Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

Derek watched the Vampire with his syringe again as he swayed his tail. He moved a paw towards the alcohol and topped the top of it with one claw.
He moved his head to grab the bottle in his mouth, taking a small swig before placing it down again.
The way he moved in his dragon-form was nothing different than his human form, he had time to perfect living as a beast for some of his life.

He let out a small grumble at the idea of going to the underground fighting before he nodded. "Right... Right." He started before he moved forward to grab a bit of chicken, crunching it easily before he went in for another one. "What are they fighting?" He asked with a flex of his wings, "And I'm hoping that they have no way of knowing others in the audience are beasts or not."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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“As long as you stay in your human form there should be nothing to worry about. The venue for the fight is small and if we were discovered, they are nothing more then humans. Disposing of them should be easy. What we need to worry about is their supplier. They are an unknown variable, and that’s dangerous,” Alister said. His face void of emotion.

“But if you’re afraid old man. I can always do this alone,” He said with a grin. “I won’t tell anyone if the big bad dragon is scared of a few humans.”

He took every precaution to make sure their safety, but something was off. Everything told him that he overlooked something, but he couldn’t put a finger on it. “Well if everything goes according to plan there should be nothing to worry about.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

Drake only laughed at Alister's words, his tail swaying in amusement.
"I'm not afraid of humans." he started, "It's caution. Those types of rings have toxins and drugs that can make Werebeasts go mad if it gets in their system they go feral." He craned his head slightly, moving to grab the bottle again and downed the whole thing before placing it back down again.

Bright blue lines eched down his body as he shook his head. "I'd rather not have to see that again." or started, "Or have that shit in my system ever again." He continued, he arched his back and flexed his wings out.
His chest was shown for a moment, a large gash that had healed over on his dragon form was visible.
He settled back down and rested his head against the table with a small huff. "But we go together." He said, almost an order.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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Allister stared down at his hand, his face filled with agony. “I almost know what you mean.”

For a split second that felt like a lifetime, his hands were painted red, his vision clouded in a red haze, and his vein burning with the blood lust. He buried his head into his hand before chugging what was left of the alcohol. His head got light for a moment before clearing up again as his blood did its job. The tips of his fang showed itself for a second but disappeared just as quickly.

“How I envy you,” Alister whispered, his voice barely audible.

“Well I guess you won’t be eating the five-star food they serve there,” Alister said with a laugh. He tried to hide the pain but some got thought to his voice. “Anywho, the event in a week's time and until then we need to get a limo, some bodyguards, two suit, more info, and some other miscellaneous things. Hope you’re up to it old man.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

Drake only laughed at the Vampire as he spoke, "I'm sure I have enough contacts to help with that. If I don't know anyone Rebecca will know people." He said as he huffed.
"I don't know why you'd Envy an old beast like me." He stated, debating his next words quickly.

"I've seen things that would make your skin crawl, I've done things that not even the most malice Beast would consider doing. There's a reason I have a feared reputation across the Beast community." He sat up in beast form and sighed, the alcohol almost effected him; It almost made him tipsy- but his Plasma Powers burnt everything off within a matter of minutes.

Drake felt his body groan, as much as he'd love to stay in beast form while awake- eating wasn't as easy.
He shifted his body back to his human form, quickly slipping on shorts from underneath the table, but apart from that he was naked.

The large gash shown on his chest in his beast form stayed in his human form, it crossed from his right shoulder all the way down to his left hip, it was jaggered and unnatural.
"A week is a good enough time. We could do some snooping while we wait for things." He said with a yawn, grabbing another bit of chicken and crunching down on it. "If we can't find bodyguards I can easily act as yours kiddo." Drake said with a smirk, playing Alisters game in nicknames.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

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“Can't hold your liquor old man? I may be young in your eyes but I’m no child. I’m pretty sure parents use me to scare children into behaving,” Alister said. Rumors of him spread like wildfire but luckily for him it was contained in the Vampire’s capital. He was also glad that Drake knew nothing of that he did against the werebeast.

“Actually you being my bodyguard might not be a bad idea. It would———fucking Vanessa,” Alister sigh. He finished encrypting the video only to find that the solution is also encrypted. He slammed his computer for the second time and moved on to stuffing his face, “right sorry. It would give us a reason to stick together without attracting attention. Also, we are in disguise as a powerful mob boss. That’s how I got us tickets.”

