How long do you usually write?
2 or more paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Love it
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Yes, deep character interactions, exciting encounters, character building.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Being around Gungans <.<
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
To create a compelling and interesting story within this roleplay.
2 or more paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Love it
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Yes, deep character interactions, exciting encounters, character building.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Being around Gungans <.<
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
To create a compelling and interesting story within this roleplay.
Tulvoa Anami
Satele Shan
Former master(s):
Uthan Bemo (Slain in combat)
Tulvoa Anami
Satele Shan
Former master(s):
Uthan Bemo (Slain in combat)
Short description of the Jedi.

Tulvoa stands around 5’3, and weighs roughly 112 pounds. With a lean body trained from the years she has spent under the tutelage of the Jedi. Her black hair hangs just about the bottom of her shoulder blades, with a single long braid down the front that is decorated with blue sapphires and gold stands so thin they would seem more like threads. She tends to be very conservative with her clothing, preferring to show as little skin as possible, and tends to wear a cowl that mostly covers her hair. Like a majority of Mirialans Tulvoa has the polygonal shapes tattooed upon her face stretching across her nose and upwards towards her forehead.
Simplified report on known Force techniques and estimated levels.
Basic Force Powers: All (Intermediate Training)
Intermediate Forces Powers: Healing (Intermediate Training)
Simplified report on other known skills and estimated levels, including lightsaber training.
Form I: Shii Cho (Basic Training)
Form III Soresu: (Intermediate Training)
Form VI Niman: (Basic Training)
Survival Skills: (Basic Training)
Basic Medical Skills: (Intermediate Training)
Piloting Skills (Speeders, and Starships): (Intermediate)
Jedi Code
History of the Republic: (Basic)
Meditation: (Intermediate)
Negotiation: (Basic)
Lightsaber Construction: (Intermediate)
Quick report on political influence, associates and rivals.
None yet
Psychological evaluation of Jedi Order member.
Thus far Tulvoa has shown no signs that she might be psychologically unbalanced, she has shown herself
To be well rounded, though a bit introverted at times especially as of late. With the death of her previous master, she has been seen to have a darkness about her, though nothing too serious it should be expected after such a loss, and perhaps she should be further monitored, we would leave that up to whoever might be training her. We’d say that despite her being introverted she doesn’t have an issue interacting with others, and seems to be capable of coming to others need at a moment’s notice, we would go so far as to say that perhaps she is a bit selfless acting for the betterment of others despite what harm might even come to herself. All in all she seems to be healthy despite what recent events might be assailing her mental health.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
- Has an inclination to be selfless even to the detriment of her own well being
- Has a sense of failure, of weakness after failing to be able to help her Master survive an attack.
- Has a small anger budding deep within her for those that cause her so much pain by slaying her master.
- Fears that she may not be strong enough to save others, or even herself should the time come, leading to doubt in her own abiliies
Major achievements and failures on record.
Failure: Failed to save her Master who was slain by a group of pirates, while she was thrown from a landing platform that ended up saving her from the same fate.
Success: During a mission to oversee the end of a planetary conflict a major political figure was injured during an attempted assassination. While the man was dying she managed to heal him with the force and thus save the planet from conflict.
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
I was born on Coruscant, I was an only child, my parents owned a clothing store which was rather well off considering many politicians shopped there. Though I wouldn’t find myself working there, when I was five some Jedi came through during an investigation. It was then they found me and saw what I was capable of, and well they whisked me off to the Jedi Temple. I was of course trained as a youngling, like all force sensitive children, and during my time there the Masters saw that I had a certain gift for healing.
When it came time to take my trials, I obviously succeeded at them, though my final trial was rather difficult. Making my lightsaber was the easiest part, It came so naturally, it’s like the lightsaber was a part of me, an extension of myself. But with my final trial it was more difficult, I had to face my regret that I had been removed from my family, and my hope that I would one day return. I had to come face to face with this fact that it would not happen, that once I truly took on the path of being a Jedi there would be no return.
After this I was taken on by the Jedi Knight Uthan Bemo, he was a healer too. Something else Bemo had that we connected on was using a staff lightsaber, we trained together for hours at a time and would meditate afterwards together. They were some of the most peaceful times I have ever felt, some of the most balanced times I have ever felt. Together we did many things, he took me with him on many missions, though the ceasefire was in effect the Galaxy still had darkness, and living beings still needed the help of the Jedi. There was an instance where a world was on the edge of conflict, waiting for a treaty to be signed. The Leader who was going to end the conflict though was attacked by an assassin hired by a group whose interests lay in the conflict continuing. My Master looked to me as the man lay dying, and with a surge of desire to help this man I healed him, but by healing him I saved hundreds maybe thousands. And knowing I can do that, I can help like that has followed me since.
Though the triumphs weren’t to continue, instead we came to investigate a group of pirates. And while looking for these pirates we came across and informant, unfortunately the informant was on the take. We were ambushed, and my Master he threw me from a landing platform as they opened fire on us. I barely survived the fall into a river, while… Master Bemo was slain. I have since been residing here on Tython, waiting for a new Master to take me on. I hope one will come someday soon.
I was born on Coruscant, I was an only child, my parents owned a clothing store which was rather well off considering many politicians shopped there. Though I wouldn’t find myself working there, when I was five some Jedi came through during an investigation. It was then they found me and saw what I was capable of, and well they whisked me off to the Jedi Temple. I was of course trained as a youngling, like all force sensitive children, and during my time there the Masters saw that I had a certain gift for healing.
When it came time to take my trials, I obviously succeeded at them, though my final trial was rather difficult. Making my lightsaber was the easiest part, It came so naturally, it’s like the lightsaber was a part of me, an extension of myself. But with my final trial it was more difficult, I had to face my regret that I had been removed from my family, and my hope that I would one day return. I had to come face to face with this fact that it would not happen, that once I truly took on the path of being a Jedi there would be no return.
After this I was taken on by the Jedi Knight Uthan Bemo, he was a healer too. Something else Bemo had that we connected on was using a staff lightsaber, we trained together for hours at a time and would meditate afterwards together. They were some of the most peaceful times I have ever felt, some of the most balanced times I have ever felt. Together we did many things, he took me with him on many missions, though the ceasefire was in effect the Galaxy still had darkness, and living beings still needed the help of the Jedi. There was an instance where a world was on the edge of conflict, waiting for a treaty to be signed. The Leader who was going to end the conflict though was attacked by an assassin hired by a group whose interests lay in the conflict continuing. My Master looked to me as the man lay dying, and with a surge of desire to help this man I healed him, but by healing him I saved hundreds maybe thousands. And knowing I can do that, I can help like that has followed me since.
Though the triumphs weren’t to continue, instead we came to investigate a group of pirates. And while looking for these pirates we came across and informant, unfortunately the informant was on the take. We were ambushed, and my Master he threw me from a landing platform as they opened fire on us. I barely survived the fall into a river, while… Master Bemo was slain. I have since been residing here on Tython, waiting for a new Master to take me on. I hope one will come someday soon.