Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drake smirked at Alisters' words before he looked towards Leo as he brought the food.
He grinned before he quickly dug into the pancakes, moving to pour a bit of the hot chocolate condiment onto it before continuing to eat happily.

It took him less than five minutes to finish his plate before he grabbed his hot chocolate and drunk it almost immediately.
He felt the warmth flood into his body and flow all the way around, he let out a low happy rumble.
"You're not wrong." He started, "It is some of the best food I've ever eaten."

He let out a little burp before he covered his mouth with his hand. "Its a nice place." He said with a slightly relaxed sigh, "This is nice..."

Andrew grinned happily, "Come on! I'll show you." He moved to reach for the Bar door to head outside before he paused, "Wait..." He looked back at Valeria, "Where... Will we be? You teleported us here so..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

“…yeah,” Alister said. He couldn’t help but smile while watching Drake enjoyed his food. 5 years years ago, he would’ve never imagined that he would be eating breakfast with the enemy but times are changing. From a young child in the military, it was drilled into him that all Werebeast were evil and should be illuminated. Now for the first time, he’s second-guessing himself.

“Well since you’re done we should really get started on the day,” Alister said in a single breath. Heat rushed to his face and didn’t want to stick around for someone to notice.

“Hmm I could use another snack,” Alister said licking his lips. Though he was full, he still hungered for blood and it terrified him. He suppressed the hunger then turned to look at drake. “Never mind. So ready to go?”

“I don’t know. The bar changes location every time I visit but I can teleport us back to the hotel,” Valeria said. She then grabbed on to Andrew's arm and disappeared. Their surrounding melted away like paint before another took its place. In a matter of second, they were standing in front of the hotel.

“So now where do we go?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drake looked at Alister as he mentioned about a snack, He could read it in his eyes.
He hesitated before he moved to reach into his bag, his arm seeming to stretch into the bag more than it should have; before he pulled his arm out and held out his hand.

"Here." He said, almost an order, "You need this. It's concentrated."
In his hand seemed to be a small round vial; none larger than his hand, the crimson liquid inside swirled as he was moved.

"I'm not leaving until you take it." Drake said with narrowing eyes.

Andrew stumbled slightly as they returned back to the hotel.
"Whoa..." He mumbled before he shook himself. He breathed in with a smile and pointed towards the forest- which was not too far away from the Hotel. "That way." He said.

He stepped forward, pausing at the road to walk closer to the forest.
It wasn't long until it clicked for Andrew that he was heading into his old village, with Valeria...
"Oh boy. Iye will have a laugh.." He uttered to himself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

Alister stared at the small red vile then hesitantly took it. The vile was heavy in his hand, it’s content beckoning him to devour it. With shaking hands, he opened the vial and drank the blood. A numbness hummed throughout his body as the blood filled his stomach. His eyes went bloodshot for a split second before returning to normal. Once his vision returned, everything seemed to dull in color and lacked vibrancy. He blinked it away and turned to Drake feeling refresh. “Um…thank you,” Alister said.

“Should we go?” Alister asked his voice lacking emotion which startled him. He felt as if he wasn’t the one that spoke it but the feeling faded as quickly as it came.

“Oh I love the sun,” Valeria said stretching. She turned her face towards the sky seeming to purr as she soaked up the sun. She liked the sky because it was the only thing that stayed constant as time moved on.

“I wish we could just run off and relax on a beach. That would be a dream comes true,” Valeria said, “but sadly we have a job to do .shall we get going?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drake watched Alister closely, his eyes narrowing as the Vampire drunk the Blood.
"That should last you for a little," Drake started as he stood up, "It's about triple concentrated, I don't know how high your bloodlust is, but I have more if you need it." He moved and stepped towards Alister and lowered himself to his eyeline. "And don't leave it too late like last night, or so help me; I will not be happy." He rumbled, sounding almost protective of the Vampire before he stepped away and gave a wave at Leo.

