smile as the other hosts glared at the maid club's duo. The hosts turned away from them, focusing their attention on the guests.. All, except for Jack, who stood and walked over quietly. "I-Is somethin' wrong with Jacklyn? Jack whispered, eyes pooled with concern. His eyes made contact with Emily's, then Erika's, though he looked away after meeting the tougher girl's eyes.

"You,, maids... Are not allowed to be here. Shoo." Matthias spoke, pushing his glasses up his nose, the twins standing either side of him. With Phillip and Harrison behind them, arms crossed, expressions cold, in start contrast to the warm, albeit shy and worried, expression that crossed Jack's face. He cocked his head, glancing towards the hosts, then back at the maids, before Nick and Neil grabbed an arm each, dragging him back to the hosts, much to his surprise.

"Lemme go! I wanna go see Jackie! Lemme go!" Jack cried out, trying his best to break the grip, tears flowing down his face from the stress and pain the twins were inflicting on his arms. "I want to see my twin!"
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"What's your problem?" Erika disliked the Host Club, but she never thought they'd be so cruel to another of their members. Seeing this situation before her own eyes, it made her sick. Emily seemed to share her sister's disgust and politely asked to speak with Jack in private. When not given the opportunity, Emily's sweet and friendly nature slowly began to fade. She became depressed and upon seeing this, Erika became enraged. Making her sister cry or show any kind of distress is completely unacceptable. Even for the Host Club.

"Oi!" All eyes turned onto the elder twin as she stepped forward, arms crossed underneath her chest and a clearly displeased expression on her face. "Let the kid go and see his sister. You," she pointed at the fellow twins. "Should know better than any of your friends how difficult it is to be without your sibling when something like twins come into the equation." Erika approached the brothers courageously, removing their hands from Jack. "Go," she commanded to him sternly and Emily came up from behind with an offered hand to the frightened boy.

Emily and Jack left the Host's Club quickly, before anyone could stop them. Leaving behind Erika made Emily very uncomfortable, but she knew her sister was more than capable of handling herself. After all, Erika is the Baseball Team's captain. "Are we gonna have trouble here, boys?" She cast a glare towards the twin brothers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack's hand entered Emily's, following the girl out of the room and towards the room where the maid club gathered. "I...I'm pathetic, aren't I? I could barelystand up to them..." Wiping his eyes, Jack let her hand go. "Nothin' against you, I'm just not used to holding anyone's hand beside's Jackie's.." The shy boy stammered out, giving her a tiny smile. He wasn't out to any of the hosts, he wasn't brave enough to do so... Or stupid enough, he hadn't quite decided which yet.

His twin knew, of course she did. He spent practically every moment with her, awake or not. If he hadn't told, she'd have found out someway or another. Besides, he never hid anything from her at all. There was a twin intuition, so she'd know anyway... She'd just know, he was sure of it!

The twins sighed as Phillip, Matthias and Harrison returned to work. Neil soke first, sighing. "We didn't mean to hurt him. We honestly didn't. But... We wanted to find out what was wrong with him. We have an idea..." He sighed, looking at her.

Nick leant in, and whispered. "We think he's gay. If Phillip finds out, he'll make his life hell. We were going to make sure he didn't say anything."
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"You're not pathetic," Emily assured the distraught boy. "Your sister has been missing your quite terribly and besides," she smiled warmly, "I'd be a complete wreck without my twin. I can understand how difficult it is to be separated. Neil and Nick don't really comprehend it, because they work together in the Host Club."

Guiding Jack to the pink and floral decorated doors of the Maid's Club, a wind of light blue flower petals came flying from the open doors. Upon a blinding light, Jack found himself in the presence of the lovely ladies of Ouran's Maid's Club. Immediately the youngest member came running from across the room. Ringlets of dark hair dancing behind her, eyes damp from tears. It was Jacklyn. "Jack!" She held him by the neck, hugging her beloved brother tightly. "I'm so happy to see you!"

Emily stepped aside, knowing that Martha would approach her at some point. Overhearing the clicking of heels only worn by the club's caretaker, Emily answered the question before Martha even had a chance to speak. "This was all Erika's idea and I agreed with her."

* * *

"How can Phillip have such a problem with alternative sexuality?" Erika found this impossible to fathom. "You two play on the brotherly love concept, right? Shouldn't that upset your high and mighty Lord anyway?" A sudden pain in her left leg made Erika jolt. She moved across the room to a couch and tugged the brothers along by their arms. When asked what she was doing, Erika lied and said she wanted the twins as her Hosts for the afternoon. She even placed down a payment for an hour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack embraced his sister too, tears of his own still on his face and eyes. "Emily, thank you." He stepped away from his twin, kissed Emily on the cheek, "Thank you." and returned to his own sister, grinning at the girl happily. She was the older of the two, and the closest person to him.