He finished everything that was in one of the bags of sweets and moved onto the other. “Then once I finished decrying this video we will also have a floor plan of the venue. Since the event is still a week away we should check out those supposed vampire hunters.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

"I can handle my Liqour." He almost snarled back, streaks of blue flooded down his body before fading away. He relaxed a little as reached for a cookie, biting down on it. "And I may be older than you, I'm not exactly an 'old man', I'd prefer 'experienced gentleman'." He said before he waved his hand. "But if it makes you feel comfortable you can continue calling me old man."

He closed his eyes for a moment, grinning at the Vampires words about himself.
"I can bet. Children would be terrified of a good looking vampire with a charming attitude." He said with a small laugh, He had a feeling that the Vampire could be hiding more about himself, but he wasn't going to press if the Vampire didn't press him about his own past.

"A powerful mob boss with a large towering bodyguard." Drake said with a smirk, "As long as they don't realize I'm a Werebeast, or if they do, do not engage in conversation with them in terms of what I am. They'll either try and buy me, or distract you in order to drug me."
He let a rumble echo from his throat at the idea of being drugged; he knew that now it wouldn't have much effect, but he remembered the first time- The drowsiness, the sudden feeling of obedience....
"But checking out the Vampire Hunters would also be a good idea." Drake nodded, ignoring those memories, "And by the sounds of things trying to figure out the coding for the video isn't going too well?" He grinned slightly, "I'd offer help but Technology is foreign to this old man."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Don't burn the place down,” Alister chucked, “and I'm not coding exactly but trying to solve a riddle of sort, these days every video has copyright hidden in the code which people use to protect the content. It can also be used to hide hidden message which——never mind I’m rambling.”

Alister continued to devour the last of the sweets and liquor when heard someone coming but sensed nothing. He rushed to his blade and got ready for a fight but tensed when he saw who it was. A cold chill ran down his back as he sheathed his sword. “Valeria. You’re here. Why are you here?”

“Awww don't be like that,” Valeria said throwing her self on to Alister. She was a small Asian woman with long black hair and pink colored eyes. She wore shorts and a tank top that did little sway the imagination. On each of her finger were ten different color rings all engraved with a strange language.

“Please get off,” Alister said trying to pry the woman off of him to no avail. Suddenly warm pleasant feeling radiated through his body as he stared at the Valeria. His annoyance turned to anger as the feeling slowly fade.

“Don't you want to see me? And don't you want to know why I’m here? Vanessa sent me to help with your case. Isn't that amazing?” She said all innocence like. Her thick Asian accent made her hard to understand but it’s all an act. He knew what she really was under that mask.

He sighed then gave up on getting free. “No, you’re annoying. If you weren't useful I would've banished you to hell long ago. Well, Valera meet Drake. Drake this is Valeria one of my contacts. She has proven to be useful in the past and hopefully now too. Oh and don't trust a word that comes out of her mouth, and don't let touch you unless you want to be one of her mindless servants.”

“Ohhhh is this the dragon Vanessa told me about,” Valeria said. She freed Alister and walked over to drake. She held out a hand for a handshake and said: “I’m Valeria Vale, it’s a pleasure to be working with you.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

As Alister explained everything about the encoding, Drakes attention stuck to him. He leaned in quietly, still essentially nude apart from a pair of shorts.

His attention jolted away as the vampire got up as someone entered. His hackles tensed and he readied himself, feeling his nails sharpening slightly.
He was relieved with his powers- Not many Werebeasts can control their transformations in sections like he could.

His gaze glanced over the newcomer. When she held her hand out he simply looked at it, he held back the growl that bubbled in his throat.
"I don't do handshakes." He started, "But it's a pleasure to meet you, I guess." He kept his tone flat, different to the tone he talked to Alister in. "I hope you'll be useful, I'd rather not me mucked around."

Drake glanced towards Alister to say something before he paused, his nose twitching before his head turned towards the door and narrowed his eyes.
"No." He rumbled in a whisper, "Please only be dropping something off. I'd rather not deal with you." He spoke under his breath.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Good choice,” Valeria said. She then turned to Alister who was working on his laptop trying to ignore her. She frowned then walked over to the table and saw down. “So care to fill me in?”

