How long do you usually write?
Several paragraphs sometimes less.
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, but I can accept some people have limits.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Politics, mystery, fighting the Empire, and finding trouble.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Mostly long drawn out fight scenes or player against player fights.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Death? I mean... Things happen I can accept that, so what happens happens.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Uh... Not die?
Several paragraphs sometimes less.
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, but I can accept some people have limits.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Politics, mystery, fighting the Empire, and finding trouble.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Mostly long drawn out fight scenes or player against player fights.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Death? I mean... Things happen I can accept that, so what happens happens.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Uh... Not die?

Name: Leobrad "Leo" Roseland
Species: Human
Homeworld: Alderaan
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Specialisation: Mercenary and professional Gambler
Current area of operation: Coruscant
Short description of looks & style.
With soft black hair and poorly kept shave, Leo looks like most other shifty gamblers and mercenaries found on Coruscant. Standing around one point nine meters tall and weighing about ninety kilograms thanks to his constant working out. Leo is usually strapped down with at as least two blaster pistols, a heavy blaster rifle, his armor, and generally a plethora of goodies he's picked up from the market and is just looking for an excuse to use. Muscled and crass, usually just as ill-mannered he seems more like a Corellian than Alderaanian.
Simplified report on known skills and estimated levels.
A well-practiced gun for hire, Leo has been gunning down targets for credits for thirteen years and he's developed a knack for it. Having fought everything from Sith troopers, Imperial Agents, Gangsters, and even once a Sith acolyte that said the kill does go to his brother for dropping a building on the Sith. Fast on the draw and accurate too, he'll usually only get out the rifle if it's going to be a long range fight.
Trained in infantry command and ground tactics during his time at a Republic military academy, Leo understands how to hit a target and how to work with a team.
Quick report on favored employers, associates, contacts, and rivals.
House Rosland: Known enemy of the brothers, House Roseland is one of the great Noble Houses of Alderaan that have joined House Thule in its campaign to take the throne. The twins support the Republic while the House turned its back on it for promises of Imperial wealth and status among the Empire.
Coronet Analytica: An employer of the brothers, they have done business on a few occasions with most of them being smooth as silk transaction.
Republic Strategic Information Service: A favored customer of the brothers, generally they love doing jobs for the Republic and it helps they pay pretty good too. While they aren't always clean they do get the job done and both are not considered true Republic military even though they do support the Republic's cause.
Anonymous Senators: While many Senators call upon Jedi, Republic assets, and even local security others simply turn to their friendly neighborhood mercs. The brothers have made a name for themselves among the Senators for being discreet problem solvers and friends of the Republic. Having assisted in the undermining of several reported Sith aligned Senators. Though what made them rather renown was the daring rescue of a Senators infant son and husband.
How freely can the courier move in the galaxy? Are there or have there been any outstanding bounties?
They are both wanted on Alderaan by House Thule's forces.
Leo has been banned from every casino on Nar Shadaa.
Psychological evaluation of Courier.
Leo is a loudmouth, prideful, and annoyingly competent young mercenary. While he disdains military life probably due to his connection to it through his mother. He did attend a military academy for two years before abandoning it with his brother the two would then traveled to Coruscant honing their skills. They seem to feel guilty for being off-world on a vacation to Nar Shadaa at the time of the attack on Coruscant, though both brothers remember little from the trip reported blowing through a stupid amount of credits in the three-month vacation they took.
Leo has shown to be a bit bloodthirsty and jump to violence especially against Sith troopers. Usually, his brother's council or a fairly logic reason can halt his eagerness to engage in battle. Leo also drinks heavily, reported from his brother to deal with nightmares and to quell his own anxieties. Leo seems rather stable for a mercenary who has been in this business since he was sixteen and it can only be hoped he does not worsen his issues with age.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into a restricted database.
Drunkard: Leo likes to drink and likes to drink a lot usually has some form of booze or knows a place to get some preferably with Warra nuts.
Gambler: Leo loves to put his money on the table and see if he can double it. Cards are his preferred method but he will play anything he views as a safe gamble.
Rush to Violence: Leo views his guns as hammers with every problem looking more and more like a nail lately. He is quick to reach for a gun when angered and usually has to be talked down from doing something violent.
Major achievements and failures on record.