"Thank you for the food," He started, "The pancakes were honestly some of the best I've tried." He stepped towards the door and looked back to Alister with a raised eyebrow.

Andrew watched Valeria with a smile on his face, he got lost watching her stand in the sun. He blinked as she looked back at him and quickly looked away.
"Y-Yeah." He said before he started to walk towards the forest, "It's not too long this way."

There was a small path, almost invisible to the untrained eye, that trailed into the forest. The trees twisted over the sky and allowed the sunlight to trickle to the floor in shattered waves. Some of the larger trees had small glowing mushrooms that bloomed on them as they continued walking into what seemed like an endless, darkened forest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

“I—I,” Alister couldn't find the right words which formed a lump in his throat keeping him silenced. He nearly fell at the sudden closeness by Drake but manage to catch himself. His legs were numb and his face burned a bright red as he listened to Drake talked. Once he was done, Alister stood still unmoving, his hands clenching on the straps of his messenger bag as if they would save him. He couldn't bring himself to respond or even look up.

“Thank you for your kind words. Wow, what did you do to Alister?” Leo said stepping out of the kitchen with a decorative box in hand. Not a second later, Alister threw his sword striking the wall behind Leo, nearly missing his head.

“Okay okay, I’ll stop,” Leo said fearing for our life. He then walked over to Alister handing him the box and a small note.

“Some snacks for the road, on the house of course. Now be safe you two,” Leo said. He then turned to clear the table before disappearing back into the kitchen with a devious smile on his face.

The paper read, “about time you got a boyfriend.” Alister immediately tore the paper into tiny pieces and stuffed it into his bag. He cursed Leo under his breath before walking over to Drake. “So—um I cracked the code on the video and found a way into the compound. I was thinking we could check it out before making any plans….is that okay with you?” Alister said meekly. He still kept from making eye contact and stared at his fidgeting hands.

As they walked through the forest, Valeria picked random flowers forming various bouquets and crowns. “So where exactly are we going?” Valeria asked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drake only smirked at Leo's words, before he looked to Alister with a smile as he walked over to Drake. He didn't watch what happened behind him, he listened to Alister's words.
"Yeah." He started, moving to fix his shirt with his hands before he pulled out what looked to be a mint before he popped it into his mouth. He felt energy flood over him for a moment before what seemed to be light blue steam trickled from the edges of his lips.

"Where should we start?" He asked, he seemed either unphased about what happened, or he didn't really care. He looked around as they exited, narrowing his eyes as he tried to take in everything around him.

Andrew looked back, his eyes widening at the flower crowns. He almost tripped over a tree branch before he blinked.
"Oh! We're going to the Elder Vein Village." He said with a smile, "The place where I was born!" He beamed, the trees twisted more as they got deep into the forest, fireflies fluttered around the trees.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

“Well from what I could tell the fighting ring is hidden under an estate owned by a wealthy family. It’s situated on a cliffside and at the base of the northern cliff there’s an old escape hatch that's no longer in use. The tunnel leads directly into the lower floor of the compound and isn’t that well guarded. We could sneak into there and see what we can find,” Alister explained as they left the Bistro. Once they were outside Alister made a loud whistle that echoed throughout the area. As a response, an engine roared to life and his bike made its way to him.

“If we drive straight north out of town the estate should be on our left. So ready to go?” Alister asked. While he talked their eyes met for a moment but Alister quickly diverted his gaze. A little color still made its way onto his cheeks which he hoped Drake didn’t notice.

“Isn’t it a little early for me to meet your parents? we haven't even had a first date yet,” Valeria said with a wink. She giggled to her self then hurried down the trail. The forested made for a picture-perfect scene but she hated the bugs that came with it. Fireflies were pretty but she hated anything that was small and flies. It steamed from an old rivalry with a fairy that screwed her over more than once.