“Infiltrating an exotic animal fighting ring. You’ll be in the kitchen poisoning all the food while I and the old man play mob boss,” Alister said. She nodded then went for the sweets to which Alister slapped her hand. He wasn't going it share his food not to her of all people.

“Sharing is caring Al,” Valeria tried for the food again but was stooped by Alister’s sword which nearly made a hole in her hand. She glared at him but kept her hand to her self. “Meanie.”

“what—” they both stopped and glanced at the door. There was someone nearby and it’s no one they knew. The two shared a nod before Valeria stood up. She twisted a ring on her hand causing her to slowly disappeared. It looked as if the ground slowly devour her whole. Before long, she was compete gone undetectable by anything.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

Drake seemed to freeze as he sensed movement towards the door.
A males voice seemed to murmur something to Rebecca before the door creaked open.
A short, slim male seemed to poke his head through the gap in the door, his Sapphire eyes scanning the room before he locked them onto Drake.
"Buddy!" He said as he pushed the door open, his long braids of leaf green hair shook as he moved.

Drake almost snarled before the male moved and hugged the Dragon. Drake let out a grunt and tried to shake the other male off, managing to shove him back with a snarl.
"Fuck off Andrew." Drake hissed, feeling his hackles spike up.
Andrew seemed to only grin and crossed his arms; the man wore an older style of the Hunters armor, which sat wrong with Drake.
"Why the fuck are you wearing that?" Drake asked with a rumble of anger.
"Getting past guards obviously." Andrew said with a smile, looking towards Alister with a tilt of his head. "But enough rudeness, are you going to introduce me to your new friends?"

Drake's brow furrowed before he sighed, "This is Alister." He started, "Alister, this is... Andrew. I've known him for a while. He's a Dusk Fae..."
Andrew smirked with a wink, waving his hand, "And you forgot the other one. There was another one here." He started, before he shook his head. "It's fine. I'm surprise Ali here hasn't heard about me! The Fae who saved the Dragon!"
"Shut up." Drake almost barked, his anger slowly rising.
Andrew stepped towards Alister before he sat on the table, "Has he not told you about the time I saved him from execution because of all of the things he's done? And then I faked his death for about a decade while we forged documents to make it so he wasn't a wanted man?"

Drake had started to relax as Andrew spoke to him, before he tensed as the Fae mentioned his crimes, moving to throw a ball of Plasma at him, before the man- Still not looking at Drake, lifted his hand and caught the plasma ball with a smile.
"I'm kinda sad you'd never tell everyone about our adventures Draky."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

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Alister noticed Andrew’s outfit which was familiar to him. It was the same armor that the guards of the fighting ring wore. He didn’t press for information, but sat there and watch the newcomer. From the moment he walked in, Allister knew the man was a nuance. He wanted to kill him right then and there but decided to watch instead.

He immediately regretted his decision when Andrew started talking to him. His blood started to boil the more the man talked. “Excuse me? Ali?”

Alister crossed his arm, closed his eyes, and tried to calm himself. He stared at Andrew feeling his anger slowing reaching it’s limit when he felt two hands on his shoulder, then a wave of warmth. Anger was always a trigger for him, which was the real reason that Valeria was there to keep him from turning. He signed a contract with the two sisters to help him with his problem which was always a challenge.

“You need to leave,” Alister said getting up from his seat. Valeria followed his lead and moved, still invisible to the world. Slowly, Allister turned his blood into stands of threads that formed a maze of blood. To the naked eye, the threads are invisible but they are as deadly as any weapon.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

Andrew sighed and looked at Drake, "Why do you always have boring company?" He disappeared from view for a moment before reappearing over Drakes shoulders.
He threw the dragons weight off balance and stumbled slightly before turning to throw the man off.

Andrew floated sideways in the air with a frown.
"Boys." He said with a sigh, he leaned against nothing before he tilted his head. "I get you, neither you or your invisible friend don't trust me." He started, "Even Drake doesn't trust me. It's the armor, isn't it?"