Rescue of a Senator's family.
Successful destruction of Imperial droids in the lower city.
Nearly eighty successful bounty claims, mostly local Coruscant bounty rewards.
Assisted SIS in several counter Imperial operations.
Failed to stop a weapon shipment bound for House Thule from Imperials.
Failed an intelligence gathering missions, were forced to drop an abandoned building on top of a Sith acolyte.
Most recently assisted a Senator in locating stolen family heirlooms lost during the Sacking of Coruscant.
Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for future record. Acquired shortly after the last achievement of note.
Leo Roseland, Mercenary and professional gambler. Born the sons of Alderaanian Noble and a Republic military officer who was visiting the planet, Leo and Dez were born on Alderaan but left shortly after their birth with their mother. The twin's father supported them with money while their mother continued her military career and both her sons attended a boarding school and would eventually attend a military academy from age twelve until sixteen.
They knew their father mostly in passing with little knowledge of any of his relations as he wanted them kept away from the spotlight knowing how the game of politics on Alderaan used bastards to leverage position. Though he also hoped for his sons to have a normal life, he did visit them and bring gifts for holidays and birthdays. The brothers found him to be a decent man though they disliked how they were introduced to their siblings or extended family. Zelos Roseland died around the brothers fifteenth birthday of heart failure however both brothers believe he was poisoned by one of their siblings who wanted to remove him from power.
At age sixteen, they received reports of their mothers status as missing in action and presumed dead after her ship was destroyed in combat with a Sith vessel. Leo and Dez then organized an escape using their mother's old freighter and some classic misdirection abandoning military school and heading for Coruscant. They have worked on Coruscant for years taking regular trips to Nar Shadaa, Corellia, and other worlds to get away from the city life. However, since the sacking of Coruscant, they have stayed closer to home and avoided any system near Alderaan, with their half-siblings leading the house they are aware their lives are in danger.
How long do you usually write?
Several paragraphs sometimes less.
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, but I can accept some people have limits.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Politics, mystery, fighting the Empire and finding trouble.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Mostly long drawn out fight scenes or player against player fights.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Death? I mean... Things happen I can accept that, so what happens happens.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Uh... Not die?
Several paragraphs sometimes less.
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Yes, but I can accept some people have limits.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Politics, mystery, fighting the Empire and finding trouble.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Mostly long drawn out fight scenes or player against player fights.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Death? I mean... Things happen I can accept that, so what happens happens.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Uh... Not die?

Name: Deszac "Dez" Roseland
Species: Human
Homeworld: Alderaan
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Specialisation: Private pilot and Investigator
Current area of operation: Coruscant
Short description of looks & style.
With short brown hair and matching big brown eyes, Dez is much more the looker of the two brothers. Keeping up his appearance Dez shaves regularly and unlike his brother does style his hair with more than wild tugs of a brush. Standing around one point eight meters tall and weighing around seventy kilograms. Shorter and less muscled than his brother, Dez is the brains and skill of the outfit usually dressed plainly in simple jacket, pants, and boots or occasionally in something fancier when they are meeting with an important client. Always however does Dez always have a blaster pistol at his side, for self-defense only.
Simplified report on known skills and estimated levels.
A very skilled pilot having made several runs in Imperial space to deliver supplies or deliver messages. Capable and calm under fire, he's most well known for his creative evasive maneuvers in avoiding Imperial detection by slipping through nebulae and asteroid fields.
A fine negotiator with a better head for business than his brother Dez handles the jobs that give them a big payday or jobs that require haggling. While do find their own occasionally they both always work together on important jobs as they can only depend truly on one another.
A capable investigator, inheriting his fathers understanding of politics and with some knowledge of how to use his family name. He's secured work among some of Coruscant's finest. He's also become adept at tracking and deducing what has occurred at a crime scene, usually because he has to guess based off incomplete reports, several bad handled witness statements, and how overworked Coruscant security is.
Quick report on favored employers, associates, contacts and rivals.
House Rosland: Known enemy of the brothers, House Roseland is one of the great Noble Houses of Alderaan that have joined House Thule in its campaign to take the throne. The twins support the Republic while the House turned its back on it for promises of Imperial wealth and status among the Empire.
Coronet Analytica: An employer of the brothers, they have done business on a few occasions with most of them being smooth as silk transaction.