“Are we there yet,” Valeria asked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The mention of the fighting ring caused Drake's brow to furrow more. He listened quietly, absorbing all of the things Alister was saying.
"Aye, let's head off." He said as he got to his quadbike. "How long will the ride be, roughly?" He asked, looking towards Alister, he noticed the red in his cheeks and his expression turned to more of a worried look.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked before he he held his arm out to stop Alister from moving any further. "Your cheeks are getting red..." He moved his hand under Alister's chin to push his head up to get a closer look.

Andrew's face went bright red at her words, "H- I..." he started before he huffed, "You won't be meeting my parents." He said after a moment, "Neither of them are alive."

As Valeria asked about getting there, Andrew walked through the gateway to his home village. The sky shone brightly above the buildings, which were made of all beautiful wood of all shades.
The village buzzed with energy, different Dusk Fae walking through the streets and in and out of buildings.
"Here we are." Andrew said, his voice less excitable after the mention of his parents. He stared at the ground as he walked before he started moving towards a house.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

“It should be too long maybe 30 minutes or so. Once we reached the forest I don't think our bikes can make it through the trees so we might have to walk from the main road. Well, I rather risk my precious rose at least,” Alister chucked. Rose was the only companion what was always with him. Everyone else domes and goes as time passed.

“Anyway—-” Alister’s face turned a bright red when a hand forced him to look up. He stared into Drake’s golden eyes getting lost in the color. His heart started speeding as if it would it burst out of his chest at any moment. Shock painted his face as he tried to calmed himself. With his shaking hand, he grabbed Drake’s arm and forced it away.

“I—-I’m fine,” Alister said, “We should get going.” Alister escapes to his bike and rushed down the streets. He drove as fast as he could trying to getaway. His heart still raced in his chest as he tried to comprehend what happened. He felt defeated that someone like drake could have this kind of effect on him.

“Oh I’m sorry,” Valeria said. She knew it was like to lose people. Ten generations practically grew and died before her eyes. She dreaded what the future would bring but she held on to the present.

As they stepped through the gateway into the village, Valeria’s entire face lit up. She rarely got to see anything new which only added to her excitement. She quietly filled Andrew to the house while observing the areas.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drake blinked as Alister suddenly left. What had gotten into the Vampire? He's definitely not like how he was when they first met. Drake shrugged it off and continued to his quad and started off after Alister.

Drake's mind was clogged with worry, worry for those Werebeasts that they kept capturing... Worried for whoever came across the Vampire hunters... Worried for Alister.
He blinked slightly, why was he worried about Alister? Alister was a Vampire, one of his greatest enemies... But he felt... himself, with his man. Something he could barely do with Rebecca and Andrew.

Andrew gave a weak smile to her apology, "Na, it's fine." He said before he paused at the front of the house.
His senses tingled, something was off... But what was-

A figure leapt from the house and tackled Andrew, who stumbled backwards and just managed to catch himself on the air before he fell on Valeria.
The figure lifted Andrew into the air and spun him around before placing him down. The figure was a tall, rather rotound woman with Teal hair.
"Andy~" The female said happily.
"I-Iye..." Andrew uttered shakily.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

Once Alister was out of town, he slowed down and stopped by the side of the road. He hadn't noticed it before but something was following him. It was a familiar feeling but yet foreign like someone was trying to hide their presence but failing at doing so. He didn’t linger in it for long as he sensed Drake closing in and quickly continued down the road. He didn’t want to face him yet.

It didn't take long until he made it to the cliff area. As he thought, the forest was too thick for their bike to get through. He sighed then parked Rose near the main road but still hidden from any onlooker.

“I’m so pathetic,” Alister mumbled to himself as he packed his bag. Rose disagreed and bumped him in the side of the leg leaving a faint bruised. “What? you saw what happened! I barely manage to make sound,” Alister said. Rose didn't bother to respond and stayed dormant. Alister let out a sigh then turned to the road and waited to Drake.