"It's more of past experience for me-" Drake started before Andrew lifted his hand to shush him.
"Look, I have experience against this fighting ring." Andrew stated, his tone suddenly serious, "Rebecca called me specifically, Drake."
"Of course she did." Drake uttered in anger. He breathed slowly before he looked at Alister. "As much as I'd love him to leave, He'll be more than helpful. As much as I hate it."
Andrew waved his hand with a small grin, "But let me apologies for calling you Ali, I didn't know if Drake was on nickname basis."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alister noticed Andrew’s outfit which was familiar to him. It was the same armor that the guards of the fighting ring wore. He didn’t press for information, but sat there and watch the newcomer. From the moment he walked in, Allister knew the man was a nuance. He wanted to kill him right then and there but decided to watch instead.

He immediately regretted his decision when Andrew started talking to him. His blood started to boil the more the man talked. “ExcuIn a poof if smoke Valeria appears on Alister’s shoulder. She was sitting there using his head as a table to his annoyance. Even though she was physically there, she had no weight, as if she was nothing but air. “It’s not that I don't trust you more like I hate your gut. Us Fae never gets along. other than our own kind of course. And Al sweetie having a Dusk Fae with us would be very useful,” Valeria said sighing dramatically.

With a flick of his wrist, his sword flew through the air piercing through Valeria’s head spraying blood everywhere. Suddenly weight returned to her body and she dropped dead on the floor. Dark crimson blood painted the ground red as it pooled around her body. “If you’re not useful that will be you Fae,” Alister said then left the room.

Once he was gone Valeria lifeless body suddenly stood up, still with the sword nested in her head. With one hand she pulled the sword free and threw it in the ground. Her wounds slowly disappeared as well as all the blood on the ground. After a moment she was back to normal and the room returned to what it was before she died.

“Fucking Bitch. Damn you never get used to dying,” Valeria said stretching. This wasn’t the first time she died and most of the time it was by Alister’s hand. “I’ll talk to him. And he’s not kidding boys so be careful byeeeee.” She disappeared from view and reappears on the roof of the building where Alister laid watching the stars. She sat beside him in silence as they both watch the sky.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

Andrew and Drake watched things unfold in front of them, Drake's expression didn't really change while Andrew's eyebrows just raised before settling.
As the female left, Drake relaxed and sighed.
"Why are you such a fucking asshole." He uttered towards Andrew. Andrew paused and looked at Drake horrified.
"What do you mean?" Andrew asked, pouting.
"This is a Serious mission." Drake uttered, gripping the bridge of his nose, "As much as I appreciate Rebecca calling you in to help, you have to realize this is not just fun and games."

Andrew grumbled before he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.
"There's more of a reason why I'm here." He started, "The Council of Beasts... Don't trust you."
"Of course they fucking don't." Drake rumbled. "Let me guess, they're dwelling in the past?"
Andrew nodded, "Of course. They still think you're incredibly dangerous."
"Which I am" Drake interrupted before Andrew continued.
"But they sent me because they know I'm the only one who can get to you when your instincts get in. But not only that but the whole shit show that was the GreyFall Massacre."
Drake rolled his eyes but nodded.

"Right." he started, "So they have you here so you can keep an eye on me while helping out along the way?"
Andrew nodded once. Drake sighed, furrowing his brow more before he relaxed.
"You have to sincerely apologize to Alister." Drake started, "And get rid of those fucking clothes."
"Oh the clothes are just an illusion." Andrew said before the amour seemed to just seep away, revealing a black hoodie and silver trackpants.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

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“What’s has gotten into you lately. That was the fifth time you’ve nearly lost control in the past month. I know something is bothering you and you don't have to tell me but you need to get your crap together. We’ve lost a lot to these people and we’re counting on you to keep us safe. They are a dangerous foe and you need to be in control if you are to face them,” Valeria said. She had a tender mother like tone to her voice that could make anyone listen.

Alister laid there listening intently to what she had to say. Worry and anger slowly simmer in his stomach but he said nothing. After she was done it was silent so he went back to listening to the city. On a quiet night that one, he could almost hear everything around him. Though he could hear everything. He was curious about what Drake was saying.

The conversation between the two was quick but familiar. “GrayFall Massacre...”