Sitting besides her, hand in hers, he grinned. "Across the clubs, there are 3 twins. We're the second most unique in that we're not identical twins. Emily and Erika are slightly more so in the fact they have british blood." He wrapped his arms around her, cuddling happily. He seemed more then willing to assist his twin sister in hosting, even swapping out aspects of his suit to look more like a butler. His hosting was smooth and flowing, and he seemed to be fine with any female guests.

"Oh, sister. Who's the gothic looking girl? She was tall, almost 6 foot. Long black hair, pale and thin. She gave me this." He turned his hand to face Jacklyn. "Look, she made these for us.." Indeed, the red locket had her name on, and the blue his. "So we can be near eachother.."
"But he knows it's an act. Jack's a real sweetie to women, but he treats them all like friends. That implies he's already in love. He clearly loves Jacklyn, but she's his twin. So, either he has someone secret, or.. he's into men."
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"Would it be a problem if he was?" Erika challenged, leaning forward and tugged Neil down by the necktie. "Why should it matter, anyway?" In the Maid's club, they have people of all sexual preferences and it never causes trouble. "Honestly," Erika sighed heavily and relaxed back against the couch. "I never thought the Host Club would be led by a bigot."

Unable to fathom the horrible reality of this club, Erika decided it was time for her to leave. She stood up from the couch and went to walk off, but happened to get her foot caught with one of the twins. Immediately she fell forward, landing sprawled onto of one of the brothers.

* * *

"I don't know who she is," Jacklyn answered her brother quickly. She saw the lockets and immediately a grin appeared on her lips. "They're lovely!" Jacklyn wore her locket with complete pride and embraced her brother yet again.

In the background, Elena observed the heartfelt scene. Martha and Emily were still caught in their conversation. Francis was busy organizing the tea cups in privacy, happening to catch a glance of the twins every now and then, making her smile happily.

"Maybe we should welcome here?" Someone whispered from behind Elena. Taking a quick survey of the area, Elena knew it had to be the club's most reclusive member: Nuka. She usually only comes around when requested. However, she found this situation worth her time. "He's a real cutie and it would make Jackie happy, y'know?"

Elena sighed, leaning back gently against the other female's chest. Nuka accepted the weight, arms wrapping tenderly around Elena's waist. "The Host Club won't allow that." It was true. They claimed Jack as their own and wouldn't accept him leaving now so suddenly. Elena collapsed into her lover's embrace, eyes shutting slowly as Nuka pressed kisses into her hair.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack snuggled with his twin, putting his head on her shoulder. "Oh, sis.. I missed you so much." He smiled at her, cuddling into her warm body, head on her chest now as he relaxed with her. "I can't cope being away from you!" He grabbed her hands, looking into his eyes and playing up the relationship. He gazed at her, wrapping his arms around her mid section and pulling her to him, kissing her cheek. Smiling, he relaxed on the sofa with her, cuddling his twin with innocence across his face. "Sis, it's gonna be storms tonight, you will keep me safe from harm, won't you?"

Nick gasped and fell with her, landing with her atop him. He blushed a little, smiling at her with an embarrassed expression on his face. "You okay?" He stammered, the guests gasping happily at the show.

"Sooo cute!" They squealed, a few passing out from the scene, the other hosts observing from the places they stood.
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Jack is a natural, or so he presents himself to be. Watching his performance with a heightened interest, Nuka began constructing an idea of her own. Elena would go along with anything suggested by her lover and club's co-president. Observing Jack's relationship with his twin sister, Nuka's realization seemed favorable for everyone involved. "Elena?" She felt her lover shift in their embrace. "I have an idea that we need should consider."

Elena smiled, eyes still closed to the world. "What is this wonderful idea of yours?"

"Jack switching over to this club and leaving the Hosts."

A jolt shivered along Elena's spine, her eyes widening suddenly. "You can't be serious?"

Nuka nodded, "Absolutely. Take a gander."

Obeying her girlfriend's request, Elena was soon a spectator as Jack and Jacklyn conversed together on the couch. She couldn't deny the appeal and allure both held when in each other's company. Jack surely would be a benefit to the club. However, one issue remained problematic. "He belongs to the Host Club," Elena reminded.

* * *

Erika seemed unfazed, simply readjusting herself and stood back to her feet. "Yeah, yeah," she waved off his concern. "I'm fine." To Erika, this situation wasn't at all embarrassing. However, to the customers, they quite enjoyed the show. Suddenly her hat fell off, Erika' blond hair fell free and framed her face beautifully, highlighting her feminine features which are usually hidden.

"Emily!?" The Host Club's female customers screamed, rushing over to her immediately. Erika grinned, crossing her arms and welcomed their presence.

Applying her accent thicker than usual, Erika brought several woman to their knees and caused a few women to turn florid. "Well, 'ell lovely ladies, is everything alright?"

One of the younger customers, a giggling red-haired woman, stepped forward and took Erika's hand. "Emily?"

