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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Andrew moved his hands to scruff his hair as she mentioned he couldn't die and come back to life. He bit his tongue before his eyes lit up at the idea of getting a drink.
"Yeah!" he started, "A drink would be nice." He tilted his head for a moment before he shrugged it off.
"I don't have many leads. I know who they are and where they are currently." He tapped his sidebag with a smile. "I have the files, pictures and information."

Drake laughed at the idea of similarity; maybe they did, but he didn't focus on that.
His brow furrowed at the next words.
"Where do I even start." He said with some hesitation. He paused thinking about his next words wisely.
"before I even think about starting this topic." he started, "We have to make something exceptionally clear." He continued as he lifted his head to look Alister in the eyes, "I am going to be completely truthful to you, weither you believe it or not is up to you- But I need to Trust that you're not going to turn against me."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

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“Hmm trust,” Alister lingered on the word for a moment before he turned to stare into Drake’s eyes. “I won't turn on you with my own free will. But since we’re on that topic …” Alister tussle though his bag and grab the bottle of BLS-GN-004. He hesitantly held the bottle in his hand and glance at Drake. Swallowing the lump that formed in his throat, he handed the bottle to drake.

That’s a blood lust suppressant. Every vampire has some amount of blood lust and it’s the reason we feed. Blood can quell our thirst for blood but some of the more powerful vampires require an artificial suppressant,” Alister hesitated for a moment but swallowed his pride, “Recently I’ve been building up a tolerance for it and I don’t know how long it will work. I can’t get a higher dose because I’m already at the limit. If I take something stronger I’ll die. So as long as I’m in control I won't betray you but I can’t promise that forever.”

Valeria eyed Andrew for a moment before grabbing his arm. In an instant, their surrounding melted away and was replaced by a medieval-looking tavern. The building was completely made of wood and lit by large magic-powered Chandlers. Giant wooden barrel formed the far wall and in front of it was a large counter where a man stood. He dressed in a black and white suit and seemed to be expecting them.

“Take a seat, and order anything you like,” Valeria said taking a seat at the counter. The entire tavern was empty except for the three of them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake took the bottle and looked it over, he listened before he nodded. He handed the bottle back with a bit of a smile.
"I understand that." He said before he nodded, "Thank you for sharing."
He stayed quiet before he sighed.
"Back to your question." He started, "I've done a lot to put me up for execution." He continued with a sigh, moving to show the palms of his hands.

Runes were carved in them, much like the crop-circles in fields.
"I was not always a Plasma Elemental." He started, "I was a feeble, weak WereDrake, not even a weredragon."
He glanced to the scar on his chest before he looked back at Alister, "I went after my own kind. There were Myths surrounding... So many things to make a Werebeast stronger. I don't even know if any other them worked to be honest."

There was another bit of silence, "I was killed." Drake finally stated, "That's where Andrew comes in. He found me after I died, took me back to the Dusk Village."
He clenched his fists before the Plasma light flooded up his arms from his palms, "When they raised me, I was essentially feral. No piece of sanity left in my brain- I was dead for too long. I killed so many things- Humans, Vampires, Fae... Werebeasts."
"They tried to execute me several times, it was only the fourth time that Andrew had seen me when he saved me. He was much younger than what he is now; he was a teeny child. He managed to break my instincts; he locked them away. Giving you what you see now."

Andrew looked around with a blink.
"Whoa." He started, "I never got to teleport before!" He said with a grin. He looked to the bartender, "A whisky and coke for me to start with~"

He pulled up his bag and pulled out four files, placing them on the counter with a grin. He looked to Valeria before looking back to the files.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“So…Gray fall,” Alister mumbled, “Never mind. At least you’re alive. And I’ve done my fair share of killing so you have nothing to be ashamed of. I have more blood on my hand than you and they were all intentional. Let’s move on I rather not linger on this any longer.”

Alister turned off his computer and finished the last of the sweets before moving to his bed. “It's getting late we should get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow.”

He didn't bother changing and crashed on to his bed. His body felt cold but his blood was boiling. The entire day’s suddenly dawned on him filling him with tiredness. For the first time in a while, he fell asleep. Everything faded away into pain as he drifted off.

The bartender nodded and set what Andrew ordered in front of him. He then gave Valeria a small glass with a blood-red liquor at the bottom. “Enjoy.”