“Never mind let us head back,” Alister said. He got up from his spot and headed back to their room. Valeria smiled and caught a ride on Alister’s shoulder as they walked back. Ignoring the other, Alister sat down at the table, put on his headphone, and started working on the video once again. Valeria kept her spot on his shoulder and started playing on her phone occasionally glancing at their company.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

Drake furrowed his brow more, "Then why the fuck would you have the guards outfit on?" He asked before Alister and Valeria walked in. He bowed his head to the both of them before he turned back to Andrew, "And your wings? Don't tell me you lost them again." He said with an almost smirk.
Andrew looked insulted, stepping back from Drake as if almost startled, he flattened his feather-like ears angrily. "Excuse me?" He huffed before he relaxed, grumbled before he released the illusion to reveal his wings.

Andrew's wings were more bat-like than most Fae Drake had seen, but they still had a slight seethrough texture to them. Andrew splayed them bout for a moment before he folded them back in with a small huff.
"Happy now?" he grumbled to the Dragon, who only grinned and moved to his bag again.

Drake pulled out a note book before walking to the table and placed it down, opening it up. It was written in what seemed to be draconic. He read it over quietly as he narrowed his eyes, grabbing a pen before scribbling something down quietly.
"Right." He stated after silence, "You guys are obviously working on the stuff for the fighting ring, but what of the Vampire hunters?" He looked to Alister. "We've got someone who can go scout them out now," He was obviously talking about Andrew, but didn't move his stare from the Male Vampire, "He can scout out tonight or tomorrow morning and check them out while we're getting work done for this shit."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Great idea! Have fun boys,” Valeria said jumping off her perch and grabbing Andrew by the arm. With a wave of her hand, the two disappeared leaving a cloud of glittering smoke. “Don’t do anything I would do Ali,” her voice echoed after she disappeared.

“…that hag,” Alister mumbled. Now that they were alone, an award silencer filled the room. He wanted to ask about that conversation but decided to keep to himself. They both had similar secret and he knew the emotion and reaction it could trigger. “So what’d the story between you and Andrew? You seem to have a long history.”

Elsewhere in the city atop a small building, Valeria and Andrew appeared from a could of smoke. “Well there’s that goodbye,” Valeria said. She had no intention of looking for the vampire hunter. She wanted to isolate the problem that caused his outburst. Andrew was a problem and she debated to get rid of him or not but his usefulness out weight his annoyance.

“Do what you like and keep away from Alister for a while,” Valeria said.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

Andrew blinked as he was teleported away, his wings flexing slightly.
"Oh." He started, looking to Valeria for a moment, "Uh... Thank you?" He said, "Hey... I'm... I'm sorry that I set him off, which... Got you killed."
He fiddled with his hoodies string for a moment before he looked around the city, "I can see what I can gather. I should be back before sunfall tomorrow if I'm lucky, those Vampire Hunters don't seem to be... Experts."

Drake let out a bit of a growl as Andrew's name was mentioned.
He sat down properly to write in his notebook. "He's... A long time acquaintance." He started, "He's saved my ass a couple of times, I've saved his. It's a mutual respect sort of thing." He continued.
He placed his pen down as he moved to cover his face with his hands, "He's an ass but he's valuable." He grumbled, "As long as we keep him busy he'll keep out of our way."

Drake blinked slowly, "He got me out of execution... More than once." He admitted after a moment of silence, "Fae are known for being... frustrating at times but he means well. After all, he doesn't care about anyones past when it comes to working with them."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“It’s not really your fault but just don’t test his patient because I’m pretty sure you can’t come back to life,” Valeria said. She stared out into the city then let out a long breath. “Since I have nothing to do right now I guess I'll help you. You have any leads on these ‘vampire’ hunters,” Valeria said air quoting the word Vampire.

“Actually it’s getting late so wanna grab a drink? My treat.” She gave him a cheerful smile but it looked fake to anyone who was paying attention.

Back at the Hotel Alister continue to gorge on the food while listening to Drake. “Well looks like we both have a Fae problem,” Alister said with a laugh. He was surprised by how similar they were which was strange to him since he was always the outsider. He would’ve never thought he would find anything similar to some beast.

“So what did you do to be put up for execution,” He asked.
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