The blond smiled, gently stroking her fingertips across the student's hand. "I'm actually Erika, but that's alright ma'am."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nick stared after her, astounded by the attention she received from the guests, Neil just as confused by what was going on. "How does she do that? She's amazing at this." They chimed, looking over at the young woman, wondering if to join her or try and annoy the woman and her "guests". Staring at them, they turned to Matthias. "Sir.."

"Yes.. She would make a good host, but she's a maid. She belongs to them, you know that. Talking of which, we need to receive our host from the maid club. Who's' going to do that, then?" He spoke, looking pointedly at Phillip, who looked back, utterly confused. "Yes?"


Jack snuggled up with his sister on the sofa, kissing her on he cheek. "You make such a brilliant pillow, but an even better one at night, you know." He smiled at her sweetly, head on her chest now, relaxing a little more. "I'm not going to let anyone else have you, you're my sister and mine alone.. I have to protect you, let you feel safe and happy by my side, you are my dear twin, after all.." Smiling at he, he took her hand in his, pulling her to her feet. "Let's get out guests some tea.." He took her hand, pulling her with him to the table. "I think we should get a drink for Emily, too." He smiled over at the girl. "I'll be a few minutes, if that. Don't miss me too much!" He winked at her, picking up the cup, making his way to Emily.

When just a few feet away, he tripped suddenly, hitting the floor with a painful THUD!, crying out as he picked up his hand, shards of the broken cup embedded in his palm, scalding tea covering the poor boy's hand. He screamed "JACKIE!", crying, sobbing, begging for his twin. A female patron stood, trying to sneak away, having tripped the poor boy on purpose, jealous both of the attention he seemed to gain from hosting, and the fact he was kissing and cuddling with his dear twin sister.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Erika was perfectly at ease with the crowd of women flaunting themselves before her. Although usually entertaining men at the Maid's Club, Erika androgynous appearance makes her favorable to either gender. The women continued to swoon at her presence, a few even daring to reach out and touch her hands in attempts to flirt. Erika just accepted their advances and politely excused herself. She saw the twin brothers off to the side, no doubt watching her curiously. Kneeling down to collect her hat, which had fallen next to Neil's shoes, Erika straightened herself out and smirked as she placed the hat back into position.

"Well, if I didn't know any better," she taunted the brothers playfully. "I'd say your customers prefer me."

* * *

Jackie immediately came to her brother's aid. Nuka and Elena appeared moment's later, although Nuka had her attention focused on the male whom had deliberately tripped the innocent boy. Violence of any degree is not tolerated in the Maid's Club. Not usually someone to revert towards anger, Nuka called over Martha.

Walking with her notebook still opened and writing a few details concerning their monthly payments, Martha found herself in the middle of an unpleasant situation. Jack and Jacklyn on the floor together, Nuka frantically scolding the rude customer and Nuka explained everything rather quickly.

Martha's frown was immediate, once she realized the gravity of this situation. "Who was the person responsible?"

"Him," Nuka pointed to the male her girlfriend was still occupied with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack sat on the floor, injured hand resting against his good hand, tears streaming down his pale face, the poor boy's fear of blood kicking in. Curling into Jackie, he buried his face in her chest as he wept into her body. His hand looked to be in a bad way, blood trickling down his arm, the scalding tea having burnt some skin. Standing up with the help of a female guest, he sat on the sofa as a call was made for a private doctor.
Nick and Neil began to laugh as the reality of the situation hit them. Chuckling, Nick smiled at her lightly. "We should swap you out for Jack, you know. You're a lot more natural then him, he's clunky and slow."
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"That's because he's so uncomfortable here you idiots," Erika teased, tongue playfully stuck out. "Listen, how about you release Jack from the Host Club and let him come along to the Maid's Club? He's of no use to you anyway." She offered the deal, stepping toward the brothers with an extended hand. "What do you say?"

* * *

"Are you alright?" Elena asked, kneeling down beside Jack.

Jacklyn's panicked expression was obvious, no anger present, surprisingly. "He's hurt."

Elena caught the younger girl's whimpering. "I know, sweetie." She gently brought the distraught female into a hug. "Martha is handling everything right now."

Indeed, the situation was taken care off. Martha politely instructed the rude guest to F-off the premises immediately.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

With both a doctor and a few police officers crowding around Jack in an attempt to obtain both information and to treat his wounds. Jack felt crowded and uncomfortable, refusing to leave his twin's arms. As the boy was treated and interviewed, a few of the guests informed the police of what they knew themselves. The doctor worked quietly during this, eventually taking Jack to a side room to recieve private care, allowing Jackie to accompany her twin brother into the room, to keep him calm.

"You'll need to go to hospital, sir. I'll get private transport for you." He left, Jack looking at his sister, scared and injured.
"And what will it give us? We need an exchange for him, after all." Nick spoke, smirking along with Neil, the two stood together, in an attempt to ensure they couldn't be told apart.

"Well? Make an offer."
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(Sorry, I've lost interest in this thread. -__-")
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