“So what do you got?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake almost laughed at Alister's words, "Of course you have more blood on your hands. You're a Vampire." He said jokingly.
He moved over to the hay in silence as the vampire fell asleep. He had been sleeping most of the day, but being around Andrew tired him out.

He shifted his form back into his beast form, fanning out his wings before he settled on the large hay pile.
He breathed out shakily, old wounds still hurt, especially when bringing up old memories. He knew his illusion would drop tomorrow, his battle wounds would show. But that wasn't a problem, he had spilled his truth, there was no need to hide now.

Andrew grinned as he went to grab his drink, talking a sip before he opened each of the files.
All the hunters were young males, each in varying sizes and heights. All of them were vaguely well shaven and not too scruffy.

"They're all between 23 and 27 years of age." He took another sip of his drink.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

His sleep was tormented by a pain that stemmed from his heart. Every time his heart beat, another wave of pain and dizzy wash over him. He knew this would happen when he fell asleep which was why he avoided it. Eventually, he awoke in a pool of his owns sweat. His entire body ached and his brain was pounding against his skull. Alister grabbed his bag searching for his medicine but couldn’t find it. He then remembered that it was still on the table but he had no strength to get it. “Damn this is what you get for not feeding,” Alister said haft delirious.

Drake was still asleep and he didn’t want to wake him so he kept quiet and ride it out. His body was burning up with a fever but he felt cold. He closed his eye and focused on Valeria hoping she answered.


“Dam their hot,” Valeria said drunk. She barely took a sip of the alcohol but she already felt drunk. Before long she passed out cold on the counter without listening to a single thing Andrew said.

“My apologies sir she will come too soon,” the bartender said to Andrew.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake's breathing seemed laboured while he slept, every so often his mouth would twitch or his claws would tense. The plasma runes over his body glistened like stars, often fading out before flooding over his body in a flash of colour, before settling back in.

The door creeked open as Rebecca slunk in quietly.
She looked towards Drake with a worried expression, before she looked towards Alister.
"You look exhausted." She started, looking at the vial as she lifted her hand; the bottle moving on its own and floated over to him. "I can get you a blood bag if you need." She offered, moving to sit on the table with a small smile.

Andrew only laughed before he took another sip.
"Theyre okay. Nothing like Drake..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Valeria woke up in a panic and rushed out the door. In a cloud of smoke, she disappeared. Back at the hotel, the door to the stable flung open. A panic Valeria rushes over to Alister side inspecting him. She then grabbed the floating bottle and injected it into his arm. She braved herself and shoved her arm into his mouth letting him drink her blood. He rejected it at first but she forced it.

“You fucking idiot,” she pulled her hand out of his mouth letting her blood drip on the floor. With her other hand, she slapped him across the face which echoed throughout the room.

“I told you to take care of your self you fucking idiot. Do you want to make me worry? Do you know how many people care for you? How many depend on you? What would happen if no one was around? What then you just going to die. Why are you an idiot? Why do you do this to your self…why,” Valeria yelled but slowing becoming a mere whisper.

After a long silence, Valeria looked at Drake. “Please take care of him I…I…I need to go.” She disappeared without a trace leaving the three alone.

Alister could only watch as Valeria left having no strength to call out to her. His body was returning to normal but he felt worse than before. A lump formed in his throat and the silence only made it worse.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Rebecca flinched at the door slamming open.
She looked over to Valeria and then looked towards Drake.
Drake's ears pricked up at the slamming door, before he sleepily lifted his head. His iris was dark red before he let out a rumble. Rebecca moved quickly, darting over towards Drake and waved her arms.

Drake's attention was pulled from Alister before it settled onto Rebecca. The Dragon let out a growl before Rebecca moved her hand against his nose.
Drake's temper suddenly settled; his tail swayed quietly as he seemed to settle. His iris slowly changed to its regular colour before he settled back onto his belly.

"Careful big boy..." Rebecca said quietly before she glanced back to Alister, he was safe for now, she needed to focus on keeping Drake from attacking Alister. "Breathe." She instructed, "Breathe."
Drake let out a softer rumble before he stood, slinking over to Alister to settle around him. Vampires didn't need to keep warm but Drake felt Alister's pain.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alister curled up against the heat, relaxing a bit. The medicine and blood were working their way through his system calming his pain if only by a bit. Everything still hurt and his head still pounded against this skull but it was slowly subsiding. Even for a vampire, healing will take a while before he’s back at full strength. Soon enough he fell asleep once again but this time the pain was gone and his dreams weren’t haunted by nightmares.