Valeria sensed the woman coming and stepped away from the door just as she tacked Andrew. She couldn't keep but giggle as the woman squeezed the air out of Andrew. “I like her,” Valeria said smiling.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drake shook the feeling he got around Alister off as he zoomed along, he kept his eyes on the road but his ears flicked as he thought he heard people.
He slowed down towards where Alister mentioned about, skidding to a halt before stepping off the bike in one fluid motion, even before it had fully stopped. He stretched slightly before he looked to his Quadbike.

He held the keys in his hand but the bike had started up without it, he narrowed his eyes slightly before he tucked his keys in his pocket before it seemed to turn off with a soft hum.
"What did Bekka get me..." He uttered before he looked around for Alister.
He felt his heart beat slightly faster and a knot form in his stomach. He shook his head towards Alister quietly. "Right, where do we go from here?"

The female let go of Andrew before she bounced over to Valeria.
She held her hand out to Valeria, "I'm Iye, Andy's older sister~" She said with a charming smile, "I hope he's been keeping out of trouble."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

Alister held his breath as Drake walked over to him. “Yeah just a short trek through the forest and we should be there,” Alister said. He didn’t bother saying anything else and started walking into the forest. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that someone was following them. There was more than one them and he could tell they were armatures at their job. Not wanting to take risks, he unsheathed his blade and coated it with his blood.

“Come out!” he yelled. As a response, an arrow flew from shadow but he was easily able to cut it in haft. “Stakes aren’t going to kill me so why don’t you come out?”

“Lookie here two living myth walking through the forest like its nothing. I guess they really don’t know who we are,” a voice said. Alister smiled as three-figure stepped out of the shadow. The man who spoke was a large burly male dressed in military gear. The girl on the right was short and skinny with long blond hair held together in a braid. She carried a crossbow and a pistol. The man on the right was tall and skinny with two Military & Police pistol at his side. Flanking them were two others that were hiding in some nearby brush.

“Who are you?” Alister asked.

“Hunters,” the leader said. As he finished his sentence he lunges at Alister with a knife in his hand. The two at his side also took a battle position. The other two that were hiding also reviled them self and engaged Drake.

Valeria shook the woman’s hand and introduced herself, “Valeria nice to meet you. And oh my god he’s been so much trouble. You couldn’t imagine that things he did. He broke into our room, he almost got me killed and so much more. If I were you I would punish him right now.” Valeria held back a giggle as she watched the woman’s response.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drake listened before the hair on his neck trickled before he looked towards the new Hunters.
"Perfect." Drake said, a frown originally on his face suddenly twisted to a grin.
When the two hidden ones suddenly revealed themselves his body glistened with his power. His hands suddenly hit up in light blue plasma before he stepped forward.

He moved to slam his hands into both of the offenders, knocking them back and watching one fall backwards before the other one shake themselves off and charged Drake again, this time from what they thought was his blindside.

The Hunter leaped at him and slammed into his shoulder, stabbing a knife into the Shoulder blade. Drake let out a roar of pain before he focused his energy into his body again before his wings suddenly shredded from his back, slamming into the side of his wing into the offender, not slamming them off just yet.

The one who had fallen stood up weakly, moving to limp over towards Drake and grabbed onto his arms and tried to restrain him from touching his companion.
Drake's eyes moved from the one who stabbed him to the one trying to restrain him; A bigger grin appearing on his face before he grabbed the Hunters face and took to the air, spinning around quickly.
Iye rolled her eyes at the words that Valeria said, crossing her arms before she looked towards Andrew.
"And let me guess." She started, "All for that Dragon bastard?"
"H-He's not a bastard!" Andrew barked back, quivering slightly as his sister stepped towards him. "I promise I haven't been too bad..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

Alister dodged the man's attack then slammed the hilt of his blade into his stomach. Moving past him, Alister lunged at the boy. He grabbed his weapon and fired a few shots but Alister easily dodged and counterattack, severing his arm. The boy screamed and thrashed against the floor clutching his bleeding wound.