Republic Strategic Information Service: A favored customer of the brothers, generally they love doing jobs for the Republic and it helps they pay pretty good too. While they aren't always clean they do get the job done and both are not considered true Republic military even though they do support the Republic's cause.
Anonymous Senators: While many Senators call upon Jedi, Republic assets, and even local security others simply turn to their friendly neighborhood mercs. The brothers have made a name for themselves among the Senators for being discreet problem solvers and friends of the Republic. Having assisted in the undermining of several reported Sith aligned Senators. Though what made them rather renown was the daring rescue of a Senators infant son and husband.
How freely can the courier move in the galaxy? Are there or have there been any outstanding bounties?
Sith Empire has a standing bounty on his ship Great King Rat a Dynamic Class freighter.
They are both wanted on Alderaan by House Thule's forces.
Psychological evaluation of Courier.
Dez is haunted by having a father he was never close to and cannot seem to reconcile that fact well. He knows much of his family history and has a good understanding of Alderaan's political culture. His flying seems to be how he connects with his mother and deals with her loss hoping to be a great pilot to honor her. It was Dez who masterminded their escape from the military academy, with him believing that military service would separate them.
Dez is a masterful speaker and very charming, he is spoken of well by the Senators some of whom he has flirted with and rumored to have tried to sleep with. Dez has also become good at piece together information to figure out the whole, usually, because his role is to guide and direct his brothers more ground-based skilled. Though he has snapped at Leo both maintain a healthy and close brotherly relationship with the brothers working to ensure a good future for them both.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into a restricted database.
Birthright belief: Dez, unlike his brother, cares deeply about going back to Alderaan one day to help restore their houses former glory and hopefully rebuild it in support of the Republic. He is researching and working to ensure he can take down his family members in House Roseland who have turned their back on the Republic.
Quiet: Dez notices things but in larger groups often has time speaking up without his brother to push him to say something knowing that Dez can usually shine a light on the problem. Dez also has a dislike for noise bars preferring to spend his time relaxing on the ship or job hunting.
Not a team player: Dez works well with his brother, he can even work alright with one two other people or a group if he's had time to get to know and trust them all. Dez does not trust easy nor does he like working in groups as he constantly feels he needs to look out for betrayal. Dez knows too many stories of people cutting out on a job when it gets tough and he doesn't want to risk himself or his brother with those kinds of people.
Major achievements and failures on record.
Rescue of a Senator's family.
Successful destruction of Imperial droids in the lower city.
Nearly eighty successful bounty claims, mostly local Coruscant bounty rewards.
Assisted SIS in several counter Imperial operations.
Failed to stop a weapon shipment bound for House Thule from Imperials.
Failed an intelligence gathering missions, were forced to drop an abandoned building on top of a Sith acolyte.
Most recently assisted a Senator in locating stolen family heirlooms lost during the Sacking of Coruscant.
Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for future record. Acquired shortly after the last achievement of note.
Dez Roseland Pilot and Private Investigator. Born the sons of Alderaanian Noble and a Republic military officer who was visiting the planet, Leo and Dez were born on Alderaan but left shortly after their birth with their mother. The twin's father supported them with money while their mother continued her military career and both her sons attended a boarding school and would eventually attend a military academy from age twelve until sixteen.
They knew their father mostly in passing with little knowledge of any of his relations as he wanted them kept away from the spotlight knowing how the game of politics on Alderaan used bastards to leverage position. Though he also hoped for his sons to have a normal life, he did visit them and bring gifts for holidays and birthdays. The brothers found him to be a decent man though they disliked how they were introduced to their siblings or extended family. Zelos Roseland died around the brothers fifteenth birthday of heart failure however both brothers believe he was poisoned by one of their siblings who wanted to remove him from power.
At age sixteen, they received reports of their mothers status as missing in action and presumed dead after her ship was destroyed in combat with a Sith vessel. Leo and Dez then organized an escape using their mother's old freighter and some classic misdirection abandoning military school and heading for Coruscant. They have worked on Coruscant for years taking regular trips to Nar Shadaa, Corellia, and other worlds to get away from the city life. However, since the sacking of Coruscant, they have stayed closer to home and avoided any system near Alderaan, with their half-siblings leading the house they are aware their lives are in danger.