It was around noon when Allister woke up. His vision was blurry and his head was still clouded. Looking around. he didn’t recognize where he was and started to panic but quickly remembered he was at the hotel. “Ugh how long was I out,” he said not asking anyone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

There was a sense of energy and a low amount of noise buzzed from the door; obviously the wedding had started, as Rebecca had mentioned.
Drake stayed in his beast from even through into the afternoon; his eyes slowly opened as the sun had tricked into the room, Rebecca had snuck in and opened the curtains.

He let out a low rumble as he felt a weight on him, looking towards the vampire on top of him. He relaxed a little before he gave a bit of a laugh, "It's Midmorning." He said quietly, his tail gently twitching, "I hope you slept better with the warmth." He said before he lifted his head, he couldn't see Andrew and he started to worry.

Andrew jolted up, he had fallen asleep at the bar. He looked around, he hadn't managed to finish his drink after Valeria disappeared. He had looked over his files and notes, writing out notes for himself and maybe Valeria if she came back.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After Valeria left the hotel’s stables she reappeared on top of a nearby building. Vanessa, her sister, sat at the edge overlooking the hotel. “Hello sister how is our foolish Alister,” she asked.

“He overworked himself as always but he will recover. What troubles me is his bloodlust,” Valeria said.

“I wonder how long until he breaks,” Vanessa stated.

“That won't happen. Now if you excuse I have some hot men to investigate,” Valeria said jumping off the building then disappearing in a cloud of smoke. She stopped at a local bistro and grabbed breakfast before heading back to the far. Once she was done, she reappeared back at the bar landing on Andrew hugging his neck from behind.

“Missed me,” She said giggling. She let after a moment and handed him the food, “got you breakfast. I didn’t know what you liked so I got a little of everything an egg and cheese biscuit, some bagels with jam and cream cheese, donuts, a salad, and coffee. Dig in.” Her voice was calm and mother-like, a striking contrast to her usual loud and bubbly persona

Alister’s face flushed red when he noticed Drake curled up around him. He tried to hide his embarrassment but failed. He was afraid that he was getting soft but he didn’t care if it was drake. People rarely cared for him, except for the Fae Twin, but they were an exception. Somehow it warmed his heart knowing that drake cared. “That long?…um sorry for the innocence,” Allister mumbled, “and thank you.”

Alister immediately stood up and looked away trying to hide his flushed face. He grabbed his bag and quickly sat down at the table with his back towards drake. He gave himself another shoot feeling the fatigue slowly leave him.

“Ready old man? We have a lot of work to do. I’ve already wasted haft of the day so we should really be heading out,” Alister said back to his normal tone. “We should also get breakfast, on me, as a thank you. I know a good place.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake gave a small huff as Alister mumbled towards him, "You're welcome." He said.
As soon as Alister hopped up off of him, he switched back to his human form, slipping on some underpants on quickly before he walked past the table towards his stuff.

"I'm ready when you are." Drake said with a joking sneer, for once he felt like he could be cheeky without any worry. He moved to slip on some pants and looked around the hay for a top. "Murr." He said out loud in annoyance before a top floated over to him and landed on his head.
Drake shook his head and glanced towards the door, which slowly closed as he looked over. He gave a small smile before he pulled the top over his arms and moved it over his head to pull it softly down his chest.

"As Becca said," Drake started, "If you ever need blood bags, she has some. Don't be afraid to ask her."

Andrew flinched when Valeria hung over his neck.
"Oh! You're back." He said with a shaky smile, before he looked over the food, "O..Oh. You've spoiled me." He said with a laugh, he moved to grab a donut before he slid the first file over to the other Fae.

"His name is Jack, he's 23 years old. The most experienced of the group." He started, taking a bite, "He got into Vampire hunting because his childhood Girlfriend got bitten and became a Vampire and ran away from the village because of it."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alister stole a glance at Drake seeing all of his scars. He wondered how he got all of them but then remembered his story from last night. “Well let's get breakfast first. The place has really good food and I know the owner,” Alister said handing Drake a phone with the direction to the Bistro.