From behind, a large stake pierced his shoulder. Pain radiated through his body but quickly passed as it was surpassed by his blood lust. His vision blurred and redden as he stared at the girl. He swung his blade, slitting the girl's throat. She dropped dead on the floor as he turned his attention to the leader who cowered on the floor.

Alister licked his lips as he walked towards the man. “NO NO PLEASE NO DON’T KILL ME!” He screamed.

Alister started at the man feeling no remorse. He held his blade ready to strike when a wave of dizziness washed over him. Pain surges through his head as he dropped to his knees screaming. “Kill…kill…kill,” those words echoed through his head like a deafening roar.

“NO,” Alister screamed as the pain intensified until he finally broke and his instinct took control. Without human conscious, his body moved to kill like a rabbit animal. He walked over to the leader who still begged for his life. With a devilish grin on his face, he pricked the man’s arm. He looked confused for a moment before agony filled his face as thousands of barbed spike exploded from his body. He then stood up to finish off the boy.

“Goodnight my troublesome little child,” Vanessa said appearing behind Alister. Before he could react, she forced his body to sleep. She caught him as he fell and laid him carefully on the ground. Once he was fully asleep she pulled out the stake in his shoulder and threw it aside. His face was filled with pain as his wound slowly starts to heal. Her heart broke watching him in that state but her magic couldn’t help him.

“Why are you such trouble,” she mumbled before turning to watch Drake and his attackers.

“I was only kiddin’. Well, he did get me killed but that was all in the past. Don't be too hard on him. He’s still figuring out the world,” Valeria said. She patted Andrew on the head with a caring smile then cleared her throat. “So why are we here exactly?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drake threw up the hunter that he had a hold of, the man had a look of shock and fear as he flew upwards before gravity started to do his thing and he dropped. He moved to hell as he got closer to the ground before Drakes tail smashed through his back and ribcage and pinned him to the ground.

Drake was half beast half human at his point, his eyes plasma blue before he moved his tail to grab the one on his back before throwing them into a tree with a roar.
Drake didn't even notice what happened with Alister or Vanessa, he crouched as he felt his mind start to glaze over and hunger echo in his body. The lone hunter shook, one of his arms was broken, his shoulder easily dislocated... And now a large hungry beast stood in front of him, he was going to die... He was going to-

A hooded figure appeared in front of him and grabbed the boys head, causing the male to suddenly drop to the ground cold. The hooded figure heard the echoed growl from Drake as he stepped towards them.
"Hey." A masculine voice said, "Calm down." He growled, "Relax."
Drake gave a lower growl as the male stared at them, he seemed to collapse onto his knees with a sway of his body. The hooded figure moved to pull the knife out of his shoulder before placing a hand over the wound before pulling it away, a small trail of deep blue liquid fulled from his wound.
"Of course. The Hunter's have the Phektox." The figure said before he moved his hand to put it into a small vial. He looked to Vanessa with a narrow of his eyes.
Andrew looked at Valeria before he smiled, "I need to grab a few things." He said, "And this is also the fastest way to get to the vampire hunters."
He moved towards the door before he looked back to Valeria, "You stay here with Iye, I'll be back."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

Vanessa watched Drake and the hooded figure closely before turning back to Alister who was slowly awakening. He groaned and sat up from the ground. His vision was still blurry and his brain pounded against his head. Once his vision cleared he stared at Vanessa feeling defeated and angry. “Vanessa—I” he was interrupted when she slapped him across the face. She pinched the bridge of her nose then turn to the hooded figure.

“Who are you?” Vanessa said. she then noticed Drake’s wound and sigh. She dug through her pocket, her hand seeming to go deeper than it should, and pulled out a small vile with a silver color liquid.