“I’m not taking no as an answer so see you there,” Alister said before leaving. He walked to his bike and got on before it came to life and moved to the road on its own. He left as quickly as possible due to the wedding that was hosted at the hotel. He didn’t need Rebeca on him when he accidentally lost control and snack on one of her guests.

He relaxed when he got far away from the hotel and into a more quiet part of town with a larger concentration of Fae. The Bistro was owned by a human but he was raised by Fae, a rare gen these days. It didn’t take him long before he made it to the bistro and parked out front.

“He’s no Alister but he should do,” Valeria said licking her lips, “kidding.”

She handed back the file and grabbed the closest bottle of wine. She chugged haft the bottle before getting up and stretched her back. “So are we going to barge in there and have some fun?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake took the phone with a bit of a blink, he was about to shout out to Alister how he was suppose to follow before he sighed as he was too late.
He grumbled to himself and moved to grab his sidebag.
He wasn't going to change his form this soon after changing back, that was a waste of energy.

He left the stables quietly before he looked to Rebecca as she walked past him, she dropped some keys into his hand with a wink as she walked off, carrying a tray of food and drink in both hands.
Drake looked down at the keys and read the note.
Around the back, You'll know its the one when you see it. A late birthday gift.
Drake's eyebrows furrowed as he finished the message, tucking the keys into his pocket and slid out the back and looked around.

There was silence from the Dragon as he stepped outside and his eyes were greeted with a sleak, new, Quadbike.
"Oh." He said with a blink, "I wasn't expecting... That."

Andrew gave a chuckle at Valeria before he tucked the files back away into his bag.
"Well, we could stake them out first, see what they're like in person." he started, "Paper only does some justice." His wings twitched slightly, he looked over the other Fae.

"Say, if I can ask... Are you a specific type of Fae?" He asked after a moment of silence. "I've only really been around Dusk Fae my entire life so..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alister walked inside the near-empty bistro and stood at the front counter. Moments later, a tall man with short black hair and golden eyes walked out and smiled. “By best customer.”

“Hey Leo, how are you these days. And how are your mothers?” Alister asked. Leo was a strange being, even in the world of the Fae. He was a human child that was raised by a flock of a water nymph. By being in the realm of the Fae he became part Fae gaining the golden eyes that gave him impeccable sight.

“WOW…what happen to your accent?” Leo stared at him big-eyed like a puppy begging for a treat.

“I needed a change of pace,” Alister said quietly. Leo noticed his reluctances to talked and smiled.

“Well, my mothers are fine. You should visit sometime they’re always asking about you, though if you came you might never leave or gain like 200 pounds,” Leo joked.

“Yeah they do like to feed you till you drop dead,” Alister laughed, “well I’ll get the usual. Also, a weredragon is going to join be so just a heads up.”

“Have you gone soft? Did my ruthless teacher finally gone soft?” Leo laughed then quickly disappeared into the kitchen. He knew if he had stayed he would’ve gotten a face full of fist. Allister smiled and sat down by the window. He watched the road and sky with watchful eyes trying to catch any sign of drake like an impatient child.

Valeria thought for a long moment and smiled. “I guess you really can’t call me Fae anymore. Well back in my youth I was a succubus but over the few thousands of years that I’ve been alive. I’ve fed on all type of creatures gaining a part of their soul power. Most succubus would die if they fed too much but me and my sister found a loophole. And over the many years, I became what I am now.”

“And if you called my old I will turn your skin inside out and feed you a soup of your own limbs,” Valeria threatened, causing room filled with malice and the air to grow thick and heavy.

“Just kidding I wouldn’t you promise.” The malice suddenly disappeared and the room went back to normal. She laughs then headed for the door. “Shall we get going? Oh JOEY put our drinks on my tab.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake grabbed the helmet on the seat and slipped it on quietly, he started to climb onto he vehicle before he moved his hands to the handlebars.
It took him only about 5 minutes to get used to driving it, he looked at the map on the phone Alister gave him before he tucked it into his pocket.

He breathed in before he started to speed towards the place. He dodged cars easily; it was much like flying to him, except slightly closer to the ground. He sped along the roads with ease, he pulled up down the road from the bistro before he started to walk the rest of the way there.

As he got closer to the bistro, he glanced to the windows in the shops and saw what shirt he was wearing.
He paused before fully turning towards the window, pulling the shirt down. The words on the shirt read Scale Daddy. Drakes face flushed red as he grumbled loudly.
"Becca." He mumbled before he sighed and continued over to the Bistro.

He pushed the door open and looked around, spotting Alister rather quickly.
He headed over to him and sat down beside him. "I hope you didn't miss me too much." He said offhandedly with a smirk.

Andrew listened to Valeria with widened eyes as he ate some food.
He looked at her with a tilt of his head. "That's cool!" He said as he hopped up, "That's amazing!"

He swallowed his mouthful as the air grew thick. He blinked at her as she changed her emotion almost on a dime.
"I would never call you old!" He said as he followed after her, "I may be young, especially for a Fae, but you are in nothing in terms of Old! I wouldn't even think to call a lovely woman like you old!" He continued, "You're experienced, well-versed!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alister’s eyes lit up when he noticed Drake pulling into the bistro. He quickly surprised his excitement and calmed his self back into his normal self. He hid the smile that formed on his face as he Drake entered the Bistro and sat down. “Hardly old man. And what’s with the shirt?” Alister asked.

Before Drake could answer Leo came up to the table carrying several plates of food. “Wow I thought you were kidding, he is a Werebeast. You’ve gone soft teach,” Leo said smirking. He didn't keep the face for long before Alister chucked his messenger bag at Leo’s face. He stumbled back and dropped the pates he was carrying.

Alister gracefully saved all the food and set them down on the table. The amount of food nearly cover the entire table and ranged from savory to sweet. “Call me soft again and I tell your mothers about this place.”

“You wouldn't,” Leo gasped dramatically. He got off the ground and patted the dust off of his apron. “I’m never going to get used to your new accent or lack of one. Well, the name is Leo Wilhelm an old apprentice of Alister’s. It's nice to meet you what can I get for you today? Nice shirt by the way.”

“Sure amazing…”

“Flattery gets you everywhere,” Valeria said jokingly, “I’m itching for some action so let's get going.”

She turned away from Andrew and disappeared leaving behind a cloud of smoke. She reappeared a moment later and laugh nervously. Her face was a pale pink and she kept from making eye contact. “Where exactly are we going?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake went to answer before everything happened. He raised his eyebrow at Alisters interaction with the young male. He smiled softly at Leo, "Drake, its a pleasure." He said as he sat down beside Alister. "Pay no attention to the shirt, I feel like it's Becca's doing."

He looked back to Leo and thought about what he wanted, "Pancakes?" He asked with a small smile, "And a hot chocolate if you have it. Chocolate pancakes if I could as well." He said before he looked back at Alister.

"This is a cute place." He started, looking around before resting his eyes on the Vampire again, "You have interesting taste in friends." He said with a smile before he looked away again, "Although I can't say much, a Dusk Fae and an Elf aren't two people you would thing are working with a Werebeast."

Andrew smiled softly as she mentioned being flattered, he blinked as she disappeared and reappeared, "Man, you can do that just whenever you want!" He said, "I have to focus most of my energy onto it." He said with a small sigh.

He smiled as she asked where they were going, "Dark Vail Forest." He said with a grin, "Funnily enough, My speciality!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
Avatar of LaQue

LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Right it’ll it out in a moment,” Leo said scribbling down the order before returning to the kitchen.

“Hot chocolate for breakfast? I would’ve thought you were a coffee kind of guy,” Alister commented sipping on his coffee. In the short spanned of time that Drake ordered Alister already finish haft of his food. Plates were already piling them self up as he continues to feast. He didn’t remember the last time he had good food since he threw himself at missions after missions to distract himself.

“Yeah, it's my favorite place to eat. Though I never have the time anymore. I've also wanted to share it people but everyone is busy these days,” Alister said.

10 minutes later Leo came back with Drake’s order. Dark swirls of chocolate and golden brown pancake made a marble-like pillar of pancake sided with various condiment from butter, to a range of maple syrup and hot steaming hot chocolate. Leo had a smile of his face as he serves his food. "Enjoy. if you need anything don't hesitate to holler." Leo said before returning to the kitchen.

"Come on try it. I'm sure it'll be the best pancakes you will ever taste." Alister said.

“Well Spacial Magic is my specialty,” Valeria said, “so I have no idea where we’re going so I’ll follow your lead.”
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