“Here it should suppress the Phektox,” she said handed the hooded figure the small vile, “it’s made of Silver Wive from Tirnanog and enchanted with a spell that should cure any poison. Use it if you like I don’t care if you trust me or if the werebeast die.”

she then turned back to Alister making him flinch. “Now you. What were you thinking? Not taking your medicine? What would happen if I wasn’t around? We don’t need another incident like last time,” Vanessa said. Alister didn’t have the strength to argue, nor did he wanted to. `

“Thank you, Vanessa…” Alister whispered. Despite the intense pain, Alister stood up and walked over to drake. Vanessa cautiously followed behind him with her weapons at the ready. She didn't trust the werebeast or the hooded figure and she didn't like that Alister does.

“…how you holding up old man,” Alister said with a smirk. He could already feel his body returning to normal and his wound was nearly closed. He intended on continuing the mission and he hoped that Drake wouldn't.

Vanessa felt a sharp pain in her stomach but it quickly subsided. She sensed that Alister was in danger but she also sensed that Vanessa was with him. Everything was wrong and she didn't know why. Forces beyond her vision are at work and she didn't like it.

“So Iye. Got any fun story about Andrew,” Valeria asked trying to distract her self.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The hooded figure took the vial quietly without a word. He moved and pulled out the vial before he tipped it over the wound on the Werebeast. Drake's dragonic features slowly disappeared and he slowly returned back to his humanoid from.
He swayed before he almost fully slumped over, the Hooded figure moved his leg to catch him. "Hey buddy..." The man hummed gently, "You alright?"

Drake shook his head before he blinked, before he looked up at the Hooded figure and jolted backwards with a rumble.
"What are you doing here?!" He said with a growl, he stood up quickly and stumbled, almost falling over again.
"Tracking Hunters. What are you Doing here?" The hooded figure said, dropping his hood to show another Elf, similar to Rebecca. His hair was deep red with a main streak of silver down the middle of his hair.
Drake grumbled, turning to Alister without addressing the Elf.

"Alister lets keep going." Drake almost ordered, moving past Vanessa and Alister before he paused in between two trees. "You have no need to be here Zyriff. I'd like you to leave."

Iye looked over to Valeria before she smirked.
"Where to start?" She said with a wink to the shorter girl, "There's the time he almost set the town on fire, he almost got executed, He picked a fight with a Rabid Royal Vampire...." She listed off, "And god forbid I mention about that damn fucking WereDragon."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LaQue
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LaQue Eternally Tried

Member Seen 2 days ago

“What an inefficient way to use a potion,” Vanessa stated. Alister glared at Vanessa before hurrying over to Drake. “Are you sure you can keep going?”

Vanessa rolled her eyes then grabbed Alister by the ear and pulled him to her level. “Really? Really? Are YOU can keep going? Because last time I’ve checked you lost more blood then you can handle, your body is still readjusting, and even if you tried, I dought you can use your powers right now. Have I taught you nothing you brainless muscle head? So are you sure you can keep going? And if you don’t answer me right now I will tare your fucking ear off!” Vanessa yelled.

“Y—Yes,” Alister winced in pain as Vanessa twisted his ear harder, “I—I can keep going.” She released his ear causing Al to jump a decent distance away. He was afraid that she would actually tare his ear off and he wasn't going to be able to stop her. She was the only person in the world that he was afraid of and she found it amusing

“Fine do whatever. I don’t care, but I’m coming with you and Al you are not allowed to fight because I can’t patch you up. So Weredragon get you ass over here so I can get a look at that wound,” she ordered. Alister looked at Drake with pleading eyes knowing what she was capable of.

“Oh god, he must be a hand full," Valeria said. She found it funny how most children are the same, always causing trouble and doing stupid things. Her face changed when Iye mentioned the Weredragon. She didn't like how Alister was getting attached and it annoyed her.

"So what's the story with Andrew and Drake. He seemed awfully attached to the Weredragon," Valeria asked.
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